ratty-richie-blog · 5 years
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oh shit here we go again
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ratty-richie-blog · 5 years
I was tagged by @girlonfandom26 to shuffle my playlist and show you the first 10 songs! Here goes:
1. Bastards of young - The replacements
2. Danny don’t you know - NSP
3. Free at last - PUP
4. Mid 20’s skateboarder - Pkew pkew pkew
5. Love removal machine - The cult
6. Buddy Holly - Weezer
7. Techno show - Peach pit
8. You’re supposed to be my friend - 1990s
9. In between days - The cure
10. Cell - Calpurnia
I tag @stanlonbrough and anyone else who wants to do this!
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ratty-richie-blog · 5 years
holy shit
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ratty-richie-blog · 5 years
Gonna start a post with blank memes. Please add any you have on hand and reblog to spread them.
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ratty-richie-blog · 5 years
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they soft
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ratty-richie-blog · 5 years
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ratty-richie-blog · 5 years
richie prevents a murder
ben: richie, what is ONE good thing you’ve done this week?
richie: i prevented a murder
ben: oh my god how??
richie: self control
ben: and once again my hope has been destroyed
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ratty-richie-blog · 5 years
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A fun little ghost animation
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ratty-richie-blog · 5 years
them: so babe are you ready ;)
me: oh yeah
me: *sexily takes off spider man morphsuit*
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ratty-richie-blog · 5 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to not only Wyatt himself but Stan the Man too! Wyatt, you’re the best bully we could ask for :) (and Stan: we love you, ya sassy bitch)
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ratty-richie-blog · 5 years
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ratty-richie-blog · 5 years
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ratty-richie-blog · 5 years
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My submissions for the IT Chapter 2 Travel Poster contest! I tried to go for an abstract yet kinda literal take on the “IT is Derry and Derry is IT” idea, which ended up being extremely ambitious as I haven’t done anything abstract before and I’m horrible with landscapes/houses/etc, but I still like how it turned out regardless and I learned a bunch and that’s all that matters! 😊
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ratty-richie-blog · 5 years
When Eddie and Richie were kids, Eddie used to pack an extra lunch for Richie every day because his parents often forgot to give him one. Eddie had to sneak the food out of the house every morning because Sonia didn’t want him “feeding that dirty Tozier boy”, but making sure Richie had something to eat was worth risking his mother’s wrath.
On top of bringing lunch for Richie every day, Eddie also brought him pills. Every pill that Sonia would pack in his lunch box, he mimicked in Richie’s. “This one is for your eyesight, and this one for your heart, and this one will make your bones strong.” he’d say, parroting his mother’s words. Richie knew that they were just minerals and gummy vitamins, but he still followed Eddie’s lead and took the pills he gave him every day, seeing how bright and happy it made Eddie to feel like he was taking care of Richie.
However, one day when they were slightly older, Richie was having a real sweet tooth moment. Given that Wentworth was a dentist, the closest Richie usually got to candy were the gummy vitamins Eddie gave him. So, not thinking much of it, Richie stole Eddie’s gummy vitamins out of his lunch box and ate them along with his own.
Eddie had a melt down thinking that Richie was going to overdose. Richie had to calm him down, explaining that the pills weren’t actually prescription, Eddie’s mom was just using that as a way to keep him on a leash.
Eddie collapsed into Richie’s arms, not because he was distraught his mother had been lying to him all those years… But because Richie was okay.
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ratty-richie-blog · 5 years
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Happy birthday Chosen!! You make so many people incredibly happy with your positivity, may the rest of the day be amazing for you!
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ratty-richie-blog · 5 years
*skipping stones at the quarry*
Stan: the water looks so pretty when it ripples
Richie (muttering): take that you fucking quarry
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ratty-richie-blog · 5 years
Why does it fit
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