Dedicated Fanfic Blog
39 posts
|Criminal Minds, HP, Yellowjackets, Goncharov, etc| Requests are open for most everything (no smut)| Ask Me Anything :)
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read-ahead · 1 day ago
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a loosely (incredibly) yellowjackets inspired collage!
how many easter eggs can you spot ? :)
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read-ahead · 1 day ago
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a loosely (incredibly) yellowjackets inspired collage!
how many easter eggs can you spot?
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read-ahead · 4 days ago
petition for the yellowjackets writers to release a pdf of shaunas wilderness journals after the last season is finished because holy shit I need to read them
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read-ahead · 4 days ago
lottie being like "travis u HAVE to get as high off forest mushrooms as possible it's absolutely critical for the survival of our little society" was. so fucking funny
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read-ahead · 4 days ago
watching people trying to argue morality over characters from YELLOWJACKETS is so exhausting PICK your favourite cannibal and BE QUIET
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read-ahead · 4 days ago
My favorite relationship dynamic in fiction is a worshipper and their God. Not a literal God, but their God. The only thing in the whole world that matters to them. I will live for you, I would die for you, I would kill for you. My only moral compass is You. You can do no wrong in my eyes and I will never stray from your side. I was born to meet you and to love you. You are the only being I pray to. Your life isn’t just my passion, it’s my religion. You don’t think you’re anything special but you don’t see what I see. You don’t see that you’re the only person who’s ever made me feel this way. You don’t understand how beautiful you are to me and I will devote my entire life to making you understand and accept it.
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read-ahead · 4 days ago
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YELLOWJACKETS (2021–) Season 1, Episode 6, “Saints” Season 3, Episode 4, “12 Angry Girls and 1 Drunk Travis”
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read-ahead · 4 days ago
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yellowjackets oc ???? in 2025?????
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read-ahead · 2 years ago
i’m currently writing a wednesday x reader chapter but after that 👀
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Someone should write a fanfic about Enid fighting Tyler and as she is fighting him Tyler's dad shoots her in the shoulder with a silver bullet and then Wednesday hears this a goes to find Enid. (And Enid stays alive) Pretty Please someone do this?!?! 🥺
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read-ahead · 2 years ago
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i cannot believe that THIS ^ exists and netflix tried to tell us this⌄ wasn't about heartbreak
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as if she isn't all alone in a dark, chill attic in a thunderstorm
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read-ahead · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Leverage, Leverage: Redemption, Goncharov (1973) dir. Martin Scorsese - beelzeebub Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Sophie Devereaux (Leverage), Breanna Casey, Harry Wilson (Leverage), Parker (Leverage), Eliot Spencer (Leverage), Alec Hardison Additional Tags: It’s Gonchin’ Time, Leverage Crew Co-opts Meme Culture, Genderqueer Parker, con fic, Breanna harnesses the power of the internet, Age Of The Geek Baby, background harry/sophie Series: Part 5 of Our Home: Extended Universe Summary:
When the crew gets asked to take on a predatory movie producer, what more of a plan do they need than to gaslight, girlboss, and Goncharov their way to his downfall?
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read-ahead · 2 years ago
In case anyone is having a bad night:
Here is the fudgiest brownie in a mug recipe I’ve found
Here are some fun sites
Here is a master post of Adventure Time episodes and comics
Here is a master post of movies including Disney and Studio Ghibli
Here is a master post of other master posts to TV shows and movies
*tucks you in with fuzzy blanket* *pats your head*
You’ll be okay, friend <3
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read-ahead · 2 years ago
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read-ahead · 2 years ago
ashes in my wake - Katya/Sofia Fic - "my peace has always depended on all the ashes in my wake" - Arsonist's Lullaby (Hozier)"
"Sofia was her scarlet letter, and in this business, some sins weren't easily forgiven."
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read-ahead · 2 years ago
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read-ahead · 5 years ago
Coffee// Spencer Reid One Shot
Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: ~1k?
Requested? Yes! By @waddiwasi44​ “Can I get a one shot about a early 20s computer science girl joining the team as a second Garcia, and Reid cant help but fall for her? You know, pretty and full of life, but a nerd that likes robotics and star trek tng etc”
A/N: I understand that this took months to get back to, and I can’t promise that I’m trying or that I will in the future. The whole JJ and Reid thing threw me off and I stopped watching even though I wasn’t caught up. I still like the show and writing. This is probably the pique quality of things I write, and especially in quarantine I SHOULD get back to it, but this was nearly completed and I felt bad for the asker and that’s primarily why this is happening. I implore y’all to continue to send asks, but I can’t say that I’m back. 
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“Garcia, we’ll introduce her to the rest of the team tomorrow, it’s been a long case. You think you can get Y/L/N set up?” 
“Oh, gosh, of course! When is she-”
Penelope was cut off by the soft ding of the elevator, the new arrival stepping out. 
“Oh my god! You are gorgeous and I love your cardigan.” 
The girl laughed, “Penelope Garcia I assume,” She shifted the boxes in her arms, leaving her hand open for a hand shake, “Y/N Y/L/N” 
“You assume correct, lovely person, follow me!” The blonde turned on her heels. 
