#[listen kiri pretty & if this were a different moment he would say so--]
here have this garbage brain rot i wrote because i’m lonely
not proofread, not really thought through, just bakugo cuddle hours
“What.” you reply, clearly annoyed. You sit up in bed and yawn, squinting at your phone to see who called you. “Denks, you know it’s like four in the morning and I have a midterm tomorrow right? What could possibly be so important that you’re risking my A in economics?”
Kaminari giggles over the line and you can practically see his flushed face, swaying and drunk at whatever party he’s at. “Well fuck you too.” He giggles and ends the call.
For a brief moment, you consider laying back down and going back to sleep before groaning and calling him back.
“Yeeeees?” Denki replies and you can hear the amused grin on his face as well as the booming music in the background.
“What, what do you need? A ride? Some food? Spit it out.” Normally you wouldn’t cop an attitude with him but considering the circumstances, you feel perfectly justified to as you slide out of bed to put on shoes.
“Kacchan got too drunk and Ei wanted me to call you cuz he said I’m a-“ you hear grappling before Kirishima’s voice speaks. “Sorry, he got away from me for a second. I was about to call you: Bakubro is drunk and needs a ride home. I would be able to give him one but I think Sparky is going to be a handful tonight.” He states, after which you hear an offended “heyyy!” from Denki in the back.
“Yeah of course, just send me the address and I’ll be there in five. But you owe me a coffee in the morning as a thank you before my midterm.”
You pull up in front of the house, hearing the music and the people from a block away. You spot Kirishima, Denki, and Bakugo standing on the lawn, the two latter using Kiri as support to stand. With Kirishima waving, Katsuki walks (stumbles) over to your car, leaning down to peer through the passenger side window.
“Hey princess.” He slurs with that signature smirk of his.
“Get in, dumbass.” You reach across the seat to push open the door and he stumbles before clumsily getting in.
The two of you had been in the same friend group for years, even before college, so you didn’t mind seeing him at his least inhibited and vice versa. The person you were a few years ago would be humiliated to be seen in pajamas with messy hair, literally fresh out of bed, but she had long since disappeared. The fact that you had a crush on Katsuki is old news. You’d told him your feelings and were rejected. It was rough for a while but you found your way back together as friends.
“Give me the aux.” Bakugo snaps you out of your thoughts.
“Absolutely not. Last time I let you pick music while you were drunk we listened to We Are The Champions by Queen on repeat for the rest of the night.”
“You suck.”
“You swallow.” You quip back with a smile.
Your friendship had become much closer than it had been before your confession, and part of you is grateful for that, but some deeply repressed part of your mind still dreams about life with him. All broad shoulders, tan skin, freckles along his pretty face and shoulders. If you didn’t know better, you’d say he was mistakenly sent to Earth instead of heaven. Fortunately, you know all the nuances that make him, him. How he gets smiley and cocky most while drunk, how he still gets the steps to the macarena mixed up, how he refuses to admit that he likes his hair messed with but gets goosebumps every time you play with it, and how he sprawls out while spending time with those he cares about so that he can be touching his friends as much as possible. His tall, muscular frame and semi-permanent scowl implies that he is a different person than who he is while with you and the group.
“Are we going home?” He asks, words slurring together.
“We aren’t going to the North Pole.”
“Can I stay at yours tonight? You always take good care of meee.” He says, playing with the air conditioning.
“You can if you don’t play with the AC.” You reply, smiling as you grab his hand to put it back in his lap.
After a battle to drag Katsuki up the stairs, he’s finally face down on your sofa. You grab your hangover kit for him for when he wakes up, but as you go to set it down on the coffee table, he grips your wrist.
“Wanna stay with you tonight. Pleeeeeeeease?” He asks, vermillion eyes peering up at you from under the mop of blond hair.
“With me?”
He rolls over onto his back, his cheeks still flushed and appearance still a little rumpled after the party. “Your bed is cozier.”
“Only if you promise not to puke.”
A drunken “mhm” is murmured as he gets up, swaying slightly as he makes his way to your bedroom.
You make sure he’s cleaned up and has taken the appropriate medicine to ease his pain in the morning before letting him climb into the other side of your bed.
“Comfy?” You ask from the bathroom, brushing your teeth in the mirror.
“Mmmmmm.” Katsuki utters, his face buried in your pillow. He moves his head to the side to see you as you make your way to the bed. “Thanks.”
“Anytime.” You reply, sliding into bed, instinctually scooting into his arms as you had during shared naps so many times before.
“You’re pretty.” He mumbles into your hair.
You let out an abrupt laugh, caught off guard. “You’re drunk.” You know that you weren’t dolled up, that you’d rolled out of bed, literally, before seeing him.
“Nuh uh,” Katsuki insists, leaning up over you on one arm. “You’re pretty.”
“Kats, you’re drunk. Lay back down and let’s sleep off that hangover of yours, okay?”
Pouting, he lets himself back down and pulls you tight to him. He gets a flush to his cheeks when drunk, but thankfully that means that you can’t tell when he’s blushing from being around you as well.
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ax-killjoy · 2 years
☆ You’ve got me
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synopsis ! 𖦹 : No matter how much you wish to hate Lo’ak, he’s got you wrapped around his finger.
note ! 𖦹 : this is based off of the 1944 theatre podcast called Dangerously Yours. it’s a beautiful podcast. <3 based of the phrase : “I hate that man ! I hate him !! but oh Cara Mia, how i love him.”
Lo’ak Sully x Gn!Reader
PART 2 !! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
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“You should tell him. you know.” You hear Kiri say, snapping you back to reality. You look at her with a confused gaze, but she just lets out a breathy laugh and shakes her head.
“Lo’ak, you should tell Lo’ak. You’ve been staring at him like he made the stars.” Kiri says, and you sigh. Turning back to gaze at him, watching as Tsireya and him interact. His eyes bore into hers, his eyes like leafs shining against sunlight, staring at her. He smiles brightly, and as if he knew. He looks at you and Kiri’s direction causing you to squeak in surprise.
Kiri let’s out a loud laugh, “shut up !!! Kehe !” you sputtered, slapping her arm as she continues to giggle. You turn back, Lo’ak still looking at you, and he waves. You blush slightly, waving back.
。:.��ஐ⋆* !!
you sat outside the pod, listening to the waves crash, the soft rustling of the leaves, the snores of the ilu. You know you should be sleeping inside, like the rest of the Sully family but you couldn’t help it, thoughts ran rampant in the forest of your mind. You lost yourself in your head, daydreaming.
The nights blended together as you lived here, even though you experienced more teasing than you did in the forest. You found yourself hanging out with people you actually found comfort in. Though you were attached to Kiri by the hip, sometimes Rotxo would come by and hang out with you, and sometimes Tsireya would too.
oh Eywa. Tsireya. Daughter of Tonowari, the Olo’eyktan. She was beauty, the pure definition. When you first saw her, giggling at Lo’ak. You were sure that Eywa was picking favorites. She caught Lo’ak attention with just a simple gaze, attention you prayed to have. Some might call you jealous but it was something different. Insecurity.
You had spent all your childhood growing up with the Sully family, and yet you couldn’t even get Lo’ak to look at you the way she did.
You and Lo’ak were born around the same time. After your birth, your mother had sadly passed, and only 9 years after that, your father went MIA. Jake Sully swore to take you in, as you had already been hanging around his kids for so long. You were basically family, growing up with them in that way too. As you grew older, you started to change and your emotions for others became different. The moment you knew what a crush was, and could identify the churning in your stomach when seeing Lo’ak, you had spent more of your life hanging out with him. Being around him, trying to express your feelings. Each time he would simply tease you, and though he only joked. It simply brought a bitter taste to your mouth.
And now, you come here to the reefs to seek refuge. And within seconds Lo’ak is following around the chief’s daughter like a lost dog. Begging to be seen, to talk, to impress her. Your stomach feels like it’s clenching, your heart hurts at the sight. You hug yourself in insecurity, you look away everytime. Maybe if you looked away long enough, you could dream that the way Lo’ak looked at Tsireya, was the way he looked at you.
“Y/N ?”
You snap out of your thoughts, turning back to see Kiri and Neteyam. Neteyam seemed just as awake as you, whilst Kiri wiped her eyes tiredly. “What are you doing up so late, flower ?” Neteyam asks, crouching next to slowly moving positions to sit down. Flower, the nickname Lo’ak gave you. The nickname everyone uses, and the nickname Lo’ak stopped using as you got older.
“Yeah, you should be sleeping like the rest of us. I miss home, but the Pod is pretty comfy.” she says, making you and neteyam chuckle. She moves to sit next to you, on the other side of you. The warmth both Kiri and Neteyam radiate off their bodies make you feel warm, yet so small. your ears turn back, and you look down.
“Just needed some time to think.” You whisper, as if it was something to be ashasmed of. Maybe it was. You feel Neteyam pull you closer, you lean against him, “Is that about my baby bro ?” he asks, you perk up. Kiri and Neteyam immediately know the answer.
“I-“ you didn’t know what to say, instead you sigh and nod. It feels pathetic know that you’ve admitted to it. You let your head fall onto Neteyam’s shoulder. Seeking comfort, “He makes me feel so Weak, Nete. So insecure, so pathetic.” You say softly, Kiri’s brows furrow. “He’s so beautiful, a free spirit. He is allowed to like whoever he wants, when he want. He is son of Toruk Makto, he should be with someone that loves him unconditionally.” you sputter, catching your breath. “But it makes me hate it so much, how dare he catch my heart and trap it in his hands. I’ve fallen for a boy who does not see me, Nete. How pathetic is that ?” You release a bitter laugh, Neteyam hums. His voice rumbling his body, he soothes you more.
But you bite your lip, trying not to spill tears. “I hate that man ! I hate Lo’ak!” you say, angrily clenching your hands. You clench so hard your knuckles to a light blue almost white, you hand slightly shakes. But soon you sigh, releasing your anger. You slump back into Neteyam’s touch. Neteyam’s soothing hand and kiri’s tail wrapping around you in comfort. “But oh, Ma Yawne. How i love him.” You struggle.
“Oh Syulang. It’s going to be ok.” Neteyam coos, trying to comfort you in anyways you can. “it will ok, Syulang. If Lo’ak doesn’t see you, there is someone out there that will.” Kiri says, comforting you. “Literally, I saw Rotxo giving you stares last training.” He says, and you laugh sniffling. Leaning into the comfort of Neteyam and Kiri.
But behind you, watching from the marui. Was a young Na’vi, with sharp dark furrowed eyebrows and bright lime green eyes. His ears perked at the sound of you, his tail swishing in yearning. A boy who’s heart hurts at the sight of you laying in his brother’s arms, as you release a love confession for him. He watches you with love, a bittersweet taste in his mouth. He hates seeing you in such a state, but at least he knows that the love he shares is mutual.
♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪✧ !! translations !
Ma Yawne - My Beloved
Syulang - Flower
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slu1foespider · 2 years
The Worst -A spider short story
This was not proof read and was rushed, so if there is any mistakes i’m sorry.
(Spider and breath pandora air cus i said so)
(Neteyam is alive because i also said so)
This is the first story i’ve written in a long time so please be patient with me😭
It has been 2 weeks since the battle at the three brother rocks and spider was in the lab getting all of his things that he needed to put in his new mauri. Since he was now able to breathe the pandora air, a beautiful gift from eywa the sully family was able to convince ronald into allowing spider to have his own mauri away from the village. Spider didn't mind since he didn't want to cause any trouble.
As he was packing the last of his things he heard music playing. Earth music. He didn't mind listening to it since it was pretty catchy. back when he was younger they used to play music all the time and he would sing some lyrics from time to time.
As spider was digging through his stuff, figuring out if there was anything else he needed he found his old iphone that Max had given him when he was 13 and a pair of airpods. He never used them though since he wasn't able to do much but play music, take pictures, and make calls. But he decided to take it with him for any emergency. Norm had told him one day that it had their numbers so all he had to do was call if there was any emergency.
After he finished packing everything he needed he left and went back to his pod.
By the time he had got all settled in it was eclipse and the fires that people had lit were now out. This was around the time that spider would take a scroll through the sand and sit and watch waves roll in and the stars in the sky and think to himself. The only time people would not stare at home and whisper amongst themselves. He was surprised that Kiri didn't come and try to pull him out today. but he didn't think much about it since the family is still trying to recover from the battle and from neteyam getting shot. Eywa was with him that day since he was only unconscious for a day or two but is still supposed to be in bed rest.
Spider decided to play music while he was sitting on the sand. Music would always find a way to calm down. It was what helped him soothe that pain. It helps him forget. When he was young he always wanted Jake or Neytiri to sing to him. but since he was never part of the family that never happened.
As soon as he opened the phone and clicked downloads he found a whole bunch of different song but he was only looking for one. `The Worst` by Jhené Aiko. He had heard them playing this one day while he was in the lab and it was stuck in his head for months. While he was taken by the RDA this was one of the only songs that was playing throughout his head once he realized that nobody was gonna come and save him. He turned his airpods all the way up and started playing it.
Tell me whatcha say now?
Tell me whatcha say Come again?
If you cannot stay down
Then you do not have to pretend
Like there is no way out
I shoulda never let you in
Cause you got me face down
Times like this help spider forget about everything. It's like he turns all his focus on singing and being in the moment and he stares off into the never ending waves.
And don't take this personal
But you're the worst
You know what you've done to me
And although it hurts I know
I just can't keep runnin' away
As spider was singing he didn't realize that ronal was also taking a scroll to clear her mind of the past chaos that has been going on in the past 2 weeks. She heard someone singing and she found herself listening to the boy sing from behind a rock. She never understood why and how he could mean so much to the sully's. They didn't even treat him like their own as they said he was. To her, he was a demon but he was still a child from what she could see. They treated him as if he was a stray cat. Mainly neytiri, she wants nothing to do with the boy.
I don't need you, I don't need you
I don't need you, I don't need you
But I want you
I don't mean to, I don't mean to
I don't mean to, I don't mean to
But I love you .
Spider couldn't help but let the pain fall out of his mouth as he was singing. He never had anyone. Nobody to tell him that everything was gonna be okay. nobody to start his song cord. nobody to tuck him in at night or make sure he was going to sleep. Nobody to kiss his boo boo’s when he got hurt. He never had anyone. Yes he had max and norm but they didn’t want him around much either. never once felt as if he was loved. but as he got older he realized that it was never gonna happen. but he still held on to that little bit of hope, a little bit of luck. Even though the sully family treated him like a stray he still wanted them to be his family. even to this day. but knows that it will never happen.
Tell me whatcha say now
Tell me whatcha say?
You said that you would come again
You said that we would remain friends but
You know that I do not depend on
Nothing or no one
So why would you show up
So uninvited then
Just change my mind like that
As Ronal was listening to the boy she heard other footsteps in the sand. It was Jake and her husband. Before Jake was able to give an apology about the boy, Ronal hushed him and Instead she told them to quickly and quietly come over to the rock she was hiding behind since she didn’t want spider to stop singing. They both quickly walked over. Jake's mouth was open, surprised at how well the boy could sing. And Tonowari's eyes widened, he could tell that he was putting every emotion into it.
Just change my mind like that
Please don't take this personal
But you ain't shit
And you weren't special
'Til I made you so
You better act like you know
That I been through worse than you
I just can't keep runnin' away
Ronald's only question was why. Why would anyone treat a child like this? Even though he is a demon from the sky he is still a child. Deserve to be treated with love. When she found out that he was kidnapped and nobody decided to try and save him broke her heart. The people that had begged to let him stay in their home weren't even taking care of him. As she got a closer look at him he was covered in bruises and cuts that looked like they were healing. but it was a poor job. The ointment was just placed on his back with nothing to cover it. She then looked over at her husband who was probably asking himself the same question she was asking. She then looked at Jake. Who was looking at a neytiri that was also walking towards them. “What are you doing out here ma jake? you said you were going for a quick walk but never came back.” she said but then looked over to the voice she heard and it was nobody but spider. She went to hiss at him but Ronal stopped her. “just listen” she said and lou all her focus back on the singing human. and so did neytiri.
But I don't need you
I don't need you, I don't need you
I don't need you, I don't need you
But I want you (but I want you)
I don't mean to, I don't mean to
I don't mean to, I don't mean to
But I love you (ayy, ayy)
Everybody's like
"He's no item"
"Please don't like 'em"
"He don't wife 'em"
"He one nights 'em"
I never listen, no
I shoulda figured though
All that shit you was spittin'
So unoriginal
Spider just let the music guide him. as he swayed to the beat. This was the most peaceful he has been since he got back from the RDA. He feels nothing but the sand underneath him and the cool breeze that tickles his face and body and it blows. He can finally smell the scent of the salty ocean water in his nose. not having to only smell his breath from the mask that his face was found in since the pandora air was toxic to him. His mind was empty as he sung. learning how to do that after months with the RDA. He just wants to forget…
But it was you
So I was with it
And tell you the truth
Wish we never did it
'Cause I usually do
Stick to the business
But you came out the blue
And then you just flipped it
Goddamn baby
My mind's blown
Be forgettin'
You live in a different time zone
Think I know what this is
It's just the time's wrong
Yeah, I know what you did
But, baby, I'm grown
And my love is patient
And kind, and shit
This is real we can build
Through different types of shit
If you was really the realest
Wouldn't be fightin' it
I think your pride is just
By this time ao‘nung, Tsireya, lo’ak, neteyam and kiri came out of their huts to find their parents. but to only find them listening to the human that was singing his heart out. The sully siblings knew that spider loved human music. He was always sing some song, but this was the first time they heard him sing like that. with so much emotion. as if he has been trapping all of it inside and is just letting it all come out now. Ao’nung and Tsireya are just surprised. they never heard a voice like spiders. let alone thought he could sing.
In the way
Funny how everything changed
Once you got all that you wanted
Nothing was ever the same
And though I don't need you, I don't need you
I don't need you, I don't need you
I still want you (oh)
I don't mean to, I don't mean to
I don't mean to, I don't mean to
But I, but I love you
By this point everyone was speechless. Even neytiri. They never knew how much pain he was in until they heard him open his mouth. They didn’t truly understand how much spider tried to be one of them all these years. well everyone besides kiri. She was the only one who accepted the fact that spider was navi. even though her mother would tell her that he would never be one of the people. Spider was her person. She knew how he felt even if he didn’t tell her. but she never tried to convince her mother that he was navi. cause she knew, she would never understand. Lo'ak saw spider as a brother but never understood why he wanted to be a navi so badly. but he kept these thoughts to himself. He never understood why his mother wouldn’t look past the fact that he wasn't a demon like his father was. Neteyam saw spider as his little brother. Even if spider was older than him, that still didn’t change the fact that he was his older brother. Neteyam though, sadly didn’t have much time to spend or bond with spider as all his other siblings were able to. He had too much training and practice to do as the son of the Olo’eyktam. So he was never able to bond with him but he did keep his distance from him for his mothers sake. But he realized that he shouldn’t have. all the time that spider needed someone, nobody was there. and he did nothing about it. thinking it was not his place, but soon realized that he was wrong. very wrong.
I don't need you, I don't need you
I don't need you, I don't need you
But I want you
I don't mean to, I don't mean to
I don't mean to, I don't mean to
But I love you .
