psychstudiesblr · 2 years
professors who have only interacted with other academics for years: “what do you MEAN you don’t know multi-variable calculus yet??”
professors with small kids: “thank you for not putting the lab equipment in your mouths when I turn my back”
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psychstudiesblr · 3 years
Take What You Need.
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psychstudiesblr · 3 years
Back to School/Uni Tips!
I’m headed into my 3rd year of uni, so I thought I’d make a post sharing my tips on how to do well in school, not burn out, and keep your mental health relatively stable.
1. Snacks - seriously, don’t leave home without at least 2 substantial snacks in your bag. If you’re go-go-going all day and suddenly your sitting in a lecture about to crash cause you haven’t eaten anything all day, you’re gonna want snacks. Some suggestions: Cashews (they’re not super loud/crunchy, so they’re perfect for lecture snackin’), a granola bar, an apple, cherry tomatoes, trail mix.
2. Don’t buy the textbook before you go to your first class - I’ve worked at a university bookstore for 2 years, and every year, people end up buying 700$ worth of first year text books, and then they don’t even use them. Wait. and then wait some more. If there are required readings, then get the textbook, if your prof says there will be questions from the textbook on the exam, then get the textbook, but trust me, for 90% of first year classes (and a lot of other ones) you don’t need the textbook. SAVE YOUR WALLETS
3. Take notes efficiently - honestly the best way to take notes, is type up the lecture notes that are provided, BEFOREHAND, and then during lecture, fill in the blanks/add information/take down any important things your prof is saying as you go through the lecture on your laptop in a different color. This way you’re much less likely to miss any important information, you won’t be confused about what to take down, and you won’t fall into the trap of taking down notes that are already being provided to you. After class, or while making study notes, copy these notes out by hand to remember what you learned.
4. Keep it simple - pretty notes are GREAT if you have the time, but once you get to upper level uni, and you have 100 slides of notes to turn into study notes, you will not have the time to make your notes look aesthetically pleasing. Just get the info down so you can focus on learning it.
5. Have a designated study space - i did all of my highschool homework and studying in my bed, and 90% of the time, I ended up falling asleep. My bed wasn’t going to cut it for uni, so I got a cheap ikea desk, and it’s made me so much more organized and productive.
6. Take as much ‘you time’ as possible - take a bath. light candles. binge watch a tv show. veg out with a book for 4 hours if you have the time. do your makeup super special one day. get yourself that venti pumpkin spice latte with extra whip whenever you feel like it. Uni is a shitty time I’m not gonna lie. It’s stressful as f*ck, and whenever you can spare a couple hours or a couple dollars to TREAT YO SELF, do it.
7.  If you have anxiety, CUT THE COFFEE. caffeine is a huge trigger for anxiety. Caffeine takes away from your sleep, messes with your adrenalin systems, and can make you super paranoid and anxious all the time. 
8. If you think your in the wrong major, change it - I started in geology, and I HATED IT. Now I’m in psych and I love it. It is never too late for a change of program. If you think you’re doing something you don’t wanna do, or your not enjoying it, don’t do it.
9. For mornings you have to be ready and out the door, or if you’re a person who always runs late, have a getting-ready routine and get it down pat. Have a mental list of things you need to do, and things you need to remember, and find out how much time it takes you. Get up at 8am, shower, wash face/brush teeth, get dressed, do makeup, pack bag, remember keys, wallet, laptop, notebook, pen and train pass, have breakfast, put on shoes, leave by 9am.
10. Utilize your time in transit. - finish a reading, go over flashcards, read study notes, listen to an album you’ve been meaning to listen to, read a book, read some fanfic, idk but don’t just sit there unless just sitting there is what you need.
11. Find a hobby or passion that is separate from your school/uni life. Whether its playing sports, or running, reading, collecting plants, making scrapbooks, curating a refined taste in tea, having baths, writing in a journal, find something that if you’re bored with watching shows or studying, you can go do it, and enjoy it, and get your mind off all the other shit that’s going on in your life for awhile.
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psychstudiesblr · 3 years
9 points about language learning and how I’m learning 20+ of them
I’ve had a few requests to write about how I learn my languages. To different degrees, there’s currently 20+ of them and I don’t see myself stopping yet. The thing is, learning languages comes really easily to me and I want to share, maybe it will be helpful to somebody else.
