rafaliterary · 4 months
Okay so get this: Zack thinks Cloud's hair looks like a chocobos hair, right? But then he buys a beak for him, secretly puts it on while Cloud's asleep, and then takes a picture to show Genesis, Sephiroth, Angeal, and everyone he can possibly find
(sorry it's long, it sounded better in my head)
*The day after*
Lazard: What are everyone's plans for today?
Angeal: I have to go take down the rest of the photos from the walls.
Genesis: I have to go visit Zack at the hospital.
Sephiroth: I have to go visit Cloud in prison.
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rafaliterary · 4 years
Alright people, calm down. Lidia Franco just made her statement. I didn’t translate everything because a lot is them contextualizing the other articles, but I translated the important parts and I leave you the link, so you can check it out for yourselves, okay?
Lidia: “As nossas personagens, no filme ‘O Homem que Matou Dom Quixote’, tinham de estar fisicamente próximas”, explica a atriz. “Considerei o comportamento do ator pouco delicado porque na preparação de uma cena não teve o cuidado que julgo deveria ter tido. As nossas personagens tinham que estar fisicamente próximas e, cada vez que ele se levantava com o grande ímpeto da personagem para fazer o resto da cena, a cadeira onde estava sentado tocava-me com uma certa força, o que me incomodou.”
Lidia: “In the movie, The Man who Killed Dom Quixote, our characters had to be physically near,” the actress explained. “I thought the actor’s behavior wasn’t very delicate during scene preparation. Our characters had to be physically near and, each time he got up, acting out his character’s impulsive nature to carry out the rest of the scene, his chair would poke me with a force that bothered me.”
She goes on to say that despite her discomfort, and it being visible, Adam showed himself indifferent and kept getting up in such a way. She adds that she was misinterpreted before and that she had no intention of harming the actor’s career.
Lídia: “Não foi uma agressão, nem nunca senti ou reportei que fosse essa a intenção do ator. Lamento todo o mal-entendido”, acrescenta ainda a atriz.
Lídia: “It wasn’t assault, I never felt that it was, or that the actor was doing it intentionally to hurt me. I’m sorry for this misunderstanding.” the actress added.
There you guys have it. He got up too brashly, the chair poked her, she was uncomfortable. People could have avoided this by sliding the chair a little to the side...
I hope everyone will calm down now and please learn not to draw hasty conclusions. 
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rafaliterary · 4 years
Someone on tumblr found the longer Podcast. 
What she says on there is pretty much what the articles say, with one difference: 
Adam hurt her during a scene but she says it wasn’t scripted. She says he hurt her with a chair, claiming it was a “cloaked assault”, like, a disguised assault. 
Now, this is my opinion, she was an actress who had 3 lines. During this time, she was filming a Novela (soap opera) and travelling between cities, staying little time on-set. She might not have liked him as a person, either because of his intensity or because she caught him on bad days. 
Adam might have gone off-book in the scene, improvised or something, and ended up hurting her. Lidia is very posh and polite, she might have taken offence with Adam. She might have taken it personally. Maybe they both didn’t like each other or one of them didn’t like the other. Maybe she truly thought he meant to hurt her. Maybe he didn’t apologize. Who knows.
Lidia was given the option to leave the movie, she didn't. When the interviewers wanted to know more she brushed it off.
I’m not saying the incident didn’t happen. I believe Lidia got hurt. I’m saying: did he intentionally hurt her? I hope not, from what we see, he seems like a good person.
I hope it was just an unfortunate accident. If it wasn’t, if he truly meant to harm her, it’s sad and wrong, of course.
If anything else is revealed, I’ll follow-up and update you guys with true info.
Again, I’m not discrediting this actress or saying that Adam is a saint (no one is), but sometimes things get blown out of proportion. Don’t jump the gun, guys.
We might never know anything else. But it’s like I said before, Joana Ribeiro was the main actress, spent 3 months filming with Adam, never complained, only had good things to say after they shot.
I don’t know. I’m going to bed now, it’s 2am here. Don’t think too hard on this, guys, care about the corona virus and your loved ones.
