raiokori · 2 years
me: hasn’t been active in like a year
also me: haha bad choices time who wants stinky two timing pro hero/villain pretty boy 
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raiokori · 3 years
Ojiro Kosuke just gave his son a look. “You know you need to be closer than that for him to smell like you. It’s fine son, keep your secrets as if you wish, we already have enough drama between us without adding more, if you are indeed gay.”
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Denki still kept his hand on Ojiro’s back, but he was very confused at this turn of the conversation. “Huh? Gay? I smell like you?” Denki asked in confusion as he sniffed at himself. “I don…” Denki began but then as he looked between the two. “We’ll talk later.” He mumbled, not wanting to interfere in his friend’s family affair.
Kosuke nodded as he kept his tail wrapped around his son’s. “I have been reviewing news articles Mashirao. You…you’ve found friends here and you’ve done well. I’m…I’m proud of you.”
This was going so poorly, but for an entirely different reason than Ojiro would have thought initially. He really couldn’t tell if this was simply his father being blunt, or if he was trying to keep some sort of upper hand in the conversation. He’d never dated anyone before, let alone anything else, so the implications that his father was putting out there -- in front of and about his friend! -- made him want to melt into the ground. 
Ojiro didn’t even know if Kaminari had preferences that way!
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“That’s--! W-We’re not talking about this right now, Dad!” Ojiro sputtered, face and ears burning, not at all wanting to make eye contact with either his father or Kaminari in the moment.
How embarrassing and uncomfortable was this...Hopefully it didn’t get any worse.
“I’m sorry, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” Ojiro muttered over his shoulder to Kaminari, waving his hands a little in a don’t pay him any attention sort of gesture. God, it was going to be amazing if Kaminari still wanted anything to do with him after this complete disaster. 
“I’m proud of you.”
This shunted all the chaotic thoughts in his head into a full on, screeching halt. Really, he was proud? Now? Why now, after everything? For years, Ojiro had struggled and worked and bled to hear that from his father. And now, here he was, saying it...and Ojiro wasn’t sure if he believed it. The bitter thought made him feel guilty.
“...You’re proud of me. Even though I’m not doing what you wanted me to do?”
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raiokori · 3 years
can people stop writing my boy as discriminatory towards quirkless people in fanfic with quirkless izuku aus? i literally have zero problem with people giving him flaws because yknow...flaws make a character good! i love to give him flaws!
but i have such a hard time believing that a kid like ojiro, who really only has his skills in martial arts (something that anyone can do, regardless of quirk status) to draw on to be a hero, would do or say some of the shit people have him do in these fics.
like...bro got into the hero course with just his tail, you think he wouldn't understand how hard it would be to try and be a hero without a quirk? he's one of the class 1-a kids who comes closest to being quirkless when compared to the others in 1-a and 1-b honestly.
like i know hardly anyone cares about ojiro as a character but there's 0 reason to drag one character through the mud when it doesnt logically make sense for that character, but especially when you have other options with who might actually have these sorts of misguided or prejudiced views??? wild
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raiokori · 3 years
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He really hadn’t meant to bring it up, he didn’t want to burden anyone else with his issues, but Ojiro was just so…… sweet. He was nice and gentle and understanding and when he said he wouldn’t tell anyone anything, Kirishima believed him. Maybe it would be good to talk about it, to get it all out there so someone he was a little closer to would actually know what he went through back there.
“I….. almost died.” He finally admitted, chewing on his lip in thought for a moment or so before pulling up his sleeves to show his friend the new scars covering the backs of his forearms. “Fat and I got separated from the rest of the group and…. and even though I went unbreakable, I still….. broke.”
Kirishima sucked in a deep breath, then pulled his sleeves back down and curled up a little tighter beside the blond. “I was just starting to like…. actually feel kind of good about my progress and stuff and feeling like I could handle things, but then…… n-now all I can think about is what would have happened if Fat wasn’t there? Even he ended up in pretty rough shape and he’s like a hundred times tougher than I am. I barely even did anything. The first time this guy punched me he just like…. shattered my arms and I don’t….. I don’t have an offensive quirk. All I’m good for is being a shield and I couldn’t even do that right, Fat spent most of that fight protecting me when it should have been the other way around.” He didn’t notice he’d started crying until he felt a tear trail down his cheek and the redhead quickly moved to wipe his eyes, turning his face away from his friend as he did so.
“I’m sorry….. I-I didn’t mean to bring your morning down or anything, I just–– i-it’s a lot to process and I’m still….. not great at sharing this kinda stuff with most of my friends, but I know you wouldn’t judge me or tell me I’m whining or anything like that……”
I almost died.
