Neurotraumagenic system, adult, don't flirt with me. Radinclus, anti-contact, anarchist-leaning commie, rant-y and extremely unstable. No, i don't have a schedule for posting, it stresses me out. Enjoy!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

as always: the only good cop is the one who quits
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just so we're clear, replacing patriarchy with a matriarchy would be just as bad because it's the same exact thing. it's a power structure. it lends to systemic abuse.
equality doesn't mean "one gender is better than the other". equality means all genders are on the same playing field. no one gender is better, or worse, than the rest.
women are not inherently kind. women are not inherently charitable. women do not inherently have other peoples' best interests in mind. women are not inherently gentle and nurturing. women are not inherently smarter or dumber than any other gender. women are people, and that means that women are varied. chasing men of that pedestal and placing women there instead will create the exact same problems.
you can run around saying "women are just better than men" but you're doing the exact same thing that's being done to you right now, and that's not how you collapse the structure. you're just taking the same abusive power structure and painting it pink. enough. equality means we are all on the same level. equality does not mean one gender is superior to the rest. got it?
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I saw some snippet of a callout post for an autistic trans woman where they list social faux pas she committed, and I think we allistic people should all feel 100x more ashamed of not telling people in the moment how we feel about what they're doing. I think its extremely evil and cruel to not only lie to an autistic person and blame them for it but also to feel justified shaming them for your behavior. And it's currently the social norm to do that
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"No prison for Mangione"
Seen in Verona, Italy
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"You need to like Israel to be a Jewish ally, if you don't you're a nazi! Please, ignore the heaps of articles from reputable sources claiming that Israel did unspeakable crimes against an indigenous population, they're all antisemitic! Yes, including Doctors Without Borders! The ICJ too! Musk? Nah, he's a friend to the Jews, didn't you see he supports Trump, who wants to ethnically clen- i mean relocate all those dirty rats- i mean Palestinians? He's clearly our ally! Nah, he didn't do two nazi salutes, you're just antisemitic and a nazi." I hate humanity, we deserve to go extinct. No other living species does this shit: lions don't cannibalize each other over not supporting a genocidal state, chimps don't abuse their fellow person for ideological purposes, fishes don't ethnically clense anyone. I hate my skin, i hate humanity, we don't deserve such a beautiful planet.
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Hi! I’m a non-Jew, and I am sending this to you in good faith because I hoped to get your perspective on this (not that you speak on behalf of all Jewish people but I’ve been scrolling through your blog and I agree with your posts and trust your opinion). I have had a Pro-Palestine and an anti-zionist viewpoint for almost 15 years now after becoming better educated on the subject. Recently I came across a post from a Jewish tumblr user that cautioned against “zionist” becoming a whistleblower (I think that was the term used) for “Jew” and that they witnessed people making antisemitic statements but hiding behind the word zionist to make what they were saying “okay.�� I did think it was a reasonable reminder to not fall into historically antisemitic rhetoric while discussing the genocide and while I don’t think it’s widespread there may be some people who are hiding their antisemitism behind anti-zionism activism and if so those individuals should be called out for it. BUT I went onto this person’s blog to see if I could learn/read more or maybe stumble upon some examples of what they were seeing but all I saw was that they think no one should be “anti-zionist” because zionism means the belief in Jewish self determination and it’s inherently antisemitic to deny Jewish people self-determination. I could not help but think to myself “but why does this self determination have to be at the expense of Palestinians? Why is colonialism (which is acknowledged as bad in literally every other circumstance) excused because Jewish people need self-determination? Is there another way that Jewish people obtain self-determination?” And if we cannot be anti-zionist by this logic then how else do we express criticism or condemnation of Israel as a country, a military, and a government? Is their point that we cannot do any of that? Because honestly fuck that but at the same time I wasn’t sure if I was coming to the right conclusion since I am not Jewish and self-determination is not something that is sacred to me due to my own background (sorry this is so long and feel free to ignore this)
What a thoughtful question!
Yes antisemites will use dog whistles when referring to Jews. Zionist is one of those dog whistles. It's def not the only one but it also doesn't mean that Zionists can't be criticized for their ideology. That logic is often deployed by Zionists as a shield from criticism.
The argument that anti-Zionism is antisemitism is just absurd and antisemitic in itself. Zionism is NOT the only Jewish perspective and Zionists desperately want you to think it is lol. And again you see Zionists use this logic as a shield from all criticism of their violent movement.
Jewish self determination does not need to be in the form of an ethno state that carries out a genocide. My right to self determination doesn't need to come at the cost of indigenous folk and their lives. Your instinctive question-"Why does this self-determination have to be at the expense of Palestinians?"-is exactly the core of the issue. And the answer is: it really really doesn't.
