puzzledcards-blog · 6 years
ooc: }
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Oh, oops. Pardon my inactivity but I’ll be back here soon and Spam the dash with rp replies. But I updated my rules somewhat!
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puzzledcards-blog · 6 years
haiirojinrou requested a starter!
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“Ah, an IT student? That’s a first.”
Yugi answered, he wasn’t so sure where to go with this. From his perspective, he seemed new and his knowledge with computers is amazing. The former duelist king of games preferred if his life is normal with no crazy shenanigans from dark lords and whatsoever or some evil villains taking over the world. The boy was relieved by this sense of normality. And, he was talking to one of the new citizens in Koi.
Everyday, there are some people arriving from different countries from around the world coming to the city and some murders happened sometimes but Yugi knew that the government can handle them. Maybe this guy is seeking something? The only right thing to do is ask.
“What do you want me to help you out with? Sorry, I’m not that good with computers.”
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puzzledcards-blog · 6 years
( riderclassidiot: ??? )
“No offense, but you don’t look like you’d last very long in a fight. Humans are fragile, aren’t they? If you were a servant, then I could see it, but you aren’t. Not that I can tell anyway.”
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“Atlantis?” Astolfo hummed. He briefly wondered if a king of Atlantis would be summoned during a Holy Grail War. He wouldn’t be surprised. “Under his influence?”
He shook his head and put his hands up. “Okay okay. You said he’s a bad guy. And it sounds like some sort of hypnosis? That’s really creepy.
“Yeah, most of us. None taken. ” Yugi had to be reminded how weak he is when he first started out as hated by Jonouchi and his friends. “Not technically a servant but I used to be a host of a former Pharaoh that was sealed in a Millenium Puzzle.” Yugi gestured towards the pendant which glinted under the sun. 
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“I know, the seal of Orichalcos and its king made me work against my partner.” The boy explained. “Well, it was tough. We have to journey to Atlantis to get my partner under the Orichalcos's influence which was taking for a while. The Dragons of Atlantis helped us out, if it weren't for him, who knows what happened to us and the rest of the world.”
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puzzledcards-blog · 6 years
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“You said you’d know a thing or two about ballet right?” Yugi questioned with a raised eyebrow. He was busy doing homework on Swan Lake and some other ballet pieces in the dance industry for his studies. “Do you know the story of The Nutcracker?”  
@puzzledcards ♡’d for a starter
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There’s a soft chitter in her throat, a sweet noise that reverberates for a moment— cheery little smile on her face. “Huh? Wha… What d’ya mean you’ve never heard of it before?” Her lips tug into a small pout, just briefly, before her smile’s back again with an enthusiastic wave of her hands. “Alright then, I guess I’ll have to help you, then!” That’s what friends do for each other ( she thinks, anyhow ).
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puzzledcards-blog · 6 years
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“Uhh,” Yugi can only stare with his jaw dropped in disbelief. It’s not  that he hasn’t seen a goblin before but his appearance looks like he came out from his Duel Monsters deck. He has met other monsters in his life including Dark Magician.
“I don’t know sir,” Yugi answered calmly. “I’m sorta new here myself and getting used to this city. Why would you need a junkyard for?”
To build something big like Kaiba’s amusement park? He wouldn’t judge but Yugi might go with the flow with this instead.
@puzzledcards  hit that heart
      Humans. Humans everywhere! What a living nightmare he just ended up in. For all he knows, he could get lynched any second now. He’s a Goblin in the middle of territory that looks strangely a lot like it’s owned by the alliance! Eyes flicking left and right in paranoia, but it doesn’t look like they’re after him. Not yet, at least. He would care less if he had his robots and his laboratory nearby. But without a giant Battlesuit to steer and a lot of Boombots around him, he feels— naked. The only comfort he’s finding is that book he found in his little belongings that are left. Whoever just wrote it, they did a masterpiece right here. All the praise about how great and handsome he is— at least someone acknowledges his awesomeness. That bomb plush feels very comfy to sit onto. And that constructible toy…
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“I have an IDEA! I need MORE parts! And motors! I need a junkyard! YOU THERE! I need a guide today! Are there any junkyards on this place?”
