We Can Run Forever
284 posts
Rhys Harper, 24, Lifeguard. "Do you know where your heart is? Do you think you can find it?"
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rhys-harper · 10 years ago
“Only one person so far, thank god. I’m not really close enough to anyone in this town for it to not be somewhat awkward.”
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“I’m sure you don’t.” Sienna chuckled, glancing around. “So who’s taking these shots?”
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rhys-harper · 10 years ago
Rhys looked at the wallet on the ground, and felt his back pocket to check if his had fallen onto the ground. “No, it’s not. Maybe there’s a license inside that would say who it belongs to.”
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“–is this yours?” she tossed a curious glance at the wallet between their feet, appearing entirely stoic and solemn. 
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rhys-harper · 10 years ago
Rhys walked into the coffee shop to get a vanilla latte. His sister was also telling him about how they were great and he had to try one. So he decided to give in and try one just so he wouldn’t have to hear about them again. He was confused when he heard the barista’s comment. “Uh, I’m just here for some coffee. Could I get a vanilla latte?”
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Today was the worst work day– because she actually had to do work. Unfortunately, there were no Taylor Swift songs with the lyrics “Joel, get me a large latte” in them. But she wasn’t going to give up on a dare; when she made a conviction, she stuck to it. She heard the door chime and rolled her eyes to look up at the ceiling, sighing heavily. “I’m so glad you made time to see me.”
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rhys-harper · 10 years ago
Rhys gave a slight nod. “Yeah, let me explain. It was a dare. I don’t typically offer such things in bars otherwise.”
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Sienna didn’t mean to listen in to surrounding conversations, yet a louder voice hovered above the others. “Body shots?” She raised an eyebrow.
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rhys-harper · 10 years ago
“Still, it’s good to have parents that care, regardless of how they show it. It seems to be something that’s not very common, or at least not common enough. It’s good to know there still are good parents out their.”
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“Yeah. I mean, both my parents were helpful, but my dad was the pusher. My mum… Not so much, because she was scared she was going to push me too far.”
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rhys-harper · 10 years ago
“Between you and me, I’m not really talking to anyone. I was dared, and I wasn’t going to back down.”
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Marc looked at the guy and just laughed. “I’m assuming that you’re not talking to me.”
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rhys-harper · 10 years ago
“That’s wise. Being drunk is nice at first, but then it feels more and more like a mistake. And, you’re right, the losing control over yourself is not enjoyable. No one wants to wake up with a black eye they don’t remember getting.”
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“Yeah. I’d rather not get drunk. I try to have as much control over myself as I possibly can, so, not my cup of tea.” She smiled.
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rhys-harper · 10 years ago
Rhys climbed onto the bar and laid down as he was told to do so. Holding the lime in his mouth, he couldn’t help but wonder what this must look like to the other people in the bar. He didn’t focus on that for long though. As he felt her tongue glide across his torso, he couldn’t concentrate on anything other than the way it felt. He wasn’t sure how to describe it. He had thought the whole thing would be unpleasant and awkward, and it wasn’t as bad as he thought. After she got off the bar, he followed suit  and gave a slight smiled, avoiding direct eye contact as she spoke. “Yeah, uh, it was interesting. I’m guessing that wasn’t your first time doing that.”
Aviana watched as he took his shirt off, and yes - she was much happier she had said she would definitely want to take a body shot off of him. What made it even better was the fact that he had no idea what he needed to do. The smirk still playing on her lips, Aviana stepped forwards him. “Now, you get up on the bar and lay flat on your back,” Once he would have done so, Avi motioned to the bartender to bring over the tequila, salt and lime. Once they had, Avi got onto the bar herself. “Then, I place this lime here right in your mouth, drop a little salt…here,” As she said this, Aviana started dropping salt up his torso. “And now, it begins.” With the shot now in her left hand, Aviana bent forward and let her tongue graze his skin, the salt being picked up on the way. When she got to the end of the line, Aviana quickly took the shot, swallowed it down and then bent forward once again to take the lime from his mouth - as she did so their lips grazed slightly as she bent back and sucked the juice from the slice. Once she was all said and done, she hopped from the bar and laughed a small bit. “Interesting experience, huh?”
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rhys-harper · 10 years ago
“Well, you probably aren’t missing out on much, and half of the parties I’ve been to weren’t worth attending.” He gave a brief smile. 
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“I’m not sure I ever will. It’s a little hard for me to go to parties with my buddy over here.” She gestured to her tank. “And besides, I’m not sexy enough to ever do it well.”
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rhys-harper · 10 years ago
“People in dark times rarely are pretty. But it’s a good thing that your dad was able to help you get out of it.”
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“It definitely wasn’t pretty, I’ll tell you that much. It took a lot of effort on my dad’s part not to let me wallow in self-pity and make something out of myself, something I still owe him greatly for.”
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rhys-harper · 10 years ago
“Neither have I, though I’m sure I’ll soon get to have the experience. I’m pretty sure people usually do it when they have had more drinks than I have. It doesn’t sound like a common activity done while sober.”
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“Yeah … I’ve never done a body shot before. Not sure I’d want someone to do one on me, either.” She giggled. 
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rhys-harper · 10 years ago
Rhys looked over at the woman who replied. He didn’t think that they had met before which meant he was making quite a first impression. He wasn’t one to back down though. “Alright then.” He took off his shirt and placed it on the table. “I’ve actually never done this before, so I’m not entirely sure what I’m supposed to do.”
Aviana found herself at the Drunken Sailor once again, this time she wasn’t high as a kite, she was just downing her first drink. Though, her attention wasn’t on her drink any longer when she heard someone exclaim a very daring question. Turning to face the guy who asked, Aviana looked him over before a smirk graced her features. “I for one, would definitely want to.”
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rhys-harper · 10 years ago
Rhys let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you. It was a dare, and I’m not really looking forward to someone taking up the offer.”
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“Um … I’ll pass.” She laughed and shook her head.
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rhys-harper · 10 years ago
“Well, I don’t know if that’s better or worse than the type of wreck I was imagining. It’s probably worse. It’s probably better to want to do something even if it’s the wrong thing than nothing at all.”
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“Nah, more like, I just didn’t have any confidence in myself. I was always moping ‘round, never wanting to do anything.”
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rhys-harper · 10 years ago
Rhys took a deep breath, hardly believing that he was going to do this, but a dare’s a dare. “So who wants to do body shots off of me?”
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rhys-harper · 10 years ago
I don't hear much about you, Rhys Harper. Let's change that, hm? I dare you to offer yourself up for body shots at the Sailor!
Rhys sighed. “Alright then. Looks like I’m heading to the Sailor.” 
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rhys-harper · 10 years ago
“I guess that’s nice that you’ve been able to visit. Ah, were you a wreck in the sense of having made some wrong choices or in some other way?”
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“A couple times, yeah. It was rough, ‘cause my dad didn’t live with us when I was growing up– I think he was making up for a lot of the lost time, but he was also trying to strengthen me up, because… Well, I was a pretty massive wreck.”
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