First, I’d like to have a look at first versus second language acquisition. I’m a linguist and I’m super interested in Child Language Acquisition. That however, has a critical age of 14 (or so I was always told) and is then no longer possible and any language learned after that age will never progress as quickly or can’t be learned perfectly. Well. I disagree. The simple difference is - first language acquisition is how you acquired your first language(s) as a child. By imitating, finding patterns, etc. Second language acquisition is what you know from language courses. Vocabulary, irregular verb tables, endless exercises. Now that we got some of the terminology off the table, let me see how I actually learn languages: 1) I utilise elements of the first language acquisition rather than second language I’ve only studied vocab a couple times at school, when I put them into Quizlet or when someone forced me to. I’ll get back to it in another point. I don’t learn patterns. I know there is one and I let the input do its magic of slithering into my head. Again, more on that in point 2. You always get told you’ll learn a language better when you’re thrown into the country where they speak it.  And it’s so true because of the processes behind it. Because input and immersion are the keys and that’s how children learn, too.
2) I don’t cram languages. I process them.
Around langblrs, I keep seeing all the ‘crying over verb tables’, ‘trying to learn a 1000 words this week’ and the like. That may work for you, sure. But I’ve never done that. I did learn a few irregular verb patterns for German in class, but while I could recite them, it wasn’t helpful. In Irish, I sometimes still wonder which verb ‘An ndeachaigh tú?’ comes from. The thing is, you’re able to process language. You know this word is probably irregular. If you come across it and don’t know what the irregular form is, look it up. After you’ve looked it up for the tenth time, you’ll probably remember by then. Same with anything else. Don’t try to learn things by heart when it comes to languages. 3) Vocab?? Same rule applies here. I’ve only learned vocab at school and then a handful of times when I wasn’t too lazy to put it into Quizlet (which is fun and I learn something, but it’s more of a useful pastime than anything). When you read, just skip the words you don’t know and only really look them up if you can’t tell by context. NEVER translate vocabulary. I mean, sure, look up what it means, but don’t connect it to the word itself. Connect it to the meaning. Pictures work better. As for abstract words, imagine the concept. Just try not to bridge the meaning of the word with your native language. Languages in your brain are meant to be two separate units. Unless you’re working on a translation piece, they shouldn’t be ‘touching’. 4) I use example sentences for everything.
Grammar guides are useful but rather than learning all the rules at once, take it one step at a time and remember some example sentences and let them guide you through the grammar rule you need.
5) Input is everything. Output is hard, but you’re basically imitating input and utilizing patterns you know (or think you know). Let me give you an example. Let’s say I’m writing a piece on my daily routine, for example. I make use of the example sentences and try to tailor them to my own needs. Trial and error, if I make a mistake, it’s okay, if somebody points it out, I probably won’t make it next time. As I progress, I will gradually remove the mistake. Same goes to new words and new verbs. Use the input you’ve got. Does this verb sound like some other verb you’ve heard before? It’s might have a similar conjugation pattern. You can check it, you don’t have to.
6) Learning languages should NOT be stressful! I never stressed over learning a language. Sure, I’m frustrated that after a year and a half of learning Irish, I’m not 100% fluent, but I’ve never stressed over it. I’ve never cried over it. I’ve never cried over a language (I only cried after a French oral exam which I thought I failed). Don’t be hard on yourself and try learning through a method that’s not stressful. Watch videos for children. Read books for children. Write down cool things in your target language(s). 7) You’ve learned a language before. Why wouldn’t you be able to learn it now in a very similar way? This is basically me saying that I have little belief in the efficiency of pure second language acquisition. Maybe a few individuals can reach fluency by cramming a language, the thing is, I think that if we concentrate on processing instead of remembering, just like we did when we were children, we can reach better results in a shorter amount of time. Also, if this is your third or fourth language, compare to languages you already know. 8) I don’t start with basics. I start ‘somewhere’.
Delve into the language the second you’ve started. Are you overwhelmed? That’s fine! You’ll find your way around it. Start with word meanings, finding out what kind of sentences those are and then build your way around it. Don’t start saying ‘hello’ and ‘I’m from’. Those are cool, but usually, they are used in a different way when you actually go out and speak. You’ll get them along the way.
9) Don’t rely on instructions (only). Rely on yourself.
This is just my two cents. I’ve pieced this together trying to remember how I’ve learned what I’ve learned and comparing it to how others around me learned. Please, let me know if it makes any sense. I may edit this and post this again later if I have any more ideas. Feel free to contribute or to bombard me with questions. I’m happy to answer.
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psychstudiesblr · 3 years
The basics of Beginning
Being a new witch is terrifying.
Some of us start early and don’t realize it until much later.
We where the little children that dug up worms and gathered flowers and collected nice rocks and that read to many books and didn’t belive a single word we read in the Bible (This last thing is a personal statement and experience). And then with sixteen, eighteen, twenty, twenty-five we rediscover magic as a part of our lives.
