The Night Hunter
75 posts
I'VE NO TIME FOR NONSENSE. indie, semi-selective, multi-verse, multi-ship vayne as portrayed by cuppy.
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puresilverbolts · 5 years ago
{ I apologize for my inactivity, school assignments are kicking my ass harder than Vayne kicks the ass of abominations of the night. 
I’ve also grown used to RPing primarily on Discord so the bit of free-time I dedicate to RPing often goes there. If you would like to add me on Discord feel free to ask and I will give you my current ID. 
Thank you for time and understanding. }
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puresilverbolts · 5 years ago
He shot up a glare at her, just now standing, but the leg that was kicked was bent at the knee a little awkwardly.
“Your logic inherently flawed.” He could speak on about how harmful it is, and how that same logic could be applied to a child which had the unfortunate chance to have been born in Noxus, but instead he just didn’t. Few listened to anything he said, and that would never change.
Besides, could he blame her? He hated Noxus just as much as any Demacian, maybe even more.
“… Did the clown give that to you as well?” He was looking at her flower-crown.
“Humans are inherently flawed.” 
It’s not as though Vayne cared too much about the qualms between Demacia and Noxus. Which would explain why she hadn’t attacked him just yet. If she truly was as fervent in her “patriotism” as some were, then the two would be brawling rather than speaking. 
When she noticed that he was looking at the flower crown her expression seemingly softened the tiniest bit. 
“Clown? No, I received this from who I presume to be the owner of a kitten that I came across recently.” 
Her eyes narrowed as her gaze traveled downward. “Your posture is off. Did you reattach it correctly?” Vayne spoke casually, or at least what she considered casual. Her tone was still rather harsh, but at least now she seemed to show some concern.
Kicks Talon in the shin.
She has effectively just kicked solid metal. 
Talon collapses to the ground and it appears his leg is detached. He groans in annoyance, moving to moreso sit and straight-up grabs his… detached leg. As soon as his clothing isn’t hiding it, it’s–
A prosthetic.
“Consider your days numbered.”
As embarrassed as he is, he still manages to reattach his prosthetic and cover it up again. If it hadn’t been seen, no one would have known.
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puresilverbolts · 5 years ago
Though Vayne’s boot is made of a rather tough material, she did not expect to hit solid metal and recoiled slightly as she brought her foot up to rub the afflicted area. She missed the exact moment when Talon fell to the ground, but upon hearing the sound she looked up. 
And the leg that she had just kicked was now detached?
She was puzzled for a moment until she looked closer and saw that what was now disconnected from the Noxian’s body was not, in fact, his actual leg but a prosthetic. 
“I’d apologize, but you’re a Noxian so you probably deserve it anyway.” She said coldly at first, but...the flower crown atop her head made it difficult to take her seriously. 
Kicks Talon in the shin.
She has effectively just kicked solid metal. 
Talon collapses to the ground and it appears his leg is detached. He groans in annoyance, moving to moreso sit and straight-up grabs his… detached leg. As soon as his clothing isn’t hiding it, it’s–
A prosthetic.
“Consider your days numbered.”
As embarrassed as he is, he still manages to reattach his prosthetic and cover it up again. If it hadn’t been seen, no one would have known.
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puresilverbolts · 5 years ago
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I see people fighting over Rakan and Xayah vs Xayah and Sett vs Sett and Rakan. I am just here here like “Guys. Sett has two hands. He can have a boyfriend and a girlfriend”.
Artwork by SofiVastaya
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puresilverbolts · 5 years ago
{ While Vayne despises those that practice “Black Magics” and swears to hunt them down, her definition of “Black Magic” is quite loose. As a Demacian, Vayne grew up with many anti-magic ideals surrounding her. At first, she believed that all those who practiced magic were evil and deserved to have her silver bolts embedded deep within their chest, however, as she matured she realized that magic is the way some protect themselves or those around them. To some, magic is as natural as her using her arms and legs to fight off her attackers. 
As such, she does not mind those that use magic to naturally (such as Vastayans). That does not mean she will always forgive them, should these Vastayans use their magic to selfishly harm others especially children then Vayne will not hesitate to hunt them down just as relentlessly as she would a ghoul. }
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puresilverbolts · 5 years ago
She casually adds more flowers to Vayne's crown. The more the merrier. And some flowers are placed upon her bow and next to the arrows.
Normally, an interaction like this would warrant Vayne’s annoyance and maybe even a few warning shots. However, it seems that, for now, the Night Hunter has mellowed out at least slightly. “I believe the crown was fine as it was before. Although, I cannot say that this is entirely unpleasant. Just this once, I shall allow you to do this.” Even if the flowers themselves might prove to be a distraction should she need to hunt down an abomination. 
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puresilverbolts · 5 years ago
{ Yeah Vayne has a flower crown now, that’s it, that’s the update. Feel free to react or make fun of her if you’d like. }
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puresilverbolts · 5 years ago
The little kitten rushed to see the strange lady. They're now carrying a crown of flowers in their mouth. When they found her, they dropped the crown in front of her.