At the end of the song spider had already relaxed himself and had got ready to choose a didn’t song but was stopped by loud clapping from behind him. Everyone was behind him smiling and clapping. have they been listening to him this whole time? he started to turn pink from embarrassment. He got up quickly and went to apologize for the noise and was about to walk back to his pod he was stopped by Ronal praising him on how well he could sing. “Your voice is beautiful child, no need for an apology,”.
Note: Spider listens to music 25/8 or is singing idc. This hc has been in my head for the longest and i just had to write it 😭. I literally wrote all of this last night and rushed it so if it don’t make any sense or I spell something wrong. MY FAULT JUST WORK WITH ME 😭.
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autumntouched · 2 years
I have a another question about Talk to me
Does Bob family’s know he is bisexual ?
( In the family group chat they only talked about Bob girlfriend )
Hahaha are you in my story notes @mael365 ?! So this was supposed to come up in an intermediary chapter in the Fab Floyd Four group chat. But I’m pretty sure it won’t end up there because it spins out the story I’m trying to wrap up 😂
Okay first though, the Floyd family chats are different on AO3 and tumblr. Walter says “girlfriend” on AO3 and “so” (significant other) on tumblr. I decided in between posting to be more clear that the family suspects but Bob has not confirmed to all of them. Bob hasn’t dated much and none of his relationships after high school lasted long enough or felt real enough to bring them up to his family, so even he is still figuring things out.
Here’s who knows what:
Mom and Dad - They don’t know and don’t really know what bisexual is. His mom thinks he might be gay. But they’re the kind of parents who use Pearl’s pronouns with no problem and were among the first to meet Pearl’s girlfriend now wife Kiri.
Mel and Walter - Mel suspects and tries to get Walter not to assume anything, but she doesn’t make a big deal out of it if he forgets so that Bob doesn’t feel put on the spot. Also, she slips up too. Bob dated her friend’s younger sister in high school.
Grace and Mike - They know. It came up organically because Grace and Bob are super close, and she’s seen him respond to guys flirting with him. Mike isn’t really active in the family group chat. He’s shy and often a little overwhelmed by the Floyds. Neither of them would ever say anything to their family though without Bob’s consent. They know he might still be figuring things out.
Pearl and Kiri - Pearl suspects, and Kiri hears about it all the time. Kiri knows Bob has slept with at least one guy (actually at their wedding, but that’s a story for another time) but as much as she loves her partner she knows better than to say anything. The thing is, Pearl could not keep a secret or have any discretion if their life depended on it so everyone actively keeps secrets from them. They’re the kind of person who tells you what they got you for Christmas because they can’t handle the secret. Like once they know Bob is bi, everyone is going to know. So yeah, they are always the last one to be looped in on anything.
What happens:
So the Fab Floyd Four chat blows up because Bob is updating his siblings about the Phoenix/ Hangman/Rooster situation (which they are thoroughly invested in), and Pearl presses Bob on his own love life. He gets annoyed, and Mel and Grace tell Pearl to stop. Bob has mentioned Mickey to Mel in passing and angsted about him for hours to Grace. But Pearl doesn’t know because once again—nothing will be private. In an offline family conversation, Mel isn’t paying attention and brings up Mickey. Grace tries to redirect, but Pearl realizes that their sisters know Bob has something going on with a guy and all hell breaks loose because they’ve been left out of a lot of things. And when they find out Kiri has known Bob is bi and said nothing, they go crying to their mom. And yeah, well, now everyone knows. So the Fab Floyd Four group chat gets explosive and tense for a little while. Bob and Pearl stop talking to one another, Grace takes Bob’s side (and therefore also stops talking to Pearl) and Mel by default has to at least listen to Pearl even though she sides with Grace and Bob. Walter, Mike, Kiri, and Phoenix (entered into the chat as “Robby’s Work Wifey”) end up forming their own support group chat to try to get the siblings to make up and because poor Kiri’s marriage is going through a rocky moment. Phoenix is definitely an honorary Floyd sister by the time she, Mel, and Mama Floyd get Pearl and Bob to make up.
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daenqyu · 4 years
— they walk in on their crush changing
includes: bakugou, kirishima, todoroki, midoriya, and tamaki
warnings: kinda suggestive?? swearing  
a/n: i saw multiple tiktoks about this and wanted to write something about it sooo yeah. some of them are a bit longer than others because i got carried away oops. hope you guys like it !!
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to @orbital-audio )
bakugou katsuki:
listen, i feel like bakugou would act like he doesn’t care at all
but he’s definitely blushing and can’t look at you straight in the eye 
he just wanted to let you know that since kaminari and mina forced him to help them study, you could come too 
so he made his way to your dorm room while looking at his phone
and he doesn’t even knock so you’re quite startled
although you don’t blame him because he’s always hanging out in your room and vice versa
“hey we’re gonna have a study session later tonight, in case you wanna come” his eyes are glued to his phone as he talks, but you still feel embarrassed that he’s in the same room as you while you’re changing 
after a few seconds go by with no response from you, he finally looks up from the device
“i’m talking to you-” the breath gets knocked out of him when he sees you’re in the middle of trying on different outfits 
and apparently you were about to try a new one because you’re just in your freaking underwear 
bakugou may be a lot of things, but he is not a pervert 
so he’s quick to turn around to face the door, his eyes tightly shut even tho he can’t see anything as it is since you’re behind him
“you dumbass, don’t you know how to lock a fucking door?! is not that hard for fuck’s sake” 
you almost want to laugh at the blonde’s state
you’ve never seen him like this before so you might as well tease him about it
“didn't your parents teach you it's impolite to enter a room without knocking first?”
oh he can hear the smirk on your face and he wants nothing more than to go up to you and wipe it off himself 
but he knows you’re still in your underwear 
and while it’s true he’s a gentleman, he’s also a man
seeing his crush in her underwear will most definitely get a reaction out of him
he curls his hands into fists by his side, jaw clenching because he knows you’re probably enjoying this
“just shut up and get dressed”
“is my room, i can stay like this if i want”
“put. something. on”
his tone annoys you
who the hell is he to tell you what to do?
“and what if i don’t want to?”
you’re just buffing of course, you’ve already put on one of bakugou’s shirt that you stole from him a week ago
his patience is running out 
and he’s mad at himself because fuck, why does he have to like you so much?
if it was any other girl he couldn’t have cared less and would’ve just walked out
but it’s you, his crush
you’re so different from everyone else and it makes his blood boil because feelings are stupid and he should be focusing on becoming the number one hero, not some silly high school crush
“okay i'm dressed”
a sigh of relief escapes his lips as he turns around, but it doesn’t take long before his eyes are wide open as he takes in your figure
you’re wearing his shirt
it ends just above your mid thigh and it falls around your figure loosely, obviously too big for you
bakugou can feel butterflies in his stomach at the sight 
why are you so pretty? 
“what was that you were saying when you walked in?”
you’re so calm and collected, walking around with only his shirt on 
normally he hates when people wear his clothes, but it looks so good on you he can’t even bring himself to be annoyed
“we’re having a study session tonight,” his voice is low and he fixes his gaze on the wall behind you. “and you can come too, if you want to that is”
“wait that’s a great idea, i’ve been falling behind on english recently”
he nods and you frown at his actions 
sure bakugou can be quiet, when he’s not mad, but he looks  rather…shy?
you smirk once again, knowing what this is all about
“don’t tell me the bakugou katsuki has never seen a girl naked before?”
“the fuck are you talking about?”
“well is either that or you like me because why else would you be so red right now?”
he groans when you say that
anyways he uhhh got tired of you not getting all the hints he’s been dropping and just straight up corners you against the wall
your heart is about to burst out of your chest at the close proximity and the feeling only intensifies when he smirks
he leans down, lips merely inches away from your own
“seeing as you’re not pushing me away right now, i say you like me too, dumbass”
well he’s not wrong soooo
you end up kissing after that✨
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to its rightful owner )
kirishima eijirou:
oh boy, this poor baby
he would be the type to apologize around 100 times and even when you told him it was fine and that you didn’t care, he would still feel guilty
ok so what happened was you were getting ready for your date with kirishima
because yes, he finally asked you out and you couldn’t be happier with life at the moment
and he wanted to know how much longer you were gonna take since he was already done
but you wouldn’t answer his texts
spoiler alert: you were just showering but he was too impatient and also he just wanted to see you again hehe he’s so cute
he makes his way to your room and knocks on the door 
it’s more of like a warning because he doesn’t even wait for a response, he just barges in
you had gotten out of the shower like 3 minutes ago and were in the process of drying your hair in the middle of the room, your back facing kirishima 
“hey y/n how much longer do you think- shit!”
his voice scares you, but you don’t move because you know it’ll be worse if you do 
so you stay frozen in your place
kirishima notices the droplets of water falling from your hair and down your spine before slowly falling down the curves of your-
he flushes completely, his face now matching his dyed hair perfectly, and he turns around with both of his hands covering his eyes
“i’m so so so sorry! that was so unmanly of me. i should’ve just waited until you texted me, but i missed you and wanted to see you so i came over and didn’t wait for an answer and then i saw you and oh god you’re naked and-”
he shuts up when he hears your soft voice calling his name
“calm down”
after that he just stays quiet, trying to calm the erratic beating of his heart and not let his imagination run wild
you should be the one that’s flustered because your best friend and crush just saw your bare ass
but if anything, kirishima’s the one who feels like he’s about to faint from seeing so much skin
he thinks it’s really unmanly of him to see you naked without your consent so he’s on the brink of an existential crisis
meanwhile, as kirishima rethinks all of his life choices, you finish drying your hair and continue to put on your outfit, knowing kirishima wouldn’t turn around any time soon
he’s still facing away from you even when you’ve finished dressing up
you giggle, thinking about how cute he is before tapping his shoulder 
“you can look now, kiri”
even with your permission, he’s still hesitant about his movements
he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything so that’s why he genuinely doesn’t know what to do
kirishima turns around slowly, eyes now focused on the floor
“i’m really sorry about that, y/n. i didn’t mean to i swear and i’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable but-”
“kiri, i’m not mad at you”
“you’re not?”
“of course not, i know it was an accident”
well thank god because he wouldn’t forgive himself if he made you upset 
“besides, you were eventually gonna see me naked”
it was a joke
supposed to be
but kirishima whips his head your way and his eyes almost pop out of their sockets 
a part of him is shy sure, but the other part wants to run laps after hearing you say that
“well yeah but that’s different…” he scratches the back of his neck nervously and your heart swells for the boy in front of you
he really is so sweet
he just wants you to be completely comfortable around him
how could you not be in love with him? 
“how about we forget this ever happened, i finish getting ready, and then we go on our date? hm?”
he nods eagerly after hearing you say that, if you’re happy then he’s absolutely content 
you smile at him before standing up on your tip toes and leaving a chaste kiss against his cheek
of course he blushes again
he’ll never get tired of your cuteness 
or you in general
but this time he’s more confident when he pulls you to his chest in a tight hug
“the view was really nice by the way”
“what? i'm just saying you should be proud”
“you’re so stupid”
“stupidly in love with you that is”
he’s got a dumb smile on his face after he says that
and it only widens when you take his hand in yours to sit him down on your bed 
yup, he’s head over heels for you
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to its rightful owner )
todoroki shouto:
out of the five of them, he’d DEFINITELY be the most chill about it
sure, he’d still feel embarrassed and what not
but he wouldn’t make such a big deal about it
simply because he doesn’t want to make things awkward between you two
so he decides it’s best if he just keeps acting like he normally would
you texted him to come over so you could watch some movies together 
and he had some homework to do but it’s not like he was gonna pass up on the opportunity of spending quality time with you 
unlike the other first years,
todoroki actually knocks and waits for your response
because he has manners, period.
“come on in!”
you said it was okay to come in
so why the hell are you in the middle of changing shirts?????
he wastes no time in closing his eyes
refusing to keep looking at you when you probably don’t even know he’s watching
“um y/n?”
“what are you doing?”
“i’m changing, isn’t it obvious?” your chuckle makes his cheeks heat up 
was this amusing to you?
because he was seconds away from having a heart attack 
however he doesn’t show it
instead, he just continues to keep his eyes closed while trying to think about literally anything else except your bare skin
key word: trying
because he can’t seem to get the image of your clothed breasts out of his mind and he thinks he’s about to go insane 
he also scolds himself because a gentleman shouldnt do that 
but you don’t seem to care at all and that confuses him so much (???
“why do you have your eyes closed?”
“are you done changing”
when he opens his eyes again you’re sitting down on your bed, laptop placed in front of you as you scroll down on netflix
now fully dressed
he lets out a sigh of relief before clearing his throat and sitting down next to you
and he thinks he’s being slick and smooth
but he’s not
he’s actually almost completely stiff 
and when you subconsciously brush your knee against his, he flinches
you frown at his reaction
“are you okay?”
“yeah, why do you ask?”
“because you’re acting weird”
“am not”
“you are”
the banter goes on for a while until you finally figure it out
the way his eyes occasionally look down on your chest only to quickly look away with a blush on his cheeks it's what gives him away
“wait, are you embarrassed just because you saw my boobs?”
cue todoroki wanting to get the hell out of your room
“i’m not embarrassed” 
“your blush says otherwise, todoroki”
he doesn’t know what to say afterwards so he just sits there with a pout on his pretty lips and his eyebrows furrowed
he’s so shy and cute🥺
“if you want to, you can take your shirt off so we’ll be tied”
your tone is teasing as you continue to scroll on your computer, not really giving much thought to what you said
except you forgot todoroki takes everything quite literally
the grin falls from your lips as soon as you see todoroki, indeed, taking off his shirt 
“w-what are you doing?!”
“you said we need to be tied”
“todoroki, that was a joke!”
the roles have been reversed because now you're the one who’s all flustered and looking away from him
he blinks once, then twice before smiling at you
“now who’s being shy?”
“i- shut up and watch the movie”
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to its rightful owner )
midoriya izuku:
he would die
not literally duh
but he’d want to disappear right then and there
you know that one scene where hatsume is pressed up against him and he blushes a shit ton and is just like “b-b-boobs”?
well yeah he’s like that
except he can barely talk because of how embarrassed he is 
he’d also, like kirishima, apologize a lot
he literally just feels like he committed a crime
and you’re like “midoriya, it’s not that deep”
but he’s just upset with himself 
you had told him earlier that you needed some help with your homework
and since he’s such a wonderful friend, he didn’t hesitate to tell you that he’d be more than happy to help
so now he’s happily walking to your room because he loves study dates with you
even tho they’re not dates at all
but still
he loves them
especially whenever you get a question right and you just look up at him with big puppy eyes, waiting for him to praise you
and he does
because you deserve it
you work so hard and he admires you for that
ok BAcK to the point,,,
(i’m sorry i just love this man so much, he makes me so soft)
here’s the deal
midoriya knocks on your door right?
but you don’t hear it because you’re blasting music on your speaker while singing your heart out
so he lets himself in
tho he wants to run back out when he sees your naked back is facing him
you’re changing; that’s the first thing he notices 
the second thing he notices is that you’re standing in front of a mirror
and you’re not wearing a bra
he yelps before turning around and you jump because you hadn’t noticed him 
“izuku? what are you-”
“i’m so sorry y/n! i didn’t mean to invade your privacy like this a-and i didn’t know you were changing and so i opened the door and then i saw you and oh god you’re not wearing a shirt which isn’t bad you know, i m-mean i'm not saying you look bad because ha believe me you don’t but-”
“oh my god dude, would you relax?”
you laugh as you finish putting on your hoodie 
he frowns, you’re laughing? in a situation like this?! are you okay???
“again, i’m sorry and it’s okay if you want me to go because it’s weird and i don’t want you to feel uncomfortable because of me so-”
“ok izuku, first of all stop talking,” he quickly shuts his mouth, still facing the closed door so you don’t see his tomato-like cheeks. “second, turn around,” you place your hands on his shoulders to make him look at you and he tenses at the touch, but turns around anyways 
you offer him a kind smile, the one that makes him fall harder for you everyday and that’s enough to ease his nerves a bit
“third, quit freaking out. it’s not like i’m gonna kill you or anything”
“b-but how are you so...calm?”
“uhh because i don’t really care?” 
he doesn’t know why, but his heart hurts a little after hearing you say that
is not like he expects you to actually reciprocate his feelings but,,
he didn’t have an effect on you whatsoever? not even a little bit?
“and besides, it’s you so i don’t mind”
“what do you mean?”
you shrug, smirking at the green haired boy, “well you like me, right?”
he almost stops breathing 
maybe he did for a few seconds
he looks at you, a mix of emotions flashing through his expression 
is he relieved? is he scared? is he happy?
he doesn’t  k n o w
neverthless, he nods shyly, looking away from your captivating gaze
“and i like you so it’s okay”
midoriya.exe has stopped working
someone PLEASE calm this boy down
he’s about to explode from feeling so much happiness 
“you do?!”
“of course” you smile at him one last time, before interlacing your fingers with his and sitting down on the rug next to your bed so you can study 
or maybe you got a little carried away and ended up cuddling all evening while eating ramen
but that’s besides the point
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to its rightful owner )
tamaki amajiki:
sweet little baby
he faints :D
no but seriously
he does.
are we surprised? 
nope, not at all
he can’t look at you for more than 5 seconds without getting nervous as it is,
but after he saw you half naked?!
yeah no, that’s too much for tamaki
his body shuts down because he cannot handle it
nejire told him to go check up on you because you seemed off at school
which tamaki also noticed because he’s very observant with people (especially you) but he preferred to not say anything 
of course his first response to nejire is straight up: no
he’s too shy 
and he’s scared because what if you get mad at him? or tell him to go away?
he thinks it’s better to give you your space and if you want to talk to him, then he’s more than ready to listen
but nejire wouldn’t shut up about it
then mirio butted in too and they were just whining a lot and he got tired of hearing them talk
now here he is, standing in front of your room with a shaky hand hovering against the wooden door
much like todoroki, he knocks and patiently waits for a response 
which he receives quickly 
“who is it?”
“ahh tama, let yourself in!”
he blushes at the nickname and finally opens the door
he’s about to go sit on your desk chair or something 
but then he sees you
you’re only in your underwear, struggling to put on a hoodie 
and then you jump to try and get it on
and that makes it worse because you’re wearing a  b r a 
long story short,
he falls to the floor :D
the big ‘thud’ startles you and even more so when you see tamaki’s unconscious body on the floor
“shit, tama are you okay?”
it takes him a good 5 minutes to open his eyes again 
he feels a cold towel pressed up against his forehead and he frowns at the feeling
when he turns his head around, he notices that he’s laying down on your bed
but you're nowhere to be seen 
“thank god you’re awake” 
your voice comes from behind him and that’s when he realizes he’s not only laying down on your bed, but also on your lap
“you really worried me!”
cue him blushing like there’s no tomorrow and stuttering 
“s-sorry. i was just s-surprised to see you c-changing and i’m sorry i didn’t tell you i was coming b-beforehand”
you shake your head, “that’s okay tama, i’m not mad at you”
he just nods because he’s afraid he’ll say something dumb if he talks
you brush your fingers through his indigo hair and he swears he can feel himself falling more in love with you in that precise moment 
you smile down at him
“what did you come here for anyway? not that i mind, but you know”
“nejire told me y-you seemed down today s-so i came to check up on you”
butterflies flutter in your stomach at his sweet words
“aww you’re so sweet, but i’m okay. i was just feeling sad”
he sits up to look at you better and he doesn’t miss the way you pout when his hair is no longer in between your fingers 
which makes his heart speed up 
“are you okay?”
his question is so genuine and he seems so concerned, it makes you want to keep him in your pocket forever
“i am now” 
he smiles at your response, happy that you feel better
“i’m glad”
“now come here, i wanna play with your hair”
and who is he to deny such request?
