i feel like ron and hermione had more chemistry in prisoner of askzaban than deathly hallows
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i’m so sad that neville and luna didn’t become an actual thing
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21 years to this day, cedric diggory was murdered. he was brave, he was kind, and he was loyal. he signed up for a dangerous tournament, did well in it, and died trying to protect harry and himself. remember cedric, not as the first death in a war, but as a person. may you live on, cedric
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headcannon: colin creevey and ginny weasley had a harry potter appreciation club
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what i love about james sirius potter is that we all just know he lived up to both of his namesakes. like this boy was pranking since he was born (courtesy of teddy) and the marauders are in the afterlife with fred watching teddy teach james all these tricks and they couldn’t be more proud.
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so the weasley’s last name is kinda like weasels right? ok so weasels can have up to 15 PUPS AT ONE TIME. WEASELS LIVE IM BURROWS. and calling someone a weasel is a bit of an insult. i mean, rowling needs to get her facts straight, but the woman can research and write, that’s for sure.
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the hinny kiss
so you know how in the books when harry and ginny kiss it’s like so much more “a thing.” ya so afte rit happens, in front of the whole freakin gryffindor house, the room is silent. harry looks at ron after it happened, because “holy shit i just kissed my best mate’s little sister,” and ron just kinda goes with it. this is the same ron who goes batshit crazy when dean starts dating ginny. dean, who he had roomed with for years. so i think ron shipped hinny since like the chamber is secrets. idk what the fuck this post is but just roll wit it 🤷🏼‍♀️
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the ginny
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colin creevey
colin doesn’t get enough credit in the series. first of all, he’s a muggleborn, and this new world probably scared and excited him at the same time. he also had a younger brother, who he guided through the magic world. then this war came to the castle. colin creevey she into battle, at 16 years old, and died, at 16 years old. he might have been one of the youngest deaths in the ENTIRE SERIES. think about his poor brother, who was in third year. think about how dennis creevey felt, seeing his older brother’s dead body. i hate how he doesn’t get enough acknowledgement for his bravery. colin creevey was a true gryffindor on may 2nd, 1998. we should remember him as such.
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alternate names for albus severus :)
one of the many things we hate about the cursed child: albus severus’ name. like what the hell. there is much better names than a guy who wanted to bang your mom and your headmaster who tricked you. here’s some options @harry and ginny: {1. colin cedric 2. regulus fleamont 3.and i feel like hagrid should be in there somewhere? idk 😐 } and if the potters had another little girl i have some ideas: {1. lavender (idk bout middle name) 2. minerva (minnie)}
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“Just one date, Evans. Please?”
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“Just one date, Evans. Please?”
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Sirius rose up from the damp grass. The field he landed in was bright and airy, so much different from the soiled curtain he disappeared behind. He tried to remember what happened. Harry, and the Ministry of Magic, he thought. I died. He let that sink in. He was dead, and couldn’t do anything about it. He couldn’t have another conversation with Remus, or tell Harry stories about his parents. He would have to wait for them to come to him. He started waking, but didn’t know where he wasn’t headed. He thought there would be people waiting for him. James, Lily, Marlene. But he was alone. It felt like an eternity, but he eventually reached a lone tree in the seemingly endless field. Sirius could see a man sitting on the other side, his back resting on the trunk. He had dark brown, almost black hair. Sirius couldn’t see his face. “I knew you were joining me soon.” Sirius jumped a little. The man had spoken. It didn’t sound like and adult. A teenager. He turned around, and Sirius was staring into the same eyes he had. It was his brother. Regulus. “Reg?” He didn’t look how he thought he would look. He was about the same age as when Sirius last saw him. Regulus must’ve been 16, 17 then. “Hello, Sirius,” Regulus said with a smile. It didn’t seem menacing or evil. Just a kid, smiling. “Why’re you here? And like this?” Sirius asked. He slowly slid down the tree and sat next to his little brother. “I did a good thing. And