Question Merlin
2K posts
A young warlock and a dragonlord secretly waiting for another adventure. Also rushing about to make sure Camelot's king, Arthur Pendragon, is doing alright. Rather quiet at the moment but a bit of a chat and he'd love to talk to you.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
question-merlin · 10 years ago
Goodbye Question-Merlin
I'm officially moving. And it's a bit difficult. Like...
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But gotta do this for the sake of the children. (just kidding, it's because stupid tumblr and glitches) I'll be -> magicxtself instead. you should check it out for a while. At the moment the theme is a bit weird and shitty. So wait a week and that will be fixed. And yeah. This is my farewell.  Goodbye everyone <3
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question-merlin · 10 years ago
"Well, I thought we should go because for starters, I have nothing else to do today aside from staying at home. Second, you look lovely today and maybe we should go out, relax for a bit. I mean, if I recall correctly, you said today was a rather stressing day at work. So, I'll take you out as a treat. What do you say?"
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"No, if never been there so late. But I can imagine looks wonderful. Where did this idea come from though?"
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question-merlin · 10 years ago
"Just to a little bridge called the Millennium Bridge. Ever seen it in the sunset?"
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"You comin’?"
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question-merlin · 10 years ago
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"You comin'?"
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question-merlin · 10 years ago
IMPORTANT: Because of the tumblr update, my messages to other rp'ers have gotten glitchy. so im going to move to , follow that and in a week I'll make the swtich okay? I love you guys <3
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question-merlin · 10 years ago
//guys help there is a dude who i like and what he does is that he compliments what i wear and how i look a lot and he likes to talk to me and steals my stuff like today i brought a teddy bear to school he kept stealing it just to touch it halp WHAT DOES THIS MEAN.
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question-merlin · 10 years ago
It was all a daze and confusion after that. Merlin didn't even know how he was suddenly under his bed covers and being soothed to sleep by his fellow vampire friend. "I don' need sleeep..." the young warlock drawled with fatigue. He didn't know if it was the blood loss or some vampire magic, but the next thing he knew his eyes fluttered closed and he drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
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Valkyrie caught Merlin quickly and set him down on his bed gently, keeping there. “You aren’t going anywhere until you’ve regained your strength.” She said calmly. “I can wait. You can not.” Valkyrie petted his hair gently. ‘Take a nap. I will wake you if anyone is looking for you.” She promised and yawned. “I will behave and hide whenever the elder man comes in.” 
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question-merlin · 10 years ago
Without hesitation, Merlin ate the chocolate he was given. First tasting it, and then taking larger, more needy bites. As the chocolate did its work, Merlin tried to stand up. Only to then fall back down onto the bed after feeling a head rush. Ignoring this, the warlock took a breath and mumbled, "I could sneak some food from the kitchens."
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As Valkyrie drank from him, she gently pulled him into a hug. Unknown to Merlin, the thoughts he had, she would receive them. He would have his own copy, but she too would have a copy. As his nails dug into his skin, she pulled away from the bite, having had her fill, and  gently smoothed his hands open. “Yes. It is over.” She led him to sit down and touched the skin above her right breast. In a flash of digital light, a bag of things materialized in her hands. 
"You must eat this. It’ll replenish your blood." She said and pulled a chocolate bar out of her bag and handed it to him. "I picked a few up at a planet where humans were slaves to vampires. I…didn’t stay long. Slavery is very disgusting."
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Thoughts flooded her mind and she shuddered putting the chocolate in his hands. “After that, I need to get some actual food. Like… meat… and veggies..” She mused on, stomach growling.
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question-merlin · 10 years ago
screw you journalism
// my teacher has been giving me a heck ton of homework these few weeks, so I am really sorry for those whom I owe a starter or a reply to an rp. It will take some time, but it's better than writing a huge news article for tomorrow.
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question-merlin · 10 years ago
It was just as she said. No pain.
Merlin wasn't sure what he was expecting. And what surprised him the most was the fact that he wasn't afraid of what would happen. 
The first bite was a strange experience. First feeling a sharp pain one second and then a numb feeling afterwards. A cold shiver ran down his spine only to be then replaced with heat. Heat pumping in his blood, almost in protest of wanting to be sucked out by a vampire.
The young warlock stayed calm and still for the duration of the bite. Just closing his eyes in going back through memories to ignore that uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his stomach.
He remembered how he was once a kid, living in Ealdor. Playing in the fields with his best friend Will, laughing and squealing with joy as they jumped on each other playfully. He remembers how the two of them went into a stream to bathe after playing all day. He remembers how Will had fallen and didn't resurface. He remembers himself jumping in and saving his best friend with magic. He remembers Will's look of fear.
Merlin ignored those memories and just sat there with his fists clenched, nails digging into the skin of his palm.
After the heat and discomfort went away, Merlin felt woozy. His limbs and eyelids seemed to heavy and limp for comfort. "Is it over-?" he croaked.
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"You’d…have to….drink mine…" She whimpered and reached out to Merlin, pulling him close. "You will feel no pain… I assure you.." She ran her tongue up his neck to make the blood rush there, and slowly sank her fangs in.
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And as she promised, there was no pain, only pleasure. See, that was the thing with her bites. You either got intense agony, or intense sexual pleasure. Both options were horrible, but she wasn’t going to be mean to someone helping her and make them cry and writhe in agony. Another drawback of the bite? Each time she bites deeper, the feeling increases by ten.  And if she bites someone more than three times… they become addicted. The sixth bite will cause them agony no matter what and will reset the bond back to the first bite. 