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mango-bango-bby · 3 years
Imagine Eijiro and Denki seeing their darling in her workplace (a dinner or coffee shop), and she is dealing with one of those Karens. They would give a shop, especialy Kaminari. Kiri would 100% try to take her off the situation - 🎀
♡ Saved ♡
(A/N: Ohh boy do I have experience with this!! Sadly I didn’t have any yandere s to save me, but in this you do!! I hope you like this, it ended up being a bit shorter than I thought so I hope that’s alright, darling 💞💞💞)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, stalking, entitled customers but luckily these two boys are there to save you!!
Summary: Eijiro and Kaminari help your with an entitled customer  (Yan!Kirishima x Gn!reader x Yan!Denki)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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Work was always difficult.  There was a lot about work that could be stressful and upsetting but by far the worst thing was entitled customers. You encountered far to many customers that just seemed to make it their job to absolutely ruin your day. You can only hope for the best, that you won’t be harassed today.
You take a look up and down the line in the store, seeing how many customers you had left. You only had about four, luckily for you! Today you were taking orders. You recognize two regulars in the line. Eijiro and Denki were two regulars that showed up often at the coffee shop you worked at, but you knew them by their hero names.
You’re not sure why both men chose this one shop to go to practically everyday. It was a pretty small business and it wasn’t in the heart of the city. But you guess they could just really like the coffee. Sometimes they came in at different times but most of the time they were in the shop together.
Although you didn’t know that they didn’t really care about the coffee, sure, the coffee wasn’t bad. But they were really only here for you, to see you. Kaminari was the one who always came here to talk to you, to woo you. And Eijiro would just stare at you, looking at how beautiful you are.
You grab the cup of coffee that’s been sitting on the counter for a while. You call out the name again, only for no one to come up. You could’ve sworn the woman who ordered it had stayed in the shop? You’ll just wait a little bit before calling out her name again, because you’d really hate to waste a coffee cup just because the person who ordered it left after ordering.
You take a few more orders before a woman comes up, skipping the rest of the line. “Um, ma’am, could you please wait in line? I’ll take your order in a moment” you say sweetly, giving the woman a smile to which she scoffs at; taking you by surprise. “I’ve been waiting for my drink for like thirty minutes” she says, clearly angry at you.
“O-Oh, actually, I’ve been calling your name for about thirty minutes” You say, recalling taking the woman’s drink. You direct her attention over the coffee sitting next to the cash register. She scoffs at you once again, getting two glares from Eijiro and Kaminari.
They both just can’t understand how someone could be so entitled especially towards you. Eijiro was so close to running up behind the counter and grabbing you, taking you away from the woman. She didn’t deserve to talk to someone like you. Kaminari has never wanted to hit someone more than right now, how dare she talk to you like that?! You haven’t done anything wrong!
The woman approaches the counter again clearly upset that her coffee was cold now. You brace yourself to be yelled at but before she can even get out a word both of the pro-heroes in the line speak up over her.
“You shouldn’t harass a customer service worker for you not going up and getting your drink” Eijiro says blankly, Kaminari adding on. “You’re the one who didn’t listen, so you should yell at this lovely person” He says, gesturing towards you.
You send them a smile, both men loving the adoration in your eyes now that they saved you from one less rude customer.
︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ Thank you for reading, darling!!
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nights-legacy · 2 years
That's great! Then may I request soulmate AU where you can hear your soulmate singing in your head? With Bakugou and a Rockstar Reader. Quirk can be anything tbh and name can be Y/N
Here you go! I had fun writing this. Hope you like it!
Sing Along- Bakugou x Reader Soulmate AU
Masterlist MHA Masterlist
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1115 words
Warnings: none
Soulmate AU where you can near your soulmate singing in your head.
+ On a rare day off, the class decided to have a picnic. Bakugou is also in a very rare good mood. No one verbally questions, happy to not have to deal with their normally grumpy gremlin. It all comes to a head when Bakugou finally hears the voice in his head in person.
Little Details:
-He got so used to it that at first he didn't realize that he was hearing the voice in person. When he does he starts to sing along.
- He doesn't sing very often, so it's a gift when he does. You go quiet, if possible, and listen. 
-He doesn't pay much attention to music so he never put two & two together on who his soulmate is before then.
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3rd POV
The class had a free day and everyone decided to go out for a picnic. They even were able to drag Bakugou out. He was in a pretty good mood today. He couldn't place why but no one was going to complain. It may have had something to do with his soulmate singing sweetly all morning.
"All I know so far... That's all I know so far..." He quietly sang along with the voice in his head. His words trailed off into humming. This was normal. He barely ever sang out, more just hummed along.
"Ooo. Is someone singing long to L/N Y/N's new single?" Kami piped up. Bakugou glared at the blonde but shrugged.
"Don't know. Just singing to what they are." He pointed to his head. Kaminari nodded. After a few minutes the voice went quiet. Mina, Momo , and Sato finally picked a spot for the picnic. There were only a few other people around. A person who was painting, a couple who had their own picnic, and another person with a guitar.
"I'm starving!" Uraraka squealed with Deku agreeing.
Bakugou plopped down against a tree near the person with the guitar. He quietly ate before he started to hear them sing again. He relaxed back against the tree until he noticed something was off. It was different this time. He sat up and listened.
"I'm actually hearing this shit." He started to look around. Finally, he heard the guitar that lined up with the song. He slowly looked to his right at the person with the guitar.
"I'm unstoppable. I'm a Porsche with no brakes." He got up and took a big breath. He started to sing along quietly. He saw them react with a smile. As he got closer, he sang louder. He saw them realize that they were actually hearing him.
"I'm so powerful. I don't need batteries to play." He sang out loud. Their eyes snapped to him. Their eyes widen before setting down their guitar and standing. Bakugou held out his head for them. They happily took it and he pulled them in. They wrapped their arms around him and he did the same.
"I'm unstoppable today." They finished with their foreheads together.
"What just happened?" Kaminari's voice cut through their moment. Bakugou glared  at the boy and Kiri smacked him upside the head.
"Kacchan just found his soulmate!" Deku said excitedly. Bakugou rolled his ages but didn't dispute. Kaminari came up and looked at them closely. His eyes widened and he went to say something but they covered his mouth.
"Please don't scream!" They said desperately. Bakugou looked at them confused. Kami nodded.
"You're L/N Y/N! The rockstar!" He said excitedly.
"Yes. Yes, I am but please be quiet. I don't want people knowing I'm here." They pleaded. Bakugou recognized the name but he honestly didn't pay attention to the details about bands and singers. If he liked the song, he would listen. If not, he wouldn't pay attention.
"Come on Kaminari. Let's leave them be." Momo pulled the excited boy away.
"Yes, they've just found each other. Let them get to know each other." Iida ushered everyone back. Before he retreated back, Kiri handed Bakugou enough food for two.
"Well, this is not what I expected to happen today." They said as they took the food he held out. The two sat down.
"Same." The normally loud boy was at a loss for words.
"I also didn't expect my nearly silent soulmate to be one of the star students of the famous 1-A from UA." He looked at them in surprise.
"So you know who I am. Well, I never expected mine to be a famous rockstar but it makes so much sense." He sat down close. "You're always singing."
"I'm honestly surprised that you didn't already know who I was." They took a bite and groaned in pleasure. "This is amazing."
"I don't pay much attention to the details behind the music. So I don't really know any specific Music artists. No faces to the voice or name. Sorry."
"Don't be." They cuddled into his side, causing him to stiffen in shock. "Musics not everyones thing. It's there but that's it. I understand." Bakugou tentatively wrapped an arm around them. They fell into comfortable conversation, getting to know each other.
"Just a warning, I'm not known for being the nicest person. I'm loud, rude, and... probably not the best pick for a soulmate." He looked away. A gentle soft hand turned him back to look back at them.
"I think you're just misunderstood. And maybe a little touch starved by how tight you're holding me." They laughed as he turned bright red. He hid his face in their neck. "So do I call you Bakugou?"
"No!" He said too quickly. He coughed it off and took a breath. "No, you can call me Katsuki or something."
"Katsu or Suki?" He blushed again but nodded. "Then you can call me Y/N or something." He rolled his eyes at the jest.
"I am definitely never going to be left alone by Spark Plug now. He's a huge fan." He said while watching the rest of the class goof off.
"Well, it's the same thing for me with my siblings. They've been fans since the Sports Festival."
"So we're both in for a bumpy ride." He laughed.
"It wouldn't be any fun if it wasn't." He smirked at them. 
"Damn right."
*On the Otherside of the Picnic*
"Well this may explain his good mood today." Kaminari said to Midoriya while they watched the two. "He's also being unusually…soft."
"Yes! There has been evidence that a person is in good spirits on the day they meet their soulmate. It's not proven to be connected but there definitely is the evidence." Midoriya said excitedly. "And it's not surprising he would be soft with his soulmate Kaminari."
"Whatever the case, I'm damn happy for our little gremlin."
"Me too. Kacchan's really lucky." With a small smile on his face, his eyes drifted to a certain someone. He could only be excited for the day they realized their connection to each other. {Leave it to you to choose Deku's soulmate and why they're clueless LOL!🤣}
Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @l0vely-lee
128 notes · View notes
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A/N: I would like to preface this by letting everyone know that I am in no way knowledgeable about actual science things. That being said I am amazed that in a random draw I actually managed to get a prompt that had to do with flowers lol. This is my contribution to the BakuHarem Collab! Please take a second to check out the other contributions here!
Warning: bad science, no protection, swearing, overs!mulation, accidental exhibti0som, intoxicated smut? idk sex pollen is a drug i guess.....
W/C: 3.5k
“Bakugou, dude. We should not-”
“Shut up Kirishima!” Bakugou walks through the sterile hallways checking every corner for signs of other people. “That bitch took my top spot with some bullshit flowers?!” He finally gets to the lab that was granted to you for your research. After winning first place, stealing first place in the UA university science expo. He walks into the observing lobby, looking through the large window to make sure you weren’t working in the lab after hours.
“Just keep quiet and listen for any one coming this way.” He walks over to the security door and holds his key card up to it, the light on the scanner turns green and he hears the dead bolt slide open.
Kirishima is lingering behind him, hovering in the doorway. He turns to Bakugou to talk him out of this again but his friend has already entered the lab. “Ahh geez.” He didn’t even wear any safety gear.
As the door clicks shut behind him, Bakugou stops to examine the lab. Several different species of flowers in full bloom behind temperature controlled enclosures. Some of them are recognizable; lavender, chamomile, and jasmine. “I thought it would smell like the perfume department, this fuckin place smells like heaven.” Guess it wasn’t a new shampoo she was using then.
He walks through the aisles turning his head this way and that, trying to find something, anything that he can fuck up without it being overtly obvious. He gets to the back corner of the lab and sees a piece of familiar equipment. “Perfect.”
“He said WHAT?!”
Your roommate flinches at your reaction to her news. “He told Professor Aizawa that your ‘Viagra flowers’ are a joke to the science department and they should ‘wither and die’.”
You’re fuming. That fuck tard Bakugou, mister my shit don’t stink is ridiculing my research? “All that man knows is how to blow shit up! Just cause I beat him in the expo this year, he thinks my research is a joke?!” You stand up from the couch, pacing in front of it and you can’t decide whether to scream or cry. “Why did I ever like that twat?”
Cause he has wide shoulders, big hands and scarlet eyes that -
“Oh for the love of god shut up.” Screw your inner thoughts.
Ochako watches you pace, worrying in her eyes when yours line with silver and your neck flushes bright red. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have told you that.”
You stop moving and look at her, guilt flooding through you as she slumps forward. “Don’t apologize, I was talkin to myself babe.” She nods her head weakly and you stand up straight “I’m gonna go.” You walk to the door grabbing your coat and key card.
“W-where are you going?” Ochako follows you to the door and grabs your wrist gently. You turn to her and smile, she was always so sweet but you knew that if shit went down she would be right beside you, kicking ass.
“I need to blow off some steam, so I’m gonna go check on my ‘Viagra flowers’.” She huffs a laugh and let's go.
“Alright, don’t stay too late.”
You nod, put on your shoes and leave the dorm. It’s a bit of a walk to the building the lab is in and hopefully the cool breeze will calm your mind.
As you walk into the building you are grateful that your professor is more of a night owl than most students. Considering how many naps he takes during lectures it is no wonder he can’t sleep at night. You contemplate going to his office to say hi but think better of it.
Don’t wanna end up venting about Bakugou to my professor of all people.
You walk down the hallway and notice the door to your lab is cracked. Not unusual, a lot of students from your class have been coming and going to see the different species of flowers and plants you are growing. Assuming someone didn’t shut the door behind them you take your phone out of your pocket to check the time. Out of the corner of your vision a quick flash of red and you walk right into Kirishima, Bakugou’s friend and one of your classmates.
“Hey! How- how's it goin?”
You take a step back, rubbing your nose from face planting into his giant chest. Does this guy eat boulders for breakfast? “Hey Kiri! Just gonna do some late night tests! You checkin out my garden?”
“Yeah! Flowers are pretty.” He laughs, it’s high pitched and obviously forced.
You take in his nervous appearance, the fact that he is still standing in front of the door and your mood sours.
“Where is he?”
Kirishima looks like he is gonna try and stall but one look at the fury in your eyes and his head hangs down. “He’s in the lab,” you rush past him and punch in the code to open the door. “I tried to talk him out of it!”
The door clicks shut and the spiky blonde huffs in annoyance somewhere in the back of the lab.
“I told you shitty hair, if you’re gonna keep a look out you have to stand outside.”
You clear your throat and his head shoots up. You walk over to him, taking note of all of the plants and equipment, taking note of anything that looks different. As you get closer to him you notice that he smells particularly good tonight.
Keep it in your pants idiot
“Really Bakugou?” You stop a few steps away from him, noticing the various disassembled parts on the counter top behind him. “What were you gonna do, break my extraction equipment and make it look like a malfunction? Are you a B-Movie villain?”
He stands up and you are reminded of how small you feel next to him, wide shoulders, arms barely fitting the t-shirt he was wearing, strong chest that tapers to a toned waist. He laughs and you look at his face. What I wouldn’t give to just lick from your navel to your neck.
“A B-Movie villain huh? That’s rich coming from the fanfiction cliché scientist.” He crosses his arms, your eyes quickly dart to the sight of his biceps flexing with the movement then back at him.
“Fanfiction cliché? What the actual fuck are you talking about?” You take another step towards him, softly inhaling his scent. Why does he smell so good?
He laughs at you again, the sound caresses your skin and you realize your feeling very, very hot. You drag your fingers through your hair, your eyes zeroing in on a bead of sweat running down the side of his face. When you lick your lips and shift to take another step closer a small part of your brain connects the dots. “What. Did. You. Do?”
Bakugou looks at you, noticing your flushed cheeks and eyes that show you aren’t quite your normal smart and sexy self. Reaching behind himself you hear the unmistakable sound of clinking glass, he grabs a beaker, an open beaker. “Just grabbed this from your equipment, I know how long it takes to extract this stuff. Would suck if it were to suddenly go missing.”
“You idiot! Do you know how potent it is in that form?!” You reach for it but he pulls the beaker out of your reach. “Why do you think I keep it enclosed? You have to close it up now!”
“Why should I?”
Honestly how stupid can this guy get?!
“Put it back in the enclosure first and I’ll explain it to you!” Your breathing is getting heavy, the closer you get to Bakugou the hotter your body feels. You lunge for him again and trip, he hurries to put the beaker on the table behind him and catch you. Put off balance from the position you both crash to the floor with him underneath you. Sighing in frustration you lift yourself up only to bump your head on the table, knocking over the beaker and spilling the extract over you both.
“Shit!” You scramble off of him and run to the door, pressing the exposure button and effectively locking it. You turn to Bakugou and back up trying your best to keep your distance. “Stay on that side of the room, if we’re far enough apart the effects won’t be as bad.”
“What are the effects?” The question is spoken so calmly that you almost convince yourself he didn’t speak at all.
“What are the fucking side effects!?” His shirt is soaked, sticking to his tanned skin. The outline of his chiseled body makes your mouth go dry. You look back at his face, his mouth twisted in frustration at your silence but no less attractive. The sharp angle of his jawline, pink lips slightly chapped, aristocratic nose, scarlet eyes that-
“Take a picture, it'll last longer.” Shaking your head to clear some of the fog in your brain, you focus on him again.
“It’s an aphrodisiac so obviously it enhances sexual desire.”
“Yeah-yeah, sex pollen I get it. But what else?” he rings out the bottom of his shirt, lifting it slightly and you avert your eyes.
“It is not sex pollen, I don’t even use the pollen of the plant.” the last part coming out in a mumble. “The aphrodisiac only works on people who are consenting adults that are attracted to each other.” You clear your throat.
Bakugou freezes for a moment and looks up at you, examining you. The flushed skin, short breaths, and how you keep as much distance between the two of you as the small lab provides.
“So why are you so far away then?” The smirk on his face is sinful as all hell.
Cheeky bastard.
“Surely I don’t have to spell it out for you.” Resisting the urge to turn your face away from him like a pouty child..
“HA!” The smug look on his face momentarily lifts the cloud of lust and replaces it with anger. “Of course you’re attracted to me, who wouldn’t be?”
“Well, aren't you a cocky bastard?” Hoping you're not about to embarrass yourself you take a chance and muster up some courage. Slowly walking up to him you notice that his forehead is glistening with sweat, his breathing heavy, ears and back of his neck flushed with pink. “Tell me, Katsuki. How are you feeling?”
A few steps and you can see his hands balled up in white knuckled fists, a few more his jaw clench and unclench. Once you are only an arms length away you can see him swallow harshly, Adam's apple bobbing, nostrils flaring. You push your breasts against his toned chest, the light friction causing a moan to escape your mouth, the sound going straight to his cock.
“I’m - I’m fine.” Bakugou clears his throat, the sound of his first name from your lips sweeter than it should be.
“Lookin a little flushed, you feeling hot?”
He doesn’t answer, his attention captured by the closeness of your body, your lips, the tops of your breasts peeking out of the v neck top you’re wearing.. He stops breathing when your tongue flicks out to lick your bottom lip.
“Cat got your tongue?”
On impulse his hands move to rest on your hips, eyes never leaving your lips. “What was the question again?”
“How. Are. You. Feeling.” you walk your fingers up his chest with each word before pulling his head down so you can whisper in his ear, the anger fading fast. “Katsuki.” You hear him growl, the sound reverberating through your core, then you're being picked up.