I died for it. I defied him.” The younger boy closed his eyes as the light breeze ruffled the hair on his forehead. Sirius kept his eyes on Regulus. “Defied who?” “The Dark Lord.” That didn’t make sense to Sirius. His younger brother was one of Voldemort’s biggest supporters, or so he thought. “What-“ Regulus cut him off. “I took something very valuable of his. A horcrux, it’s called. It can help kill him.” “I thought you supported him,” Sirius stated. He was mad, but he didn’t know who he was mad at, and didn’t care about making a scene. “I never did. I was just a coward. Merlin, I could have done other things and...” he trailed off, rubbing his face in his hands. Sirius put a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Listen to me Reggie, you were 14 when I left, okay? There’s nothing you could have done.” “I could have gone with you.” The other man didn’t answer. He let his hand drop from his shoulder. “You would’ve had it worst,” Sirius finally responded. “Those other Slytherins.” Regulus hummed. “Maybe you’re right. Either way, we’re both dead now. I guess The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black is no more.” Sirius snorted. “Mother would be so proud,” he said sarcastically. “She’s not here. In heaven, I mean.” “She’s embodied in that portrait in the hallway. Screams all day.” Regulus scrunched his face in disgust. “Ugh. Nothing changed, then.” Sirius stood up and tugged his brother up. “Yes they have. You’re my brother again.” Regulus threw himself at Sirius. The two brothers had their arms around each other for the first time in almost 20 years. Sirius released him, but kept his hand shut on his arms. “So where’s everybody else, eh?” Regulus gave a smile. Something he rarely did while alive. Sometimes death was a good thing. “James and Lily are waiting for you.” Sirius’ eyes widened as the scene around him changed. He and Regulus were suddenly in the middle of a small town. It looked a little like Godric’s Hollow, but more bright. More lively. Regulus pushed him forward towards a house. The door of the house flew open, and a flash of black sprinted towards him. He was home.
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the thing about dudley
dudley is the muggle equivalent of draco. both learn how mean they are when they get older. both fathers are evil/ bad. both mothers have dark and light sides to them. both make peace with harry.
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ok sO I FIGURED OUT WHY THE HUFFLEPUFF QUIDDITCH TEAM IS SUCH A RIVAL TO GRYFFINDOR. i mean this has probably been pointed out before but idk. - so i was thinking about how hufflepuff was seen as inferior and how that didn’t really match up with their quidditch skill - then i remembered that hufflepuffs are great finders. one of the positions is a seeker - these hufflepuff seekers are literally doing their so called ‘best talent’ and that’s why their so good - even in prisoner of azkaban, in the pouring rain, (with dementors too) they play well IM JUST SO PROUD OF MY HOUSE ❤️❤️😊😊
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harry potter ships i hate
- james & regulus : i hate this one soooo much. like i love lily with all my heart and i don’t really think these two should be good together plus it’s weird if your best friend is dating your sibling - ron & blaise : again, they wouldn’t work well together. i also can’t see ron dating men. - draco & harry : i’m gonna get some shit for this one lol. i like these two in more of a brother like relationship. these two have some bad blood, even when the wars over. - pansy & hermione : why? why? why? WHY? - harry & hermione : very sibling like relationship. this ship is the product of people thinking that sense a guy and a girl are best friends, their into each other. i don’t hate it as much as the others.
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snape and neville
so in the books and movies alike, snape is terrible to neville. like what grown man bullies an eleven year old? he hates neville because it meant lily could’ve lived. the prophecy says that a child born at the end of july. it says this twice, so it’s a bit important. neville was born on july 30th and harry was born on july 31st. it also says the parents of the kid would defy him three times. alice and frank longbottom fought against voldemort. voldy could’ve picked whoever he wanted. harry or neville. if he picked neville, lily wouldn't be dead. she might’ve ended up like frank and alice, but she would still be alive. so all the hatred that snape gave neville was based on something only voldemort could control. snape, for some stupid reason, couldn’t comprehend this, so he takes out all his *angst* on a scared 11 year old. this is why “snape redeemers” or whatever are in the wrong mindset. a grown man should be able to be respectful to everyone. snape should’ve been able to at the very least hold in his hate.
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