reyennkolter · 3 months
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reyennkolter · 3 months
Obito would love-hate watching Peter Pan, stay to find out why exactly!
what makes me think that? it's more about Obito's pov, not the parallels between these shows. putting Obito in that story itself would be difficult, if not impossible — the man would turn it into a horror. but if you put Obito in front of the screen and turn on ofc the old one Peter Pan, I believe this would heal the man a bit. for him, it would be therapeutic, something like a gentle whisper "you tried, you wanted the best, there was a good thing in your deeds". it's up to you whether to encourage his beliefs or not (personally, I would show him Arcane so he could cry his brains out. love him though).
So next, I'll just retell the main thoughts from the Disney cartoon and try to imagine how would Obito watch this cartoon.
Content key message; the atmosphere; Peter, Hook and Fairy's themes; Wendy's theme.
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Key message
so, the boy who didn't want to grow up. the sides of the same coin in a nutshell. the common theme of both stories is acceptance and avoidance of reality. in PP, it's presented from a child's pov, an optimistic one, which says "don't forget to dream, no matter how old you are". in Naruto it reveals itself from the different angle, more deeply. Obito's story, roughly speaking, is about someone who drowned in dreams of a better world, and then looked back, and it turned out that he did not live at all. moreover, Obito realizes that the forced evil, which he hoped would pay off, has only brought more hatred to this world, and he became the one he most wanted to get rid of. globally, the meaning is "dream, but don't live in your own dreams — the world becomes real because of its flaws." PP is encouraging in its naivety. this is what Obito needs, but he won't admit it.
The atmosphere
There is no place for longing and defeats in Neverland, any sore will be cured with laughter, and any quarrel will resolve itself. It's so good, easy and wonderful in Neverland that you can literally soar into the clouds just by thinking about something good. In the ordinary London though, there is a cloudy gray sky, parents forbid children to fool around and be curious, they move Wendy into a separate room and put poor old Nana on a chain. In the ordinary world, there are difficulties that seem insurmountable to a child.
Peter, Hook and Fairy's themes
The two main characters, Wendy and Peter. A caring, gentle girl who feels sympathy/admiration for a brave, but terribly arrogant guy who gets everything on a platter. Oh, to hell with him! [ wanna add a lot about this exact topic but in the canon specifically, so another post is writing ]
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Peter is a reckless, charming, heroic boy who succeeds in everything he undertakes — and this does not cause him any difficulties. I personally think Obito would have been annoyed by him, this lightness of all Peter's actions and some resemblance to little Kakashi. yeah, young Obito was truly delighted, excited and envious by such a jerk, and it pissed him off. By himself, Peter is rather not a living person, but an eternal idea, convenient for a delusional viewer, the idea that has no right to change or make mistakes, just like Kakashi and Rin for Obito, but about that some other time...
Besides, he actually wants to see himself in Peter. A brave strong guy who gave people a better world. Thanks to this, Obito feels a sense of duty to himself (and Kakashi). it puts pressure on. hence the irritation with the character.
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however Obito would find himself being more empathetic to Wendy, Captain Hook, and unconsciously Tinkerbell fairy. it's great that you asked why her too! well, you know, the part with jealousy and anger at a friend for a new bond or the fact that they have different views on the situation, or betrayal ("I gave you everything, but you—" motif again) and... the wrong path... and collaboration with curly-haired, black-browed gramps.... oh, and the redemption arch- so well... a lot.
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at the same time, Captain Hook is an extravagant loser who constantly fails at everything, but oh, the grace!!! and also, the Uchiha vibes of course. if the Uchiha were from Scooby-Doo, but still. he's charming.
Wendy's theme
It's a controversial thing, but that's how I see Obito's feelings for Rin, it's not that pure and innocent, and I still love it that way. On the one hand! There is another, more sincere one, or course. probably should make a post too...
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Look at her. Isn't she precious?
Wendy is the image of a mother, or the idea of an ideal girl. a really conservative visual of a woman. she is gentle, sometimes strict, genuinely worried, and very very caring. she has no other hobbies except caring for the main character and the company. and she is also delighted with the main character and is sure that he is doing everything right, that he will always be able to do everything, that he is a hero. constantly. every time. even when Peter seems to act recklessly or slightly cruelly, in the end Wendy still remains deeply devoted to him.
And for Obito, this image is rather not an image of a romantic partner, but as a close person in general. It's quite selfish (he is and I can forgive this mf), at least because in this case, he doesn't care about the girl's personality and ideals at some point: as long as she continues to be around and just be caring. Is this idea desirable for Obito? Obviously, not as conscious, but as a residual from the trauma, yes. So he would like Wendy's character, it would give him the exact comfort he needs.
it doesn't matter that Wendy cares about "he's so perfect blah blah blah" Peter. it doesn't matter that she's in love with your rival. her very essence is important. at least, the essence that you saw in her. well, it sounds a little creepy, but that's just one of the things that makes Obito interesting (my weird creepy boo)
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maybe there could be other things that the heart of Obito would respond to. I could also mention the lost boys and all those romantic lines with Peter, but I just don't remember a damn thing about it...
and yes, disclaimer again Obito is not all about it and there are much more serious things that influenced him. but. this is the core, this is his childhood, after which everything began to snowball. and this exact core thing will touch him most deeply. it will not anger, it will not irritate, but it will hurt him. maybe in a hurt/comfort way. so that's my point.