“I’m gonna ruin you.” Bakugou crashes his lips to yours, pressing you up against one of the walls and bracing you with one hand so that the other can wrap around your throat. “Fuck, you drive me crazy.” He bites your lip, licking it to soothe the hurt. “Smart, funny, sexy, beautiful.”
You whine at the words and grind against the bulge in his pants, your pussy throbbing with need. “Need to feel you touch me Bakugou.” He stops moving and you shift to try and grind against him again but he holds you tight, slightly squeezing the sides of your neck.
“What happened to calling me by my first name, baby girl?” Loosening his hand and crouching down as if to put you down you sputter out “Kat-Katsuki Please touch me.”
The feral grin on his face has your pussy drooling and you all but sigh in relief when he stands up straight and slips a hand under your shirt, cupping one of your breasts. “Oh god yes.”
“You’re so soft baby,” he pulls one of the cups down and rolls your nipple in between his fingers. “Take off your shirt, wanna see those pretty tits.”
Katsuki keeps playing with your nipple when you rip your shirt off, making short work of your bra and tossing it. As soon as the other nipple is in view he dives down to suckle it, his mouth hot. You throw your head back, grabbing fistfuls of his hair and pushing your chest out to give him better access.
He is merciless in his teasing, alternating between breasts, making sure to suck each nipple till they are both hard peaks. Kissing the top of your soft globes, your collarbone and neck, everywhere his mouth goes is left with a mark in varying shades of red and purple.
You grow impatient with him, needing to make him feel as good wanting to feel him with your hands, mouth, teeth.
“Wanna feel you too Katsuki.” you whine as he pinches one nipple while nibbling the other one. When you pull on his hair a little he groans but lifts his head, pulling both nipples with him before letting them go.
“What do ya wanna feel, baby girl?”
With all your inhibitions throw out the window you lean down and whisper in his ear. “Wanna feel you fuck me.”
You pull away and he quickly sets you down, you’re about to object when he takes his shirt off in one smooth motion then starts unbuttoning his jeans. You rush to follow, unzipping your pants and pulling them down, before you can pull down your panties he grabs your hand stopping you. “Leave ‘m on.”
Katsuki picks you up again before you can get a good look at his cock, but when it's pressed against you there is no need to see it. “Fuck you’re huge.”
He smirks at you, smug pride in his eyes. “Glad you approve.” Reaching a hand down he pulls your panties to the side and runs his fingers through your wet folds. “This all for me?” bringing his fingers up to show you the slick dripping down them he puts them in his mouth and sucks. “Gonna have to enjoy that tasty treat later.”
Your body is burning up, breathing is heavy as you both watch him drag his cock along your wet slit before pushing in. Your moans echo in the lab and neither one of you cares as Katsuki's cock drags against your inner walls until bottoming out. Right now is not the time for slow strokes, not with the aphrodisiac flowing through both of your bodies, so he starts a pace that has your ass slapping against his thighs.
“C-cumming!” You scream out before your body bows in on itself and you're creaming around his cock.
“Already?” a sideways grin on his face Katsuki starts moving you up and down in time with his thrusts, his cock reaching that much deeper. “Gonna cum for me again? Come on baby, wanna feel you milk my cock.”
Your mind is going blank, the only thing running through it is Katsuki. “Please don’t stop,” you dig your nails into his shoulders. “M Gonna cum again.” His thrusts go shallow and the head of his cock drags against your walls, hitting all the right spots.
You’re repeating his name endlessly, the only word that is in your mind then you’re cumming again. Your legs tense around his waist and your pussy clenches down hard enough that he has to stop moving or risk hurting you. He watches your face contorted in pleasure and starts thrusting as soon as he feels your orgasm subside.
“One more.”
Your head fuzzy, body limp from two orgasms. “I can’t!”
“Wrong,” Katsuki pulls out for a second, setting you on the floor and pushing on your back. You obediently bend forward grabbing the edge of the counter top and he wastes no time in rutting back into you. “You want me to stop?”
“Then you got one more beautiful thing.” He sticks two fingers in his mouth, getting them wet then reaches around rubbing soft circles on your puffy clit. His other hand gripping your hip, before moving up and grabbing your shoulder using it as leverage to fuck into you harder.
“Come on, cum for me.”
You turn your head to the side trying your best to look in his eyes, yours tearing up at the overstimulation. “You cum too, fill me up Katsuki.”
“Oh fuck yeah.” Bending his knees he thrusts up into you and with the new angle, teasing circles being rubbed on your clit and the feral moans coming out of his mouth you cum one last time.
Katsuki cums after you, rope after rope of cum coating your fluttering walls.
You both stand there catching your breath. Katsuki pulls out and you whimper, “Oh don’t worry beautiful,” he picks you up again, walks over to a chair and sits down with you in his lap “not done with you yet.”
By the time you are spent both of you are exhausted and lost track of how many times either of you came. He helps you stand up, quickly pulling your panties back in place. “Don’t want you leakin.”
You giggle and pick up your clothes from the floor, he helps you get dressed and you both walk to the door. Making sure to check the air quality before leaving the lab you confirm that nothing is left in the air and unlock it. Before opening the door you turn to him opening your mouth to ask a question but he talks first.
“Let's go back to my room, yeah? I’ll help you clean up.” His voice rough from moaning and growling but you can see a small smile on his lips. Even though you know that the effects of the extract have worn off you can’t help but worry that he is still under their influence. Nodding your head you turn away from him again and open the door, walking into the lobby.
“I assume you're finished with the lab?”
You stop dead in your tracks, Katsuki bumping into you. “P-professor Aizawa?” Red hair peeks out behind him and Kirishima looks at you both with a nervous sharp toothed smile and red face. The fog of your memory clears and you vaguely remember hearing knocking on the window and door while you were… indisposed.
Katsuki steps in front of you, from the lack of red on his face or neck you know he isn’t nearly as mortified as you. “How long have you been standing there?”
The tired eyes of your teacher examine both of you. “Long enough.” He sighs heavily and pinches the bridge of his nose. “You are both to meet me in my office tomorrow morning.”
And just before you can’t get anymore embarrassed he walks out and says over his shoulder. “The labs aren’t sound proof, and these walls echo.”
@doinmybesthere @patchworkpuzzle @eyebagsbutglam @sugarspiceanddynamight
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The Wedding
Gender Neutral Reader
As soon as we announced our engagement to friends and family, they immediately stepped in to help us get everything set up. They wanted to keep everything a surprise for us by doing most of the work, saying that we shouldn’t have to stress about decorating. The day soon came, and the last thing for me to do was to walk down the aisle.
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I heard the music start, signaling for me to walk down the aisle. There wasn’t any part of me that was nervous as I entered the room. I was only excited to see Bakugo waiting at the end of the aisle for me.
He was dressed up in a black suit with an orange tie. Surprisingly, his hair was slicked back. Kirishima and Denki stood next to him, with Mina and Jirou standing next to my spot. The seats were all filled with our close friends and family. We didn’t want to have a big wedding, only one surrounded by the people who we care for, and vice versa.
I made my way to stand in front of Bakugo who looked pretty nervous. “Nervous?” I whispered to him. “Of course not.” He whispered back. “You just look more breathtaking than normal right now. I don’t know how to handle it.” “You look extra handsome yourself right now, especially with the hair.” “Shut up…”
The wedding officiant began to speak. We listened and repeated what he said when he told us to. Kirishima brought the rings over to us, so we could place them on the other’s finger.
After that, Bakugo seemed to have gotten impatient as he went right for the kiss, and the officiant just went with it. “He didn’t even finish talking.” I told Bakugo. “He was taking too long. You should already know how impatient I am, especially when it comes to you.” He responded.
I walked down a staircase before reaching the beginning of the aisle. I could Kirishima’s stare on me the whole time. When I finally was able to get a good look at him, he had a wide smile across his face, and his eyes looked like they were watering.
Bakugo and Denki stood next to him, then Mina and Momo stood next to my side. “Are you ok?” I asked Kirishima as I stood in front him. “How could I not be?” He responded, a few tears leaving his eyes, in turn, causing me to get a little emotional. “I’m just so happy!”
The officiant began reading from his papers. I listened to everything that was being said, but Kirishima was obviously too focused one me, so he struggled when it came to repeating what the officiant said. The officiant just laughed at him, telling him it happens quite often.
Bakugo brought the rings for us to exchange. Then, when it was time, Kirishima wasted no time in giving me a passionate, yet loving kiss. All of our friends and family erupted in cheers. Finally, it was time to celebrate.
Kirishima and I danced to a slow dance. “I love you so much.” Kirishima said. “Seeing you walk down the aisle made my heart stop for a few seconds.” I love you too Kiri.” I responded. “Definitely not as much as I love you though.” “Are you sure about that?” “Oh I’m sure, and I have all of this week just to prove that I do.”
The piano started to play, as the doors opened in front of me. I had to cover my mouth to not laugh at the state Denki was in. There was an electrical current going around him due to, from what I could tell, nerves.
“You might want to calm down a little.” I told him. “I don’t think I can kiss you without getting electrocuted.” “I’m trying.” He responded. “Maybe if you hold my hand it will help. I promise the volts aren’t that strong.” I put my hand in his and sure enough the electricity wasn’t strong at all.
After a while of the officiant talking, Denki was able to compose himself. Kirishima brought the rings over to us, then we exchanged them. The officiant ended his speech, with Denki and I sharing a kiss,
“I’m so glad that’s over.” Denki said, holding onto me. “I was so nervous, but also way too excited.” “I thought you were going to set off your quirk for a second there.” I told him. “Nah! You were there so it made everything better, besides I couldn’t ruin the best day of my life.” “We better get going so we can make it to our flight on time.”
As I exited through the doors, I saw Tamaki tense up a little. There weren’t too many people in the room, maybe ten others in the seats, with Mirio standing next to Tamaki. We had to keep it small because of his nerves, but I didn’t mind at all.
“Y-you look a-amazing.” Tamaki whispered to me. “You look handsome yourself.” I whispered back. I held his hand in mine, which he tightly squeezed back. The suit he was wearing was black with a purple shirt and tie. His hair was just like usual.
The officiant began the ceremony, going through everything in a timely fashion. We repeated everything that we needed to before Mirio brought the rings to us. The rest of the ceremony followed quickly after, ending when Tamaki gave me a quick little peck on the lips, a blush covering his face.
“Congratulations you two!” Mirio cheered as the meal began. “I’m really happy.” I told Tamaki. “M-me too.” He replied. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of this week with just the two of us, and no other distractions.” “Y-yeah. It’s g-going t-to be f-fun.”
I descended the grand staircase to the beginning of the aisle, now covered with flower petals. I looked at the end where Midoriya was standing. Todoroki and Iida were standing next to him, then Momo and Uraraka were standing next to my spot.
By the time I got to the end, I noticed how stiff Midoriya was standing, sweat pouring down his forehead. “D-Deku?” I whispered. “D-don’t worry about me. I’m just fine.” He responded. The officiant smiled at him before beginning the ceremony.
At certain parts of his speech, the officiant read through them quickly after seeing that Midoriya might faint. In what seemed like no time, Todoroki was handing me a ring for Midoriya. He said “I do.”, so I quickly placed it on his ring finger.
The officiant announced for us to kiss. Midoriya leaned forward a little bit, but I had to initiate the kiss. It was a short kiss, but enough to make Midoriya even more flustered. “Maybe we should go find a seat.” I told him. “That’s a good idea.” He responded. “You look amazing by the way. Sorry that I’m so nervous.” “don’t worry, it is OUR big day after all.”
I wasn’t sure how Todoroki would react to me walking down the aisle, but I didn’t think that it would visibly affect him. He hardly ever blushed, but there he was, at the end of the aisle, a blushing mess. Midoriya and Iida, who stood next to him, were visibly surprised by this.
“You look breathtaking.” Todoroki said. “I mean...you don’t look different than normal, but it feels different.” “It’s the same for me too.” I responded. “I think it’s because we’re officially promising forever to each other today.”
The ceremony went by in the blink of an eye, our focus being solely on one another. Iida brought the rings over for us to exchange, before the officiant announced that it was time for the kiss. Todoroki placed one of his hands on the back of my head to pull me in for a deep, passionate kiss.
Afterwards, we decided to go onto the dance floor and dance to a slow song. “I can’t believe I got so lucky.” Todoroki said. “Only you could unwind me.” “I’m glad I’m the only one.” I responded. “Forever and ever, it will only ever be you.”
I took a moment to look down the aisle before I began walking. I saw most of Aizawa’s students there to support us, and all of the teachers at U.A. Aizawa himself, stood at the end of the aisle with a dark blue suit and black tie on. His hair was pulled back out of his face, and his chin was shaved.
As soon as I got to the stairs of the altar, Aizawa grabbed my hand to help me up them. “Don’t you look stunning.” He said. “You might actually make me blush at this rate.” I playfully smacked him on the arm in response.
The officiant began talking, but we could hardly hear him over the sound of Present Mic’s cries. He brought us our rings over, and Aizawa wasted no time in putting mine on. Our eyes focused on each other for the rest of the ceremony. When the officiant said that it was time, Aizawa pulled me in for a deep kiss, not giving me any time to prepare.
The celebrations began soon after, with Aizawa pulling me away so we could be alone. “You know that we have all week to be left alone right?” I asked him. “ Yeah, but I wanted to have a little bit of you to myself right now.” He responded. “You’re starting to become greedy.” “Don’t worry, I’ll be showing you just how greedy I can be.”
I reached the bottom of the staircase just as the piano began to get played. I watched Hawks the entire time I walked down the aisle, and his eyes never left me as well. Then, as I stood in front of him, he took my hand.
“Is it you, or is it just extra hot out today.” He said. “That’s the first thing you say?” I responded while giggling. “You already know how much you take my breath away, so I have to switch things up every once in a while.” His usual charming smile spread across his face.
The officiant began, but Hawks interrupted him soon after. “Can we just skip to the part where we exchange the rings?” He asked. I went to say something, but the officiant beat me to it. “Getting impatient? Of course, this is your day anyways.”
The rings were brought to us, then it was time for the kiss. Hawks wasted no time in capturing my lips, going a bit overboard as usual. “That was a bit much don’t you think?” I asked him. “When it comes to showing my love for you, nothing is enough.” He responded. "But you better believe I’ll be putting everything I got into showing it hot stuff.”
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 13
Dabi x Reader , Bakugo x Reader
Words : 3125
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together.
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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You watched as Dabi paced in front of you as you hugged your knees to your chest. Shoto had come to sit next to you and you were grateful for his calming presence. He kept giving you a weird look and then looking at his brother. He obviously wanted to ask what was going on between the two of you, but you mouthed, “later” at him and he shrugged it off.
“Ok. So what? He has a list of my safe houses. That’s okay… That’s arguably a good thing actually.” Dabi was thinking out loud trying, and even though his voice sounded calm, you could see the way his hands balled into fists so tight his staples were pulling.
“No one knows about this place. This is the safest house out of all of them. I bought it after I left the League, it’s in the middle of nowhere, and the security is the best money can buy.” He stopped his pacing and looked at his brother, “So…”
Shoto draped a lazy arm around you and you released a tense breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. He quirked his head at his older brother, “So…? What? Why is that a good thing?”
Dabi’s eyes got this scary look. They practically glowed and you could tell whatever he was thinking probably wasn’t good. “It means we can pick them off. Set up traps for them at my other safe houses. It might take some time… we won’t know what houses they’re targeting so at first it’ll be a lot of guess work.” You could see a scheme hatching behind his eyes and for once he truly looked like a villain. “You said Bakugo was already out looking for them, right? I can meet up with him! They’re my houses after all, no one knows them better than me.”
He took off towards the bedroom mumbling something about needing to pack. Your wide eyes connected with Shoto’s, “How long before he remembers he’d have to leave me behind and panics?”
Shoto hummed, “I’d say about thirty seconds after he’s done packing.” He shrugged, “It’s not a bad plan honestly. I see he’s gotten rather attached to you lately though.”
You could hear the unspoken question and you weren’t sure you were ready to jump into that conversation just yet. It was bad enough that Katsuki knew. You shrugged and averted your eyes back to the door Dabi had disappeared behind. “We’ve gotten pretty close. You learn a lot about someone when you’re stuck in a house with them.”
Shoto sighed, “Sounds like he just remembered.”
Dabi stomped back into the living room and stopped a few feet in front of you. His stare was intense almost like he was trying to see through you. You could see his frustration growing as he battelled internally over what he should do. “I can’t leave you here by yourself… I don’t want to leave you at all. But- But I can’t take you with me either.” You could see his mind running a mile a minute trying to come up with a solution.
“You can leave me here, I’m not totally useless. I have the collar, so you can call me, check on my location and vitals and all that creepy shit.” You gestured to the younger Todoroki sitting next to you, “And I’m sure your brother and Izuku are dying to have some time to catch up. They can keep me company. Kiri too if need be.”
Dabi kneeled in front of you and laid his arms on either side of you, caging you in. “It would drive me insane leaving you here.”
You brushed your thumb over the spot between his eyes, smoothing out his worried expression. “More insane than if you stayed here and let Katsuki handle this on his own?”
His body sagged and he leaned his forehead onto your shoulder. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say it sounds like you want me to go.”
You leaned your head on his. “Of course I don’t want you to go idiot. But I hate to break it to you, I know you pretty well… And I don’t think sitting here day after day listening to you complain about how you could do it better, sounds like fun.” He groaned because he knew you were right. “So, go ahead and go. I’ll be fine here I promise. Go catch some bad guys with Katsuki.”
“Ugh don’t say it like that. You make is sound like a cheesy buddy cop movie. I just hope your little hero friend isn’t squeamish because I’m not going to hold back.”
Shoto cleared his throat, “Some of us… little heroes… have seen enough shit to last a lifetime. Bakugo’s the hardest working and grittiest out of us all, so believe me when I say you don’t need to worry about him.”
Dabi narrowed his eyes at his brother who he had just realized was practically cuddling with you. “Seeing death and dealing it out are two different things. I know he’s capable of killing someone, but mentally I don’t think he could cross that line.” He held a hand up to stop Shoto from arguing with him. “And I don’t care if he doesn’t want to get his precious hero hands dirty. Because that’s what I’m here for, and I’m honestly looking forward to it.”
You huffed, “Listen, I really don’t like the look you get when you talk about killing people. It’s sick… killing isn’t supposed to be fun you psychopath.”
His eyes shifted back to yours, “Baby girl. I want to make something clear. I will find the sick fucks that kidnapped you. I will torture them in the most painful and humiliating ways possible. By the time I’m done… they will welcome death with open arms. I’ll be doing them a favor.” His forehead pressed against yours. “Unless you’d rather I save them for you…My destroyer of men.”
You hit his shoulder, “I’d rather you let Katsuki arrest them! You know how I feel about killing villains.”
His hand gripped the back of your neck hard to force you to look at him, “…No. You know I can’t do that. The sooner you accept that, the easier all of this will be.” His thumb rubbed your cheek, “I know it sucks. But this is the world you live in now. We can’t trust anyone but ourselves.”
Shoto cleared his throat, “Listen I don’t know what is going on between the two of you, but I would appreciate it if you refrained from being kinky in my presence.”