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puzzledcards-blog · 6 years
ooc: }
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Hi again! I’m sorry for my inactivity, my rp writing is just on and off recently as of late but I’ll work on these threads soon.
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puzzledcards-blog · 6 years
( Atem: cardsheart )
  It was strange to be able to call his days as boring and uneventful when the vast majority of his… far too many lives has been something fast paced and equally confusing. To be able to relax and try to make a new life for himself in something that was… familiar yet foreign was such a bizarre feeling. Yet he couldn’t help the bitter twinge of nostalgia that ached him, the friends he made and life he got to live through another in such a world. There was a wealth of possibility, and yet something was missing, a void that remained in his heart.
  A void that could be fulfilled with the bump of someone he momentarily believed to be a stranger, moving to apologize however he could not even breathe life into his sentence by the time he had locked eyes with someone that was more than familiar, like looking into a reflective mirror of the past and it was angry, upset and terrible hurt… if only for the moment.
  At first he couldn’t understand the anger having accepted his death but… he was not the one that had to live with the consequences and emptiness of that passing. Yugi had moved on, he had a life to live and he was not supposed to interrupt it yet again, he felt guilty in a way, letting Yugi yell at him seemed appropriate so he allowed it. Softening his expression, he reached his arms out and pulled Yugi into a hug, shushing him quietly. Normally, he knew exactly what to say… but not this time.
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   “I missed you too, Yugi…. I apologize if my being here is going to cause you any trouble, but for what it’s worth, I am very happy to see you.” He didn’t want to let go, so he didn’t, keeping a hold on the other but not tight enough to trap him, he had room to escape if he so wished it.
     Yugi allowed himself to be held in his best friend’s arms and cried softly. Was that tears stinging his eye? No it’s not, he wiped a single tear from his face. It’s been for so long, everyone had moved on from the adventures they had as a team but their friendship is still there. He knew he had finally snapped out of the blue but Yugi knew to apologize for it sometime.
“Ah no! It isn’t your fault. I should be the one apologizing, it’s just been a long time and I swear I’m not crying.”  The duelist answered in a honest tone. It took time for him to recover from his emotional break down at the sight of seeing his partner. He heard of the city’s magic, maybe Atem having his own body is a good idea. Although, Yugi felt comforted after the embrace. What changed after those years, he wondered? He knew himself he had grown taller and mature as time passes by. 
Are there more duelists or somebody else from Domino City in Koi? The thought of it made him curious. He only smiled and nodded at his partner in acknowledgement. They’re together again, just like the good old days. But something tells him things may be different from here and out.
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Another question, followed as he decided to part himself from the embrace so he can get a good look at Atem. “When did you get here? I arrived earlier but it’s certainly been a surprise!”
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puzzledcards-blog · 6 years
( ???: thievishgoblin )
    That answer confused Sakyr a little. He’s blue and a set? Combine all three and he becomes powerful? What kind of dragon was that?  
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“Your friend owns a blue hydra? That’s impressive… but is it really okay with being kept as a pet?” Hydras have three heads at least, or that’s what Sakyr once heard.
“What? No, no! Dragons are usually from the ancient times but the dragon I'm talking about belongs to Kaiba in the form of a card” Yugi corrected himself, a bit sheepish as he gave a low chuckle “What I’m talking about is the cards. Ever heard of Duel Monsters? They’re a major popular card game back in my time.”
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puzzledcards-blog · 6 years
( Ryou: sennen-ringu )
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“Yugi!” Bakura grinned and waved at the familiar face in front of him, what a shocker! He wasn’t expecting to see him in Koi at all! Just when he was going to ask about how things were going back at home and about the group and Yugi’s grandpa’s game shop he was thrown back by the other suddenly noticing his Millennium Ring. Oh right, that thing. He started lightly fidgeting with it as soon as he was asked, as he touched it with his fingers, it seemed like he didn’t feel any sort of energy from it.
