radiogoddard · 8 years
Amazing Things about Wooden Overcoats Live Show at the Vaults!
- David K. Barnes’ introduction was hilarious and wonderful. He moves like a dapper inflatable tube man, it’s wonderful - it was just. So cool. To see all these people live. It was great and the energy was amazing. - the venue was awesome and occasionally you heard trains going overhead as it’s literally underneath the tracks at Waterloo - I’m terrible with names so I can’t for the life of me remember the guy playing Reverend Wavering (not Andy Secombe) but he was great in the funeral scene. He was great as the Captain as well - I felt like cause it was quite short we didn’t get a full impression of Georgie’s awesomeness but the way the anger in her voice steadily increased every time she said “fine.” was hilarious. - little references to things that couldn’t be expanded on in the show but were mentioned and got big laughs - Dr Edgeware, Marjorie sounding slightly evil, Mayor Desmond and Reverend Wavering, etc. - omg the hatred in the eyes of everyone at Funn Funerals as Chapman tries to joke about being competitors. Also Tom’s awkward laughter was wonderful he is the epitome of sunshine. - the lighting was great, everything got brighter with Chapman around and then very gloomy with the twins - “he took off as fast as his very little legs could carry him” *felix trench starts jogging very fast and comically on the spot* - Nana Crusoe. Just. Nana Crusoe. - Felix Trench is too cute to be Rudyard, he’s always grinning in the background and laughing over parts of the live show it’s great. - Beth Eyre kind of ?? Vibrates?? it’s so funny and effective, especially with her steadily growing frustration about her raunchy book. Also the terrifying Antigone laugh was wonderful and terrifying - the despair in Felix Trench’s voice as they enter Chapman’s (“we got a kettle half-an-hour ago” and sadly repeating in the background “you have a lift!”) - The bit where Mayor Desmond accidentally read “wasn’t this a funeral home a moment ago” rather than “wasn’t this a antique shop a moment ago” and stayed in character, immediately going “I have absolutely no idea where I am.” the whole cast started giggling and had to take a moment to compose themselves especially when Felix Trench pointed out that his next line was simply “I’m confused” - the sound effect for the shop door didn’t go off when Felix Trench was miming sticking his head outside the door and he got stuck on one leg, miming trying to force a stuck door.
Honestly it was all so great and I’m really glad I went. Thank you to the cast and crew of the the show, it was a great experience. Also my friend who hadn’t heard it before loved it and wants to listen now!
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radiogoddard · 8 years
Calling all Baxenfans, Wooden Overcoats enthusiasts and Mad Fat Diary aficionados, Ciara and I are bringing our new play Don't Let Me Down to VAULT Festival on 8-12th February. It's a play about a young girl who is given a balloon that talks to her in the voice of her dead father. It's quite funny. Tickets and info: dlmdVAULT Trailer 2 coming this weekend! Videography: Lars Thornhill Music: Odinn Orn Hillmarsson (I only shoot video with Scandinavians)
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radiogoddard · 8 years
Worth the wait. Well played.
for everyone that listens to @woodenovercoats get prepped ive just made something and im the proudest ive felt in a long time about it but i cant finish it until i get the xmas special so now i just have to sit knowing i hold knowledge that no one else has this is killing me
also if you havent listened to wooden overcoats PLEASE do it now free on the podcast app its amazing and im obsessed with it so
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radiogoddard · 8 years
I adore our fans. Thank you for this, it has made my Christmas.
if anyones wondering from ep 1 through to the christmas speical its over 160 times because im sure i missed some, but thanks @woodenovercoats for helping me procrastinate studying for my finals
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radiogoddard · 8 years
It rained a lot and they made do. Antigone keeps a lot of diluted formaldehyde under her bed. In the mortuary.
It helps her sleep.
My biggest question about the new episode of Wooden Overcoats is how they embalmed someone without running water
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radiogoddard · 8 years
Thanks for stopping by!
At wooden overcoats Live show - AMAZING
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radiogoddard · 8 years
Hector is terrible at science if that helps.
So I just finished Hector vs the future, which was Amazing… But….. It was hard enough for my dyslexic arse to switch between the two slightly evil definitely mad academics with similar names *-*……. at least Hector is more obsessed with history than science??? Herbert Hilbert Hector. .. Help me
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radiogoddard · 8 years
Alright straw poll. Reblog if you'd be interested in something like this...
radio-goddard replied to your post “Wooden Overcoats: character classes”
Hope that helps. (I am setting up a DM rule book for wooden overcoats, please help me convince David to write the story)
Oh my gods! That would be amazing! : D
If you make a legit rulebook for like a mini tabletop game that would be so cool! Even if it was just like a couple dozen pages in PDF form, that’d be a great reward for fans via Kickstarter or something. You could send out custom dice in a little coffin box.
And like, if he needs convincing, tabletop rpgs are quite popular at the moment. Board games have gotten a big boost in recent years and more people are exploring tabletop rpgs and these like, board games that are basically a quick D&D campaign for people who just wanna play one session. Getting the word out there about Wooden Overcoats in a variety of mediums will only help grow your audience. Lots of podcasts do comics or books to expand their brand. A tabletop rpg is hardly too strange an idea. Especially if you sent it out to a few popular tabletop vloggers to review, do playtest videos, spread the word that way. Their audiences then become your audience. 
Honestly, a bottle episode where the cast is stuck somewhere and ends up playing knockoff D&D would be hilarious all on its own. Especially since Antigone would be great at it and Chapman would be dreadful at something for once in his life, since he can’t exactly seduce the dice to roll natural 20s for him all the time or whatever. 
