Match of the Day: 1-2-3 Kid vs Obaryon vs Amazing Red vs Frightmare (Chikara King of Trios '11 Night 2)
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Match of the Day: Rob Conway vs Jushin "Thunder" Liger for the NJPW World Heavyweight Championship (Destruction '13)
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Who is your favorite wrestler, or who would you like to see more matches of?
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Match of the Day: Shinsuke Nakamura vs Shelton Benjamin (NJPW G1 Climax 23)
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PPV Review: WWE No Mercy 2002
This is [probably] going to be a new series on this blog (especially when the WWE Network launches), where I go match by match and analyze/critique past Pay-Per-Views of wrestling. The first of the series, No Mercy 2002.
Match #1: Chris Jericho and Christian vs. Booker T and Goldust for the World Tag Team Championship
The show kicks off with tag team action, the first of two tag team title matches for the night. The first thing one might notice is that the brand split is in full effect -- JR and Jerry Lawler commentating for Raw, and Michael Cole and Tazz commentating for Smackdown. This match is specifically for Raw, and it's a good one at that. The talent in this match is very good, with a variety of styles. A lot of back and forth action, leading to Jericho and Christian retaining the titles.聽Rating: 7/10.
Match #2: Torrie Wilson vs Dawn Marie
This heated feud started over what seems to be Dawn Marie having an affair with Torrie Wilson's father, Al Wilson. The storyline is not great, and the match is alright. Dawn does most of the work, taking some nasty bumps from the get-go. Torrie seems to be off of her game by thinking about her father, but nonetheless puts up a good enough fight to best Dawn Marie.聽Rating: 4/10.
Match #3: Rob Van Dam vs Ric Flair
From the start this match intrigued me because of how different the wrestling styles are. Ric Flair, the dirtiest player in the game, and a mat technician. RVD, a high flyer, risk taker, and fast paced wrestler. Ric Flair instantly slows down the match, taking RVD out of his element, and hindering Van Dam's offense even more by injuring the legs of the high flyer. Flair dominates for most of the match, but RVD builds momentum and comes back to hit the Five Star Frog Splash for the win.聽Rating: 6.5/10.
Match #4: Jamie Noble (w/Nidia) vs Tajiri for the Cruiserweight Championship
Cruiserweight action on Smackdown was always a treat. You get a mix of high flying, mat technicality, and sometimes even power moves. Jamie Noble and Tajiri put on one of the best single matches of the night, going back and forth with excellent counters. Tajiri almost picks up the win with a rollup when Nidia interferes to give Jamie Noble leverage to retain the title.聽Rating: 7/10.
Match #5: Kane vs Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship and the Intercontinental Championship
This match is the result of one of the most infamous plots in WWE history: The Katie Vick plot. Plot notwithstanding, the match was decent. Kane dominates for most of the match, then accidentally knocks down referee Earl Hebner with a big boot. This leads to Ric Flair interfering in the match, introducing a sledgehammer to the bout. Kane fights off Flair but it isn't enough to stop Triple H from using the sledgehammer to his advantage, and picking up the victory.聽Rating: 6/10.
Match #6: Edge and Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit for the new WWE Tag Team Championship
A Tag Team tournament led to this bout, to crown the first Tag Team Champions for Smackdown. As an up-and-coming brand, Smackdown did its best to out-do Raw's tag team contest, and it sure did. Just as you thought the match was going to be over, somebody managed to break up the pin or submission. They went out and did everything they could to win, Edge even used the Ankle Lock on Kurt Angle. After an exciting series of finishing maneuvers and counters, Kurt Angle puts the Ankle Lock on Edge for the second time to maliciously win and pick up the Tag Team titles.聽Rating: 8.5/10.
Match #7: Trish Stratus vs. Victoria for the Women's Championship
3 Time Women's Champion Trish Stratus takes on a woman to outmatches her in power, but it doesn't stop her. This bout was better than the Torrie/Dawn match, but enough awkward spots unfortunately stopped this match from reaching its full potential. With a struggled roll-up, Trish retains the Women's title.聽Rating: 4.5/10.
Match #8: Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker for the WWE Championship in the Hell in a Cell
Brock Lesnar is on an impressive winning streak, defeating Hulk Hogan and the Rock. Not sure if he can defeat the Undertaker in the Devil's playground, he takes matters into his own hands and breaks Undertaker's hand a couple weeks earlier on Smackdown. However, the cast comes back to haunt him as it busts Brock Lesnar open early on. Using the environment to their advantage (and Paul Heyman to Lesnar's advantage), all 3 men get busted open in this brawl. As a bloodied mess, the Undertaker fights back, landing a chokeslam on the Champion, but it doesn't put him away. Realizing he needs to do more to put Lesnar away, he attempts the Tombstone, but Lesnar counters it into the F5 for the victory, and walks out as he walked in, WWE Champion.聽Rating: 7.5/10.
No Mercy was a great PPV demonstrating the variety of talent that the WWE had in the beginning of the Ruthless Aggression era. Classic tag team bouts, cruiserweight action, two divas matches, and a brutal Hell in a Cell make this a great PPV to watch.聽Rating for No Mercy: 8/10.
I hoped you all like this review, feedback is welcome and appreciated.
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Match of the Day: CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy for the World Heavyweight Championship (Night of Champions 2009)
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Match of the Day: Brodie Lee (Luke Harper) vs Claudio Castignoli (Antonio Cesaro) (Chikara)
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Match of the Day: Jon Moxley (Dean Ambrose) vs Brodie Lee (Luke Harper) for the CZW World Heavyweight Championship (CZW From Small Beginnings... Comes Great Things)
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Match of the Day: The Road Warriors vs The New Age Outlaws for the WWF Tag Team Championship (Monday Night Raw)
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Match of the Day: Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant (Wrestlemania 3)
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Match of the Day: Bret Hart vs The British Bulldog for the Intercontinental Championship (SummerSlam 1992)
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Match of the Day: Goldberg vs Triple H vs Kane for the World Heavyweight Championship (Armageddon 2003)
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Match of the Day: "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson vs John Cena in a tryout match (Velocity 2003)
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The Wyatt Family debuts on Raw and attacks Kane.
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Impressive Match of the Day: AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels vs Samoa Joe for the X-Division Championship (TNA Unbreakable 2005)
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Free Old WWE PPV of the Day: No Way Out 2007
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Free Old WWE PPV of the Day: Night of Champions 2008
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