quotesfromcomics · 5 years
All across Midgard, the thunder rumbles. And a hard and angry rain begins to fall. Soon will come the lightning, streaking down from the darkened sky, shattering everything in its path. And the hammers will follow.
War of the Realms #4 (2019)
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quotesfromcomics · 5 years
Everyone gets forgotten in time. Even the name of Thor will someday blow away like so much ash in the wind. All that matters is what joy we make for ourselves when we're alive. And who we choose to be in our grandest or most intimate of moments. Took me a while, I know... but Hel... I finally got one of those right.
Cul Borson in Thor vol 5, #13
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quotesfromcomics · 5 years
There are moments that define an entire lifetime. Pivotal seconds that outweigh all the rest. What we've been before those instants of import ultimately doesn't matter nearly as much as what we choose to be within them. Your average mortal life might have but a few of those defining moments. As a god, I've had more than I can remember. And squandered the Hel out of every last damn one. Not that anyone anywhere gives a damn one way or the other. Least of all me.
Cul Borson in Thor vol 5, #13 (2019)
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quotesfromcomics · 5 years
I've met a hundred loudmouth rich men like Tony Stark in my life. They never impress me much. Any man who can't admit how much he hates himself ain't a man I wanna go drinking with. Only exception to that rule... is Steve Rogers. But Rogers ain't a man. He's a flag with fists. And more guts than a pack of lions could eat in a sitting. Just standing next to him makes me feel proud and ashamed all at once. Mostly ashamed.
Gorilla-Man in Avengers vol 8, #19 (2019)
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quotesfromcomics · 5 years
History books are written for people who want to remember what happened. People like us... we want to forget.
Logan in Uncanny X-Men vol 5, #18 (2019)
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quotesfromcomics · 5 years
My people are—were—peaceful, which led others to underestimate us. Violent people like Thanos assume peaceful creatures are easy to kill. And that's just not true. We don't fight, we survive.
Gamora in Thanos vol 3, #2 (2019)
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quotesfromcomics · 5 years
Steve… you are the great hope of this country. You will be its saving light in the dark days to come. You must believe me in this.
Lt. Col. James Fletcher in The Adventures of Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #1 (1991)
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quotesfromcomics · 5 years
Even on a day when so many gods have fallen, the earth shows it has birthed gods of its own. May they live to see the dawn.
War of the Realms #3 (2019)
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quotesfromcomics · 5 years
The great gods have fallen. They cannot save us, Murdock knows. We mortals must save ourselves. Or else join our gods in oblivion.
War of the Realms #3 (2019)
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quotesfromcomics · 5 years
Let's go be big damn heroes and finish this together.
Carol Danvers in Captain Marvel vol 10, #5 (2019)
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quotesfromcomics · 5 years
This began when someone I cared about died. And it began to end when someone else I cared about did, too. All I can think is how each step we take toward our end never gets us any closer. It always comes out of nowhere...
Uncanny X-Men vol 5, #16 (2019)
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quotesfromcomics · 5 years
There must always be a Thor, I've heard it said. And I suppose I might even agree. But if Thor is the sword that protects the realms, Loki has always been the sharpening stone.
Loki in Thor vol 5, #12 (2019)
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quotesfromcomics · 5 years
This is most assuredly a job for the God of Thunder. But the thunder is silent across Manhattan this day. Steve Rogers has never been much for prayers. But he is certainly very used to standing eye to eye with gods. So as he stood on the street below, Captain America asked himself one question: What would Thor do?
War of the Realms #2 (2019)
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quotesfromcomics · 5 years
Crime makes sense. Fighting crime makes sense. I was never a jock in high school, but I'm starting to get them. When you're moving, when you're trusting your body... I don't have to think. I just have to do. I don't have to wonder if they hate me.
Gwen Stacy in Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider #7 (2019)
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quotesfromcomics · 5 years
You'll come back from all this. People need you. You might not feel it, but they do. The world needs you. You're not anyone's tool or pawn. You are in control of what happens now. I'll always be there if you need me.
Natasha Romanoff in Black Widow vol 7, #5 (2019)
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quotesfromcomics · 5 years
You are a good man to cry for these fallen. It is why I love you. But... your tears will not inspire the love of those we are here to lead. Your sorrow will not return the ones we have lost, or punish those who took them from us. Dry your face, and bury the good man. The people need their king.
Medusa in Death of the Inhumans #1 (2018)
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quotesfromcomics · 5 years
To me, my heroes. Your lives are in the balance.
Emma Frost in Infinity Wars (2018)
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