rainlov3r · 1 year
pov: you have fallen victim to capitalism
POV : you're done with people and only care about being wealthy, smart and pretty
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rainlov3r · 2 years
i love you more then anything.
i love you more then sunsets and the colour blue,
i love you more then flying and dancing in the summer rain,
i love you more then the moon and the ocean and the rain and your favourite book,
i love you more then i love the person you want to be.
i love you that is me.
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rainlov3r · 2 years
i am so happy about so many people agreeing with me and reblogging this<33 thank u sm
i loved aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe but i don't like that it's only seen as a "queer romance" i feel like the romance in this book wasn't even the main focus. this book is about loneliness and family trauma and growing up and understanding the people around you and then the main characters fall in love and that is ONE of the things they have to come to terms with besides so many other things. but for example ari didn't have problems opening up because he is gay but because he has to carry his family's trauma. i loved the romance part of this book so much. but the book would have also worked if dante and ari were just two friends who loved each other a lot, because the book is so much more then just a romance.
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rainlov3r · 2 years
i loved aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe but i don't like that it's only seen as a "queer romance" i feel like the romance in this book wasn't even the main focus. this book is about loneliness and family trauma and growing up and understanding the people around you and then the main characters fall in love and that is ONE of the things they have to come to terms with besides so many other things. but for example ari didn't have problems opening up because he is gay but because he has to carry his family's trauma. i loved the romance part of this book so much. but the book would have also worked if dante and ari were just two friends who loved each other a lot, because the book is so much more then just a romance.
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rainlov3r · 2 years
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rainlov3r · 3 years
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rainlov3r · 3 years
i have said "i hate people" way to many times for how much i actually love people.
the bravest thing about me is that how i despite everything continue to love my fellow human beings and i dont want to stop.
i will always try to take care of my heart so that it will have the energy to love people. love everyone.
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rainlov3r · 3 years
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Sally Rooney, Normal People
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rainlov3r · 3 years
we got hurt so now he hide in our communities where everyone understands us and we are judging the others. we don't talk to people who aren't educated about sensetive issues anymore because it hurts. but the truth is, it's leading ur nowhere. we have to heal and be brave, get out there again and talk to these people. bring love and understanding in the conversation because only this way we can change the world and break the endless circle of hate and hurt.
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rainlov3r · 3 years
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rainlov3r · 3 years
“Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just… start.”
— Ijeoma Umebinyuo
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rainlov3r · 3 years
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rainlov3r · 3 years
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Let it go, let it sink in to the dead of the night
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rainlov3r · 3 years
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때론 나의 숨 막힐 때면, 모잘 눌러쓰고 계속 달려♡
{my time} 🕰 ☕️jungkook live kinda dark (comfy?¿) Moodboard
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rainlov3r · 3 years
the atlas six — fav quotes
"Really, there was nothing more dangerous than a woman who knew her own worth." 42, parisa
"I don't make a habit of doing things I should." 67, parisa
"I find people to be largely disappointing." 138, tristan
"She was a woman in the weaponized sense." 155, reina about parisa
"Beauty is nothing. Everyone's perception is flawed. They have standards drilled into them by cultural propaganda. Nothing anyone sees is real; only how they perceive it." 168, parisa
"What are we celebrating?" "Our fragile mortality. The inevitability that we will descend into chaos and dust." 177, callum & tristan
"If I were going to ask someone for help, Rhodes, it would have been you." 189, nico to libby
"Intelligence is, in some senses, also an illness — genius is frequently a side effect of mania." 199, parisa
"Seduction is not all lethality." 200, parisa
"We won't bite. Unless you're into that sort of thing, of course." 223, parisa
"Men in particular are draining, they bleed us dry. They demand we carry their burdens, fix their ills. A man is constantly in search of a good woman, but what do they offer us in return?" 227, parisa
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rainlov3r · 3 years
cr: the atlas six
— nico de varona
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“Even when the options were to reach the sun or collide flaming with the sea, safety was a uselessness Nico de Varona couldn’t abide.”
— ‘the atlas six’ by @olivieblake
Libby Callum Reina Tristan Parisa
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rainlov3r · 3 years
i love the rain
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