about time...
28 posts
Hi I'm Ray! (use whatever pronouns I don't care) Here I'll be posting my writing (including my 365 days of writing challenge) and some other stuff I do. My other blog: Nightmarechild5402
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
rayswritingandstuff · 4 years ago
If anything and i mean anything bad happens to ranboo during the festival im gonna fukcing
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rayswritingandstuff · 5 years ago
who fucking litters. why do i ever see litter. who thinks that’s okay. who. who NEEDS to throw their fast food bag out the fucking window instead of waiting until they get somewhere with a trashcan. what kinda clown behavior. get fucked.
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rayswritingandstuff · 6 years ago
Sorry for not posting but I've been having some technical issues. I can't post long posts at the moment. Hoping it will be fixed soon.
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rayswritingandstuff · 6 years ago
January 23. Dread
(Part two of January 11. Greetings. Still can't get the links to work. Might be able to fix it tomorrow.)
After another attack the human found himself back in the forest searching for his friend. He hasn't been answering to his calls which was highly unusual. The elf was very thoughtful and knee that it would cause great worry if he didn't answer. Sadly as a human it wasn't easy to search for an elf. They were masters of hiding. No other creature knew were their hide out was and especially no human.
The human let out a deep sigh. He needed to warn his friend of what the villagers were planning to do next. They had started to attack the creatures of the forest shortly after the monsters stuck again. In their fear they blamed all magic for the harm. With the attack they were planning next he feared they might reach the tree of life which would bring harm to all living creature in these lands.
The elf was the only connection he had to the beings of the forest though so he had no idea how to warn them otherwise. He would have to go to the heavily guarded tree of life. It was a last resort but he had no other choice. Running through the forest he took the paths he walked only once before. No humans were allowed at the tree since it harboured the purest kind of magic. The high priests feared that human hands may turn the magic impure.
Once he reached the clearing at the very centre of these woods a sense of dread filled him. He hasn't been restrained yet and the place that was usually so full of life was slowly withering away. The tree of life had been corrupted. One thing was certain this wasn't the doing of a human. The magical creatures must have gone into hiding after their magic got to weak. He had to find the elf hide out.
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rayswritingandstuff · 6 years ago
January 22. Numbers
She liked numbers. They were logical and made sense. There was one way to get the right answer and thats it. No maybes or what ifs. What she didn't like were feelings. Everything about them is complicated and strange and unpredictable. She hated it. Especially her own feelings. With other people she could always give advice she read somewhere but what good is advice if you can't use it on yourself.
Most of the time she managed to avoid her confusing feeling by distracting herself with other things. But that didn't really work anymore after the new girl entered the scene. She was confusing and distracting. She really didn't understand what was going on  and certainly didn't get better when they were paired up for a partner project. Not only was she distracting no she was also incredibly smart and witty and what the hell is happening?
She tried talking to her best friend about it but his only explanation was that she was crushing on her and that wouldn't make sense. She never had a crush on anyone. Nobody ever sparked her interest. Besides she would know what a crush feels like, wouldn't she? She just thinks the new girl is pretty and smart and funny and distracting and... Oh dear... She was crushing... why do feeling have to be so freaking complicated?!
(This is pretty short but it's fine because the other one was pretty long... yeah...)
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rayswritingandstuff · 6 years ago
January 21. Sugar
(Forgot to post this again... this feels like the beginning of a coffee shop fanfiction I'm so sorry.)
Like everyday I stood behind the register of this sad little coffee shop in the most abandoned street and waited. And waited. And then I waited some more. I mean... I was glad that wasn't busy that would just be stressful but it was so fucking boring. Literally nothing ever happens. The only customers we get are old people and they don't usually talk to me much. It's wonder that this place is still running.
I sighed and looked down at the book I brought with me today. I wasn't allowed to use my phone while 'working' and knowing my luck my boss would walk in exactly the moment I take it out. After trying to read the exact same sentence 5 times and still not getting the meaning I decided to give up. I banged my head on the register in frustration only stopping because I heard the bell above the door jingle so I had to look up.