It had been a few days since Vayne’s last encounter with the small kitten. She thought that the interaction they had in the past would be their first and their last, a simple fleeting interaction. However, much to her surprise that same kitten had reappeared before her with a strange item in their mouth. 
She bent down almost reflexively this time to see what they had dropped in front of her. It was a flower crown. She examined it and then looked at the kitten, gently petting it with a single finger. “This must be from your owner.” That was the only logical conclusion as a kitten did not have opposoable thumbs that allowed it to properly grasp a flower, much less make a crown of them. “An odd gift, and an even stranger delivery method.” 
While Vayne had no reason to keep the flower crown she also had no reason to get rid of it. As such, she decided that it couldn’t hurt to put the crown on just for a moment or so. Which is a sight to behold. Her ever stoic and cold expression directly contrasted by the crown of flowers that now rested atop her head as she looked down at the kitten. “I suppose it’s convenient that you cannot speak, or else I would have thrown this away immediately.”
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puresilverbolts · 5 years ago
"You smell like clean magic. Light magic! Silver, maybe? Do you not like dark magics?"
“I have a scent of magic on me you say? I’m surprised that I don’t reek of the abominations that I hunt. No, I am not fond of dark magics, those that practice such magic are swiftly hunted down by me and then--” Vayne looked at the cat and decided to keep her language to herself. “Then they’ll be unable to continue practicing their magics and spreading pain.” 
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puresilverbolts · 5 years ago
{ In response to an anonymous ask I received, unfortunately I accidentally deleted the post that I made due to poor formatting and I cannot find the ask again. }  Vayne is caught off-guard by the kitten that suddenly fell onto the ground in front of her. Normally she’d ignore the small animal and be on her way, but she felt compelled to stop as she bent down to observe the small creature. She placed her goggles atop her head to see the kitten better. Cute, vulnerable, and ultimately what was likely to be a waste of time. However, she cannot help the way she reached her hand out and with one finger gently rubbed underneath the small animal’s chin. “Are you lost, little one? It’s dangerous for you to be out and about by yourself and I’ve no time to take care of you.” The Night Hunter looked around, wondering if the little kitten’s mother was close by, now that she’d stopped she might as well help the small animal before she continued on her way. Her quick survey of the area didn’t give her much to go off of, so she picked the small kitten up and cradled them gently in her arms—an action that directly contradicted the sadistic and callous way she carried herself. “Could it be that you lack a mother?” She knew that there was likely no point in speaking to a kitten unless she wanted to make herself look crazy, but she felt something stir within her. Compassion? Remorse? No. “I pity one as small as yourself. So defenseless. At the very least I can offer you a safe space for a day or so, but I cannot wait for you to grow old enough.” Nor could she teach a kitten any self-defense techniques.
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puresilverbolts · 5 years ago
No way would you dare to kiss someone from Bilgewater or Noxus (or Shadow Isles).
“The Shadow Isles,” Vayne scoffs, “I would sooner eliminate them.” However, that portion aside Vayne heavily considered her options. Kissing anyone from Noxus was just asking for the Demacian government to breathe down her neck more than they already did. That meant no one from Noxus. “There are few people that I would kiss, but since it’s a dare... Bilgewater it is.”  Vayne prepared her wristbolt launcher. “It was never stated whether they had to be alive or dead, right?” She chuckled. 
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puresilverbolts · 5 years ago
Vayne takes her goggles off to clean them while standing idle, as if waiting for something⁠—or perhaps someone. 
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puresilverbolts · 5 years ago
Send my muse dares
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puresilverbolts · 5 years ago
Intro & Promo
Untapped, wild, and alone. The fox knew that things were always meant to be like this, but she wishes to experience all the world’s pleasures and she can’t do that holed up in her den. She wanders and plays to her heart’s content, or so it seems. 
♡ New independent blog for Ahri from League of Legends.  ♡ Like, reblog, or follow if interested in interacting! 
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puresilverbolts · 5 years ago
The Night Hunter’s Return
Demons, monsters, abominations. The creatures of the night go by many names and they have been allowed for far too long to run free without a natural predator, but now the nightmares’ worst nightmare has returned and vengeance boils within her blood.  //I have picked up Vayne once again because after all this time she’s still one of my favorite champions.  Feel free to interact with this post to have a Night Hunter lurking nearby. 
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puresilverbolts · 5 years ago
[ Would it be funny if I came back on a whim or would it be in poor taste? ]
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puresilverbolts · 8 years ago
Important? Or not.
Basically the gist of what happened is I kinda fell into a slump and I'm dealing with it well enough to the point where I don't stab myself but not to the point of where I can be active and bring myself to care about roleplay or anything else really. I try to do something like writing and everything just seems stupid. I try drawing and I can't get anything right. So yeah. I guess it's a hiatus until I get emotional and delete the account like my previous one.
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