Dabi growled, “Fuck off! You literally let yourself in unannounced… When all of this over I swear we’re leaving the fucking country. I’m so sick of you brats just coming over whenever you feel like it. We’re gonna leave and you’ll never see us again.”
Shoto quirked an eyebrow, “So… Even after all of this is resolved… you plan to still live with y/n?” You could see the gears turning in his head as he pieced all of this together. “Hmm interesting.” He got up and stretched. “Well I guess I’ll give you guys some alone time to… do whatever this is… just without me having to witness it.”
“Hey before you go… You sure you’re okay with keeping an eye on her while I’m gone?” You hadn’t heard Dabi sound so uncertain before. Usually he carried so much confidence that it was overwhelming. But now he sounded lost.
Shoto nodded, “Yeah it’s not a big deal. Izuku and I can take shifts. Kirishima will probably take over every now and then depending on how long you are gone… But we don’t mind. Y/n was right when she said we’d like to catch up with her.” He gave you an awkward wink that was completely out of character for him. “You’ve been hoarding her all to yourself for months now.” He walked down the hall and shouted, “Try not to be too loud. I’ll just pick the room that smells the least like sex.”
“Good luck! I’ve fucked her on every surface of the hou—” You slammed a hand over Dabi’s mouth to cut him off.
You hid your face in Dabi’s shoulder to stifle your laugh. “I love your brother so much. He has no filter and it’s honestly so refreshing.”
A quick slap to your thigh had you gasping, “I don’t appreciate you talking about my brother that way.” He nipped at your earlobe harshly, “Especially after I just agreed to let him stay here while I’m gone.”
Before you could respond he was standing up and throwing you over his shoulder, “I think I need to remind you who you fucking belong to.” He slapped your ass as you shrieked, “I might be gone for a while, so I think I need to give you something to remember.”
“You are so ridiculous! He’s literally in a committed relationship with another man!”
Dabi tossed you onto his bed and immediately fell on top of you. “He’s also my brother and I know that slut swings both ways.” He bit down hard on your shoulder, “I’m going to leave my fucking mark all over you before I go.” He sucked a bruise into your neck, “Tonight… I’m going to claim every fucking inch of you.”
He had you naked underneath him within seconds, kissing down the column of your neck. He continued down to suck a nipple into his mouth and you had to bite down on your lip to keep from screaming.
“Come on baby, let him hear you. Let him hear how good I treat you. Let him know that there is only one Todoroki for you.”
You wanted to argue with him. There was no way Shoto was interested in you at all. He’d been in love with Izuku since high school. But you were also enjoying the way Dabi was marking his territory. There was something so peaceful about giving up control to another person, especially someone you trust.
You let him kiss and suck and grope every part of you. In this moment you were his to do with as he wished. You didn’t care he was leaving mark after mark on your skin. He was claiming you, he was daring others to lay a finger on what it is his. And you fucking loved it. You loved the peace and the comfort that came with the idea of him declaring that you are his. The security of knowing he wouldn’t let another soul touch you.
He bit harshly into your inner thigh, making you yelp and buck your hips.
He chuckled darkly as he came back up and rubbed his nose against yours. “Baby girl, just look at your face. I haven’t even touched your pussy yet and you already looked so fucked out.” He dragged his fingers lightly over your stomach, across your ribs, over your breast, and finally let them settle on your neck.
You shivered and closed your eyes, “Dabiiii, stop teasing me.”
His fingers tightened around your throat. “You said some shit earlier that really got under my skin. And now I can’t decide if I should punish you or not.”
Your head spun as it tried to think about what you possibly could have said to upset him. “What – what did I say?”
Dabi leaned in sucking your bottom lip into his mouth before biting down hard. “You said…. You loved my brother.”
Your heart pounded in your chest and you felt an intense heart overwhelm your face and neck. Was he saying what you thought he was saying? Was he jealous? Did he want you to say you loved him? Is that really what he wanted to hear?
You hadn’t noticed him pulling his own pants down until he was thrusting into you. “I’m a selfish man y/n. I’m greedy. I don’t share. And hearing those sweet little words said about someone else.” His hips snapped into yours harder, as his fingers got even tighter around your neck to the point where you were sure there would be bruises.
His pace picked up and you could feel the sweat dripping from his forehead, “I wanna hear you say it. Who do you love?”
Your eyes rolled back as you croaked out a horse “you”
“That’s not good enough doll. I said! WHO do you FUCKIN LOVE?”
His fingers let go of your throat and as intense pleasure washed over you, leaving your legs shaking, “YOU!”
He fucked you through your orgasm before he followed right behind you, “That’s what I fuckin thought.”
He only parted with you long enough to clean the two of you up. He wandered to the bathroom to get a warm, wet towel. You hummed contently as rubbed it all over your body, especially over the sore new marks he had made on your skin. When he was satisfied, he tossed the rag to the floor to deal with later and rejoined you in bed. He pulled you to him, your back to his chest, and let out a huge sigh. “I’m really nervous about leaving you here. And it honestly makes me angry. I’ve never cared about another person like this, hell I’ve never even cared about my own well being this much.” You could feel him resting his chin on your shoulder, “It makes me feel weak and I hate it.”
You intertwined your fingers with his that were wrapped around your middle. “You know what they say about bravery right? Bravery isn’t not being scared. Only stupid people aren’t scared of anything. Bravery is being scared of something and doing it anyway.” You sank further into his embrace. “If it makes you feel any better, I’m scared too. Which is equally as frustrating.”
You could feel him kiss your shoulder, encouraging you to continue. “I used to be incredibly independent. I lived alone, I worked alone, because of the classified nature of my job I was pretty isolated. I didn’t need anyone, and I was more than happy to get shit done on my own…Now the thought doing anything without you gives me anxiety.”
He sighed, “If anything that makes me feel worse… I believe we have a classic case of codependency… it’s your fault by the way. For sucking me in to your annoyingly needy arms.”
“Says the guy who has his arms currently wrapped around me like a vice.” You wanted to stay in this sweet moment. He was never this open with you, never this soft. “And even though it’s not my fault, I will admit that I did kind of need you for everything when I first got here.” You felt his chest rumble with silent laughter. “But you never really complained, did you? To be honest I had thought you would have been… I don’t know… a little more… cold I guess.”
His hands heated up as they rubbed circles into your stomach. “To anyone else I definitely would have been.” He turned you around so he could pull your chest to his and rolled onto his back, tucking your head under his chin. “I was fucking toast the second you fell into my arms though.” He groaned, “UGH! I sound like such a pussy. I hate it.”
You pressed several kisses to his chest, “Well I don’t hate it.”
There was a long stretch of silence in which the two of you just held each other, not wanting to burst your bubble.
Dabi cleared his throat and you knew he wanted to talk about it. “Listen… While I’m gone all of the laws are still valid. You still need to take care of yourself. Just because I’m not here to force you to eat lunch doesn’t mean you don’t have to.” His fingers rubbed up and down your spine. “I’m sure if you ask the guys, they’ll work out with you, but they need to keep their filthy hands to themselves.” His hand stopped at your collar, “And as much I hate saying this. Don’t call me.”
You lifted your head and gave him a confused look, “What? You worried your side chicks will hear?”
He reached down and slapped your ass, “Shut up. I literally live with you and we never leave the house. That jokes not even funny.” His hand started to rub the same spot he had just slapped, “I’m being serious though. I don’t want you to call me. If something happens and they get my phone, or hell if they somehow capture me, I don’t want anything tying me to you. Shigaraki suspects you’re with me otherwise he wouldn’t be going through my safe houses. But he doesn’t know you’re with me, and I want to keep it that way.” His voice got quitter as he mumbled into your hair, “Besides… I think if I heard your voice I’d give up and come home.”
You froze, “Okay, that is officially the softest thing you’ve ever said to me… and I love it.”
He growled low in your ear, “That’s it, I’m going to start calling you whore, and making you call me sir. I’m losing my damn edge.”
You just giggled, knowing he was bluffing, but then again… he did get you a collar.
“I’m going to miss you… sir.”
“I’m gonna miss you too… my special little whore.”
You sarcastically beamed at him, “Aww you think I’m special?”
That night, you barley slept. You were so worried he’d leave without waking you up to say bye. So, as a consequence you woke up several times throughout the night and every time, he’d pull you closer and mumble a sleepy “still here.”
When morning finally came you sat on the bed with your kneed tucked under your chin as you watched him finish getting ready. Your eyes followed him as he walked around the room, taking his time. He knew the sooner he got dressed the sooner he’d have to leave.
Finally, when he had no other choice, he laced his boots up and looked at you. “Come here…” He held his arms out to you and you quickly slid into his embrace. “You be a good girl while I’m gone, okay?” He kissed the top of your head. “Listen to Shoto and try not to give him too much shit. Follow the laws, don’t watch any of our shows while I’m gone, if there’s any big emergencies have one of the guys call Bakugo.”
You nodded and looked up into his bright blue eyes, “You be safe, and don’t do anything stupid. Come back preferably in one piece please.”
He chuckled, “I will do my best doll.”
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime @klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need @katsuki-bakubabe@unadulteratedtastemakerpoetry@dabislittlemouse@aimee1602@pinkhatlizzy @kunaigirlx44 @nii-sanfucker@bestgirlb @silver-stardrop@bakubby99 @squichymochi
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makoodlesarchive · 4 years
(oh my god they were roommates!)
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so this is late and i’m sorry, but happy birthday bakubabe!
ok so i was totally unprepared for people to like dragon dick kiri so i am feeling blessed 🙏🏻 knowing that other people now have to suffer in dragon dick kiri hell with me!
still not 100% sure if i’m happy with how this came out, but either way this is thanks to @lady-bakuhoe​​ !
pairing: kirishima eijirou x reader x bakugou katsuki
word count: 6.3k
warnings: threesome, oral sex (receiving), vaginal sex, voyeurism, dragon dick kiri
this is part 2 to bad dragon!     ||    dragon dick kiri masterlist
Tip Jar!
                                   »»————- ♡ ————-««
Dating Kirishima was never boring, in day-to-day life or in the bedroom, but there was an incredibly distinct difference to his overall demeanour and behaviour once you started being intimate with him. The privilege of watching him grow more confident in his own skin feels like a gift, and knowing that you’re able to help with that growth always causes a warmth to settle in your chest. He stops shying away from innocent touches like hugs and cuddles, he starts getting comfortable touching you first; He’s steadily adjusting to the idea that you’re not going to push him away or reject him. Things are good. Better than good. Kirishima is an absolute sweetheart as always, and the sex is amazing. 
He’s starting to get so much better with initiating things with you, and that includes PDA. You guess that’s how it starts. It begins with the little things; he’ll pull you in for a kiss, with you pressed tight between his legs, and you’ll feel the back of your neck prickle. When you’re making out on the couch with you straddling his lap, you’ll hear a creak from down the hall. When things start to get hot and heavy when you’re in the shared space of the living room (as they inevitably do, because the both of you have a hard time keeping your hands to yourselves), sometimes you catch a flash of movement over Kirishima’s shoulder.
They’re little things, but they culminate in one undeniable realisation: Bakugou likes to watch.
The first time you bring it up to Kirishima, you’re not sure he believes you. That’s fine; he’s only just starting to come to terms with accepting his own body, and you don’t want to totally blow his mind with the revelation that other people just might be interested in his unusual but very sexy cock, much less his best friend and roommate. Baby steps.
Soon enough though, he seems to notice for himself. Whenever you come over and the two of you are hanging out on the couch, Bakugou’s door will be cracked open just a little. Sometimes when the two of you are getting busy in Kirishima’s bedroom, you can hear footsteps right outside the door. It’s nothing overt or invasive, but once you know he’s out there listening to his best friend ploughing you into the mattress, it’s pretty damn hard to ignore.
And honestly? It’s kind of hot. It’s not like you can blame Bakugou for being curious, after all. Knowing that his best friend is packing what Kirishima describes himself as “a weird dick” is enough to make anyone really fucking curious about what exactly “weird” entails. You imagine that any natural curiosity would only be further exacerbated by the fact that his bedroom neighbours Kirishima’s, and he can definitely hear the very enthusiastic sex that you’re having.
Bakugou’s burgeoning peeking habits combined with the fact that Kirishima is horny a lot and is starting to get real comfortable letting you know that means that it’s pretty inevitable that Bakugou is eventually going to walk in on the two of you in a compromising position. The position in question ends up being pretty tame, in the end; you’re on your knees in front of the couch, Kirishima’s dick stretching your mouth wide as spit and precum dribbles down your chin and neck, when the front door opens and Bakugou storms in.
Between the three of you, you honestly don’t know who is more surprised by Bakugou’s sudden interruption. Bakugou totally freezes, eyes wide in shock. You can feel Kirishima tense up beneath your hands. You stare up at the two of them, your mouth still full of Kirishima’s cock.
There’s a brief silence, then- “Why are you fucking on the couch!” Bakugou yells, a vein prominent on his forehead. 
“We’re not!” Kirishima yells back, colour high in his cheeks as his cock slips from your mouth. “We were just- I mean, okay, I know what it looks like, but we weren’t going to- fuck, man, I’m sorry-” Kirishima has reached one hand down to cover himself as the other hand reaches out to you to help you to your feet, but one hand just isn’t enough to hide his dick from sight.
Bakugou still looks furious and embarrassed at having walked in on the two of you like this, but it’s impossible to miss the way his eyes track downwards. Kirishima doesn’t seem to notice where his best friend’s gaze has wandered to, too busy babbling out mortified apologies, but you notice. You see the exact moment that the look in Bakugou’s eyes switches from annoyance to curiosity.
“Do you want to see?” you ask quietly, watching Bakugou closely for a reaction.
Kirishima’s head swings around to stare at you, mouth open, but your attention is on Bakugou. He’s looking at you with just as much disbelief as Kirishima is, but there’s heat simmering in his eyes too. “See what?” he says, feigning ignorance as if you can’t see the way his gaze seems magnetically drawn to look at Kirishima’s crotch and your precome-stained face. 
“Kiri doesn’t mind.” you say softly, mindful that any wrong word or shift in tone could set him off. What you’re saying is true, anyway; the two of you have talked about this, though you’re not sure that either of you actually expected to be in this position.
Bakugou looks to Kirishima, who settles slowly back into the couch and gives an exaggerated shrug. He’s trying to come off as casual, but he misses the mark by a longshot. He’s biting at the inside of his cheek and his jaw is tense. “I don’t mind, bro,” he says, then gives a self-deprecating chuckle, “Can’t promise you’ll like what you see, though.”
You pinch his thigh and scowl at him. “Stop that.” You look back to Bakugou and beckon him over. “Come on. You want to see, right?”
Honestly, you’re not sure if Bakugou is going to go for it. Listening in while the two of you fuck is very different from being personally invited into the action, and you can see him warring with himself over how to approach the situation. After what feels like forever but can’t be more than a moment or two, Bakugou steps forward. Kirishima exhales heavily through his nose, as though he’d been holding his breath with anticipation. He’s still tense, but this is Bakugou, his best friend. You don’t think there’s anyone in the world that Kirishima trusts more, but that also means that it’s going to hurt all that much more if Bakugou reacts badly.
Judging by the impressive bulge in the front of Bakugou’s pants, there’s no need to worry about that. Bakugou steps up beside you and pauses, unsure of himself. Kirishima just stares up at him, equally unsure. The moment stretches out, broken by you getting impatient and reaching out to gently pull Kirishima’s hand away from his very weak attempt at covering himself up.
“Holy fuck.” is Bakugou’s initial reaction to seeing Kirishima’s entire cock for the first time. Kirishima’s arms twitch to cover himself up again, but Bakugou continues with, “How the fuck do you move with that thing in between your legs?”
You snort a laugh, unable to help yourself, and with that the tension is broken. Kirishima chuckles a bit too and relaxes into the couch. “I wear a very supportive jockstrap.”
Bakugou is still staring, the high points of his cheeks flushed red. Kirishima’s hard on, which had been wilting a little, is starting to very visibly fill out again. It’s straining against Kirishima’s belly, precome trailing down the ridges and dripping onto the muscles of his abdomen. It makes for a very fetching sight, and Bakugou can’t seem to take his eyes off it. When he finally speaks, he says “Can I touch it?”, and his voice sounds raw, like he’s been swallowing something sharp.
“Oh shit,” Kirishima breathes, surprise slackening his jaw, “Uh. Yeah. Please.” 
Bakugou’s knees hit the floor right next to you, and then he’s reaching out and tentatively taking hold of Kirishima’s length. The moment his fingertips close around it, a spurt of precome dribbles out of Kirishima’s slit, and Bakugou watches with wide eyes as it slips down his knuckles, sticky and wet. His gaze slides from his own hand to your face, and the mess all over your mouth and chin that you haven’t bothered to wipe away yet. “Is that-?”
“He makes a mess when he’s like this,” you murmur, grinning up at your boyfriend. “Wait till you see how much he comes.”
Bakugou’s throat bobs, “Shit.” he breathes, so quietly that you wonder if he meant to say it at all. He thumbs at the underside of Kirishima’s cock, where the flesh is ridged and swirled. That seems to prove too much for Kirishima, who had been holding patiently still up to that point -- he tips his head back and moans quietly as his hips jump, his cock thrusting in Bakugou’s fist. “You’re- it’s big.”
Kirishima laughs thickly, face tilted towards the ceiling. “Yeah. Not what you were expecting, huh? Even though I told you about it?”
The frown that crosses Bakugou’s face at that seems purely reflexive, as though it’s just instinct to be annoyed at the mere suggestion that he had been wrong about something. “Knowing and seeing are two different things, asshole.” he snaps, readjusting his grip on Kirishima’s cock and making him moan. His fingers trail down to where it thickens at the base, and over the swollen, squishy area right at the bottom. It’s still wet and shiny and sticky from the combination of precum and your spit, and Bakugou seems fascinated by the slickness.
You squirm where you’re kneeling, the heat between your legs becoming unbearable. Watching Bakugou explore Kirishima’s cock like this, his mouth hanging just a little bit open as he grazes his knuckles over all the sensitive bumps along the top, and Kirishima’s soft moaning has you squeezing your thighs together tight. Your panties are getting sticky and wet, but you don’t want to touch yourself in case you ruin the moment. 
Almost as though Bakugou can sense your discomfort, his gaze cuts to you abruptly and he narrows his eyes. “He fucks you with this?”
Heat shudders through you, and you nod with your lip bitten between your teeth.
“How?” Bakugou’s gaze drops to your crotch, hidden by the hem of your sundress, as though it might offer him some answers.
“Practice,” you say, and find that you sound just as raw and affected as Bakugou does. “And he produces a lot of precum, which helps.” Kirishima makes a garbled noise of embarrassment when you say that and hides his face behind his hands, as though that could somehow block out his best friend and his girlfriend on their knees in front of them and having a discussion over his cock about how he fucks.
Bakugou looks at Kirishima’s covered face thoughtfully. “I want to see.” he says, and it sounds like an order.
Kirishima reaches for you immediately, but you hesitate. “I’m not ready.” you say. You’re horny as hell, and you’ve definitely soaked through your panties, but Kirishima is big and he just is not going to fit unless you’re stretched out and prepared for him.