"Am I interrupting something?" The bemused question came from a girl my age which was surprising because I didn't believe people my age existed in this area. "Nope. Everything's just peachy. What can I get you." She chuckled quietly. "If you say so... I never been here before... do you have any recommendations?" I was not prepared for that question. "Uhm well... The latte is actually quit alright and the cherry cake is good. I guess..." She chuckled again. What was so funny about this situation? "Sure I'll get that then." "Oh. Okay. Ehm just take seat I will bring it to you."
She sat down at the windows looking outside. I only just noticed how pretty she was. Not your convencinal cover girl way but still very pretty. Huh. After I got everything ready, which really didn't take that long, I brought everything over to her. "There you go. Do you want to pay now or later?" "Thank you. Now's fine." As she paid I noticed that she had taken out a notebook with scribbled words all over it. "You write?" "Yup." "Cool." There was that chuckle again. "I'll leave you to it then."
As she got up to leave she turned back to me. "Would you tell me your name?" I sighed again. I hate my name. "Sugar... What about you?" For once she didn't chuckle but only gave me a little smile. "Lily. See you soon Sugar." Huh.
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rayswritingandstuff · 6 years ago
January 20. Smoke
This is once again a small part of a story I'm writing. It can be read on it's own though.
He watched as the other boy blew out the smoke of the cigarette he was holding and wondered why something so incredibly bad for you managed to look that aesthetically pleasing. At some point over the last few weeks Baby had started watching his classmate more closely. Probably shortly after coffee shop incident. He wasn't really sure why he was doing it but there was something about that boy that he couldn't get his mind of.
As he looked over Baby quickly lowered his head. It propably wouldn't be good if Varian found out about the starring. Although it's very likely he already noticed something was off. He glared down at the empty sheets of paper in front of him. Drawing was usaly something that took his mind of of things but if the only image your brain can come up with is said thing... you see the struggle. With a deep, slightly over dramatic sigh he picked up his pencil and looked up at Varian again.
The boy had picked his book back up. Honestly Baby felt a little like a creep as he sketched out the scenery in front of him. Who the hell randomly draws a classmate? That's just weird... on the other hand he feared he might lose his sanity if kept on just thinking about him. He couldn't help it really. That day at the coffee shop he got to see a different side to the usually so cool and collected boy... It made him wonder what else there was to him. But Varian was an enigma! It was nearly impossible to read any of his emotions let alone figure something meaningful out about him. Sadly this only made Baby more interested in him.
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rayswritingandstuff · 6 years ago
January 19. Connection
This is a homage to one of the books that I'm writing. It's not actually part of the story though just a reference.
As soon as I stepped into the forest I felt it deep inside myself, like distant memory tugging at my very being. I've been hearing the calls and seeing the signs all my life. Rustling winds carrying whispers of long forgotten times and places, shadows lingering just a little longer than they should, quiet voices at night calling my name.
I spend most of my time trying to avoid the pull that came with it. But the urge to follow the signs was so strong there was a point were I couldn't fight it anymore. So I did. I spend years trying to find the source, feeling like I was spinning around in circles as the voices got louder only to be silent the next minute. Now I finally found it.
I drew in a deep breath and it felt like for the first time it really filled me up. The whispers of the rustling leaves welcomed me like an old friend as I made my way deeper inside the woods. I know I haven't been here before yet everything felt so familiar. As I took the strangely familiar path pictures flashed before my eyes. I saw a beautiful forest blooming with all flowers and trees you could imagine, animals running around freely and happily and I felt the power that once sorounded this place.
My path ended at a big clearing. Beautiful flowers that seemed to glow in the moonshine sorounded a big oak tree that stood in the middle of the clearing. A statue of a young woman stood in front of it. Even as a statue her eyes looked so wise. It seemed as though she knew every answer to any question you could possibly think of asking. Falling to my knees I looked up into her kind face. I remembered her. I don't know how but her images is burned in my head as much as her power flows through my veins. In respect I bowed to the high priestess of the first forest and th source of all magic. We will always be connected to her.
