raburcke · 5 years
A Game?
Rosa Celeste: Dante and Beatrice gaze upon the highest Heaven, The Empyrean (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Sometimes, though they be far in between, I catch a glimpse of something unseen. I lift up a corner of the cloth. I’m drawn to the candle like a moth.
But immediately forgotten, almost as if ‘t were ill-begotten, an elusive vision of Heaven, like the power of three times seven.
Though if I’m the…
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raburcke · 5 years
The Great Barred Spiral Galaxy. Credit: ESO/IDA/Danish 1.5 m/ R. Gendler, J-E. Ovaldsen, C. Thöne, and C. Feron.. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I see the Light and reach out.
It fades.
My wanting forming the clouds.
How to escape desire?
That splinter in my soul…
is wood, from a tree, life-giving.
It’s growing, sap flowing,
roots forming, budding leaves,
that soak up the Light:
breathing particles,…
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raburcke · 5 years
I appear much as I must, impenetrable and silent to all, friends and strangers alike.
For, to let them look inside, would be to expose to their gaze, my own yawning abyss.
Therefore nothing is amiss, mask uncomfortably in place, a sheet of ice to cover the turmoil.
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raburcke · 5 years
While watching an episode of Criminal Minds I had an idea for a plot twist, but when I looked into contacting them (or anyone else in the streaming business for that matter) about forwarding them my creative notion, I read that far from welcoming such a wonder, they do not want these ideas from strangers, not under any circumstances. So, what to do? Why, share it with the world at large and see…
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raburcke · 5 years
Creative Problem-Solving
A syllogism is a logical argument that applies deductive reasoning to arrive at a conclusion (C) based on two (A & B) or more (…N) premises that are asserted or assumed to be true.
Notice here that the premises are assumed to be true, but are not perforce true. It is always a good practice to re-examine one’s premises if one gets stumped in the process of finding a solution to a particular…
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raburcke · 5 years
"She", the Proper Pronoun for Chairs.
“She”, the Proper Pronoun for Chairs.
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On behalf of long-suffering Chairs everywhere, whom you have forced to kiss your arses these past several millennia, without ever asking our leave, whom you have royally taken for granted, and have let take the brunt of your excessive weights to our detriment, and this without blushing on your part, the party of the first part, we hereby strenuously object to your calling us “it”!
If you were to…
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raburcke · 5 years
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Buttercups and daisy saucers, Hogwarts and cat’s tails. Robins and blue tits. A lark and a battle of wits.
What and with which witch? Legs of newts and spider fibs. A skull’s beard is not so weird, as would a banker with a heart.
Rainbows and love’s arrows. What about aurora borealis? Flying fish and swimming swans… There is no end to marvels!
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raburcke · 8 years
My Friend Needs Help!
My Friend Needs Help!
Help him keep his son: www.jmatic.eu/spendenaufruf-fuer-salahdin/
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raburcke · 8 years
Karma, Wishes and Letting Go.
Karma, Wishes and Letting Go.
If you want to ask something of Karma, there is a specific way to go about it, but I’ve never found the right words to explain it, until now (I think…). First of all, I should mention that this only works for something you really need, the basics, and is not a formula to win the lottery. It helps enormously to show heartfelt gratitude beforehand, as if the wish had already been granted! Next you…
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raburcke · 8 years
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More Zaniness. Today's popular tunes are like elevator music raised to a high fart. Today's music is sublime in its moment of discontinuance.
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raburcke · 8 years
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Living in the Moment. Today I wanted to live in the moment. The first one was ok, the second one was better, the third one stank, as moments go.
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raburcke · 8 years
For Adele.
Even now just the memory of the hurt is enough to make me cringe. So dance me through the pain, again, and let it die for good. You told me: “When I love, I love for life!” But you broke your word, you broke our trust and broke my soul. And then I died inside. So dance me through the pain, and let it lie, be gone, away. For I intend to stay, a while, at least… Now, twirl me through the hurt!
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raburcke · 8 years
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Someone Has Problems! – LOL From FB:
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raburcke · 8 years
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You’re Safe! – LOL From FB:
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raburcke · 8 years
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The Bleedin’ Obvious! – LOL From FB:
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raburcke · 8 years
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Dangit! – LOL From FB:
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raburcke · 8 years
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Five Years Already? How time flies!
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