The whine that escapes Kirishima at that is a little desperate and a little impatient, but it’s Bakugou that he looks to next. “Want to get her ready for me?” he asks. It’s his way of taking control of the situation, of ensuring that Bakugou isn’t just sat on the outside looking in, that all three of you are actively involved in the unfolding events.
“Fuck, yes.” Bakugou breathes, a feral little grin lighting up his face. “How?”
You’re a little surprised at how willing Bakugou is to defer to Kirishima in this, but you suppose that he’s way out of his comfort zone. There’s not much time to think too much about it, in any case, because Kirishima is tugging you up onto his lap and spreading your legs wide. Your back is pressed against his chest, ass sat just in front of his cock. Your dress is hitched up around your hips, leaving your damp, sticky panties on display. You want to be embarrassed, but Kirishima is rocking his thick cock into the small of your back and Bakugou is shuffling forward so that his head is between your legs.
“Shit,” Bakugou says, his breath hot on the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, “You’re so wet.”
“Can’t blame her for being excited.” Kirishima rumbles a laugh, and you feel the vibrations of it run down your spine. “What do you want him to do to you, sweetheart?”
Bakugou’s face is inches from your clothed pussy, and his hands are playing with the elastic waistband of your panties without actively trying to remove them. The bastard is grinning at you, like he thinks it’s funny watching you struggle to articulate what you want him to do to you. It’s embarrassing, but you figure that if Kirishima was able to lay himself bare and vulnerable in front of the two of you, then the least you can do is make one measly request out loud. “I want you to- can you please, uh, use your mouth?”
Bakugou’s grin gets impossibly wider, “Oh, yeah, baby, I’ll eat you up whole. But only because you said please.”
His mouth descends on you, licking and sucking through your panties. Even with the fabric barrier, the wet heat of his mouth has your head tilting back onto Kirishima’s shoulder with a moan. Thankfully, Bakugou is too impatient to keep up the teasing for any significant amount of time. Your panties are dragged down your legs and then thrown somewhere over Bakugou’s shoulder -- he doesn’t even look where he’s throwing them, his gaze fixed between your legs. Your legs twitch closed, embarrassed at the attention. You have a sudden and intense sympathy for Kirishima as you realise how he must have felt with you and Bakugou examining his cock.
There’s no time to feel self-conscious though, because then Bakugou is pushing your legs open, diving down, latching onto your clit and sucking. You squeal and your hips buck, but Kirishima’s big hands land on your hips and pin you down, keeping you still as Bakugou suckles at your cunt. 
“Fuck!” you gasp, trying to tilt your hips away from his mouth. It’s too much, too fast, but the two of them hold you still and force you to take it until you’re trembling in their hands.
Kirishima hooks his chin over your shoulder so that he can look down and watch Bakugou’s head between your legs. Even from the corner of your eyes, you can see the excited little smile that’s playing on his lips. “How does his mouth feel on you, baby?” he whispers into your ear, the warmth of his breath sending a little shiver down your spine. 
“Feels -ah! - good,” you say, burying your face into Kirishima’s neck. Your thighs keep reflexively twitching closed, but each time Bakugou just bats them open again without pause. His tongue slides down the lips of your pussy until he reaches your slit, and then his tongue is wiggling inside of you and you’re whining into the skin of Kirishima’s throat.
Kirishima kisses your temple, but he doesn’t look away from the sight below -- he’s barely even blinking as he watches Bakugou eat you out. You feel like you’re about to catch fire, bucking your hips desperately into Bakugou’s face as he tongue-fucks you. He just grunts and shoots a quick look up at Kirishima, who promptly readjusts his grip across your stomach so that you can’t move. His cock is pressing into the dip at the small of your back, scalding hot and hard as a goddamn rock.
Bakugou pulls back for half a second to catch his breath, and then he leans in and gets right back to it. He mouths along the lips of your pussy, his teeth grazing and scratching at the sensitive skin just right. You make a noise that sounds embarrassingly close to a sob, and feel Bakugou grinning into the soft flesh of your pussy. Kirishima coos into your ear, telling you how good you are as his hands pull your dress up to your waist so he can run his hands along your skin.
“Do you like him licking at you?” he asks quietly, pressing a kiss to the vulnerable spot just behind your earlobe. 
It shouldn’t be surprising that Bakugou is as aggressive with giving head as he is with just about everything else that he ever does, but having his entire attention focused on eating you out is just the right kind of overwhelming. You want desperately to wind your hands into the wild blonde hair bobbing between your legs, but also really want to come and you don’t want him to stop what he’s doing to snap at you, so you go for the safe option and reach back to wrap your fingers around Kirishima’s spiked hair instead. 
Bakugou’s tongue traces your folds, pulling them into his mouth and suckling. You relax a little, humming your pleasure into Kirishima’s neck. But then Bakugou is digging his tongue into the top of your folds and locating the nub of your clit with absolute precision, and you arch your back with a little scream. Kirishima laughs quietly at your reaction, and you can feel his cock twitch against your back. “Oh, now you’re getting warmed up, huh?”
Bakugou is relentless, devoting everything he has to your clit. He laps at it, stiffens his tongue to a point and flicks at it, wraps his lips around it again and sucks. When he introduces his teeth and grazes it, you’re gone; your whole body seizes up and you keen as you come, but even then Bakugou doesn’t pull away. He laps and suckles at you until you’re gasping and writhing from the overstimulation.
You can’t catch your breath after your orgasm because his mouth is still busy with your clit. He lets go of one of your hips and then suddenly he’s slipping two fingers into you, the slide made easy by how slick you’ve gotten. You have to bite back the scream that wants to escape from between your teeth, tossing your head back desperately onto Kirishima’s chest and whining.
“Gorgeous.” Kirishima praises you, smoothing a few loose strands of hair back from your forehead. He leans over you a little for a better view, admiring the sight of Bakugou tonguing at your clit and pushing his fingers all the way inside of you. “Fuck.” Kirishima breathes, rutting his hips against your ass. “Enjoying yourself, bro?”
Bakugou finally detaches himself from your clit, but his fingers continue fucking in and out of you as he looks up to Kirishima. The entire lower half of his face is wet and shiny from your slick and his own spit, and he looks absolutely obscene as he grins. His tongue pokes out and licks the mess off of his lips. “Yeah,” he says, crooking his fingers into the spongey area at the front of your inner walls and snickering as you squeal, “Yeah, I sure fucking am.”
Kirishima hauls you further up his body so that you’re practically sitting on his lower belly, his cock jutting out in front of you. The move causes Bakugou’s fingers to slip out of you, and you make a dissatisfied little noise at the loss, pussy clenching up around nothing. “Don’t worry, baby, he’s going to put them back in.” Kirishima promises you, his hand slipping up your dress and thumbing at your hardening nipples. 
“Fucking hell.” Bakugou says, shuffling forward so he can get to your pussy again. His fingers slip in with little to no resistance, your body so wet and ready that it sucks him in with ease. His eyes go half-lidded when he feels how easy you take his fingers. “Damn. You always this ready for it?”
“Fuck off.” you snap, but the words have virtually no edge to them thanks to the breathless, desperate quality of your voice. You’re actually kind of embarrassed that it came out of your mouth, but neither of them make any mention of it.
Bakugou is watching avidly as his fingers slide in and out, adding a third. You spread your legs wider and lift your knees, silently hoping he’ll take it as the invitation that it is and fuck you harder. He complies happily, and the wet, squelching sounds that come from his fingers in your cunt only seem to work Kirishima up. “Bakugou,” he grunts, “Touch me again, bro?”
“Fuck,” Bakugou groans a little, but then his other hand is gripping Kirishima and jerking him and Kirishima is moaning into your neck and squeezing your hips tight. One hand really isn’t enough to properly grip Kirishima’s cock, and Bakugou seems to realise this almost instantly. He makes up for it in the same way he seems to approach every challenge in life -- unmitigated, aggressive enthusiasm. Kirishima gasps into the back of your neck at the brutally fast pace Bakugou sets, and you look down in time to see precum dribbling in a steady stream down his cock, making a mess of Bakugou’s fingers.
Bakugou’s coordination is impressive -- it can’t be easy to finger-fuck you and jerk Kirishima off at the same time, but he manages to pull it off with zeal. You whimper into Kirishima’s ear as Bakugou adds a fourth finger. Kirishima kneads at your breasts with his hands and groans as Bakugou’s fingers rub rough circles around the raised bumps at the tip of his cock. “Fuck, bro,” he moans, his cock dribbling out precum in streams all over Bakugou’s fist, “Feels so good!”
“Stop calling me bro when I have your cock in my hand.” Bakugou snaps irritably, but it’s hard to take him seriously when he’s tenting the front of his pants so badly that it looks like he’s parodying a boner.
Kirishima just laughs, strangled and breathless, and says to you, “Baby, are you nearly ready? Because I’m all sorts of worked up, and I want to cum inside you.”
“Her pussy clenches around my fingers everytime I move a muscle or you say a goddamned word.” Bakugou says before you get the chance to answer, grinning as he rubs the pads of his fingers against your insides. His thumb lands on your sensitive, swollen clit and rubs hard, and you nearly cry out as your back bows and you push eagerly into his touch, “Fuck yes. Arch your back a little more, come on. Look at you going nice and tight around my fingers.”
“Holy fuck.” you choke, pulling at Kirishima’s hair as Bakugou plays with your pussy. It’s too much and not enough, and your hips keep undulating like they can’t decide whether to twitch away from the stimulation or to go back for more. 
“Fuck, just look at you riding my fingers. You gonna do that around his massive fucking cock?”
You and Kirishima both moan, and that seems to be the last straw. Kirishima picks you up and Bakugou’s fingers slide out of you once more, but you barely have any time to register the emptiness before the tip of Kirishima’s cock is lined up with your entrance and begins pressing in. Bakugou scrambles back a little to make sure he has a proper view -- his eyes are wide as he watches Kirishima begin to press into you, stretching you wide and slipping in inch by inch. 
You gasp desperately as you’re speared open inexorably slowly, tears pricking your eyes as your mouth drops open. You’re used to the stretch at this stage, and you’re so worked up that the slow and steady pace that Kirishima’s going at is driving you crazy, like an itch that’s just out of reach. You press your hips back into him, trying to get him deeper inside of you faster, but his hands are clamped tight around your hips to restrict your movement.
“Easy, baby girl.” he rumbles into your ear, breath coming in short puffs, “I’m calling the shots, and right now, we’re going slow.”
The frustrated sound you make in response is nearly a growl, and it pulls an amused little snort from Bakugou. “I’m ready, I can take more-!”
“I know, baby, I know.” Kirishima bites at the junction between your neck and shoulder as he slides another inch deeper inside of you. “But we gotta give Bakugou time to enjoy the view.”
Bakugou seems to be doing exactly that; he’s shuffled a little closer so he can see better, and he watches avidly as Kirishima slowly rocks his cock into you. He reaches out and runs his fingers along the edge of your pussy, right where Kirishima’s dick is stretching you out. “Fuck,” he says, and his breath blows hot against your skin where you’re still damp from his mouth, “You’re taking him like a champ.”
That might be one of the nicest things that Bakugou’s ever said to you, but you don’t get a chance to properly appreciate it because with one sharp thrust Kirishima’s cock bottoms out inside of you. You whimper -- you’re so full you feel like you’re about to break in half, and Bakugou’s gaze on you feels like a physical weight. The feel of his fingertips rubbing at where you’re stretched taut around Kirishima is making you clench up around the thickness of the intrusion inside you, which in turn has Kirishima moaning into your shoulder.
Kirishima is holding maddeningly still inside of you, ignoring your desperate attempts at wriggling around in his lap trying to get him to move. Just when you think he’s never going to move, he leans forward so that his mouth is against your ear, and nips at your earlobe. “I'm gonna fuck you so hard you cum just from the shock of it, baby.”
“Please!” you moan helplessly, dropping your head down to your chest. 
Kirishima laughs, a little breathlessly, and then pulls his hips back and fucks up into you in one smooth movement. You cry out, scrambling to grab a hold of something to stabilise yourself as you’re rocked hard by Kirishima’s thrusts. There’s nothing to hold, so you just have to ride with the motion of his body, grinding back into him every time his hips jerk against yours.
Movement catches your eye, and you look up to see that Bakugou has stuffed his hand down his pants and is now fisting his own cock with the hand that was covered with Kirishima’s precum. His face is contorted in the most intensely turned on look you’ve ever seen, and you can’t help arching back into Kirishima, pushing your hips forward a little more so he has a better view. Bakugou curses and leans forward so he can watch your pussy bouncing around Kirishima’s cock as it splits you open.
You’re so wet down there, from your own juices and Bakugou’s spit and Kirishima’s cock that’s dribbling precum like a leaky faucet. Precum is spilling out of you despite the way Kirishima is plugging you up, and you feel it smearing all over your pussy, thighs, and Kirishima’s stomach. Bakugou is watching the precum as it leaks out of you, his expression nearly awed. “Always wanted to really watch.” he says to no one in particular. His hand is gripping his balls, and you realise that he’s probably trying to stave off his orgasm, trying to last until you and Kirishima are done. “Hey, Y/N. How does his cock feel in you?”
You screw your eyes shut as Kirishima pulls nearly all the way out before slamming back in, “Ah! Big!”
“No shit,” Bakugou says, rubbing his thumb roughly over the head of his cock as he fucks his own fist. “It feel good?”
“Yeah, god, yes! So good!”
“Can you- fuck- can you feel those ridgey things when his dick is inside you?” Bakugou grunts, hunching over his cock as his hand moves faster.
“Mmhm! Can feel them rubbing against me.” you gasp.
Kirishima whimpers. Bakugou’s questions are only winding him up; you can tell by the way the base of his cock is engorging and pulsing against you. “‘M gonna come soon.” he babbles, humping into you so hard that your entire body is nearly flung off his lap, “You feel so good, so hot and tight on my cock, baby. God, your pussy is so perfect. Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Bakugou’s breathing is getting heavier, and you can see his balls drawing tighter as he plays with his dick. Right when he’s about to cum all over the carpet he stops, letting go of himself altogether. Even with nothing touching it, his dick is twitching and straining against his stomach. “I wanna suck on your tits.” 
Bakugou’s hoarse voice and rough confession has Kirishima groaning and reaching up to pull the straps of your sundress down, exposing your breasts. Your nipples are hard and sensitive already from Kirishima pawing at them, so when Bakugou’s hot mouth closes around your right breast as Kirishima kneads your left one you think you might actually explode.
The swollen base of Kirishima’s cock pulses slightly on every stroke, a sure sign that he’s close to spilling all over the place. Another sign is his fast, heavy breathing and the way that he babbles about how good you feel into your ear, “You’re so good to me, baby girl. You’re clamping down around me so nice, you’re - ah, fuck, you’re so good! So tight and hot. I’m gonna cum inside you. Wait, can I cum inside you? Is it okay- ah! Let Bakugou watch me cum inside you, baby.”
Bakugou lets your tit fall out of his mouth and sits back on his ankles. “You gonna cum now?”
“Ngh! Yeah.” says Kirishima, his voice gone thin and needy. His hip are pounding into you at such a rapid pace that you can’t catch your breath. You have to throw your arms over Bakugou’s shoulders for support, the force of his thrusts nearly sending you flying to the floor. “Sorry, baby, I know I’m being rough. Your pussy just feels so good wrapped around me, I can’t- fuck, I can’t-”
“It’s fine, just- ah!-  do it!” you beg. The breath is being driven out of your lungs with every thrust, and it should be overwhelming but you can feel heat beginning to pool in your lower belly. 
You can feel the base of his cock tensing, swollen with the cum he’s about to release. He ruts into you, biting at your shoulders just hard enough to leave behind impressions of his teeth. “I love you, I love your pussy and- oh fuck, fuck, I’m cumming!” With a cry, he jerks his hips into you and begins moaning desperately as he begins emptying his load inside of you. He keeps fucking into you even as he’s cumming, but his thrusts get sloppier and sloppier until he slips out of you entirely and ends up humping the air.
Bakugou watches open-mouthed as Kirishima’s cock flexes and sprays cum onto the floor and the couch. “What the fuck.” he breathes. He’s so surprised by the sheer force and quantity of Kirishima’s cum that he apparently forgets about his own cock, sitting red and leaking in his fist, in favour of watching.
You’re so aroused that you swear your pussy is twitching, and you’re so close to your own orgasm that you let your impatience get the better of you. Kirishima still isn’t entirely done cumming when you stuff his cock back up inside you and start riding him again, clutching at his knees and crying out as the tip hits that one spot inside you that makes you feel gooey inside. Your eyes are half-closed as you fuck yourself back on Kirishima’s cock, relishing the satisfied little cries he’s emitting into the space between your shoulder blades, but you can still see Bakugou fisting and tugging at his cock like a desperate man.
The pleasure sitting in your lower belly is starting to coil tight, and your movements get a little sloppy as you desperately chase your release on Kirishima’s dick. The pleasure is so close to cresting when suddenly the room seems to flip, and before you know it your face is pressed into the couch. The hot length of Kirishima’s cock slides home inside of you again, and you moan delightedly as you realise that he hasn’t gone soft yet. “Fuck me, Eiji, I need you to- now!”
“I got you, baby.” he croons in your ear, smoothing your sweat-soaked hair back as he hikes your ass up and begins fucking you again.
It only takes two more hard thrusts before you’re tossing your head back and shaking apart with a short little scream, your entire body drawing up tight and tensing so hard that you can hardly see. Kirishima is still rutting blindly into you, making the best little noises as his cock begins to swell again.
It feels like you’re cumming forever, the ecstasy drawn out by Kirishima’s frantic humping as the ridges on his cock drag along your insides and light up every nerve and sweet spot you have. Feeling you come undone around his dick is always Kirishima’s favourite part, and you can feel his excitement in the way his movements become choppy and desperate as he tries to shove himself as far inside you as he can get. With a full body shiver and a drawn-out whine he comes again, although it may just be a second wave of his first orgasm -- you’re not sure if he ever finished cumming in the first place. You whimper quietly at the feeling of him flooding your insides, relaxing into his hands as he grasps you close to his chest. 
There’s a gasp, and when you turn your head to the side you’re greeted with the sight of Bakugou beginning to cum. He moans, his legs spread wide and his hips canting forward with every pulse of cum that drips from his dick. You can feel Kirishima shifting behind you, his hips still rocking softly into you, and you know that he’s watching too. You feel like you’re in heaven; not only do you have the privilege of getting fucked out by Kirishima, but you also get to watch Bakugou cum all over himself, and they’re both just so hot like this.
Bakugou sits back on his hands and focuses on his breathing as he tries to calm down, one shaky breath after another. “Fucking hell.”
Kirishima kisses your neck as he pulls out. “You were so good, sweetheart, you’re so amazing.” He murmurs, then looks to Bakugou. “Uh. So...” 
“Let me see.” Bakugou interrupts, pushing forward so he can get a proper look at you. His thumb brushes over your over-sensitive sex, and he rumbles a quiet laugh at the shudder that rips through you at the touch. You know without looking that he’s running his thumb over the mess of cum that oozing out of you, marveling at the sheer amount of it. “Fuck. Shit. Do you always cum this much?”
