random-art-objects · 6 years
I realized I hadn’t seen this blog on my dash in a while, and when I checked the date on the most recent post I noticed that it was posted two months ago. When I actually attempted to log into the VPS, it became apparent that the script that runs it was either always or sometimes failing to terminate, so every time the scheduled job ran it created a new instance of the script, ultimately consuming all the memory on the server. I’m not sure how all the other bots on the server were even managing to run.
I knew there was a bug in the script that adversely affected performance, but I hadn’t bothered to fix it. I’d like the bot to keep running, so at some point I’ll take another look and take the time to implement it properly.
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random-art-objects · 6 years
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Drinking Bowl
15th century
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random-art-objects · 6 years
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Snuff Bottle
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random-art-objects · 6 years
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Spouted jar with a basket handle
ca. 9th century B.C.
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random-art-objects · 6 years
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Factory of the Mosca family (Italian, active Naples, 19th century), ca. 1868–70
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random-art-objects · 6 years
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Vase with Nine Peaches
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random-art-objects · 6 years
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Bread Plate
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random-art-objects · 6 years
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Landscape with Trees and Encampment (from Sketchbook X)
William Trost Richards (American, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1833–1905 Newport, Rhode Island), 1885
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random-art-objects · 6 years
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Custard Cup
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random-art-objects · 6 years
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St. Cosmas or St. Damian (?)
ca. 1470
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random-art-objects · 6 years
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5th century
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random-art-objects · 6 years
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The Fallen Tree
Alexander Cozens (British, Russia 1717–1786 London), ca. 1785
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random-art-objects · 6 years
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Small Bead
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random-art-objects · 6 years
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釋迦文殊普賢十大弟子像Shaka, Monju, Fugen and the Ten Great Disciples (Jūdai Deshi)
14th century
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random-art-objects · 6 years
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Bust portrait of Cosimo I de' Medici, in an oval frame set within a rectangular plaque, surrounded by fantastical ornament
Nicolò Nelli (Italian, active Venice, ca. 1552–79), 1567
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random-art-objects · 6 years
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Peasant Girl Riding an Ox with Companions
François Boucher (French, Paris 1703–1770 Paris), 18th century
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random-art-objects · 6 years
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Cylinder seal
ca. 17th–16th century B.C.
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