Some of us don’t start untill we think that it is already to late to start with something new.
We have been doing the same practice for over a decade and it never felt quite right. We have a start-stop relationship with magic. We think it might just not be for us at all.
But now we want to start again from the very beginning and do it right this time.
Maybe you recognize yourself in those statements? Or meybe not.
Whether the above stated fits you down to the blood or not at all. A fact is that you want to be a witch.
You want to practice magic. You want to walk the croocked path. You want it with all your soul. Right?
When you are at this point of knowing that you want to be a witch but not knowing how to be a witch then the internet is your best friend and your worst enemy.
Everyone has their own opinion, their own instructions, their own rules. And none of them feel entirely right.
Don’t curse, curse all you like. Use crystals, use wands, use this, use that. Have an altar, have a garden, have a cat/toad/bird.
But few people ever tell you to start with what you have. To do what feels right for you. To use what is at hand.
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Ask yourself: what do I have?
Can I practice openly?
Do I want an altar?
Do I care about any gods? Do I want to worship any gods?
Do I want to use … in my craft?
Is this really what I want to work with or who I want to work with?
Do I really believe this/that will work?
Ask yourself these questions and more! Question everything. Only use in your craft what feels right to you.
Write it down in your diary, your book of shadows, your grimoire, your whatever. Just write it down.
Write: This is awesome! I love it! It works so well for me! I’ll incorporate it into my craft from now on! Have to learn more! Research! Research! Research!
Or: That was terrible! Never again! Not my thing! Oh hell to the no! Nope! Nope! Nope!
Experiment. Fail. Try something else.
Be ready for the failure. Not everything is going to work for you. It doesn’t matter if it works for every other person on the planet, if it doesn’t work for you it doesn’t work for you.
Not everything is going to be available to you either.
You shouldn’t try to force your way into something that’s not meant to be for you. That doesn’t mean you have to be dense about it tho.
Knowledge is attainable. Talent or The Right to something is not.
(Be respectful please. Some aspects of a closed practice or religion should not be used unless you are a part of it)
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Also be ready for the Argument™.
Some people will tell you that everything you do is wrong and that the only way to do it right is to do it their way or not at all.
This can be discouraging especially if you are just starting out.
Always remember that people that say things like that aren’t relevant or important.
They don’t want to help you, they just want to be right about something for once in their life.
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The point of this post is to tell you that you don’t need a garden full of herbs if you can’t have one. That you don’t need a wand if you can’t make one. That you don’t need 30 different herbs or crystals if you can’t afford them. And that a pot will do just as good a job as any cauldron ever will.
My pointers for new witches as an overview
Work with what you have
Do what feels right
Use what feels right
Follow your own path
Be ready for failure
Be ready for the Argument ™
It’s never Your craft vs. Someone elses craft
Follow your star, or don’t
Your craft, your choice!
Now go out there and be a witch.
-J. S. Morrigan
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psychstudiesblr · 3 years
rice water toner🌾
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I’ve been meaning to share this recipe not only for its magical properties, but  because it’s honestly changed my skin in ways no store-bought toner has
rice is associated with mother-type deities and feminine energy. it can be used in spells for protection, wealth and blessings. when applied to the skin as rice water, it has anti-inflammatory and brightening properties
keep it in the fridge and apply with a cotton pad after the shower, it feels so so good. on lazy days i’ll just use this as my face cleanser, but keep in mind I have fairly normal skin🌜
·      organic white/jasmine/basmati rice·      bowl·      water·      container
·      add a handful of rice to the bowl and rinse it first, disposing of the water
·      add your desired amount of water to the bowl and set aside
·      let it soak for 1-3 hours and bottle the water in a separate container, then refrigerate (the rice can still be used for cooking)
·      optional add-ins: rose petals, lavender, calendula flowers 🥀
disclaimer: patch test and research for allergies
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psychstudiesblr · 3 years
strawberry juice 🍓
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- 8 frozen strawberries
- 2 tbsp of honey
- 2 tbsp of lemon juice
- 4 cups of water
- mint leaves
- ice
boil the water in a medium pot! when the water starts to boil add six of the frozen strawberries
let them boil for about ten minutes, then remove the strawberries with a fork! add honey to the strawberry water and let it sit for about 2 minutes
strain any strawberry bits out of ur juice (that part is completely optional) and then pour it into a cup/jar! add lemon juice and two frozen strawberries and let it chill in the fridge for a few hours
remove the strawberries, replace them with ice, and garnish with lemon slices and fresh or frozen strawberries and mint leaves!
most important step: take pictures and send them to me or reblog them onto this post!!
