174 posts
I will post about whatever I wan't, I will say whatever I wan't, I'll write how often I wan't, I will swear as much as I wan't, I will write how long or short posts that I wan't, I will write with how many gramatichal errors and bad spelling as I wan't. I will also change my blogs apperence and name etc how often I wan't. I'm done taking crap. a blog about a bit of everything, this and that, odds and ends, bits and bobs.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
rainbowrass · 1 year ago
Anyone here tried drawing on either a huion kamvas 16 inch 2.5 k or a xp pen pro 16 inch gen2 pen display? I wanna know wich one is best.
#xppen #huion #pendisplay #drawing #art
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rainbowrass · 1 year ago
Would you choose huion kamvas 16inch 2.5k or xp pen artist pro 16 2nd gen. As
A pen display to draw on?
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rainbowrass · 1 year ago
Whats better story of seasons dorameon 1 or 2?
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rainbowrass · 1 year ago
Should I buy rune factory 3 special or 4 special?
I heard 3 has better charakters look to be better graphics
4 has better crafting and quality of life 4 also lets you be queer
Is all of this true?
Is there something else note worthy?
Should I even considered 5?
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rainbowrass · 1 year ago
Misspelling to an author must be the equivalent of putting ketchup on pasta, which has been prepared by an italian cook.
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rainbowrass · 1 year ago
It be nice with @neil-gaiman sometime breaking the 4th wall in good omens and just appear, crowley and aziraphale asks who he is and he's like "I'm the authors etc".
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rainbowrass · 1 year ago
Okay so help me what are pros and cons for rune factory 3 and 4 special on switch?
I'm gonna buy one of them,
So far I think what I read online is:
3 has better charakters
3 looks to have better graphic
4 has better crafting
Is all of this correct? and what more can you add to this?
And should I even consider runefactory 5?
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rainbowrass · 1 year ago
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rainbowrass · 1 year ago
One reason why having multiple smartphones is good because I can just take a picture of the show with my other cellphone. I also think taking screenshots should be allowed and not blocket it really is stupid. I think the problem is they haven't figured out a way to ONLY block video and alow pictures I think they can only block everything at once I'm not super knowledged in codeing but maby that's why.
hbo max blocks screenshots even when I use the snipping tool AND firefox AND ublock which is a fucking first. i will never understand streaming services blocking the ability to take screenshots thats literally free advertising for your show right there. HOW THE HELL IS SOMEBODY GONNA PIRATE YOUR SHOW THROUGH SCREENSHOTS. JACKASS
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rainbowrass · 1 year ago
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We are ineffably elated to confirm that Good Omens will return for a third season! This calls for a round of hot chocolate and sweet treats!
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rainbowrass · 1 year ago
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Congrats to the victory Gdragon ✌️🎉
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rainbowrass · 1 year ago
I had a dream about Gdragon this night.
I dreamt that me and my mom (I'm 28)
Wen't to see Gdragon perform on stage.
It was weird because me and my mom has only traveled one time before together.
I was there hoping he would see me in the crowd because I have feelings for him... but I knew the chance were slim...I shifted between having good self confidence to thinking I wasn't better than anyone else.
Then all of a sudden he look at my direction as he was trying to take aim and throw something.
He threw a bicyckle wheel?! Towards my direction, it landed one step down from me, nobody took it...wich suprised me...I tought everyone would jump and grab it because GD had touched it but no...but then maby? I was atleast prepared to fight for it. I had to crawl under some metal bars in order to get it, when I got there there was more stuff laying near the bicyckle wheel so I tought it might had been atached to it, I think it was a journal.
I went and told my mom ...with my red cheeks that I tought he threw it towards me on purpouse because he either likes me or thinks I'm special.
Later on we were going to get autographs
For some reason I was standing there in nothing but a shirt and my underwear?? Completely oblivious that I was...I was waiting for my turn..but I think I stroke up a conversation..he was a bit ignorant...wich made me sad and confused since he had taken aim on me earlier as he threw that bicykle wheel and journal towards me...and then he was on his way away from there because the autograph signing was over and then I noticed I had no pants on...I got a bit uppset that no one had told me so I think I either turned to my mom or friend or I did turn to GD himself and raised my voice a bit saying "Why didnt you tell me I had no pants on?!"
I talked to him like he was any other ordinary person...no one else did, he went away, probobly feeling a bit attacked by my sudden outburst i tought to myself...