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rayswritingandstuff · 6 years ago
January 18. Mind Control
(Just noticed i forgot to post this yesterday.)
Part 1 (January 5. Dragon. Can't get the link to work right now.)
Barrian followed the dragon slowly,still holding his sword as she ventured deeper in to the cave. The crystals around them seemed to be whispering to each other as they passed by. "I've got a story to tell you young knight" Megyra said softly. "I never ment for those things to happen you know... It wasn't my doing." "What are you talking about? The lands were destroyed by you and thousands of warriors die in these caves!" The shadowy figure came to a stop and Barrian almost ran into her. "We're here."
He walked past her into a smaller cave. Runes were written all over the walls. From the little things he knew about magic he could tell that most of them were binding runes. "Are those the spells the sorceress cast on you?" "No young one. These are something way darker." "What do you mean?" "Way before the destruction of the lands I was their protector. My magic kept a barrier up around them to keep the dark powers of the world away from here..." she trialled of and from what Barrian could tell her eyes seemed sad and longing.
It was a strange thing to see in such a strong, powerful creature like the enormous black dragon in front of him. "Why did that change?" He asked carefully as he didn't want to make Megyra angry. "One of those days there was a wizard at the barrier asking for shelter. He said he had been running from the fire golems that had been causing destruction all around the terrain outside my barrier so I let him in..."
"What happened?" She let ou a deep sigh. "Now that he was inside there was nothing I could do to hold back the magic he cast on me. The runes you see here young hero are the spells the wizard used to bring me under his control. He had been the cause of the destruction that was going on around my lands and now he had what it would need to destoy them as well..." Barrian shook his head. He wasn't sure how to react or if he should even believe her. "Why are you talking me this?"
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rayswritingandstuff · 6 years ago
January 17. Bedtime Story
When i was little my dad always told me a story before I went to sleep. Next to the usual stories like snow white or sleeping beauty he had a big collection of stories he wrote himself. He always made them so I could relate. When I had a fight with a friend or a problem at school he used to take his time to write a little story in which the hero faced a similar situation as me and gave me advise through the story.
Afterall I was way more likely to follow the path of a hero then to just do whatever my parents told me to. It helped me out of a lot of troubling situations and it was always the highlight of my day. It's even more impressive looking back on it now. I can't imagine how much time it must have taken for him to write those really thought out tales fo me. Sometimes he wrote 2 or 3 a week.
As I got older I still cherished the stories. He had collected them in an big folder and I still read them from time to time. His writing skills were to impressive to just let go to waste like that and when I asked him if he ever thought about publishing a story book he told me he didn't think they were good enough. I finally convinced him to send collective of some of the stories I enjoyed the most as a kid to a publisher. Now that I'm holding a copy of the book in my hands I couldn't be prouder.
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rayswritingandstuff · 6 years ago
January 16. Addicted
(Yes it's very short and yes it's also shamelessly and clichely romantic don't judge me)
Everything about you is driving me insane. It always did. From the moment we met, you had that sweet, lost look in your eyes when you asked me for directions and I told you I'd walk you there. It only got worse after. Subtle touches and longing looks.
All my friends didn't know what was going on when I was far away with my thoughts. Thinking of your smile, your laugh and the ways you talk. When you were ranting to me I tried to take in every detail about you. From the faint scar on your cheek to the way you pronounce beautiful wrong ever so slightly.
You always were so insanly beautiful to me. With all your scars and imperfections you were everything I wanted. So on that night in April I gathered up all the confidence I could and told you how I feel. I don't think I've ever seen you blush that hard before.
And as subtle touches became not so subtle and it became obvious were my mind went when I was spacing out I felt myself falling deeper. I couldn't imagine a life without you anymore. Luckily I don't have to. As I look down on your sleeping face I wonder how I ever got so addicted to you.
