A Place to put my Harvest Moon stuff
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rancherfritz · 7 years ago
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“You’re my rival, but I love you”
have fritz mino(also my customize mino ;v;)
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rancherfritz · 7 years ago
Eda is so cute, I love her. No one is talking about her eyebrows though!? Does everyone else notice that her eyebrows move up and down all the time!?
I love that when she introduces you to Fritz she’s all…
You guys should become friends…
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Let it be known that Eda ships MinoriXFritz
Go play with in the river with Fritz for a while
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Have fun Minori…
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rancherfritz · 7 years ago
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i’m done with this all meme.
the red guy its actually my male mc at the game.
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rancherfritz · 7 years ago
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“Mama, guess what! Grandpa gave me new toys and a great big dessert the other day! Oh. Wait. Grandpa said I was supposed to keep that a secret from you. Oops!!”
Apparently it’s canon that Daryl is a big softie grandpa (˵◕ ɔ ◕˵)
Thank you always @inkodoodles for your trouble! 💕
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rancherfritz · 7 years ago
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“Oh! Papa! Mama! Look! There’s a river of stars in the sky! Is that the river where the prince and the princess in that one story meet tonight?”
It’s a shame that you can’t bring your whole family to another villages’ Star Festival, but I can at least count on sweet @inkodoodles for always granting my wish🎋
Westown Starlight Gala version
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rancherfritz · 7 years ago
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I’m feeling so guilty for marrying Ford instead of Yuzuki… This boy had such an harsh life, abandoned by his parents that had another son become the new heir. Probably Yuzuki is in his twenties, and he NEVER met his parents and brother… He deserves someone who really love him, and I’m so torn for not being that person
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rancherfritz · 7 years ago
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he protecc he can attacc but most importantly, he bring my stamina bacc
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rancherfritz · 7 years ago
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“There are so many things I never would have known if it weren’t for you. The passion of love. The joy of sharing my life with another. It was you who opened my eyes to such wonders. I hope that you’ll stay with me and continue to share such discoveries with me…for the rest of our lives. In exchange, I will give you all the love a man can possible give, for as long as we live.”
It’s been almost 2 years and I still think about these two everyday, so of course I just had to commission this from one of my favorite artists ever, the lovely @inkodoodles when I had a chance and obviously she did gorgeous work as expected. Thank you so so very much again! ♡
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rancherfritz · 7 years ago
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rancherfritz · 7 years ago
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This is a tragedy. He asks you to love him. No, he begs you to. If you reject him, he’s all like
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rancherfritz · 7 years ago
More Lisette/Wayne/Ford headcanons please? 😊
ahhh for sure, I love this stuff
they are collectively referred to as the Blondes by Westown folks, Wayne and Lisette love it and Ford hates it
so Wayne and Lisette will sometime tease him by calling him Captain Blonde, Leader of the Blondes
it has devolved into just calling him CB sometimes and the rest of Westown doesn’t get it but they DO know that if you go into the clinic and ask to speak to ���Dr. CB” you’ll hear a scream from wherever Ford is
Lisette and Ford collaborating on new herbal medicines; at first Ford wasn’t sure about the whole thing but then he started to track the science at work and now he’s regularly commissioning certain herbs and flowers from Lisette
on Lisette’s birthday Wayne and Ford make her breakfast in bed and borrow the farmer’s horse so they can gallop up as her Knights – they all three try to fit on the horse but someone keeps sliding off the back (plus, poor horse, the farmer scolded them) so now there’s Lisette on the horse and Wayne and Ford take turns either leading the horse or riding with her
Lisette doesn’t always realize when other men are flirting with her, so Wayne will be in charge of escorting someone out of the flower shop for being too pushy before Ford starts Squashing Insects
speaking of, Ford uses Science™ to make a specialized organic insect repellant for Lisette that’s more effective than anything else she’s ever used, the farmer keeps hinting about getting some but Ford says “no, that’s Lisette’s blend only”
Wayne loves calling Ford his hubby and Lisette his wifey, everyone who comes into the post office has to look at the million pictures of them that he keeps in his wallet
Lisette makes special bouquets inspired by her boys and when she shows them, Wayne thinks they’re adorable and Ford just straight up cries
while he’s at work, between patients, Ford will sometimes daydream and accidentally doodle “FLW” and “Ford Loves Wayne” and “Ford Loves Lisette” without realizing it and it always embarrasses him
Wayne brings back little presents and souveniers from the towns where he delivers mail and leaves them hidden through the house for his hubby and wifey to find
Ford still calls Lisette and Wayne by their regular names, mostly, but now and then he’ll use ridiculously adorable pet names like “cutie pie” or “pumpkin” or “sugarpea” and even as Lisette and Wayne tease him relentlessly they love it
at the Goddess Festival, the Blondes form the first, innovative, three-person Dancing Team
please ask me for more, guys, these are Crack
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rancherfritz · 7 years ago
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bab loves nadi’s singing (ノ´▽`)ノ♪~~
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rancherfritz · 7 years ago
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Frey x Forte. That is all.
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rancherfritz · 7 years ago
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playing my new file like
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rancherfritz · 7 years ago
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here comes bride kai…
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rancherfritz · 7 years ago
me: *throws an entire pineapple into lake* i wish to speak with the harvest goddess
park ranger: maam this is private property you need to leave
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rancherfritz · 7 years ago
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Hahahaha I’m so hooking up with Ford at the Starlight Gala
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