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question-merlin · 10 years ago
A pang of guilt clenched around Merlin's heart. He hated to see Valkyrie like this, helpless in a different time other than her own. But what could he do? Give his own blood to her? He could try...but he has heard of how vampires bite people and change them into vampires too. And he didn't want that. Especially since he has to take care of Arthur's royal arse every day. "Valkyrie..." Merlin paused and tried to find the right words to say. He took a deep breath and said, "I will let you have my blood." that's not a phrase you say everyday. "So long as it doesn't change me into a...a vampire. I'll let you have it."
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At this point, tears were welling in the corners of her eyes. “I’ve tried…. I was sick for a month…” She whimpered and held her stomach. “It was the first thing I tried when I could make decisions for myself… I suffered for it..”
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Valkyrie sunk to the ground. laying her head on his bed and crying. “Please…help me…” 
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question-merlin · 10 years ago
A cold and uneasy feeling settled at the pit of Merlin's stomach. he knew what it meant; Valkyrie will have to drink human's blood. If not she would die. It's not exactly anyone's cup of tea to just give up their blood to someone. Especially a vampire. He took a deep breath in to settle his nerves. "Can't you drink animal's blood?" Merlin suggested. Hoping that could be a good substitute instead of human's blood.
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The response came from behind Merlin, as Valkyrie approached, her tour of the entirety of Camelot complete. However, she looked unwell. “I have returned..” She tried to mask the way she felt by smiling, but the slight silver tinge to her eyes gave her thirst and hunger away. 
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And  instead of waiting for him to say something, Valkyrie simply walked around him and into the physicians corner, introducing herself to Gaius before heading back to Merlin’s room to wait until the young male finished dinner.
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question-merlin · 10 years ago
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Once he was finished with dinner, Merlin gave thanks to Gaius and went up to his quarters. He noticed that there was something off about Valkyrie. Her skin was just a bit paler than normal (despite her being a vampire) her eyes seemed distracted and breathing a bit laboured. "Hey, Valkyrie. Are you feeling alright?" Merln asked. Cautiously approaching her. 
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The response came from behind Merlin, as Valkyrie approached, her tour of the entirety of Camelot complete. However, she looked unwell. “I have returned..” She tried to mask the way she felt by smiling, but the slight silver tinge to her eyes gave her thirst and hunger away. 
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And  instead of waiting for him to say something, Valkyrie simply walked around him and into the physicians corner, introducing herself to Gaius before heading back to Merlin’s room to wait until the young male finished dinner.
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question-merlin · 10 years ago
//It was school spirit week this week and today was Dynamic Duo day. So my friend and I dressed up as Sherlock and John and we won a competition!
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question-merlin · 10 years ago
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question-merlin · 10 years ago
... "Do this Merlin do that Merlin, you're a clot Merlin, you'll be in the stocks for a week Merlin." the young warlock was walking angrily back to his quarters after having been given a very long list of chores to do the next day. At least now he could relax. Just a bit... No he couldn't. He had to make sure Valkyrie was back from her little tour around Camelot. Giving out a soft sigh, Merlin opened the door to the physician's chambers and called out. "Valkyrie? Are you in here?"
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Valkyrie caught the bag without even looking, nodding at him as he spoke. She then stood and dressed in the long blue gown. She stared at herself in the reflection of a window and frowned. Something was off. Sighing, she realized was it was. The eye patch. 
Gently, she took the eye patch off, revealing her incredibly green left eye. Her hair was still long and chopped, but she could lie that she used kitchen shears to try and cut her hair. Now…. and excuse for why she was in Camelot. 
"…..Got it!" She grinned and pinned the bag of money to her dress, sliding her pants and boots on under the dress. Valkyrie then walked out of Merlin’s room, deciding to leave her piercings in. If she was asked, she would claim it to be a sign of leadership in her country. Once out of Gaius’s area, she found herself within castle walls. "Woah…. this place is huge…"
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question-merlin · 10 years ago
After giving thanks to Gwen and saying goodbye, Merlin handed the outift to Valkyrie. "You could dress up as a man, but Gwen put a lot of work into it. So I'd rather not go and ask her for more favours." Then, there was a knock on the door. A guard. "Merlin-? King Arthur wishes to see you in his chambers immediately!"  The raven haired let out a frustrated groan and called out. "I'll be there in a minute!" he then turned to Valkyrie. "If I haven't mentioned yet, I am Arthur's manservant. He's probably going to throw me in the stock for a week now." he took out a small leather bag that jingled when he moved it. "Take this. it's money. You'll need it if you want to blend in. I'll be back as soon as possible." Merlin shot the vampire a smile and quickly left the room. Cursing to himself under his breath as he walked. ...
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Valkyrie’s face went pale and she glared at him. “I am not wearing a  dress. I’d sooner pretend to be a guy. Which, I've done before.” 
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Of course, she lost that argument when Gwen came in the room. Valkyrie was in awe of her beauty. “Wow…she’s gorgeous… if I wasn’t so sure that she’s a princess, I’d probably try to flirt.” She murmured and smiled. Ahh there it was. Valkyrie’s pansexual nature coming through. 
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