It was three simple words, but they hit like a sucker punch to the gut. Kirishima had almost died? Like...genuinely, truly almost hadn’t made it back to them alive? The thought made Ojiro’s stomach turn, and as the other boy showed him the scars on his arms, he couldn’t help but squeeze Kirishima tighter. 
He knew that the raid had been really rough, but this...
And, of course, this was a risk of the work they were going into. They’d already come close so many times before to some of them getting seriously, fatally injured. They’d almost lost teachers as well, and other pros, but...
Fuck, they really almost had lost friends because of that mission. It was upsetting, and even a little frustrating; proving themselves as capable heroes was one thing at their age, but who thought it was okay to let kids their age take on something of that degree?
Ojiro wasn’t sure what -- if anything -- he could or should say in this moment, so he remained quiet for a time, simply keeping Kirishima in a tight embrace as he processed through everything he’d been told. He didn’t realize the redhead had started to cry during his retelling, only seeing that something was up when Kirishima shifted to wipe at his face and turn away. The blond didn’t draw attention to it, knowing that this was a sore enough topic already without making a fuss about something else that bothered Kirishima.
“You have nothing to apologize for, Kirishima. I’m just--” Ojiro struggled for a moment, licking his lips as he tried to find the right words. “I’m sorry you experienced that. I can’t imagine how scary that must have been...” Because it was real. It was so horribly, terrifyingly real. Not that previous experiences hadn’t been, but there still felt like there’d been the safety net of UA to catch them. Being separated from the others, faced up against a villain that had even his mentor on the ropes, and sustaining serious injuries despite putting up his best defenses? 
That was scarring. Physically, mentally -- but to Kirishima’s spirit, too.
“I know this might not mean much, but you and Fat Gum did survive, and it was because you’re both strong. You’re just getting started, and you may have been hit hard, but you got back up even though you’d been busted up. Flashy Quirks and experience aside, that is what a hero does. They get back up, even when they’re hurt, even when they’re scared.”
He likely wasn’t saying the right things, but really, he did mean it. Even if Kirishima thought he’d been weak in that instance during the raid, Ojiro couldn’t think of something that embodied heroism more than what he’d done. Even if it didn’t come entirely naturally to him, or wasn’t something he could pull off right from the start.
“You aren’t any lesser for what happened that day. Or for feeling the way you do about it. I’m just...I’m so glad you did come back to us, Kirishima,” Ojiro whispered, his tail curled protectively around the other boy as he rubbed slow circles into his shoulder.
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raiokori · 3 years
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“Yeah! I’d be more than happy to tell you guys about it when I get back! As for the class cheer, I wanted to do it for things like the Sports Festival mostly because I was a bit disappointed we weren’t going to do a cheer battle, not like I was in any state to do a cheer battle anyways considering my, uh, reaction to being tricked by Denki and Minoru at the start of the Sports Festival. Ugh, now I just want to smack myself for making such a scene!”
Noelle sighed, thinking about how she responded to that made her feel embarrassed and ashamed all over again, remembering how she felt so insecure and humiliated that she ran inside one of the waiting room bawling her eyes out, refusing to get out until Midnight, the chief referee herself had to delay the event for 5 minutes so she could run back there and console the upset student. If Noelle could kick herself for making everybody wait, she definitely would.
“Yeah, that wasn’t very nice of them to do...,” Ojiro sighed, remembering that whole fiasco. It had been extremely confusing to see the girls in cheerleading costumes when he’d spoken up to quit, and he didn’t really get the entire story until after the Sports Festival ended.
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“But, I don’t think anyone blames you for your reaction. No one likes to be tricked, and it feels even worse when there are other people watching it happen...” Not to mention the whole thing had been televised, too.
“Did you and the other girls ever get an apology from them?”
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raiokori · 3 years
Denki nodded wordlessly as he stayed behind the other and just put his hand on Ojiro’s back as a silent show of support. So far, his friend’s father hadn’t been rude or anything, in fact, the blond would have called him a decent guy until he got tricked. Still, he seemed sincere, so he was inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. But then, it wasn’t up to him. He only hoped his classmate wouldn’t let past encounters cloud his judgement over future ones.
Kosuke relaxed a bit as his son’s tail met his and he wrapped his around Masa’s as he drew closer. “I know you do, and I know you have good reasons for not answering mine. I was hoping we could talk. I apologize for misleading your friend, but when I found him, I thought he was you for a few moments. You know why.” Kosuke said eyeing the electric one behind his son. “Very protective of him, are you two…involved?” He asked curiously, wondering why his son’s scent was all over his classmate.
