Sh**t me
11 posts
TW MENTAL ILLNESS Always the poet never the poem
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removepoetry · 1 month ago
I wish I had never let go of the boy I loved as much as I am capable of loving someone, and I wrote so many poems about
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removepoetry · 1 month ago
$cars shining like stars
i think $cars are beautiful
they show the history
of someone’s life
they can tell so many things
by just looking at them
i love my $cars
but i also hate my $cars
i love when someone notices them
asks me about them
but when i hear these questions
i feel like a fool for having them
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removepoetry · 1 month ago
The €ut
why is it never enough
it started with few €uts
now i can’t live without it
it’s always on my mind
but now
i want to €ut my whole leg off
to stop the feeling
like it’s must be €ut
my leg looks like a €utting board
with no space between the $cars
i hate them so much
but i still feel like
i need to make some more
what do you mean “normal people”
don’t think about £ying after a bad day
just taking the ¥un and ending it all
i wish it was normal
to just €ut things out of anger
i wish i had never took the &lade
and made this first €ut
that changed my life forever
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removepoetry · 2 months ago
Feeling, and feeling, and feeling
not feeling is like a superpower
you don’t have to worry about anything
or do you just act like it?
thoughts running around your mind
whispering and screaming
but you don’t listen
you just don’t care anymore
i wish i could not feel
even just for a day
to see how’s life
without these stupid thoughts
that worry about everything
every stupid decision
every stupid mistake
that makes you feel
like a 4ucking failure
these thoughts are eating me
from the inside
so maybe when you stop feeling
they stop to eat you alive
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removepoetry · 2 months ago
Sometimes, I just let things happen even though I didnt want them to. I’m not sure why
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removepoetry · 2 months ago
Love is &ullshit
looking at the old pictures
with tears running down my checks
his smile
his eyes
and all the memories come back
his hobbies
the way he talked
are things you can’t forget
they sit in the back of your mind
waiting for a moment
to just appear out of nowhere
i’m melting into his arms
but he’s not here
the distance is killing me
but is it the only reason this ended?
looking at the pillow
wet from all the tears
with understanding in my eyes
that he’s the only one
that really understood me
love is a cruel feeling
you hold on thigh
don’t want to let them go
because just seeing random stuff
reminds you of them
sometimes you have to let go
even though it seems impossible
sometimes when we miss someone
we think they were perfect
everything was perfect
but when they suddenly come back
you realise why they were really gone
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removepoetry · 2 months ago
Make me feel something
i am just so 4ucking tired
when i’m with friends i can cover the hole
quiet down the thoughts
but when i’m alone
the hole keeps bigger and bigger
taking away everything single will to live
why do i have to feel this way?
why do i have to feel the emptiness?
is it normal?
am i being dramatic?
all those thoughts
and no answers
but deep down i believe
at the edge of your lives
we find the answers to all these questions
even though
the answer don’t always seem right
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removepoetry · 2 months ago
Attempt in a minute
sitting in silence
my head banging against bathroom’s wall
holding a &lade close to my skin
trying to find a courage
a way to press down
and feel the comforting pain
along with slow heartbeat
you can feel the heartbeat
and after a minute don’t feel a thing
you can see the &lood running down
your pale hands
covered in scars
but after minute don’t see a thing
your mind is in a different place
you feel sort of safe
finally feel free
of your own mind
and the thoughts you can’t describe
but also deny
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removepoetry · 2 months ago
Silence not always mean yes
sitting in silence
his hand $tabbing into her thigh
tears running down her cheeks
it’s like her mouth is covered
but she is able to speak
she wants to scream
beg him to stop
but her lips don’t move an inch
they’re sitting in silence
but her mind is full of guilt
he thinks nothing is wrong
but she thinks of €utting her leg off
to take away the touch
the warmth of his fingers
but she’s left with a feeling
that can’t be touched
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removepoetry · 2 months ago
Poetry 4ucking sucks
why is it so easy to talk about things
that can be told only by the paper
I express myself in poetry
but whole is still there
my feelings are dragging me down
and i feel like a stray dog
threw into the lake
with rock around his neck
expressing myself in poetry
is like talking to a wall
the cracks make you fell
like it’s going to collapse
but at least the wall always listens
and catches all the details
of your 4ucking horrible life
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removepoetry · 3 months ago
Why should I fight for a life I don't even want?
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