The questions we have to ask are: why do Zionists want to intertwine their colonial movement with a religion that pre dates that movement by thousands of years and why is it okay for them to value their "self determination" over Palestinian lives?
Your instinct-**"Fuck that" if their argument means shutting down all criticism of Israel- is valid. No government should be above critique, and equating criticism of Israel with antisemitism is a tactic that silences important conversations. You're approaching this thoughtfully, and that's what matters.
All of this to say: Fuck Israel, Fuck Zionists, and Fuck both of them using Judaism as a shield to carry out extremely evil and inhumane acts towards Palestinians. But most of all, fuck them for thinking it's okay to value their "self determination" over the lives of others. It's gross.
They don't speak for me and they don't speak for many many many Jews who see Zionism for what it truly is.
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Zionists on here that are mad at Israel having to give up more hostages than Hamas are SO close to getting the point that it's actually sad.
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I remembered Queering The Map existed and I wanted to share some entries from Gaza and the West Bank. I would implore you guys to check out the website yourself as I couldn't fit all of them here.
It infuriates me to see Israeli propaganda that tried to garner support from queers as well as people saying you shouldn't support Palestine because ""they're homophobic.""
Most of all, in the midst of this, I am infuriated to see queer Palestinians be forgotten about.
We see you, Palestinian lesbians, gays, bi/pan/etc, trans men, trans women, nonbinary people, ace and aros, and many more. Most of all, we have not forgotten about you.
We see every single one of you and we STAND with every single one of you.
We stand with EVERY Palestinian.
Donate Esims to Gaza here.
Donate food packs, clean water, emergency shelter and more to Gaza here.
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Didnt it come out that Jerry Seinfeld hunted Palestinians for fun or am I misremembering that? Like he had a black book for it I could be wrong and feel free to correct me on this but I could've sworn I saw something on this
He didn't hunt any actual Palestinians but close
Jerry Seinfeld visited Caliber 3, a military fantasy camp built on an illegal settlement in the West Bank where he participated in "Shoot a Palestinian" simulation
Caliber 3 puts on all these different "classes" to both adults and children where they can simulate the experience of being an occupation soldier. It's disgusting ethno-fascist garbage but unsurprising that Zionists do this
So aside from dating a high schooler when he was 38, he participated in this camp and then bragged about it.
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University really is about looking at the worst pdf known to man huh
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attn: jumblr
looking for non-ashkenormative works (memoirs, novels, nonfiction books, television, documentaries, etc.) to help broaden my understanding of judaism and jewish experiences in other spaces.
this includes works about or relating to sephardic, mizrachi, and ethiopian jews as well as other jews of color (in america and abroad).
if anyone can provide some resources, i’d greatly appreciate it.
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I'm so scared to losing my family 💔💔🥺
✅ Vetted by @90-ghost -vetted link
And I'm now waiting to be Vetted by @gazavetters 🙏

For all kidness people and humanity please consider me as your sister that need a shelter for her husband and baby.
My baby is too little for this bad suffering.
All I need from you is to help us by donating with a little amount of money and if you can't you can share at least 🙏🙏🙏🙏🚨🚨🚨
The money for evacuation is:
$5000 for me
$5000 for my husband
$2500 for my baby
All remaining funds will go to affording Adam’s surgery and helping us survive until we find jobs and start our new life.
You can donate here
or via my sister's PayPal
with all of my respect Shada, Adam's Mom
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In all seriousness, here are a few resources I think are helpful with regards to understanding just how thoroughly Henry Kissinger screwed the world over:
Kissinger by Behind the Bastards. This is a 6 part series done by the podcast Behind the Bastards, with the hosts of The Dollop on as guests. It's super funny and a very accessible foothold into understanding the scope of Kissinger's vast career.
Kissinger's Shadow by Greg Grandin. This book provides an in-depth analysis of Kissinger's tenure in the white house, covering both how he got into office, the changes he made in office, the policies he put forth, and their repercussions on the world.
ETAN's category on Kissinger. The East Timor and Indonesia action network has long been an outspoken critic of Kissinger's, and they've aggregated a lot of helpful articles here.
The Trial of Henry Kissinger by Christopher Hitchins. While Grandin's book focuses less on the specificities of Kissinger's crimes, Hitchins has no such qualms and details each of them in depth.
I truly think understanding Kissinger, the way he thought, and the things that he did, are all indispensable when it comes to understanding the modern political climate and how foreign policy works in America and therefore, by necessity, in the world at large. The sheer amount of damage he was responsible for should never be underestimated.
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