(I’ll let you decide that one. :) I don’t mind either way. :)
It felt like some of the weight had been lifted from this encounter, everyone relaxing a bit more now that they weren’t ready to have some sort of scuffle.
Ojiro couldn’t help giving his father a baffled look at that. Really? He mistook Kaminari for him? Sure, they were both blond, but they had different styles and they didn’t dress alike at all! Not to mention his father should have been able to smell--
Oh. Oh, well, that was a little bit embarrassing...
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“K-Kaminari’s one of my friends, and we’ve all been living in the dorms for a while! I-I’m sure you might confuse most of my classmates for me, if that’s all you’re using...,” Ojiro mumbled, face red at the implications. He didn’t know if there was anything between Kaminari, in that sense; they were good friends for sure, and they’d shared some pretty personal things, so...maybe more than just friends? 
“You’re getting off track! You want to talk? Okay, let’s talk. What, exactly did you come all the way out here to speak with me about?” Was it too much to hope for an apology? Or even just...a little bit of support for wanting to become a Pro Hero instead of a MMA fighter?
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raiokori · 3 years
I am once again without wifi for the weekend, but I desire to do SOMETHING, so give this a like & I'll send you some sort of meta/headcanon question in some sort of relative time frame.
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raiokori · 3 years
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🌸 → ❝ Mmmm? I was here the whole time. Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.❞
“T-The whole time?! But I didn’t hear you or anything!”
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“Are you a master at stealth, or something?”
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raiokori · 3 years
    What a relief. Hiro tried hard to listen and watch for social queues, but even his attentiveness can miss stuff. Lesson one: staring is rude. Still, Hiro smiles brightly and moves closer to Ojiro, happy to join him on the training field.
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    “I would love to work with you!” Could he really be blamed for being excited? He might be making a friend! “My quirk is, um, well I’m a sort of shapeshifter, I guess. My body alters itself according to what happens to it and around me. Like I grow fur when I’m cold, gills when I’m underwater, and scales when I get hit.”
    Powerful on the surface, sure, but it had a fair amount of drawbacks. Body aches and mobility issues being the main problems.
It was nice to see the somewhat worried air about the other dissipate, excitement and friendliness filling in the space full force once he was assured that nothing was wrong. Ojiro wasn’t as good as some of the others in their class at making people feel like friends right off the bat -- he wasn’t that extroverted and it could take a bit for him to warm up to people, and he had very few hobbies to bond with others over -- but he always tried his best to be friendly and polite.
“That sounds like a really good defensive Quirk,” Ojiro commented, tail swishing this way and that, “Learning some form of self defense would help bolster the natural advantage you already have, and it may even lessen the need for your Quirk to react as much in some situations. Are there any limitations to it that you know of?”
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Martial arts were a good way to build confidence; while they were clearly able to be used offensively, Ojiro did prefer to think of them more as self defense tactics primarily. Being able to read an opponent, and then use their own moves or strengths against them, was more valuable in protecting yourself than being able to take someone down by force. 
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raiokori · 3 years
Ojiro shifted his weight from foot to foot, black eyes keeping a lookout for the Pro he was supposed to be interning for. He knew that they were more of an underground Hero, which he’d been pretty keen to do, quite honestly, since he figured he could learn a lot of practical skills that they hadn’t gotten to yet in school. 
Marketing himself wasn’t exactly going to be easy or reliable, especially with his pulling out of the Sports Festival like he did. He doesn’t regret that choice, but it’s still something that makes him second guess himself.
But, he wanted to put that stuff behind him. He was here to learn the nitty gritty of Hero work, and he was eager to meet expectations!
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“If they ever show up, that is....Maybe I got the time wrong? Or...the place?” Ojiro wondered out loud to himself, taking his phone out to check the details he’d gotten.
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raiokori · 3 years
Hands him a plate of cake then flutters back a bit, so he can watch his reaction. :/ Still testing these things.
Accepts the plate, but absolutely stares between the cake and the man with befuddlement.
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"...Did I do something to earn this?" Ojiro couldn't help asking, though he did start in on it -- if only to be polite. Although...the man didn't have any for himself, so would it be rude to eat in front of him -- even if he was the one to give him the cake?
"Oh, wait, would you like to share?" he asked, luckily before he'd actually started eating, his tail wagging slightly.
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raiokori · 3 years
From up in the rafters of the gym, someone shouts down to Ojiro. “Hey! Nice tail, dude!” Up high above is a young man— or perhaps a very large and vocal monkey?— grinning at the blonde and hanging upside down from a tail of his own. “Nice to see I’m not the only one who can hang around.”
