Here's a poem dedicated to my mom, who washed down a bottle of pills with vodka in front of me on my 21st birthday to teach me a lesson, and who to this day refuses to call me her daughter.
Ominous promises of rain,
chattered in tandem
with cluttered pots and pans
clattered to scatter the still,
a shrill banter of blather
and lots of random cuss words,
thus uttered in a cluster,
as we wiped down the windowsills.
It'd be a sin to will away
the summers we once shared,
but I'm guilty and scared of
another fight with you, mother,
staring at me all blank
as you spill your refill
and wash it all away
with the intent to kill
so that I should do as you say
and suffer as you may:
With pills, swill, eyes glazed,
and an overdose of hate.
You have yourself to blame.
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It's thirty degrees centigrade,
you're wearing a short skirt
and socks up to your knees;
it was the sort of day
apparently best spent
staring deep into space,
desolately flirting
with all the dirty things
one could do whilst using
an errant pair of stockings
and the assertive sting
of a riding whip's plaits.
A bit of inspiration,
well-placed knotting,
face to face
and body to body,
legs wrapped solidly
around my waist
and huddled up close
against the wainscoting,
watching the way
you playfully struggle
as you're reduced
to a sticky and wet,
desperate puddle
of thick drips of honey,
sweet, supple sweat,
and runny NYX muck.
Why are we being subtle
when we can just fuck?
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That which cannot be attained,
that which sits and lingers,
up there,
at the very tips of my fingers,
brushing against them,
again and again,
post-credit, pre-stinger,
but not quite "The End."
I dread it all:
The disdainful, distasteful
pins and needles,
a handful of aimless days,
beginning and ending
with nameless throngs
of faceless people.
Was it wrong to think
I ever would belong,
or ever could blend in,
or if I should have
spent this time pretending,
all along; day out, day in?
It's been a long and good,
prolonged series of rejections
no longer withstood,
as I'm stood up,
and quickly crushed underfoot,
in every discernable direction.
Lessons have been learned,
bridges have been burnt,
the soot on my skin
betraying my innermost thespian;
all the lies I've told
and the life I've earned,
my chest starting
to coldly yearn
for just something more
in return,
than an urn's worth of ash
and whole scarred mess of skin,
for a life spurned
and soul well worn
from confessing sins.
And even if chivalry
never really did die
and turned instead
to the lesbians,
how many syringes
of this stuff are enough
until my life may begin again?
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Slurring and slipping,
sloppily dripping
sight and sound and
into sticky speech,
sheepishly sliding,
eyelids enclosed and eclipsed
by somnial tidings;
deeply, slowly into sleep.
Solipsism seeps
into the slim,
somniferous sliver
between denial and bliss,
the subconscious
boldly believing
that each seemingly boundless
soulful lorem ipsum
shall at last shiver off
the call of the abyss.
Listing all the wishes
by order of appearance,
from anguished kisses
to insistences of a silly kismet -
in which persistence
really is the ticket -
mean so little in the face of
these listless licks of light,
the stray locks slick with drool,
the slight swip, slurp
and burn upon sipping tea,
that delight in dismissing
the childish beliefs
that suggest she somehow,
sweetly, secretly, ceaselessly,
still thinks of me.
But a girl can dream,
can't she?
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A lonesome payphone sits sallow
by a bench set in the thicket,
basking in stray rays of dayglow
to joyful toils of crickets.
I sorely wish it was simple
as pouring in handfuls of coins
and whispering secret somethings
that expose a dimple in time,
purloining an odd hour or two
right from under their poor eyesight.
How all of this is juxtaposed
suggests that fate is predisposed
to at long last toss us aside –
and we shall be cast away soon –
for we are just two of those few
whose speed dwindles to languid limps;
whose strong shouts are cruelly mown down
to a long queue of soft whispers;
whose pace slackens with cool disdain
when proposals for opting out
of this poorly concocted race
were haphazardly tossed about
after we had all our nibs drained,
lives forcibly been led astray,
and long ago scratched the paper.