Afterwards I tought...maby I shouldnt have yelled at him...maby I should've treated him more respectful and royal like the other people did...then I tought to myself no...I think it was good that I treated him more equal like he is a normal person, when it all comes around why wouldn't he be able to tell someone they have lost their pants just as much as the next person. I felt in a way seeing him as an equal was more respectfull towards him then bowing and treating him like a royal (I think hes sick of that alredy)
Later on we found out that he was infact impressed by me dearing to speak up about it so he had invited us to his private party, it was him, his siblings because in my dream he had serveral, And his dad and his sister did not look like they do in reality, his sister did not even look korean she had blond pmbre hair and a white dress and his dad was quite obese and...a bit of a man-pig drinking tons of alcohol (His real family look much nicer than my dream version of them ♡)
But in my DREAM his dad was very rude towards me...and my mom was quite embarrasing she told GD about how when I fall in love I fall in love hard and get obseesed almost and after I get dumpad I get so sad and cry allot (because I really do fall in love for real) and she tried to talk GD into not falling in love with me because she didnt want me to get so sad if he would break up with me. I got angry at my mom, first of all it was all embarrising second of all I haven't even gotten close to tell GD how I felt it was weeks or months down the line I had just met him for christ sake I couldn't just blurt out that I liked him and sound like any other crazy fan...so I got sad because I tought yepp there it goes my mom just blew any little chance I had with him...and also she called me obssesed who wanna date a person that gets so inlove they almost get obssesed...
Then I remembered GD is a romantic and falls in love hard himself, and he has been looking for someone who I think feels the same way someone that really cares and loves deeply...so I tought maby he would be impressed by my moms speech instead of revolted...but later on both my mom and GD left to go somewhere?! And I was left with his dream-version-dad who looked kind of like Gus from stardew valley actually...anyway he arrogantly sat there with a glas of champagne drunk and blurted out insults at me...later on GD came back and I was sad he wasn't there maby he could've defended me from his dad...well well I tought he wasn't here so might as not tell him.
But then GD himself yelled something at me...I got really sad and now I was the one that run away crying I sat down hoping he would run after me...but he didn't...I tought to myself maby he didn't understand that I got sad...maby he didn't hear me cry...so after a while I went back.
In my head two things happened here its hard to remember what
Either he apologies explaining that he wasn't really mad at me he just took something else out on me like he was hungry or something and cranky and that made him yell.
Or he ignorered me and didnt say anything.
Either way the dream ended pretty anticlimatic with him and me not talking So much just existing near echoter and that made me sad...I wonder what the ending could've been...
I woke up missing him and his aura and voice he felt warm and nice. :)
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rainbowrass · 1 year ago
What kind of gift would you give a dad?
I don't know mine to well I need some advice I was thinking maby giving him a Christmas gift this year. I refuse to give socks, tie or a deodorant...I Feel sad for all men who has had to get that for xmas every year.
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rainbowrass · 1 year ago
When did I become so synichal..?
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rainbowrass · 1 year ago
Tumblr is one of the social media places that has most customization...but it dosen't have enough of it.
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rainbowrass · 1 year ago
Continue to read for possitivity at the end V
Sometimes I feel like if GDragon still loved being on stage as much as he has proclaimed "Music is important to me" then he would've made it happen by now...since 2018 no stage performance...
we can all throw out excuses to why it hasn't happen, this reason or that reason. I just feel if it was me and I loved doing something i would be like: "fuck this let the press say whatever they want Imma go up on that stage and sing because that's what I love doing"
And since he dosen't have the same attitude I can't help but feel...what if he just...don't love being on stage anymore? Why won't he just admit that to us...and most important to himself?
Id still follow carpenter GD or flower entusiast GD or lamp designer GD or whatever because you know what? I like him for his quirky and wonderful personality. I could sit with him at 3am in a park and talk or go shop for duck-tape or whatever. Because it's his personality I enjoy and not his music, I like that too, but I most of all like HIM. And not only the HIM that media gives us. No, I like the kwon that runs around at 3am with soohyuk in a kids' park. That's the GD I like. I'd go and eat ice cream with that GD anyday if I had the chance. Good luck GD with whatever you choose 🍀🙂
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rainbowrass · 1 year ago
I wonder who stole that smile away from him, he never smiles like that anymore. I wish I could find a way to give it back to him.
Picture taken from this instagram: jiyong.bgdrgn
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