Ojiro was definitely caught off guard by the sudden shout, his head whipping back and forth as he tried -- and failed, initially -- to locate the owner of the voice. It wasn't until he looked up that he saw who had called out to him.
A lot of the time, if someone said "Nice tail, dude!" to him, it wasn't exactly meant as a compliment. But, now that he saw the guy, his guard came down and he visibly relaxed, tail uncoiling itself from around his leg.
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"Pretty nice one yourself!" Ojiro called back up, actually curious as to how the other student got up into the rafters like that. "Did you...How did you get up there?" he couldn't help asking, craning his neck back.
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raiokori · 3 years
"Have a good weekend Jiji!" Denki said cheerfully as he rubbed the others tail in contentment.
Ojiro hummed lightly at Kaminari's cheerful tone, his tail curling loosely around the other boy's hand as he rubbed along the extra limb. He was so used to the contact by now that it was sort of relaxing.
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"Mm, are you going somewhere this weekend?" the tailed boy asked, pulling himself out of the slight doze he'd allowed himself to fall into. They hadn't really been doing anything, just sort of enjoying each other's company, and with Kaminari keeping up with petting his tail, Ojiro had given in a little to how tired he was feeling now that they were finally hitting the end of the week.
Classes and training were tiring enough, but it was inescapable that he had to put in more effort than most of his classmates just to keep up. He was just...tired, and as much as a part of his brain was begging him to actually rest over the weekend, Ojiro knew he had to squash those thoughts if he ever wanted to get anywhere.
"Or is your nice just overflowing?"
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raiokori · 3 years
"ojiro mashirao-kun, right?"
truthfully, inko was terribly lost. the visitors pass and identifying badge hung on a lanyard around her neck, denoting her status, and she'd already asked twice how to get to the dorms which housed 1-A. she got this far, but she'd only seen a handful of her son's classmates, including the one she just addressed.
had she came at a bad time..? maybe they were off doing some work studies? oh well..
"-- i've brought some gifts for all of izuku's friends." she pauses a moment, then adds a little flustered. "oh, sorry, i mean deku.. am i supposed to use his hero name around here? it can be so confusing!"
Ojiro had been making his way back to the dorms after spending some of his free time at one of the campus gyms, some of the other students milling around the grounds in small friend groups or getting in a nice run before it got too dark to do so. The weather was actually nicer out at the moment than when he'd first headed over to get in some extra training, and he was almost tempted to join the couple of people he saw jogging.
But, before he could really settle on what to do, his attention was drawn to one of the side paths when someone called his name in a bit of an uncertain voice. Immediately glancing away from checking the battery life of his phone to see if he had enough left to maybe have some music for that potential run, the blond quickly spotted the woman who had flagged him down. He wasn't entirely familiar with most of his classmates' families, but the green hair, rounded eyes and sort of nervous-but-kind energy that seemed to hang around her gave him a pretty good idea of who he was dealing with.
"Oh, Midoriya-san, are you visiting today? Deku'll be happy to see you!"
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Ojiro blinked when she back-tracked a little, his tail curling slightly near the tip as he gave her a sympathetic look. "It can be a bit confusing, especially when some of us seem to use our hero names sort of like nicknames in casual settings. But, that was very kind of you to do; I'm sure they'll be appreciated." Considering she seemed rather flustered, and that she still had her gifts on hand, he couldn't help but think that maybe the mother hadn't been able to meet up with Midoriya quite yet.
"I was just heading back to our class' building, if you'd be alright with me walking you over?"
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raiokori · 3 years
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i lived
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raiokori · 3 years
Work has gotten a little complicated again, so it might be a couple days before I can get to the stuff I want to here.
Thank you for being patient!
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raiokori · 3 years
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“It’s a holiday for celebrating African-American culture! It’s a holiday that is dear to me and my family, they’ve been celebrating it long before I was born! Although I’m going to the Northeastern part of the U.S., so it’s gonna be hot, but not really hot since it tends to get really cold in the winter months… Ooh! I’ve also been meaning to tell you guys that I’ve been working on our very own class cheer!”
“Oh, I see! Definitely a good thing to get to see family for it, then! When you get back, if you like, maybe you can tell us about it? That way, we can do something here, too, just in case you don’t get to go back home to celebrate with family next year. We certainly won’t be any competition, but if it’s something important to you, I’m sure everyone would be all in on it.”
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“So...sort of hot, but not too hot? But a class cheer? For like...things like the Sports Fest, or just whenever?”
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