Lingering fear informs fingers
on the left hand as it trembles,
clinging, dropping, clanging, fumbling,
down and in the quarters tumble,
the ears thereafter labouring
the gentle, discordant treble
of a dial tone’s sheer unknown
that inevitably follows;
sharply swallowing as the long,
distant noise of shifting pebbles
and intermittent hollow crunch
of deer hooves in tandem howl,
and I daren’t make one more move.
Yet still your words deeply soothe me,
these echoes from your line proving
that this semblance of fortune is –
perhaps by sleepy sorts of chance –
after all, not constantly cruel.
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I wanted her like a breath I couldn’t take
It filled me up, this endless need
Finally exhaling on soft skin
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The most satisfying crunch
mumbled in a hush
as I steeled myself,
hunched over by the cold -
encumbered by the falling snow -
feeling the weight
of the morning rush;
my bumbling start
to the daily unknown.
The cars stalled
on the interstate,
but were somehow
outnumbered by slush,
calling class off for the day,
"so maybe", I gushed,
"I might find time enough
to rest after all."
My best efforts were expended
staring up, my head getting sore -
a glaring consequence
of letting my unbrushed hair
moonlight as a plush pillow
as I laid in plight
on the bedroom floor.
For once,
all was still,
yet little has ever been well.
To my right: The drawers beside
my head outpouring,
soul-crushing billows
of many chores failed;
behind: The willow,
woefully unmaintained,
scraping inanely
against my window;
to my left: The hallway light,
always on,
scornfully slinking
under my door.
And here, in the middle,
all that I cannot escape nor ignore:
The ley lines drawn
all over my body,
scribbled reminders on my veins
of who I was before.
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Forever Home:
Humble abode on the highway,
riding high down the road:
A small house on the dossier,
in practice an oversized load.
Too wide to escape her,
too tall to make out the signs;
an eastbound prefab glacier,
no hope of getting to work on time.
Caught lurking behind since October,
dragged far to parts unknown.
Colliding head-on as it flips over;
now the single-wide's forever home.
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when were you when kissinger dies?
i was sat at home drinking fireball when pjotr ring
‘henry is kill’
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I drink a ton of coffee nowadays
and, somehow,
get so little done,
but we live in a diurnal world
and isn't that asking
a bit too much?
Come now,
who here among us
can get anything begun
before sundown?
I have to wait that infernal
eternal wait
until the comedown
to stop sitting and loitering around,
because, well,
who does laundry
on a Wednesday, anyhow?
Why now
and not another day
when I can say life is okay
enough to go on?
No? Not anyone?
I've too much month
at the end of my money,
too many maybes,
and one rebuff more
than somebody should
need to take a hint,
I can't help but squint
in broad daylight,
I huff and puff
at the small things,
and god damn,
it's been such a long time
since I've been seen
around town
in short sleeves.
Or at all, really?
It's unfair that I want so much
to go somewhere right now,
but what do I have
to wear that's clean?
Only two long sleeve shirts,
three unmatched socks,
dairy cow print shorts,
and a pair of jeans.
Nothing at all, basically.
But like,
who does laundry on a Thursday,
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we were strangers & now we're home,
I guess some things really do work out:
autumnal attraction towards unknowns,
I guess some things really are symmetry,
fragmentation is narration without family,
I guess some things really do seek the light,
relationships can communicate coexistence,
I guess we were always together in some way;
thank you for being my home & my better half. 
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Darling, I hardly mind
measuring our time
in mere precious sentences -
pining to be together
is the purest essence
of an unspoken penance
to weather passing time
and bridge our distance.
All I ask is clemency
for the tremendous mess
of messages I send,
as I spend my moments
of confinement in repentance,
redefining why it is I feel so dire
and my fear of interdependence.
I'm something above sheepish,
somewhere below bashful,
a steep and rash,
yet unabashedly meek wish
driving the myriad ways
I grow to deeply admire
the periodic phases
of your luminescence
and the awe you inspire;
endlessly mysterious and
ostensibly burning brightly,
in essence, indiscernible
to the untrained eye
from a blazing pyre,
irreversibly blinding me
to all else one may desire.