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rayswritingandstuff · 6 years ago
January 15. Eavesdropping
(This is part of one of the actual books I'm writing but can be read separately. I've just been working on it and something I wrote fitted the prompt so...)
You know those moments when you hear part of a conversation and wonder what lead to it so you continue listening? Well this was one of those conversations. It wasn't really intentional or anything. Then again it never really is. But as soon as I heard his name I had to continue listening.
They were talking about none other then our missing teacher Toby Miles and by now I was way to invested in the case to ignore any conversation about him. Everything might be a potential hint to were his location is especially because it's been awhile since the police discovered anything new.
The last thing I found out wasn't really any help anymore either so I listened in. "... yeah I heard they saw Toby Miles in New Cathers." "From who?" "A group of friends. You know Liam right?" "Yeah... have they told the police yet?" "They are still thinking about it. They aren't a hundred percent sure it was him so..." "They should still go... I mean the police has been stuck for weeks. This would at least give them something to work on." "They said he looked like he was in distress. He was surrounded by group of men which is why they didn't go up to him." "Smart desicion propably..."
With that they changed the topic. This certainly was interesting and it also supported my suspicion that he was in fact abducted. I had to find out what exactly they saw which means that I'm going to track down Liam tomorrow. Shouldn't be to hard. I started walking back home deciding to stop at Mr. Vs' house to tell him what I just found out. Looks like we'll soon have another mission.
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rayswritingandstuff · 6 years ago
January 14. Found
I suffered a lot of hardship in my life. From my parents having an ugly breakup in my childhood to being bullied as a teen. Everything that was happening at that time just seemed to much for me. I wanted to get away from it all more then anything else but I couldn't just leave.
I was close to giving up when something peculiar happened. On a gray Saturday morning I was making my way through the foggy park. I stopped in my tracks when I saw something on the park bench. A bunny plushie. As I was picking it up, it was wet and a little dirty, I remembered the posters that had been put up down his street. The bunny belonged to a girl on my street.
When the rain started dripping again I made my way home and started to clean the little bunny. Afterwards I left him to dry which surprisingly only took 2 days. Then I made my way to the girls house. A stressed looking women answered the door. You could hear crying in the background. "Can I help you?" "I thought you might want this back." I held up the bunny. Her face broke out in a big smile as she called for her daughter who was very thrilled to have her bunny back.
She looked up to me and said: "Helping is magic you know... you help someone and there will always be someone to help you. Thank you for finding Mr. Bunbun!" The mum shook her head. "Really thank you. Is there anything we could do to repay you?" I declined politely. As I made my way home I got a call from my mum telling me she found a therapist that could take us in. Maybe the little girl was right after all.
(Two weeks!)
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rayswritingandstuff · 6 years ago
January 13. Letters
In my youth I had this weird ritual of writing letters to myself. Whenever something interesting, wether it was positive or negative, happened I used to write a letter containing all the things that happened, my emotions and something I learned from the experience. Afterwards I stored them in a big box that I kept under my bed. When I moved out of my parents house I kept them but never read them again.
I'm still not sure why I started it but it was very helpful. No matter how hard the situation was it was comforting to know that my future self, the one I was writing to, was a person who made it through all the hard ship. It also helped to see the situation from a difrent point of view allowing me to get a new perspective on certain things.
I remember being terrified anyone would ever find them. I really poured my heart out in those letters. They weren't ment for anyone else but me after all. My friends used to try to get me to tell them what's inside the box for hours. So much so that I never trusted them to be alone with it.
I never read them again and I really don't know when I stopped writing them or why. I guess I just found other ways to cope but still... I sighed as I looked down at the dusty box I just found on the attic. Taking another deep breath I opened the box and took out the first letter.
(Finally something I don't want to continue)
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rayswritingandstuff · 6 years ago
January 12. Ticket
"To proceed please show your ticket." "What?" "Your ticket miss." The lady behind the counter pointed to something in my hand. It was a ticket that read "Maryland to Varilya, the midnight express." I gave her the ticket in confusion. "This will take moment." I looked around the train station to see it was mostly empty. I didn't recognize it at all. This wasn't Marylands train station that was for sure. That one I remembered...