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rafaliterary · 4 years
Hi guys, I'm Portuguese and I've listened to the podcast where the source is supposedly from. The actress mentions the movie but says nothing about Adam. Someone on here says there's a longer cut? If there is, it hasn't been released.
As for the articles, I read some and wrote this:
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So. I think everyone needs to calm down.
And no offense, but in Portugal, the only time I hear about Adam Driver is either because I'm talking about him or because he was nominated for an Oscar. It's the first time I've read his name in a Portuguese article (not counting SW). Whether or not Adam kicked or threw something or was rude, things are being blown out of proportion.
Like I said, wait for a follow up if there is one.
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rafaliterary · 4 years
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rafaliterary · 4 years
So much wasted potential... It truly hurts what they did in Tros. How can I be even more disappointed after near 4 months of grieving? 😞😞
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rafaliterary · 4 years
#tros #dfl
Disney. Lucasfilm. We get it.
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(Footage of the everyday blog reader asking what the hell I’m talking about)
You want to make sure all the stories that deal with the Skywalkers suck (the sequel trilogy, Solo & Rogue One, the Obi-Wan series, etc) so you can create brand new stories that you hope the fans will love.
And also make sure we can forget about the original movies and what they were about: the Skywalker family who is now dead by their clan’s archenemy and his granddaughter. Despite the granddaughter being innocent in the situation.
But... that’s gonna backfire on you. Bad.
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People are going to think you lost your touch. People will think George Lucas shouldn’t have sold the entire company to you if they haven’t already. And people will not show up in the seats at the movies.
Especially when you keep retconning the story you want to die already.
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You underestimate the Star Wars fandom. The Skywalkers are why we loved the story in the first place, and you killing the last of the Skywalker bloodline has already made you lose many fans. And you will eventually lose MONEY.
You know? The very thing you want to sit on in your bank accounts and not keep it filtering through the economy by paying many of your lower wage workers better?
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You guys look disorganized and unprofessional. Those from LF who are on social media, please just back off. You’re not helping your company’s situation. And if the company is telling you to do that, take this as a complaint to your company that I want you to stop. You may be part of a lifeless corporation, but you’re dealing with people who have real emotions and want you to understand why they’re feeling that way.
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Telling them to move on does no good. Everyone in the fandom has dealt with this is some shape or form, and invalidating their feelings causes you to eventually lose money because you’re losing fans one by one. I’ve already unfollowed you everywhere on social media. And I’m on the verge of deciding pass on future projects you have because I don’t trust your ability to actually create good stories. You just want cash grabs. It’s tacky and we’ve been over it since the dawn of time.
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You want people to be excited for your new stuff? You shouldn’t have let JJ be an idiot and constantly change the story WHILE FILMING (!!!!!!) and end up creating the worst plot of the entire Star Wars saga. You shouldn’t have killed off Ben Solo. You honestly shouldn’t have hired Adam Driver if killing off his character was your end goal - he brought something we thought we would never see on screen and want more of it. You also should have a better social media analytics team because then you would have actually seen what the people wanted.
Oh wait you ignored your social media and paid attention to the small group of people who were trolling just for the hell of it.
Just... stop making all the stories about the Skywalkers and Kenobis a guaranteed failure so you stop making projects about them. You’re gonna end up bringing back Ben Solo sooner than later because it’s going to be fuck up after fuck up and oh look, here’s what will save the entire franchise...
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rafaliterary · 5 years
The Tros novelization came out. It's... not an improvement to the movie. It just poured salt on the wound.
I don't know if this has been done yet, but hey...
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I know your heads been up your asses for a long time, but kindly clean the shit from your ears
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rafaliterary · 5 years
Reylos assemble!! 💜
If you’re a Reylo - reblog this. I want to know how many of us there are.
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rafaliterary · 5 years
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Reblog if you still believe in Reylo!!!
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rafaliterary · 5 years
Tagging Game!
Rules: Tag 9 people you’d like to know better.
First off, I want to say thank you to @augustintodarkness​ for tagging me! 😊
Top 3 ships:
#1 - Reylo
These two idiots have ruined my life in the most wonderful, painful way. It’s been a wild 5 years. I never thought there would be a couple that would top Delena for me. But here we are. Tros slayed my soul. I will forever live in denial, Ben is alive. The end.