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psychstudiesblr · 3 years
self discipline tips
here are tips I discovered very recently:
something is better than nothing. 5 minutes of work are better than zero. Just because you missed something on your schedule doesn’t mean you can’t still work on it, even for 5 minutes. Grow and build on this.
second drafts / reviews can be done after.
Don’t think you are going to do your very best work on the first try. Take the weight of perfectionism off your shoulders.
don’t think about doing it. just do it as fast as you can.
build on your productivity, not your failures.
If you come from a past of procrastinating and now feel motivated to change and discipline yourself, do NOT try to do everything at once.
if you have a set of different goals to accomplish, begin with the most important one. Wait until the rotine of working for that one settles in (you feel productive and comfortable-ish), and then begin with the next. Repeat.
this way you’ll be building your way up and not juggling everything at the same time, hoping everything works out.
be patient with yourself, you’ll get there!
set smaller deadlines for your goals
have monthly and weekly-ish deadlines
e.g. if you are doing a project, due 22nd Feb, set personal deadlines, like have Introduction written by 2nd Feb, have Methods written by 10th Feb, have project complete by 18th Feb.
take them as seriously as you possibly can, don’t miss out on yourself.
write realistic daily tasks and don’t stop until you finish them. after them you can do whatever you want
on writing realistic daily tasks, the secret is knowing you can only do so much in one day, but trusting you can accomplish everything in the course of any period of time (a week, or 2 weeks or a month, etc.) because you will combine the work from all these different days.
it’s very tempting to write down all the tasks you need to accomplish in one day to just get over with it, but the real deal is you won’t accomplish half of them. You’ll feel very unproductive then, wich leads to demotivation.
spread daily tasks in the time necessary.
have a consistent sleep schedule.
if your mind isn’t ready everything will fall apart.
have one rest day per week where you plan nothing, do whatever you want except studying. this can be harder than you expect!
(don’t forget these are effective only if you actually put them into practice! good luck babes!!)
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psychstudiesblr · 3 years
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this is a breakdown of how i go about doing research for my essays! do keep in mind i am an arts student, so i don’t know how well this method carries over into other disciplines. check out my other guides to writing essays here and here!
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psychstudiesblr · 3 years
semester 2 is beginning....
So the second semester in my second year at uni is tomorrow (eek!) and i’m somewhat prepared this time round - makes a change :/
I’ve got the classical music on, notes out and coffee in hand - I’m living my dark academia dream right now guys.
This semester it’s more quantitative stats (ew), neuropsychology and prison & punishment - I’m very excited!! In just a few months I’m having to make the difficult decision of what my dissertation will be focussed on and I’m in no way prepared for that - I have way too many ideas -.-
I hope your days are going well, you’re staying safe and hydrated during these very unprecedented times! my inbox is open 24/7 for anyone to chat if you’re feeling under the weather or just want a rant!
♫ current listen: sonata no. 14 moonlight - beethoven ♫
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psychstudiesblr · 3 years
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Life as a psych student! Do you agree with that? 
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psychstudiesblr · 4 years
since the old version of this post was flagged for 'adult content'...
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reblog this post if your account is a trans safe space or owned by a trans person!
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along with that, reblog if your account is a trans non-binary spectrum safe space or owned by someone on the trans enby spectrum!
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psychstudiesblr · 4 years
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These are believed to be the first ever lesbian self-portraits which were taken in 1910. Photo booths were how most of the earliest forms of queer visual documentation started. It was the only way they could capture a photo in total secrecy since there was no need for a third party taking the picture. 
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psychstudiesblr · 4 years
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Some shots of Paris I took back in October
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psychstudiesblr · 4 years
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g o l d e n 
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psychstudiesblr · 4 years
oh tumblr, how i have missed you.
I’m finally back in the swing of things - uni wise anyways! We’re 6 weeks in already and let me tell you - it’s hectic.
This semester I’m studying Forensic Psychology, Qualitative Stats and Psychological Understandings of Mass Killing and boy it’s been one heck of a rollercoaster as of yet! I’m currently working on my 6th Forensics lecture which you can see is on knife crime. It’s quite heartbreaking really, hearing all of the cases of youth knife crime around the UK and the cases in the lectures aren’t even the half of the cases in the UK - definitely makes you think, really!
In lighter news, as you can see by both pics I’ve got a new mug! And I’m in love! It’s the cutest and it was an absolute bargain - only £2.50! as you can see i’m flaunting it a lot here to show how much i really do love it.
Have a great rest of the week my lovelies, see you soon
♫ current listen: always forever - by cults ♫
- bee xx
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psychstudiesblr · 4 years
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Symptoms of COVID-19, Flu, and Cold
- by Vox
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