An acquired sort of taste,
yes, of course,
though never a waste
of effort nor
entire reconvenings,
as you and I begin weaving
new meanings
of what seems to be
us falling in love
at a leisurely pace,
evening after evening.
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Face blindness is walking downstairs and staring in rapture at the movie your roommate is watching for five minutes wondering what the fuck you're seeing until you see a guy with a fish bowl on his head and realise it's a Spiderman movie.
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Birch polypore (Fomitopsis betulina). When I tapped on them, they had a texture like Styrofoam.
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After the after,
when frost meets fallen leaves,
when the heat isn't nearly enough
and the defrost is more
than just what I need,
I hear the pitter patter
in my chest astride
with each bouncing step,
every trite little tear in my eye.
I feel for my keys,
I try my best,
I seize, give up briefly,
and go inside to rest.
I take cover,
I sigh,
I smother myself
to aspirant death
behind a duvet,
then regret singing out
on the upswing of my breath,
tossing my phone astray,
choosing now to not decide
on what to say,
lest I ask myself another "unless"
and beg them to stay.
So, hey. How, then,
may I cease to exist
at my leisure with
no one getting upset
and why not for
only a shorter sometime -
why forever, why not less?
I guess I'm mortified at
the ease by which
the pain inside
crept along my skin
and became an outside
kind of thing,
confiding my secrets
and confessing my crimes;
all the warning signs,
and all the guilt that brings.
I go on living,
and whining,
and wishing I was dying,
when far better people,
with far better rhymes,
and much less than I,
have never once wished to die,
and have thrived where I can't
even handle a bit of stress.
If I'm successful this time,
won't you pardon the mess?
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You, I, Us:
My love,
Is the life we live 
merely a series
of periods - ellipses
in which we wait
impatiently for
something amazing
to take place?
I find myself in a haze,
often anticipating,
lackadaisically waiting,
always longingly gazing,
evermore wishing dazedly,
deeply, sleepily into the night,
to know what
these days may bring
and what might never be
brought to light:
How to sleep in your arms;
the taste of your lips;
who we are when inches apart;
and what our love really is.
And now the alarming speed
by which the days pass
you, I, us by gives me pause
where I once would pace
around the room with glee,
nary a second glance at all.
Are we destined to say
beautiful, clandestine nothings,
made and meant only
for fools who know full well
how unattainable these dreams
of a you, I, us must be?
Or is it a defiant scheme
that we covertly share:
To obtain the unobtainable -
sometimes suppliant,
but more often
resoundingly unbreakable,
seemingly without a single care?
I've tried to ask you these things
at every here or there -
whilst caught in the midst
of a sweet reverie,
irrevocably, hopelessly ensnared -
be you, I, us awake, asleep,
never in any memory
have you once answered me
as you aren't ever really there,
being far too busy
for my silly inanities
as I reach my despair.
Am I the only one here,
so painfully aware,
that what cannot be
is staring at us
from straight on ahead,
hanging in the air?
You, I, Us,
gracefully slipping
further into disrepair.
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I feel September
dancing on the cold air
as it blows hair onto my face,
my transfixed sight
gazing off into a space
betwixt the lines
as the exit signs
slowly grow farther away.
I remember this way by heart,
long ago etching
inside my mind
each stretch of highway
and the numbers they were assigned.
But I've forever parted with
my bright-eyed kind
of childish pining -
finding myself in your driveway
after a long day of driving,
smiling in tandem
under the sun's rays,
my blue eyes,
the blue skies
shining as we stand still a while,
saying nothing.
It's strange,
the dumb things
that pile up inside
as we drive
and keep us from falling
under the spell of sleep.
I wonder whether I'd have stayed
by your side
a little longer
had I known
by how many miles
we'd be later estranged,
though the tickle in the breeze
dissuades any would-be
wild guesses from moving beyond
where I sit pretty
in these leather seats.
The previously agreed upon
quick look-see
should amply see stifled
the all-consuming desire
to continue being your child
and come back to home
and my life prior.
With dawn's cruel fire looming,
I instead yawn,
start up my car,
and drive back alone
dead tired.
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