“Yeah,” Kirishima says bashfully, shifting his weight and tucking his dick self-consciously back into his pants, uncaring of the cum staining his clothes. “Uh, pretty much.”
“She’s covered in it. Damn.” he glances up and meets your eyes, and gives you such a wicked grin that your breath hitches a little. “You able to walk after taking that?”
The mere idea of moving has your muscles twinging, and you laugh as you shake your head into the couch. “No way. Just leave me like this for a while, I’m happy.”
The boys laugh, and Kirishima smooths his hand over your back. “Don’t you want to shower?” he asks fondly.
You definitely want to shower, but you’re also really not ready to move. Your limbs are floppy and achey, and you’re tired enough that you can mostly ignore the feeling of sweat and cum drying on your skin. “Mmmm.” is all you manage to say.
“How ‘bout I get you a towel and we cuddle in bed, hm?” he offers as a compromise, leaning down to scoop your boneless body into his arms. You let your head drop against his shoulder, enjoying the feeling of his muscles shifting beneath you as he shifts your weight around in his arms. The first time he had lifted you like this you had shrieked, certain that he was going to drop you, but that had only seemed to make him all the more determined to prove to you at every opportunity that he was strong enough to pick you up and carry you anywhere at any time.
“Hang on,” says Bakugou, halting Kirishima in his tracks. “What about this fucking mess?” he demands, gesturing at the cum-stained couch and floor.
“Huh? I’ll clean up later.” Kirishima says, edging out of the room.
“Clean up later? We’re gonna have to bleach the whole damn room. We definitely need a new fucking couch too, look at it!”
“Right, right.” Kirishima agrees, very obviously not listening. He set off down the hall, nuzzling a quick kiss onto your forehead before glancing over his shoulder. “Hey, come and cuddle with us.”
“Hah? You need to buy us a new couch, asshole!”
“You got it, man,” Kirishima agrees blithely, kicking open his bedroom door. “You coming?” You peer hopefully over Kirishima’s shoulder, and shoot him a beaming smile when Bakugou sends a doubtful little look towards you. The uncertainty in his expression is wiped clear, and then he gives a jerky little shrug and stomps down the hallway after the two of you.
“What the fuck ever. Don’t think you’re gonna get out of cleaning your mess up though, you bastard!”
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
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roses in your sweater
pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem! reader
genre: angst, aged up characters
warnings: swearing, breakup, brief mention of blood, make-out session, a little suggestive, emotional breakdown (?)
word count: 2,446 words
synopsis: As you fell deeper into love, he fell farther out. Bakugou never wanted to hurt you, but he knew he was going to have to. One last night together and then it’s over, no matter what.
a/n: please reblog :)) as always, id love to hear your thoughts as well <3
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He loves me.
He loves me not.
He loves me.
He loves me not.
He loves me.
You picked the petals off of the rose carefully, allowing them to fall to the grass below you. You sat on the biggest branch of the largest tree in the park, humming along to the sound of birds chirping. You held onto the stem of the rose, right in between two of its thorns.
He loves me not.
The last rose petal fell to the ground. You tilted you head, chuckling to yourself. What a silly game it was, believing that some pattern will prove if he loved you. You knew he loved you. It was just a silly flower.
You stared at the stem. You counted the thorns Twenty-three.
“Hey Y/N, get down!”
You looked down at your boyfriend, who stared up at you. You smiled.
“Why don’t you come up here instead?”
“I’m not climbing a damn tree. Get down, I have your boba.”
Bakugou showed you the drink, shaking it a bit. You began to make your way down the tree, standing in front of him.
“Thank you Katsuki,” you cheered. Bakugou patted the top of your head.
“Shit, your finger,” he said. You raised a brow, and looked at your finger. A small cut cross the tip of it.
“Oh I must’ve cut myself on the rose thorn,” you explained. Bakugou took your hand, sucking the stray blood from your finger, then giving you a smirk.
“I dont get why you like roses so much. They’re mainly thorns.”
“I think they’re pretty.”
“Well I think roses just trick you into thinking they’re pretty so that you pick them. After all, you picked all the petals so now it’s just the ugly thorns.”
“Maybe I like the thorns.”
“Only you would. Come on dumbass, let’s go home.”
Bakugou dimmed the lights of your bedroom then he made his way over to you. You grabbed the covers of the bed and pulled them down before climbing in. You laid down and shuffled over to where Bakugou now laid as well . You rested your head onto his chest as he dragged his finger up and down your side.
“Keep doing that,” you whispered. Bakugou chuckled.
“Sure baby.”
Bakugou kissed your head softly. He watched as you soon drifted to sleep. How beautiful you looked when dreams ran through your mind. How your lips curled ever so slightly, making it look like you were smiling. He wondered if you dreamed of him. If you dreamed up the perfect version of him in your head. He hoped you didn’t. He almost wished you wouldn’t dream of him at all.
“Katsuki, baby, I packed your lunch!” You said, hoping he would hear you from the bathroom.
Katsuki ran his head under the cold water, forehead pressed against the wall. He had heard you loud and clear, yet didn’t reply. He shampooed his hair for the third time, desperately trying to kill time.
You set his lunch down on the counter then filled his travel mug with his tea. You smiled. You packed everything just how he liked it, even put a small note in the lunch to hopefully cheer him up after long hours at his agency.
Bakugou wiped down the mirror, allowing him to stare at his reflection. He had to stop himself from breaking the glass with his fist, so frustrated with himself.
I have to tell her.
I’ll tell her tonight.
Bakugou knew deep down that when that moment came, he wouldn’t take it. He knew he couldn’t bare to see the look on your face he he would have to snap your heart in two, but he also knew he had to. Snap it like a twig. As if it were nothing.
Bakugou dried himself off and got dressed. He packed up his Hero costume in his bag and went out to meet you in the kitchen.
“Morning love,” you smiled. You leaned up to kiss his cheek.
“Sorry babe I’m running a bit late. I won’t be home until late so don’t wait for me, okay?” Bakugou grabbed his lunch and tea, making his way to the door.
“Oh okay. Have a good day, I love you.”
“Bye baby.”
Bakugou shut the door behind him. You sighed. He would often forget to say ‘I love you’ back but you tried not to think too much about it. You knew he loved you.
While Bakugou was away, you would organize your sweet little home, get your own work done, and wait for him to get back. Working from home was nice, but you often wondered what he was up to. You knew he was saving the world, which put a smile on your face. How lucky were you to be dating a Pro-Hero, and one like Bakugou. Oh how you loved him. You loved him so much. You would daydream of a life with Bakugou, grander than the one you already had. One where tiny footsteps would roam your halls. One where you would have the suffix ‘Mrs.’ before your now changed name. You loved to think of that kind of future, and hoped that he would ask you soon.
“How’s Y/N?” asked Kirishima through the phone. Bakugou scratched his head.
“Uh s-she’s good. Yeah, she’s good.”
“Just good? Everything okay with you two?”
Bakugou clicked the pen in his hand a few times and tapped his foot.
“Look man I don’t know what I’m gonna do. All I know is that I can’t do it anymore...” he admitted. The other line went silent for a moment.
“Just be honest with yourself and her. She’ll understand,” suggested Kiri. Bakugou shook his head.
“No no I can’t. I don’t want to hurt her but I-I just...I have a feeling that I’m gonna have to.”
“Do you love her man?”
“I did...”
“Then you gotta come to terms with it. You can’t force yourself to be happy for her. That’s just unfair.”
Bakugou threw the pen to the ground and got up from his chair. He began to pace around the room.
“I just-GOD- I wish I did. I really wish I did...”
You stared up at your ceiling fan, watching the blades rotate in a circular motion. You couldn’t sleep. You had a horrible pit in your stomach, but couldn’t pinpoint why.
Bakugou carefully turned his key to open the door. He held his breath hoping not to make a single sound. He would be silent. He would simply pack a bag, write a note, and leave exactly from where he came.
You tossed and turned in your bed as you tried to find a comfortable position. You sighed and sat up. Maybe a glass of cold water would help.
Bakugou grabbed his laundry from the basket in the living room. He began to fold the clothes that you had washed earlier for him. He carefully folded them one by one. He stared at one article of clothing. It was an old sweater. It was his but you wore it more than he did, claiming it reminded you of him. He sighed, leaving that sweater in the basket.
You rubbed your eyes, placing your hand on the door knob. Bakugou stiffened up. You yawned and walked to the kitchen. You spotted him in the corner of your eye.
“I didn’t hear you come home,” you whispered. Bakugou chuckled nervously.
“Y-Yeah I just got here a couple minutes ago...”
You looked over at Bakugou with the Landry basket.
“Why are you folding clothes at two-thirty in the morning?” You questioned. Bakugou sighed.
“Y/N come here please.”
You took a gulp of your water before setting it down. You went over to the couch to join Katsuki.
“Can’t this wait until the morning?” You yawned. He shook his head.
“No it can’t. Y/N I have to talk to you about something important.”
Your eyes widened.
“Okay. I’m listening.”
Bakugou took your hands with his. His palms were sweaty. He locked eyes with you.
“Listen there’s-uh- there’s no easy way to say this but...Y/N I’m breaking up with you.”
Your expression didn’t change, which worried Bakugou even more. You just stared at him. You stared straight at him until an ocean began to fall from your eyes. Your tears could’ve filled up the entire room. Bakugou squeezed onto your hands.
“Look baby you didn’t do anything wrong, trust me. I just...fuck... I just don’t feel the same way towards you that you do for me and I’m sorry. I really wish I did. But I can’t force myself to stay. That isn’t fair to either of us.”
Your breathing grew heavier as your entire world fell apart before you. Your head fell down into Bakugou’s lap, muffling your sobs. He looked up at the ceiling, holding back his own tears. He hated himself at this moment. He hated himself more than ever before. He would do anything to love you, but he didn’t.
“I’m sorry baby...I’m sorry...”
Your cries probably woke up your neighbors. How your sobbing didn’t cease. You felt as though a million arrows had just shot into your back. Thorns after thorns piercing your skin. You take it back. You don’t like the thorns.
You looked up at Bakugou. Your lips quivering.
“I’m gonna pack a bag and spend the night at Kiri-“
“No, god, please no...” you cried. You wrapped your arms around his torso, now sobbing into his chest. Bakugou huffed. He held the back of your head gently.
“C-Can you please just spend one last night with me. Please...”
“Y/N that’s not a good idea...”
You sniffled a little harder, gripping onto his shirt.
“J-Just one last night with me please...”
Katsuki kissed the top of your head.
You and Bakugou walked back into the bedroom. He changed into just a pair of shorts, as he did every night. It was as if nothing was different. He dimmed the lights, you pulled down the covers, and the two of you climbed into bed. You didn’t lay down, keeping your back against the bed frame. Bakugou was seated the same.
“Could you please kiss me? Just one last time?” You whispered. Bakugou sniffled.
You looked over at him, tears still streaming down your face. You moved to sit onto his lap. Bakugou placed his hand on your cheek, wiping away the tears though more still poured.
“I’m sorry.”
Bakugou leaned in to kiss you. Your shaky lips tried their best to savor this moment. You knew this was it. This was the last time you would ever share a bed with him. Ever share a home with him. Ever kiss him.
You tangled your hands into his blond hair, pulling him closer to you. His hands traveled up your shirt, memorizing the skin he touched. Maybe this was all just an attempt to see if Bakugou could gain those feelings back for you. Maybe he said yes just for the hope that he would kiss you, and remember why he fell in love with you in the first place. Unfortunately for the both of you, he didn’t. He kissed you and felt nothing. Similar to a black hole in space, Katsuki Bakugou felt empty towards you, no matter how badly he wanted to feel otherwise.
You cried as you kissed him. Both of your tears mixing into one pool. You knew that if you pulled away, that would be it. No more. You were scared to stop, so he stopped for you.
Bakugou turned to the side, making his lips depart from yours. He moved his hands to his side, and pressed his lips together. That was it.
You moved back to your regular spot in bed, pulling the covers over you. You sniffled again.
Bakugou looked over at you to see if you were asleep. He saw your chest rise and fall with your shallow breaths. He brought his fist to his mouth, shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath. He went over to his closet, grabbing and packing his clothes. Next, his drawers. He packed up everything he owned, placing it all in just a few bags. He went out to the living room, seeing the now empty laundry basket. Well, almost empty. Bakugou grabbed the remaining sweater and brought it to your room. He set it down on his side of the bed, which he made. He took another deep breath.
He almost said it, but that would’ve been unfair. He would’ve lied. So, he instead grabbed his bags, kissed the top of your head, and walked out the door.
You heard the door shut, as it woke you up. You sprung up from your bed, scanning the room around you. You looked over to your side to see that Bakugou’s side of the bed was perfectly made, and that he had left you something. You cupped your hand over your mouth, shaking your head. You didn’t want to cry this early in the morning but it was already too late. Once you realized what he has left you, it was too late.
With a shaky hand you grabbed the sweater and unfolded it. You held it in front of you. You buried your face in it. You cried. You screamed into the sweater. You screamed so loud, Bakugou heard you from outside. He climbed into his car anyway
You gripped onto the sweater, sobbing uncontrollably. The navy fabric now stained black from your tears. You held it up in front of you again, seeing the tear marks. You put the sweater on.
The reason you loved that specific sweater so much was because of how soft it was. Warm and fuzzy, giving you a hug when Bakugou couldn’t. Now, the sweater felt rough. It was almost as if the fabric inside pricked you. It was stabbing you, making your skin crawl. It was as if the sweater was made of a million tiny thorns, when it once was as soft as a rose petal.
You ripped the sweater off, throwing it to the ground. You rubbed your arms, wishing that uncomfortable feeling would go away. You wished this would all just go away.
You splashed cold water onto your face from your kitchen sink. You patted your face dry and looked to your kitchen table. Your flowers had died. Only one wilted rose remained, with only one petal left. You walked over to it, picking it off and throwing the petal in the garbage, where the rest of your love went.
He loves me not.
[MHA taglist: @bibly @big-phat-cat @sapphoscolonoscopy @luluwiie @happyheartsss @lealofsblog @iwaisa @bakugousmymassa @evivn1 @tetsoleil @bokutory @vangoghmusings @moonlightaangel @misszenin @marajillana @sopesmin @alaina-rose13 @shotoful ]
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thestarsanctuary · 4 years
hi! I was hoping you could do a Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki and Kirishima (separate) with an s/o that has Tourettes, preferably they/them pronouns please. I hope you're having a good day <3
Of course! I was gonna take a break in the middle of my (unspoken) break aka me being lazy, but this request was so nice I- I had to 😔✋🏾 it was definitely the heart. It got me.
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Bakugo wasn’t really sure when he first met you about why your head was twitching or why you were repeating the sentences Aizawa had said sometimes, as he didn’t know you had tourettes. He never even spoke to you like the others did so you never had the chance to tell him until Kirishima did.
When you two started dating he started seeing patterns of when you would get to stressed and start jerking or spouting out random things you heard from youtube videos, he did his best to make sure you knew he was there for reassurance, whether it was a hand on your hand or just pure presence.
There were times when you would have ticcing fits and he would have to sit and rub your back and watch you, and in those times you realized he really was there for you.
He likes to do this thing where he rants on about things he doesn’t like to try and distract you- I’m not sure how he has so much he doesn’t like but every time it’s a new odd topic....sometimes it can literally be something like how he hates trees because when it’s fall he has to rake up the leaves and you have to say
“Bakugo they literally help you not die.” It really is a mystery sometimes how he’s so smart.
Sometimes you can be a bit upset with your tics. It’s not that you’re insecure or that you’re ashamed, but they’re difficult to deal with. The control that you could have isn’t there and that’s stressful in and of itself, and in those moments Bakugo realizes the best thing he can do for you - is make you understand that you are just like the rest of the class and the rest of the people in the world.
“Listen it doesn’t matter if you’re different because to me you’re still cool, you’re still funny, you’re still incredibly sarcastic and while I don’t enjoy that for the most part- you’re my extra regardless of whatever you feel. Get that bull out of your head.”
I mean, he wouldn’t date anybody less than the best.
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Midoriya is the predictable character in the relationship. He researched about Tourettes and what he could do in times when you needed him, I mean he’s not perfect but he’d rather know something rather than nothing.
You tended to be the one who was more of a risk taker, and sometimes your tourettes got in the way of that- which could frustrate you to no end then causing harsher tics like hitting or yelling, and those were the times Midoriya tried to get anything too dangerous either out of your hands- or just out of the way so you didn’t get hurt, he was smart with it.
Other times he could be too much for you, almost treating you like a kid so you had to remind him that you know and understand precautions, but that you also want to live like everybody else and that is nothing short of your business.
You’re favorite activity with him was when he would help you study because he made it so fun for you. It could be hard to pay attention in class sometimes and do your work after school so Izuku would come over and assist you. He would make sure you guys took breaks and that you understood the topic at your own pace.
“Izuku can you like- give an example?”
“Well it’s just kind of- wait what is an example-“
In many situations Midoriya LOVED holding your hand, like he did it at any time, any place. It was something he thought wasn’t too much in public and it was reassuring for you both. When you’re tics got too much you could squeeze his hand, and other times when he wouls get anxious or something would happen he would squeeze yours. It was cute and handy!
There were instances when Midoriya definitely had his mistakes with your tics and how to deal with them but he was willing to take his time and learn because who would he be without his perfect person stayin’ by his side?
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Kirishima is probably the most sympathetic with your tics because he stay prepared for them. It’s never been like “Kirishima can you” but it’s always been more like ‘Kiri how do you always know’ and there’s never been an answer that he gave other than ‘I gotta stay ready for my lovely lover~’
Kirishima likes to do this thing where he goes “neck” after you have a rough day with your tics and with massage your neck for you or your back, depending on how your tics were. He likes takin’ care of you, and it’s not like he doesn’t know you can’t take care of yourself because hey, you didn’t get into 1-A by being a pushover.
Sometimes you’ve had times when people in school just aren’t all that accepting and Kirishima will clap back unprovoked.
“Sometimes I think about how sad you have to be to make fun of them and dang man, you got a therapist?”
Other times you’ll basically respond for him, like I said, you can DEFINITELY take care of yourself.
Whenever you’re in the car or on the bus on a trip in the case that you’ve gotten real excited (which is natural being around your boyfriends and your friends at the same time) he’ll play this playlist he made of your favorite songs and sing to distract you. Does he sing well? That wasn’t the question- but he does sing, only for you though because the other students keep dissing him.
He has a reflex of rubbing your back during free period or at lunch. I don’t think this is relevant but it’s something super adorable, and sometimes he just gives you his hand to look at and play with when you have anxiety as well to keep you calm.
Also irrelevant but other times he’ll facetime you before you guys go somewhere and ask what to wear because he wants to match with you, and it’s so cute because you could lie so hard and he’d believe everything you say.
You two are kinda a power couple like- you both can hold your own but also are such nice people, good job makin’ the rest of 1-A feel lonely guys.
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Todoroki is a simple guy. He doesn’t want to overcomplicate things for the most part because “why would I act like your guardian, if I’m literally your boyfriend” and that’s that.
