probablycate · 4 hours
bro last night was a real person fiction
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probablycate · 4 hours
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probablycate · 5 hours
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probablycate · 5 days
DEVASTATING EXPERIENCE my docs were squeaking so loud because of the rain and i had to walk through the completely silent library and several people looked up at me as I passed. Also my carabiner is so loud i am cursed to jingle and squeak and rattle forever
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probablycate · 6 days
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sailor’s delight
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probablycate · 6 days
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I used to reference this tweet all the time. I did it for years. I misremembered "kramer gets addicted to virtual yogurt" being a meme so I gave people shit for not remembering it
and then one day I looked it up and realized it was from a failed 2013 gimmick account that tweeted 6 times before being abandoned and got like. 2 retweets ever.
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probablycate · 8 days
woman college is turning me into a Dark Feminist.
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probablycate · 8 days
I have spent all night making NFTs my fingers are bleeding. The blockchain is a brutal mistress and I am her wimpering bitch
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probablycate · 8 days
love reading late 90s/early 2000s scholarship on the potential of the internet. "hey we shouldn't let venture capitalists get in on this" And Then They Did
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probablycate · 11 days
(work voice) im stunned and offended that you would insinuate i have some kind of "crush" on spongbop. i just like stuff. hasn't anyone ever heard of liking stuff? (sneaking out my phone under the counter and logging onto my blog) dear 1000 people who don't give a fuckk, today i was in love with that square again
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probablycate · 11 days
Getting 9/11 and Friday the 13th in the same week feels like a combo
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probablycate · 11 days
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probablycate · 14 days
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I’m having a meltdown. When I was 9 years old I read an article in a magazine called Backyard Adventures about how this antelope, the saiga, was on the verge of extinction. I enlisted the help of my best friend and launched a fundraising campaign called Save the Saigas. We sold lemonade, had bake sales, sold belongings, yelled at strangers as they passed in their cars. Our parents were able to match the money we made. Our school helped. It wasn’t much, it didn’t save them, but it helped the organization at least a little bit.
Y’all. The saigas have been saved. A little piece of my passionate child heart that has seemed hopelessly lost and endlessly disappointed for a long time feels so soothed. Maybe it’s not all hopeless. Maybe our efforts aren’t a complete waste. Maybe we keep trying and actually hope for the best.
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probablycate · 14 days
i would like to issue a formal apology to the librarians who see me come in every morning to take a shit in the private bathroom and do nothing else. i will continue to do it for the foreseeable future.
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probablycate · 14 days
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probablycate · 15 days
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Happy Labor Daybor!
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probablycate · 19 days
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compilation of this type of post
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