regularregulus-blog ¡ 9 years
Regulus heard Barty’s laughter and he grimaced as he pushed himself up off the floor, brushing off his pants as he did. Of course Barty was still in the common room, he certainly wasn’t surprised. The other always seemed to be up late. Regulus didn’t know how he could stand it, sleep was such a beautiful thing and for the love of Merlin, he just wished he could go to sleep. But he supposed that Barty being up to laugh at him was better than no one being up and him being left to his own thoughts. He glanced over at Barty, forcing a smile when he saw the other lose his smirk. Did he really look that bad? He knew that the bags under were getting darker by the day and some first years had been giggling about how he looked like a zombie. He supposed he was looking bad.
He just shook his head at Barty though. “Nothing, nothing, I’m fine,” He lied, picking up the book that had also hit the floor with him. “I’m just catching up on some reading is all,” He murmured, moving to sit down on the couch instead of the arm of it. Regulus knew that he couldn’t really like to Barty but he certainly wasn’t going to tell him the truth. 
explain yourself || barty & regulus
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regularregulus-blog ¡ 9 years
explain yourself || barty & regulus
Regulus wanted to sleep so badly. He just wanted to go into his room, lay down on the bed and just pass out. He was actually fairly positive that if he didn’t get some sleep soon, he would pass out. Nevertheless, he wouldn’t sleep. He couldn’t sleep. There was no telling what he’d do if he fell asleep. 
So that’s why he was perched on the arms of one of the chairs in the common room, staring intently at the book in his lap. Of course he wasn’t actually reading it. Reading took concentration and he just didn’t have that at the moment. He blinked, or he meant to blink, and the next thing he knew he was swaying off the arm of the chair and onto the floor.
“Shit,” He muttered as he pushed himself up, glancing around the common room in search of anyone who may have seen him in his less than graceful moment.
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regularregulus-blog ¡ 9 years
Amycus Carrow: How'd you wind up with a Gryffindor blood-traitor for a brother?
Regulus Black: Oh, I don't know. Could be that Knockturn Alley was busy one day, so he wandered off into Muggle London and thought it was just a darn good time. Or it could be our father's ability to watch silently while our mother drunkenly knocked us from room to room. What do you think there, pal?
Amycus Carrow: Uh, probably the "room to room" thing.
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regularregulus-blog ¡ 9 years
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Voldemort’s worst supporters from the most noble and ancient house of Black that got left behind by rebellious older siblings
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regularregulus-blog ¡ 9 years
“Do you see my cat?!” Regulus snapped, gesturing to the small ball of fur in his hand, “He wasn’t bugging her! He had her cornered! She’s just a baby and she doesn’t deserve to be bullied by your monster! And all I did was give him a bit of pepper breath so I could save my cat.”
Pandora’s smile became perfectly fake, “You know you have a lot of nerve to defend hexing an animal Black! If Rover was bugging her you should’ve come to me, you know? That’s what any normal human being would’ve done in that situation.” She huffed out in disgust, “You’re despicable.”
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regularregulus-blog ¡ 9 years
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sirius and regulus black aesthetic | happy birthday, @ravnclaws ❤️
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regularregulus-blog ¡ 9 years
“Well why would you even care?” Regulus crossed his arms over his chest, “You get nothing out of caring.”
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“I´m sorry for being concerned, I just wondered if you got enough rest. It´s called caring.”
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regularregulus-blog ¡ 9 years
“Because I hexed the beast,” Regulus sniffed, reaching into his robe pocket to pull out Eliza who had been sleeping peacefully. “She’s so small and so helpless and your brute of a cat was tormenting her.” 
“How on earth did you manage that? He’s much more likely to attack you if you tried to scare him off. And who’s Eliza?” She was dumbfounded, Rover didn’t ever run away. Except from her when he decided he had enough domestication.
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regularregulus-blog ¡ 9 years
they’re closing in || sirius&regulus
Regulus hadn’t slept in days. His eyelids were heavy as he sat in class, his hand under his chin as he tried his best to focus. He couldn’t focus though. He couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t focus. He felt like the walking dead as he moved through the hallways. His bag was too heavy on his shoulder and he didn’t feel comfortable or safe under his own skin.
His body ached for sleep but he couldn’t give in. He didn’t know what his body would do if he gave in. He couldn’t trust it not to move on it’s own accord anymore. But he felt like he was going insane. 
Regulus didn’t know who to talk to either. He didn’t even know if he wanted to talk to someone. He didn’t know what he wanted or what needed to happen but something had to happen. Something had to give him relief from this.
It was late and Regulus knew it, when he sent his owl out the window to the Gryffindor tower. As soon as the owl was off, Regulus made his way out of the dungeon and upstairs. The owl had a note, short and simple, ‘I need to talk to you. Potions closet. -RB’ and it knew to drop it with Sirius, no need to wait for a response. Regulus just hoped he’d come.
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regularregulus-blog ¡ 9 years
“Was he the giant cat terrorizing my dear Eliza? Because I chased him off.”
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“Have you seen my cat? He answers to the name Rover, and has an ego the size of Hogwarts.”
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regularregulus-blog ¡ 9 years
“It’s rude to tell people how tired they look, you know that? I’m the one with no sleep, I know I look tired. Bugger off!”
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regularregulus-blog ¡ 9 years
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Remus Lupin and Regulus Black
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regularregulus-blog ¡ 9 years
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Marlene McKinnon and Regulus Black
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regularregulus-blog ¡ 9 years
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Sirius Black and Regulus Black
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regularregulus-blog ¡ 9 years
leave a ⬛️ in my ask box and I'll make a mood board for our muses
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regularregulus-blog ¡ 9 years
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Regulus Black
Taken by Lucius Malfoy
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regularregulus-blog ¡ 9 years
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“Why can’t you just accept that I still care about you? Why do you have to be so against our family that you can’t realize that you’re still my brother?” Regulus sucked in a deep breath, crossing his arms over his chest, “You’re still my brother and...and there are times when I need my brother. But you’re too busy acting like I’m the one who burned you off the tapestry.”
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“But you’re not supposed to be.” 
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