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#2 - Delena
I mean, it’s in my name XD I’ve shipped Damon and Elena for years over the course of 13 books. I shit you not, that’s a long time to put up with a love triangle. As a result, I don’t like reading love triangles and I don’t like writing them. But Vampire Diaries was what inspired 10 year old me to write my own books, I owe L.J. Smith more than she’ll ever know. Anyway, I shipped them before TVD became a show and I like both portrayals, but if I had to choose, the book characters will always be my fav!
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#3 - Jurdan and Kanej (don’t make me choose I can’t!!!!!!!)
Jurdan is one of the least typical couples in YA, with the girl being the fighter, the bloodthirsty one that wants power, while the guy is more vulnerable and strung along to her beat. These characters are wonderfully developed by Holly Black and even though I was expecting a lengthier final book, I found the underlying nuances of Cardan and Jude’s growth worthwhile. On a side note, this was the only couple I was worried wouldn’t get a HEA in 2019... then Tros happened 🙃 (I’m very, very salty).
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Kanej is just beautiful. They’re both badass characters and Kaz has both the worst flirting skills and most original lines (Kaz “I protect my investments” Brekker). Inej doesn’t take any shit from him and knows when to push him. Honestly, there’s a balance between them that I think can only come from truly knowing someone and their relationship shows that sex isn’t everything.
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Last song:
Last movie:
At theaters: 1917 (I was blown away by it and so were my eardrums...)
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At home: Marriage Story. So, this movie broke me. It came out on my birthday on Netflix (thank you Adam for an amazing gift) and I was home alone watching it. Which was good, because I bawled especially loud in two scenes. If you’ve watched it, you know the ones.
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Reading: Currently, I’m reading A Heart so Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer. And manyyyyy fanfics.
What food are you craving now?: Nothing really, my brain’s just begging me to go to bed XD But earlier I ate a chocolate crepe with nuts đŸ€©
Tag, you’re it!: @nite0wl29​; @the-reylo-void​; @dida-books​; @justforthejoy​; @theknightdreamer​; @knights-of-reylo-reborn​; @backtonaboo​; @helloostarlight​; @thetimelordbegins​
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rafaliterary · 5 years
My one wish for 2020 so far
My friends: What do you want for 2020?
Me: Ben Solo. That's it. And you know, maybe that part of my soul that died with him. That would be nice.
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rafaliterary · 5 years
Heartwarming 💜💜
And that's how I fixed the end
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rafaliterary · 5 years
What the actual fuck?
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yeah it’s ok if it’s a joke right?
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rafaliterary · 5 years
Ben Solo deserved better
Make it trend on twitter today guys! Let's show them we're not happy, satisfied or share their sense of humor (it was supposed to be fun?). Ben and Rey both deserved a HEA, let's unite!
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rafaliterary · 5 years
What about the kids who leave the theater upset and crying?? Is that because of Adam's looks too? Are you going to accuse kids of the same "crime" we, the older audience who loves and understands Ben, are guilty of? Because by all means, tell them they shouldn't be sad or depressed because DLF killed their favorite character, that the only reason they ever liked him was because he's sexy af and they want to bang him. đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ˜ĄđŸ˜ĄđŸ˜Ą
What a dick!
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Are you really reducing women’s (and men’s as there are men who are Reylos and are upset by Ben’s death) investment in a character down to their own attraction to their appearance? Do you really think that we would have the same reaction if Ben Solo was a cardboard cutout of a character?
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rafaliterary · 5 years
Hey guess what— if you are actively tweeting insults and obscenities at anyone on twitter, especially with blue checkmarks, LOG OFF RIGHT NOW.
You wanna know a FAST WAY to dig a deeper grave for Ben Solo, Reylo, and anything else you love about Star Wars? THAT’S IT.
So BACK OFF, LOG OFF, SIT DOWN, and restrict your activities to tumblr until the pain dulls and you aren’t Lashing the fuck Out at complete strangers.
I know we’re in mourning right now, but this is NOT the answer. If anything, this could fuck us up. Do NOT become the things we hate!!! Cool off for a week, and just leave them alone.
Thank you.
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