#we’re the losers
amvipod · 17 days
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i made this car study but when i turned around and came back there was this triangle thing on it… does anyone know how to kill it. does apple cider vinegar work
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 318
Danny is learning how to shapeshift. It’s fun, really, and he honestly thinks it’s more than a little cool. Plus it’s not a learn or you fully die sort of thing, which is pretty cool too. He just erm, might’ve also made a mistake. A little oopsie. An uh-oh. 
Erm. So. Apparently stuff stays when you go from ghost to human form. Just erm. More… permanent? Look he panicked, okay! And it wouldn’t have been that bad if not for the fact erm… his friends might’ve done it too…? 
Okay, okay, this is fine erm. Oh hi Mom, Dad I- O-oh yeah! D-definitely! Psst, Tucker, what’s a meta…? Oh. Okay yeah- wait can they use this to avoid the GIW thing? They definitely could, right? Like they definitely can- Sam we need the corkboard!
Er. And inform their parents too… even if it’s more than a little obvious. Maybe they shouldn’t have been trying to mix and match…
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noodles-and-tea · 3 months
I doth declare that I miss the Losers Club! Mayest I have some art of them from thee? :3
(I adore the Losers, can you please draw them if you have any time? No pressure!)
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I know it’s only 2/7 but I hope it’ll do for now!!
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carpisuns · 2 years
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celestially mismatched
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leclercskiesahead · 1 month
“If you want to learn how to overtake, ask Carlos. Even if you want to slap him by how risky it is, it's perfect and beautiful to watch.”
Canal commentary on Carlos lmaoooo
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totallyboatless · 9 months
Yeah a show that touched a deep place in our hearts that reawoke a passion for life in many of us is over, but you fuckers forgot one very important thing
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It’s Calypso’s motherfucking birthday
I’m gonna need everyone to reblog this and raise a glass (metaphorically or not) to something you love about this show or this weird little corner of the internet.
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planetcleer · 4 months
my silly little headcanon is that for the rest of their lives ben calls eddie ‘doc’ affectionately after eddie fixes him up. imagine the adult losers meeting at jade of the orient and ben saying softly & fondly “hey, doc, long time no see” as he pulls eddie in for a hug. imagine ben running back out of eddie’s room at the townhouse and crouching next to him with his hand on his shoulder and saying “shit, doc, are you okay?” while bev tends to his stab wound
like. bro. that shit’s fucking cute and is actually fact i’ve just decided
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summer-squash · 1 month
marauders ratatouille au in which remus—awkwardly long limbs, creaky joints, freezing fingers, big sad brown eyes and riddled with curiosity despite never ending fatigue remus—is just doing his best to find work around his condition and ends up in the back of the paris kitchen staring at the most alluring man he’s ever seen—chef sirius gracefully crafting with fire and distrustful of strangers
peter and remus being loser best friends and roommates, perhaps peter insists on seeing the man remus won’t shut up about so peter comes to work with remus under his hat, but! somehow remus gets put on the spot and home cook peter starts yanking his hair around to fix the problem
james promoting remus which means he has to train under sirius—motorcycle riding, broad shouldered, angelic icy eyed sirius—which also means peter has to stay and begrudgingly watch them fall in lov—
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The Krew 🤩
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abowlofsourcream · 7 months
⏳💫Switch a Loop! ACT 5: A Prologue 💫⏳
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rintoki · 6 months
a a a a a a a a a
playing dress up with aventurine. where he’s your pretty little doll. trying on clothes because he likes to show off how pretty he looks in everything. except the clothes gets progressively raunchier… and sluttier… and more revealing. until he finally comes out in just lingerie, expecting some kind of reaction from you.
but you’ve just been looking on with a mild smile on your face, barely even a chuckle as he climbs onto your lap. aventurine can feel the familiar anxiety in his belly, the doubt growing in his mind. but he can’t turn back now; instead he grabs your hands, bringing them to his waist as he puts on the overconfident expression he knows all too well.
he spills his honeyed words, his eyes drawing you in. he’s far too pretty—gorgeous even—for you to ignore him like that. so he toys with the loosely tied bow across his chest; it wasn’t meant to stay tied for long, one small tug and it all comes undone.
he feels your thumbs rubbing along his waist, hands squeezing slightly and aventurine feels right on the edge. so, so close, he’s almost got you. the thrill of winning just within reach, just a little more…
“you look amazing in this one as well, i’m sure your lover will deeply enjoy it,” your easy smile and relaxed frame gave nothing away, toying with the silky fabric of the lingerie.
and he nearly stumbles as you move to stand, signaling the end of your little ‘meeting’. you’re not sure what he’s looking to gain from doing this, especially since he has yet to propose some kind of deal to you. however, it was getting late, and it wouldn’t look too good on either of you if you were seen leaving his residence so late in the night.
“if there’s no other outfits to show me, i think i’ll take my leave then. have a good night, aventurine.”
you’re gone before he can even think of an excuse to make you stay. or rather, if him dressing up like such in front of you isn’t enough to get you to stay, what else is a man to do?
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mostlymaudlin · 8 months
oh the notes on that poll about whether it’s ok to publicly criticize fic scare me LOL y’all are so entitled to the product of peoples free time I can’t stand it. in an age where freaks will throw every homophobic dog whistle in the books at fic authors for anything that makes them mildly uncomfortable/doesn’t align with their personal headcanons, I see no reason why any of us should care about adding caveats about when it MIGHT be socially acceptable to publicly critique the free stories strangers are posting for their own enjoyment … “art is meant to be critiqued” have you ever heard of letting people have fun ?
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lemonboyjosten · 1 year
aftg stans are braver than the marines for even getting through the books but amongst them are a large number of andreil stans who are weak as fuck because all we have to hear is "thank you, you were amazing" and start crying.
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pepoboyz · 9 months
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empty gestures
[id: A digital redraw of an utena screenshot. In front of an ovular wooden mirror, Saionji holds the shoulders of Wakaba as she looks, uncertain, at herself. It is captioned “…this is the only way i can thank you.” Saionji has purple eyes and long, dark green hair in a loosely curly ponytail. Wakaba is pale, with big brown eyes and reddish-brown hair in a ponytail high on her head. She wears a pink bow and a carved leaf hairclip, as well as a puff-sleeved school uniform with a greenish sailor collar. End id]
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I think Neil is always going to be a nostalgic little shit in the dumbest ways. I think they’re going to be retired in their mid-forties grown ass adults with a house and a mortgage, and one day Andrew wakes up alone and goes outside to see if neil’s gone for a run or something and then a shingle falls right beside him, and he looks up and Neil’s just. On the roof. Smoking a cigarette with his legs dangling over the edge of their little suburban bungalow and Andrew is just like “Jesus fuck junkie” because he’s too goddamn old for this.
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