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radiogoddard · 8 years
You're welcome for the drink. I considered it a thank you for the badges.
Glad you had a great time!
Wooden overcoats launch
not very full account of what happened, but I tried.
Keep reading
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radiogoddard · 8 years
Any time. W/O facts are my specialist subject on mastermind. Thanks again for the nice words!
I’m in fucking stitches, wooden overcoats is honest to god the most British thing I’ve heard (except for the lack of the kettle)
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radiogoddard · 8 years
FYI there is a kettle, it just runs off the gasring because the electricity was gone too.
I’m in fucking stitches, wooden overcoats is honest to god the most British thing I’ve heard (except for the lack of the kettle)
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radiogoddard · 8 years
If only I'd bought that shredder.
I've wasted so much time.
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radiogoddard · 8 years
We're back guys.
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Wooden Overcoats Season 2 Episode 1: The Ghost of Piffling Vale by Molly Beth Morossa and David K. Barnes is now available to download.
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radiogoddard · 8 years
The Funn twins saying 'Chapman!' in unison
Reblog if you agree
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radiogoddard · 8 years
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Prix Europa day 3
My air BnB bedroom. It was very... pink
People standing on the left. The Londoner in me is outraged.
The more exciting end of town
Told you look. It has a pony.
Berlin's water front
Berlin's least favourite wall.
Speaks for itself
The inevitable
So this blog is slightly late for personal reasons (see fig. 8). With the responsibility of making sure broadcasters from around the world thought our show was any good - firmly out of the way, Thursday was allowed to be a more casual affair.
It started at the Haus Des Rundyfunky or whatever it's called where we saw the last batch of presentations in our category. This included the Norwegian version of Serial which is like Serial but in Norwegian and about someone who seems to be definitely guilty but got acquitted. Worth a look if your Norwegian I suppose.
As well as this was the amazing "Radio Atlas" which is run out of London by a friend of ours called Eleanor McDowell. It looks like this may well be the winner of the category and hats off to her, the idea is genius. She wanted the English speaking audio world to pay attention to the rest of Europe's output and was frustrated by having to listen to shows along with long written transcripts where you never actually know where you're up to in it and can't listen to the show. So she came up with the bright idea of creatively subtitling all the best radio she came across from around Europe. It's not worth me saying any more than that, just go to www.RadioAtlas.com and see for yourself. Some of the best things in the world aren't in english and many of them are on that site for you to enjoy. Go look.
After the obligatory chinwags and cups of coffee, I took myself off to go and do some sightseeing with some friends of mine from Ireland who had just arrived. I shot straight off to the east side of town which while it doesn't have all the shiny buildings of the west, seems to have alot more to do.
So I did all the necessaries: licked the Berlin wall. And then retired to the pub for an extraordinary helping of german beer.
I'd like to tell you all the nice pubs I went to but I forgot to write them down.
I also went to a lovely food market and had a tofu burger. Again, really great place, no idea where it is. Sorry.
All the while I was doing this, I was remoting in to my home computer to send off exports of WO S2 E1 to press. Because technology, is amazing.
Travelers tips:
East of central Berlin is where the fun is at. Some of the best casual drinking experiences you can have in Berlin are in front of off licenses. You can't ride the ponies they're too small. If your phone runs out because you've been remoting in to your desktop at home, the cab drivers don't seem to mind being flagged down if you just need directions. If you sneak into a paid public toilet after someone else, get out quick. They might lock you in.
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radiogoddard · 8 years
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Pictures: 1. The stage is set 2. Us on it 3. Necessary coffee in the air BnB 3.5. Unnecessary cat in the flat 4. Us in the program (I’m down as Andy Goddart so I guess that’s my name now) 5. We went for dinner…
Prix Europa: Day 2
Today was the day we got to show off our idea. It was bloody terrifying.
The guy adjudicating the event is Robert Ketteridge: the BBC’s Head of Arts, Documentaries and Drama for BBC Radio and music production.
Basically the head of what me and John do with everything in the UK.
Our competitors are seasoned broadcasters from the BBC, Ireland, Iceland, Denmark, France, Holland and, the… rest of Europe. Basically people who’ve been doing this way longer that us and really know their eggs.
So, we got up with our powerpoint and our clips from the show told them about what are shows about and… they seemed to like it.
Many people said they’d subscribed while we were speaking, including a Dutch fella called Chris Bajema who makes a show called “the man with the microphone” about him going round in an orange van taking stories from people. It’s brilliant. It’s also in Dutch! (So if you are Dutch, please listen and tell me what’s happening.)
Immediately after we were done, an Icelandic pair went up and told of how they turned a national tragedy into an amazing piece of verbatim theatre and a 10 episode podcast series listened to by most of the people in the country. So… the competition is stiff, but we’re definitely the funny ones.
Our category is defined it seems by lurching changes in tone and being on the internet.
After a bit I had to run off to make some quick changes to the press cut of WO S2 E1 (yes it is finished be excited). Unfortunately that means that my travelogue more or less ends with I went home and did work.
John and I just came back from a dinner at a place that does very German Venison. Again John, very happy, me almost grumbling but saved by a nice salmon thing. (The veggie option was “pan mushroom and bread dumpling” which frankly sounds like two shit things on a nice plate).
Travel tips:
Trip advisor doesn’t always lie Wine that you can buy from the co-op for 9 quid costs 3 euros here. Get drunk.
Works done now. Gonna explore Berlin properly tomorrow. See you then.
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radiogoddard · 8 years
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Follow @radiogoddard for updates as we compete for one of the biggest prizes in broadcasting: The Prix Europa.
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