show him Peter Pan. and Arcane right after
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reyennkolter · 3 months
Obito and Kakashi🥰
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reyennkolter · 3 months
do people realize that, in relation to obito, kakashi is just as if not more delusional than obito is when it comes to the things they believe about each other like. i think obito's definitely the one with the more grounded reading here which is CRAZY because this is the "i want everyone to live in dreams forever" guy
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reyennkolter · 3 months
I just started watching Breaking Bad AND OH GOD THIS GIVES ME SO MUCH TOBIRAMA AND OBITO VIBES and OFC you may disagree cuz there's a specific reason of mine but hear me out. and I mean not a ship, but dynamic
my friend and I used to talk about that kkob/obkk school AU where Tobirama was their chemistry teacher, because y'know If he'd been some kind of teacher, he probably would have taught science (mad scientist trope indeed). there also were kind responsible school principal Hashirama and feral physics teacher Madara, Idk if the last one still gives me these vibes (hell yes he does) but founders' interactions were hilarious. they were almost like Sasori and Dei silently quarreling over who's science is more important and despise each other. so, yeah, Walter White Tobirama—
and there was the rebellious punk Obito who always skipped classes to look as such cool and mature and "fuck do I need this shit" teenager while internal Obito was actually not about it. he was constantly getting in trouble for skipping chemistry, although he's quite smart and earlier he really tried to catch the topics of the lessons and study well, but not now. and, yeah, there also were drug cases... anyways, Jessie Pinkman? Jessie Pinkman
thinking about this AU took place a long time ago and now I think that these ideas that we wanted to explore there are contrary to the school environment, these suit more to university. and there's much more ideas about this one story, so I'd try to think of how to tag it and what to tell.
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reyennkolter · 3 months
I watched naruto more than three years ago and I constantly review or partially re-read the story, but sometimes I see posts like this and think "well... maybe I should do it... one more time"
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reyennkolter · 3 months
quite often, the essence of my analysis of Kakashi or Obito boils down to the thought "look, despite everything, they are important to each other", as if it is not obvious, but God—
I really love how much their stories are intertwined, and how many contradictory things Kishimoto put into them. such reunions are rarely shown. usually the story focuses on the theme of reunion fully, but thanks to the big format of naruto, Kakashi and Obito manage to be present on the screen separately from each other for a long time, which adds a special charm to both of them. we first learn their ordinariness, and then realize the true depth of their conflicts, and it feels like the stories of parents about their childhood, about people you didn't know and you'll never know. you see the characters from the side that was hidden the deepest, the core of the pain they are experiencing, and this helps to better understand the level of conflict and its importance. and that's probably what an internal war means...
...and here I will stop so as not to go too deep...
[ I'm on a small hiatus right now, due to a lot of work and account issues, but I'll definitely fix it all and come back with new stuff ]
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reyennkolter · 3 months
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reyennkolter · 3 months
liking kkob isnt just about me wanting them to kiss like i do want them to kiss but mostly i just like seeing them interact and immediately start activating every mental illness they have in rapid succession it's like a brand new kind of chemical reaction
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reyennkolter · 3 months
If I see someone saying "Obito created the Bloody Mist and was responsible for the kekkei genkai massacre(s)!" again, I'll explode
No, Obito did not create this title.
He used an already unstable system to control the 4th Mizukage, a village which already had people hating and killing kekkei genkai users and with the graduation test being killing your classmates happening until Zabuza (who's the same age as Kakashi, therefore Obito couldn't possibly interfere in any way)
The ultimate proof, though, is how in Rin's death flashback we see a Kiri Anbu called his village:
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"Bloody Mist Village"
Of course, you could say it's a mistranslation, so I went to the japanese version and it says the same thing:
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Obito did make the village a hellish place, of course, but claiming he's the one who created said system is either ignorance to the story's plot or failing to understand the villages can be a horrible place without the antagonist's influence
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reyennkolter · 4 months
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reyennkolter · 4 months
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stuck camping in a nightmare cave, obito’s going to die by a different kind of crush
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reyennkolter · 4 months
LOL man, obito's first meet up w his team as a kid was such a cringe fail. first thing he says is that he will be hokage one day. and theyre going to carve his sharingan eyes into the stone face that they'll add to the hills and then kakashi is like. well, do u HAVE a sharingan yet tho? and obito is like. uhhh. and then Rin throws in that w the goggles it will look super stupid to carve in the eyes cuz they'll look like they bulging out ADFSGFS. literally metaphorical face plant on first sight, young obito just CANT manage to make himself look cool for even one second
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reyennkolter · 4 months
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reyennkolter · 4 months
i think one of the biggest shortcomings in naruto’s writing is that the actual world of naruto is written to be kind of complicated and morally ambiguous, or at least attempts to be, but naruto himself is never allowed the same treatment. 
naruto’s never allowed moral ambiguity or complicated emotions: he’s forced to just kind of be a beacon of good and light and forgiveness and he’s never allowed to genuinely grapple with or explore either the darkness of the world around him or his own relationships with that darkness in any meaningful way
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reyennkolter · 4 months
@ferymary I hope it's okay if I tag you like this, something happened to my account and I can't reply under posts 😭 (I'm currently trying to fix this for three days straight). I'd like to add a bit about that basketball player Kakashi post that here can be punk-skateboarder Obito who's secretly watching every game of Kakashi but pretended he's not a fanboy, and that skateboarding is much better. there is also the topic that Kakashi is involved in team sports, which is not very typical for him in his teenage years, and therefore he could have such an internal conflict. while Obito is individualistic and freedom-loving, yet kind of lonely at some point? I guess these interactions might be cute, especially with their ordinary disputes (silly kitties hiss at each other).
and I'm really flattered by the fact that you said one of my videos was inspiring, that's such a great comment, tysm 🥹❤️
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reyennkolter · 4 months
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Sorry for the long time, I've been sick and my computer is very shitty so I took me some time ...
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