I was just on my way to the train that would take me out of this miserable hellhole and bring me to some big city with more hope. When I stopped to get my ticket I just spaced out for a moment and now I was here. Wherever here was. After a short moment I realised that my suitcase was gone only my backpack was still on her shoulders.
"That will be all. Thank you for your patience." "Excuse me but were did my suitcase go?" "All the things you need you already have. You will get it back when you arrive." I stared at the lady in confusion. What she just said didn't make any sense. "Your train will be arriving soon. Platform 6." She pointed to the left were you could see a sign with the number 6 on it. I don't know why I followed her instructions but it felt like the only thing to do.
The lady was right. Shortly after I arrived at the platform a old-fashioned train came to an halt in front of me. A young man stepped out of the door. "Boarding for Varilya?" I simply nodded. "Ticket please." I handed it over and he waved me inside.
(I should really stop writing things I want to continue)
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rayswritingandstuff · 6 years ago
January 11. Greetings
"Hello old friend." whispered a voice from the shadows. "It's been far to long don't you think?" The human smiled. "You're right. I fear my fate had different plans for me than saying in this little town." "Well I'm glad you found your way back." The elf came out of the shadows th embrace the human in a strong hug.
"My friend... as much as I enjoy to see you there are unpleasant matters at hand." "What are you talking about?" "There's been chaos down in the village. Creatures have been attacking people. They're  planing to march the forest burning down everything that looks even slightly magical!" A worried expression covered the elfs face. "A you sure they won't listen to reason?" The human shook his head sadly. "I tried all I could... but they're too scared."
"Very well then... I will unite the creature of the Forrest to protect the tree of life. As long as they don't reach that we should be able to rebuild all the damage that gets done. Thank you for warning me." Tho human nodded softly and pulled back the elf that was trying to leave. "One last thing. Could you try to find out what's attacking the villagers? I really can't figure it out. Maybe some of the creatures heard something." "I will do what I can!" "Thank you."
With that the elf disappeared into the shadows again. The human drew in a deep breath. Whatever those creatures attacking the village were... they should better be stopped soon. Who knows what the humans will do to the Forrest otherwise
(Might continue it...)
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rayswritingandstuff · 6 years ago
January 10. Dragon
The knight entered the dragons cave sword in hand. He had been training for this moment since he was a child. The dragon Megyra was legend in these lands. It was said that she used to torment the lands for centuries until a powerful sorceress locked her up. But it was clear that the spell won't last forever so every now and then a warrior will try to kill her. Obviously none have succeeded so far.
The deeper he went into the cave the darker it became. Even the light of the torch could barely light up the space around him. That was until he discovered a blue light shining in the near distance. As he carefully approached he recognised it as a crystal  and saw that there were more leading in a certain direction. Now he knew for sure that he was on the right path.
The crystals lead him into a huge cave that was illuminated by crystals in every colour you could imagine. The brightest one, which glowed a light purple, was hanging from the ceiling right in the mittle of the cave. He slowly ventured deeper into the cave.
"Another human has searched me out I see?" A chilling but starngly soft voiced echoded from the walls. He rose his blade. "Megyra! My name is Barrian the..." "Shshsh... I don't care for your titles. They don't make you any more worth than all the others before you." "I came to fight you!" "Fight me? Now why would you want to do that Barrian?" "Because if you break free you will torment our lands again!" She chuckled. "Strange... you are the first of the worriors that said those words to me that actually means them. Perhaps there's hope for you still... but I am sorry to disappoint. I never tormented your land on purpose I was protecting it. It has all been twisted." "Why should I believe you?" "I didn't expect you to." A pair of glowing purple eyes opened in the darkness in front of him. "You could fight me right here and now.... or you could let me show you something..."  
(To be continued...)
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