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“Ah, I don’t think so.” Strangely… he felt at peace? Maybe strange wasn’t the right word, it was leaned towards relief. Whenever the power of the ring did come out, something bad always happened. That, and he didn’t quite like his other self much either. But also, what would make the power of the Ring vanish so easily? “I think the spirit isn’t in the Millennium Ring anymore.”
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“Whoa, that is wild. I’m going to guess he’s probably not trying to possess you anymore, huh?” Yugi scratched his head. This is so weird. First, he ran into Atem then Ryou also.  He didn’t feel any energy coming from the puzzle.
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“Atem looks like he came to Koi the other day too, We talked a little bit but I’m glad I can talk to him again.” He remembered, it was weird for him to randomly yell at Atem for being missing for so long. “He has his own body, it feels weird seeing him in person again." It's in his instinct because it's like seeing someone returning from the dead." D'you think this city can bring back dead people? Did you encounter your Yami?”
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puzzledcards-blog · 6 years
( ???: riderclassidiot )
Astolfo laughed and waved a hand. “It’s super old, don’t worry about it!” He planted his hands on his hips. “Scars are nothin’ to worry about, usually. This one I honestly didn’t think I would even have right now, though.”
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He blinked and furrowed his brow at the other. “What the heck’s a Dartz? Were you possessed or something? ‘Cuz that sounds terrible. Having to obey command seals is one thing, but being possessed would be even worse. Can mages even do that? Or was it a ghost!” He knew he was babbling. Honestly, he did. He just couldn’t stop himself.
“Alright, if you’re sure.” Yugi seemed relieved to hear it. “Granted, I’ve seen my own fair share of fights also.” He said, remembering his days in high school when he doesn’t have any friends either.
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“Yeah, something similar to that. Kinda crazy if you ask me. Would you like to hear that? He’s a bad guy.” He shivered, remembering one of his and Atem’s past ordeals. “More likely a king of Atlantis from what I remember and everyone I’m close with is under his influence.”
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puzzledcards-blog · 6 years
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puzzledcards-blog · 6 years
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when you accidentally get possessed by a 3000 year old Egyptian Pharaoh and he won’t stop playing death games with people
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puzzledcards-blog · 6 years
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“That’s nice, The dragon my friend has is blue and it’s a set. If you combined all three, it might become super powerful.”
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“I’ve seen a real dragon once! He was big like a house and pink. I don’t think he wanted to eat me, because Goblins aren’t exactly tasty.”
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puzzledcards-blog · 6 years
@riderclassidiot previously from here. [ x ]
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“Are you sure about that? Do you need help with medical condition or healing?” It looked like the wounds hurt. It told him of a hard earned battle. Granted, Yugi is only showing concern for the other. He was studying the wound, he’s no doctor but he can tell that’s some serious injury.
“Alright, if it doesn’t hurt then it’s good to know.” His amethyst eyes widened at the stranger’s story. “A war... that reminds me of my friend’s own personal war when I was under Dartz’s influence.” It was cruel how he was used against his aibou. He knew how badly it went. The seal of Orichalcos was a painful time for him.
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puzzledcards-blog · 6 years
@powerdecks liked for a very late starter call!
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Yugi had met many faces from his past in Koi from Domino City. In fact, he’s not very lonely anymore during his eventual stay in the city. Who else he might run into? It would be full of surprises but unless you’re Bakura or Malik, he’d stay in his lane thank you.
He kept gazing into his deck that rested on his hands. The duelist hadn’t dueled for a while, in fact-- he can get used to it. People were passing him by as he walked on Koi’s streets, thinking that he’s lucky that he ran into Atem and Ryou. Sometimes, he’d figured he could strike up a chat with them. 
Ryou and Yugi are room mates, so there’s no need to worry about being alone in the city. The boy paused and froze for a moment when he saw someone familiar within his vision and a shadow looming over him.
Yugi gaped at the familiarity. He was surprised to see him here too. He quickly kept his deck in his pocket.
“No way... Kaiba!?” 
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puzzledcards-blog · 6 years
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puzzledcards-blog · 6 years
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I give credit to @yugimoto for sharing where they found scans for the Bunkoban so I could get this beautiful moment in color. I had to download a couple apps to open them on my Mac, but it was worth it! 
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