He tends to try and keep you calm, as it’s something pretty simple for him, he knows a bunch of tactics for distractions or when those are obsolete, he’ll just sit there with you, and maybe rub your back or get a water bottle for when it’s done, he just never wants to do too much because he knows your capabilities, and he knows your limits.
He is also a large hand holder. Mostly because he doesn’t like the idea of PDA for the most part, and he doesn’t like leaving your side either, because you’re very comforting to him. It’s a given we all know he needs love and comfort please.
There have been times when people look at your because of your tics in public and Todoroki has had to give a little glare back because of the disrespect being blatantly put out. In rarer times you will both glare at the same time, those are the coolest moments of you as a couple.
Shoto doesn’t really care much for your tics only because he’d rather just make sure you’re ok then watch Avengers rather than treat you like a child if anything, and that’s because you told him first that you wanted a boyfriend not a babysitter (speakin’ facts) and at first he didn’t understand and he thought you didn’t want his help but soon understood otherwise.
Some cute things I like to think of are that he likes to put on your favorite songs when you’re anxious and try to dance for you. It’s not good- let’s start with that, because he’s kinda...stiff, but the attempt is absolutely adorable (and oh so funny).
Other things are he likes to call you cheesy nicknames when you’re cuddling because he likes your reactions everytime, because according to him, yeah he said it himself, you are very adorable when annoyed. Don’t @ me!
Overall he just loves spending time with you whenever he can, you’re truly a safe-haven for him.
Alright tourettes is a real thing y’all, so I didnt make this rainbows n cupcakes bc im sure that’s not always how it is.
If anything in this is offensive or too much for somebody I can take it down and re-do it! I’m not too sure how it is bc it feels kinda repetitive but we’ll see I guess, and thanks to the person who requested my day was fine thanks 😩✋🏾.
I also included some things I like to do (play with hands and listen to music) because i have anxiety and I known that can worsen tics and can also come with tics (a lot of ppl with tics have adhd, anxiety, or some sort of disorder along with it)
- SS <333333
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cripplingaddictions · 4 years
First “I love you”s with the BNHA Boys
Bakugo, Shinso, Kirishima
Summary: How I think some of my favs would say their first ily and when it would be in the relationship. Pretty much first major confession stories...
A/N: So sorry for inactivity. I always get way too carried away with these sorts of headcanons... Let me know if you guys want a part two with maybe some pro heroes, villains, or maybe more students?? 
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Yeah, Bakugo sucks at words
Bakugo said his quite far into the relationship, let’s be real
To begin with, his love language was actions, not words
So when he realised that he needed to say it at some point or you may get upset with him, he panicked 
I’m sure you were incredibly accepting of his form of affection, slightly aggressive or not, that you weren't pressing for him to say it
You knew he would be uncomfortable with it, so you make it your mission to say it to him first
That way he could feel either relieved that you said first, confident enough to say it himself when he was ready, or let it out at the same time
Spoiler: it was the latter 
You both blurted it out together
The two of you were in a fight, nothing unusual 
However, it wasn’t one of the playful ones that more commonly end with you giggling and pleading for his mercy as he tickled you
You’d never yell in those sorts of fights, and neither would he
But this one was serious
The points and arguments attacking each other were incredibly personal, but both sides were very unselfish
For example, you said: “Your inferiority complex is what makes you this way and you’re gonna push yourself too hard one day!”
To which he’d reply with: “Look at you, if you want to play hero let me do what I want and focus on yourself. Don’t waste your time on me when I’m perfectly fine”
You get the idea
All you wanted was for him to look after himself
Once you believed the fight was incredibly stupid, you stormed off
Bakugo of course tried to catch up with you only for you to slam a door in his face, which you instantly regretted
It took you a good half an hour to open the door again
Bakugo stood up immediately at the sight of your puffy eyes
He felt awful 
But the three words came out as follows:
“Katsuki... I’m sorry”
“No, I am”
“Katsu, please, you know that I get worked up”
“And I do too”
There was a pause, neither of you knowing who would speak first
That’s when you spoke at the same time
“I only said what I said because I love you and care about you”
“I almost pushed you away because I love you so much, dumbass”
“What did you say?”
You got him to repeat himself, and he mumbled it shyly
You awed, hurrying up to him to pull him tightly into your chest and reassured him softly
He was too shocked to get emotional or cry
He was mainly relieved that you said it too, because as soon as that fight picked up, he was afraid you didn’t
Now that it was off his chest, he was relieved
And knowing everything that you did was because you loved him back made him feel so much better
But he made sure that you both said it often enough to avoid doubt
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My soft purple boy...
He knew he loved you instantly, much like most of the boys on this list
He had finally found someone with similar interests as him, same sense of humour, same goals, and loved cats too
Best of all, you never assumed anything because of his quirk
And with Shinso’s childhood, encountering someone who thought nothing like those other kids, he wanted to hold onto you forever
You feeling safe around him wasn’t something that grew over time after meeting him
It was instantaneous 
You had introduced yourself to him and he cocked an eyebrow at you
“Aren’t you scared?”
“Scared? Why would I be scared?”
“Don’t you know I’m the kid with the brainwash quirk that everyone says to ‘beware’?”
“Oh, yeah. I knew”
“Then why did you approach me?”
“I don’t know, I thought your quirk was actually really cool and wanted to know why your in the general department and not in the hero department”
That was the first time he had ever heard someone talk about his quirk in such a way
He’d be lying if he said that he didn’t fall in love instantly as you took a seat next to him and began ranting about how rigged the entrance exam was
I didn’t mean to get into a whole backstory so lets hurry with the confession:
You two weren’t even dating yet when he said it
And it wasn’t even that far into your friendship that he let it slip
The two of you had stopped into a cat cafe on the way home from UA
You had already finished eating and were busy playing with the numerous cats surrounding your table
After all, Shinso was a cat magnet
You cooed at a kitten in your lap, talking to it in your baby voice
Shinso sat across from you, chin resting in his hand smiling fondly to himself
The fact that he loved you was so apparent to him that he almost forgot that you didn’t know
For some reason, he had forgotten that you really couldn’t read his mind, even though you were so similar to him
At this point, your teasing but genuine affection had made Shinso forget that you weren't dating
Being around each other was so comfortable 
He never had been so blessed
While you played with the cat, he sighed
“Damn... I love you...”
The boy had the audacity to clear his throat and pretend he didn’t say it, like it was a ghost or something that had whispered it so softly and meaningfully in a voice that sounded just like his voice..? 
Of course you knew it was him
“Do you mean it?”
“Mean what?”
“This is so sudden... I mean we’re not even dating? Do I say it back now? How long have you felt this way? Do I have to meet your parents now? Wait, do you even want a relationship? No-”
Shinso leaned over the table and placed his hand over your mouth to hush you
“It was an accident, okay? I didn’t mean to say it so soon”
You peel his large hand off your mouth
“No, it’s fine... I’m kind of relieved...”
“Why’s that?”
“I was going to ask you out after this... and I didn’t know if you’d say yes”
You laughed nervously, turning back to the cat and avoided Shinso’s eyes
Let’s just say that he definitely said yes and that spot in the cat cafe became his favourite place ever
You said that you loved him right after he agreed to date you
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Kiri! Kiri! Kiri! Kiri!
Words are 100% his thing!
In fact, after you started dating, he couldn’t wait to say it!
He would have said it as soon as you agreed to date him if it wasn’t for his plan that he had come up with as soon as he realised he had a crush on you
This plan of his consisted of him confessing that he loves you after a long date that ended with you two stargazing on a hill with candles and sandwiches and blankets and-
Argh, it was going to be perfect!
Originally, he intended jump right into it and ask you to hang out then take you to the arcade, then to lunch, then the festival, then across the lake, then to the park as friends! 
Denki thought it was stupid that he’d go through all that effort without knowing if you even liked him back!
So, with Denki’s “experience”, he instructed Kirishima on a new 20 step plan in order to say it at the right moment
Kiri, being so lovestruck, he could only listen to him
The first date he asked you on was a simple study date
According to Denki’s plan, Kiri was to take baby steps in order to build up to a date of that magnitude
With Kirishima being the sunshine boy he is, every date was a blast (even the study one)
As it came to the completion of the 20 step plan, Kiri began to grow nervous
Remember how I said words are 100% his thing?
Well, at least they were
Before the big day at least
He was incredible fidgety the entire time, from when you got to the arcade to when you hopped onto the boat to cross the lake
You weren’t stupid, you noticed how his laughter faded out quickly as how he avoided your eyes more often than not
It caused you to get a bit anxious yourself, making the boat ride over to the park incredibly awkward
You usually relied on him to bounce back on, but now...
Why was he even anxious? The date had gone perfectly!
You looked like you had enjoyed yourself, so why was he questioning if you would love him back?
Nonetheless, he led you to the exactly place on the hill he had planned it to happen three months ago
You rolled out the picnic blanket, lit the candles, ate the sandwiches and waited for the sun to go down
The temperature dropped, causing you to shiver, just like Kiri planned
So he took out the blanket and wrapped it around your shoulders, much more awkwardly than he had watched on repeat in his head for months
But you took it with a smile, and he loosened up a bit
When it became dark enough for you to see the stars, you lay down on wrapped in the blanket
Your eyes were filled with wonder as you found yourself absent-mindedly telling Kiri about the different stars
That’s when Kiri found his hand itching for the speech that he stashed into his pocket after rewriting it over and over again
He was sure he had formulated his words right
But at that moment, seeing you just as he had dreamed in this perfect moment, but only more beautiful, he realised it would never go as he planned
“And I think that one is Sirius. It’s got to be the brightest star”
“I want to tell you something”
You’re heart dropped
“What is it?”
“I’m so in love with you, you have no idea. Ever since I met you, I thought you were incredible and beautiful... It’s not very manly for me to admit this but... I have literally dreamed of this moment. But none of my dreams could have never prepared me for this. I love you, Y/N, and it’s okay if you don’t love me back”
“Oh thank goodness, I’m so glad that was what you wanted to say”
“I noticed how fidgety you were and I feared the worst if I’m honest!”
“Oh, no I didn’t want to make you feel that way! I was just nervous that you wouldn’t accept my confession...”
“Of course I do! I love you too!”
He was so relieved, and never regretted the way the confession when down
Since he recovered from his initial nerves, he’d say it constantly and you’d always laugh and reciprocate his words
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planetsano · 4 years
“can I paint your nails?”
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synopsis: some MHA boys letting you paint their nails and you letting some painting yours.
a/n: gn!reader.
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— [♡] ; bakugou katsuki
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“hell no.”
“please, katsuki? 🥺”
he's always had a soft spot for when his s/o used his first name, and they were pulling some of the best puppy dog eyes he's ever seen.
so he reluctantly agreed.
his s/o would spread out an array of polishes in front of him, all different colors with terrible names to go with each and every one of them.
bakugou was confused watching his s/o excitedly ramble on about their favorite colors and which one he should pick because it would “compliment his eyes”
he had to admit, they were kind of cute getting all excited over something as silly as this but he wouldn't be caught dead wearing coral blue #2 semi gloss nail polish.
so he picked black.
“black? that's it?” his s/o pouted as they reached over grabbing the little glass jar.
“I didn't have to agree, dork.”
the type to forget that his nails are painted and realizes when he out in public and gets pissed off because you saw him walk out the door and didn't saw anything.
he's not too mad because he knows he made his s/o happy. softie.
— [♡] ; eijirou kirishima
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his s/o is a little caught by surprise at his question,
but of course they say yes!
kiri’s s/o sets up all the materials needed for the sweetie pie.
polishes, cotton balls, acetone, those little spongy finger separators.
“what color do you want, baby?”
“hmm, red!” his s/o smiled brightly.
“rad choice, babe!”
he holds his s/o’s hand so gently. it feels so dainty in his.
kiri looks adorable as hell concentrating as hard as he is.
his hair is down so it's covering his face a bit.
he put on his s/o face wash headband. it had cute little panda ears on top of it. 🥺
his s/o snapped a picture of the cute moment and posted it to their private story on snapchat with the caption: ‘I love him :(‘
bakugou slid up and said: ‘give me my fucking friend back.. but y'all are cute ig”
— [♡] ; todoroki shoto
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would agree and fully be the one to wear it out with no hesitation or embarrassment.
he looks like a fully fledged e-boy.
his s/o put little designs like a smiley face, a skull, a heart, but the majority were solid black.
todo quite enjoyed the process.
his s/o was rambling on about their day. about how they saw the cutest puppy ever, expressed that they should adopt one and wanted to name it soba.
todo just nods and smiles, urging them to continue talking. he loved listening.
“this smiley face is me, okay? so i'm always with you!”
he thinks his partner is so adorable.
he also thinks they did a good job on his nails.
— [♡] ; izuku midoriya
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he always loves the times when you guys are relaxing before bed and you decide to paint your nails. The best conversations and the funniest jokes happen during those chill times.
one night he wanted to try and his s/o agreed to let him. it was time for a new color anyway.
the whole time his s/o is giving him gentle pointers while they watch him paint their toes a pretty green color.
he looks up at his s/o with sparkly eyes genuinely trying to understand and apply the tips they're giving him.
he's trying his best :(
and he really wants them to approve of his work.
“did I do a good job? 🥺”
“of course you did, baby.”
he's happy.
protect himb.
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retiredteabag · 4 years
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Well Oiled Machine
Pairing: Kirishima X reader
Genre: Angst- friends to...yeah
Word count: ...
Synopsis: After seeing Kirishima, her life long best friend with his new girlfriend, her heart can simply not take it anymore and she finally snaps.
Kiri: “Where r u going??”
Kiri: “Hey?”
Kiri: “What the hell just happened?”
Kiri: “Y/n”
One missed call
Kiri: “Y/n!???”
Kiri: “seriously not the time to be ignoring me.”
Kiri: “please pick up y/n”
Kiri: “What even happened? Are you sick? Did you get nauseous? What is going on?”
Y/n reads the text again through teary vision; a hiccup wracks her whole body and she wipes her face with her damp sleeve. Sniffling she types her reply.
Y/n: “Hey!! Yeah I’m good, sorry bout that”
He reads it right away, despite the fact that she had seen his texts for the last hour and a half and didn’t bother marking it unread. Three gray dots bubble for a brief moment then, dreadfully, halt. Something swells within her chest. She places her phone on her dry sink, sees the blurry reflection of herself in the mirror. She normally would never react like this. Her heart just hurt too much right now. With everything going on, seeing Kirishima with a girl who hardly even cares for him just breaks her heart. Struggling to steady her breaths she coughs a few times and aggressively wipes her face again.
Suddenly the silence shatters, loud- her ringtone booms again through the tiny bathroom; the noise bounces around the walls and pierces her head. Taking in a gross sniffle and coughing to clear her throat she answers the incoming call.
“Hey!”- The voices cries between breathless gasps- “You sure you’re good? You left so suddenly …and I’m worried.” Kirishima pants out.
Y/n takes a deep breath to hold in the ever-creeping voice crack, holds her head towards the ceiling, making it sound like she’s yawning, “Yeah,”- she coughs- “we’re all good here! Just a little tired.” 
Her flimsy attempt at sounding honest breaks at the strain in her voice, her façade melting. She can’t help it though, not this time.
Over the years y/n has seen Kirishima with lots of girls, and she has been okay with it, genuinely okay, she knows she’s not gonna confess and it’s pretty clear Kiri doesn’t think of her like that so what was the point anyway. If he was happy with those girls who was she to complain. This was something different though, she was inconsiderate and rude, unkind and pushy, she flirted with other guys and all Kiri would do is smile and brush it off.
“Where are you?” He sounds rushed, she can hear the wind roaring through the receiver, his head wiping in every direction.
“I’m at my dorm. Listen, you don’t have to worry, okay? I’m gonna get some sl- “
Rapid knocks echo from outside her dorm room. She yelps, effectively surprised, her phone falls in her slippery fingers but she catches it.
“Open the door! Please…””
Why, why, whyyyy!!! Gosh why is he here?
“Hey, Kiri...just need some time alone, yeah? I’ll see you tomorrow, sounds good?” Y/n’s heart felt like it just dropped to the bottom most part of her stomach.
“I swear! If you don’t open the door, I will break it!” Exasperated, he hisses- “Come on! I can’t just let you leave like that, you’re my best friend y/n!”
Sincerity is evident in his voice but it still hurt to hear. He’s soft and vulnerable right now but there’s something about his tone that says this is not a request. Sighing loudly, y/n opens the bathroom door. Not before splashing water on her face and dragging herself to the front door. She peeks through the peephole. She sees him clearly, running a hand through his hair, chills run across her. She knows this is so out of character, subconsciously though she knows if she does not comply, something, she doesn’t know what, could go very wrong. It would be the most humiliating thing, if Kirishima Ojiro found out that y/n l/n liked him it might as well be as if the world ended, that would be it for her. They’ve known each other since they were kids, shes seen him grow up, knows what makes him tick, knows how to make him feel better, but the same goes for her, he knows her. And he knows her well enough to know when she’s hurt.
The door cracks and he pushes, hard. She stumbles back some out of shock. There he is, breath ragged and sweaty, his phone still at his ear, then he throws to the ground.
“Oh, thank God! I was so worried!”
And suddenly she’s in a bone crushing hug, she can’t breathe or think, and time is standing still, her mind hurts and her body is exhausted from all the crying, everything is incredibly fuzzy. He’s burning hot and still short from air. She takes a breath and begins to say something, and he snaps.
“No! No, you cannot just- just up and leave without a follow-up, okay? Everyone was so worried! I’m your friend, I need to know whether your okay or not, understood?”
Discomfort sizzles in her chest and makes its way throughout her. She curls her toes and cracks her knuckles at the unwelcome feeling. Her heart still in her stomach she feels like swallowing would make her throw up but she does anyway. Seeing him in this disheveled state makes her feel bad, God knows he shouldn’t go to all this trouble for her. It hurts too much. Kirishima is so incredibly compassionate and sees so much more in people, he never gave up on her no matter how aloof she was, not matter how cold she was to him.
She had foolishly diluted her emotions, traced along the way she wanted people to see them so that all that remained was a burnt-out shell of a human that could hardly remember the person she used to be. Y/n’s life was no longer centered around herself and her but around her fear, she had become a stoic side character with nothing to show for. Too scared to put in the effort to actually find love or get over her feelings. Absolutely petrified by the thought of her feelings changing the friendship she shared, by the idea of losing him even more. Thus, her character was then put to waste and so, she stands, totally helpless. A hug is meant to be comforting but it was the most painful hug y/n’s ever felt, like this was her way of completely sealing away her feelings forever. And that’s all that filled her mind. A newborn coldness acompaning her—surrendering completely, and all the while not a sound escapes her lips. Like always too scared, too scared she’ll cry if she talks, too scared she’ll spill it all, too scared to do anything.
“Thank you- “she finally says, “I’ll tell you next time.”
She lies between her teeth and feels herself becoming standoffish again, just as closed off as before. She lies to him and prays he believes it.
“Promise?” He askes over her shoulder.
              And he does.
Why do I only write angst? But like fr this one hurted a bit, a wee bit- I hope you enjoyed though :)
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