Hotch nodded kindly as Y/N followed Garcia down the hall. 
The door creaked open as Penelope presented the room, one half full of glowing bobbles and gadgets, the other half empty and ready to be decorated.
“So, as you can tell, I cleared this part of the room so that you can make it your own.” Garcia turned quickly to her, “Not that you need to, it’s just, it gets dark, I find that the toys help.”
“Thanks, Penelope.” 
“Of course, of course.” She smiled, obviously giddy, “You can set up tonight, or tomorrow, it’s late you don’t have to stay here. The rest of the team will meet you tomorrow.” 
“I think I’ll stay here for a bit.” 
“Well you have fun, girlfriend!” She smiled, making her way out of the room.
“Garcia,” Y/N turned to the blonde, “Thanks so much.” 
The door creaked closed once more, leaving the new girl to unpack her things. A small lamp in the corner glowed throughout the room. Y/N sunk into the cheap arm chair at the empty desk. She reached into the box, pulling out a light-up initial, a couple polaroids from old friends, and a yet-to-be-filled candy bowl. It wasn’t much, but she was way more interested in setting up her computer. She browsed through the system, learning the ins and outs, the back doors, changing her screensaver. Minutes flew by, and turned into hours, and soon enough Y/N was slumped over the table, asleep. 
Light filtered into the FBI Headquarters Building as the sun rose. Hotch settled at his desk and waited for his team to arrive, sifting through case files. Morgan arrived next, then Emily, then JJ, then Garcia, who got busy talking with the team. Finally Rossi and Spencer walked through the elevator, seven coffees in hand. Spencer had everyone’s order, but since they hadn’t met he had to grab all the sugar, creamer, and flavor shots he could bring for the new addition. But she was nowhere to be found. 
“Hey, Garcia?” Reid finally spoke after setting all the drinks down.
“Do you still have those organic sugars in your office?” He realized that the coffee shop didn’t carry any.
“Oh yeah, yeah, it’s next to the thing. The- uh, jelly- the blue jellyfish.” She thought, waving her hands a little as she did. 
“Alright, got it.” Spencer said. 
He walked down the hall, opening the door and moving towards the ‘blue jellyfish’ totally oblivious to the desk with a sleeping girl at it across the room. He grabbed five sugars, turning around and stopped dead in his tracks. In front of him sat the figure of a girl, one he quickly assumed had to be the very girl he was trying to make coffee for. His eyes darted around the room, trying to piece together exactly why she was here. The boxes, the almost empty cup of cold coffee, she slept at her desk last night. 
He took a shaky breath stepping towards her, and quickly turning the other way and walking out. Spencer nearly ran down the hall, technically a very fast speed-walk, but nonetheless. He dropped the sugars next to the small mountain of creamers, and pivoted towards Garcia, pale. 
“What? Oh my god was I hacked?” She reached out to him. 
“No- Uh, girl. She- slept- um-.” 
“You mean Y/N?” Garcia asked. 
“Uh, yes.” 
“oh, OH.” Garcia took down the hall, leaving the rest of the team to examine the blushing mess that was Spencer Reid. 
Penelope gently shook the new techie.      “Y/N? Y/N!” 
She jolted awake, her face immediately turning the color of a tomato. “I- I am so sorry.”
“Oh no sweetie it’s fine, you’re fine.” Penelope laughed. 
Y/N shuffled up from her seat, smoothing out her clothes and pushing hair from her face. 
“What time is it?”
Garcia looked down at her bright purple watch, “About 8:30 am.”
“Wow I really crashed huh.” Y/N laughed 
“Yeah but you woke up just in time, we’ve got a case!” Garcia went for a high five, thought better of it, and gently patted Y/N on the head. 
She promptly strolled out of the room, the new girl following her. They walked into the bullpen to find Spencer Reid at a desk with his head in his hands and JJ clearly teasing him. He looked up at the sound of Penelope’s heels clicking on the floor. 
He stood and made his way over to the new hire, his face still red, “Hello, I’m Spencer Reid.” He held his hand out, “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Uh, hi, Y/N Y/L/N.” She smiled taking his hand, she had no idea of the interaction he had with her earlier. 
For some reason Spencer seemed startled by the reciprocation. “Right yes, nice to meet….” he trailed off as JJ nudged him slightly with her elbow. 
“You already said that Spence.”
Y/N laughed slightly at the interaction, causing Reid to redden further. “It’s fine.” she turned to Garcia, “So we have a case?” she asked, trying to pull attention away from the boy genius. 
“Yes!” Penelope responded giving case files to the others and starting the briefing.
It was typical, simple and straightforward, but Spencer couldn’t focus for the life of him. Seeing how basic the case was, they were “wheels up in ten” just a few minutes later. Y/N stood up, going to make her way back to her joint office. 
“Uh.. Y/N!” Spencer panicked slightly as the girl turned back to him. “I… I like your pin.” he smiled pointing out the Starfleet Insignia on her cardigan. 
“Thanks.” she smiled gently, turning back to the hall. Spencer watched her walk away, silently kicking himself. But he knew this wasn’t his last chance, and he knew where to find her. 
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read-ahead · 5 years ago
You alive?
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