probably-mbti ¡ 3 years
okay so my lack of knowledge about MBTI did backfire in the end, 'cuz i don't know anything about the types i don't know
that's was badly formulated
if there's a type, and i don't know anyone who has that type, then i don't know anything about that type
hope that makes sense.
so my point is
and of course i'll then tag you
please DM me
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probably-mbti ¡ 3 years
literally me when i play genshin on the tv while watching star wars on the laptop, and switching between discord, whatsapp and pinterest on my phone while thinking about my tumblr post and the homeworks i haven't done and simultaneously drawing fanart
ENTP *eating mac n' cheese, watching TV and youtube at the same time, programming something, scrolling reddit on another screen, playing minesweeper on the phone, & feeling simultaneously over and under-stimulated at the same time.*: <3
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probably-mbti ¡ 3 years
i know other ways to make you choke- ANYWAYS
INFJ: I am not having sex with ENTP! Who said that?!
ESTP: No one would judge you. It’s understandable. They’re strong and mysterious and sort of compact but well-muscled.
INFJ: …I am not having sex with ENTP, but I’m starting to think that you might be…
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probably-mbti ¡ 3 years
my first thought was "coner...?" but then OH
INTP: I put the moron in oxymoron INFP: I put the pain in paintings ISTP: I put the angst in gangster ISFP: I put the rave in graveyard INFJ: I put the sun in misunderstood INTJ: I put the bias in phobias ISTJ: I put the law in flaw ISFJ: I put the harm in harmony ENTP: I put the troll in controller ENFP: I put the fun in dysfunctional ENTJ: I put the sass in assassin ENFJ: I put the fun in fundamental ESTP: I put the ass in classic ESFP: I put the disco in discord ESTJ: I put the hate in whatever ESFJ: I put the table in respectable
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probably-mbti ¡ 3 years
how could i ever forget that 🥵
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ENFPs will be singing Akon - Locked Up from their cell on their iPod full of illegally downloaded music 🎶
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probably-mbti ¡ 3 years
i'd totally start a dance battle with a zombie
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In a zombie apocalypse would you be finding a safe place to hide or coming up with a defence plan?🧟‍♂️ Join @sosyncd today to meet your perfect personality match 🧡
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probably-mbti ¡ 3 years
!!IMPORTANT NOTE!! if you’re an ESFJ reading this, please take no offense in this. This is just me writing down all the resentment i feel towards the only two ESFJs i have in my life.
*important note end*
now to you
you guys are the petties motherfuckers i’ve ever met. fucking narcissists, with a superiority and victim complex.
the way you manipulate and guilt-trip yourself out of every situation, your inability to accept criticism is becoming pathetic, and so is everything else.
and before anyone comes at me with “ENTPs are manipulative too”, yeah, i know. but we trick people into getting what we want, not breaking our opponents down, making them doubt themselves and their decisions, just because you don’t approve of it.
you do the bare minimum and tell us to be grateful for it, because otherwise we ‘don’t appreciate you’, that’s the fucking victim complex and guilt-tripping i’m talking about.
why thank you so much your merciful majesty for accepting me for being the way i fucking am, because apparently that’s something i have to be thankful for. oh and god forbid i criticize you because then it’s “well you could’ve told me, how should i know”, and when i use that same argument it’s “well, you should’ve known if you’re really a good friend”
why of course i apologize for not fucking being able to read your mind and detect whenever your feeling down. don’t expect me to do something you can’t do yourself.
you make fun of people when they believe in something you don’t believe in, but oh lord if someone does the same with you
because then you’re disrespectful, don’t accept them, mock them, and all the other things that fit into their victim complex. a joke is only funny if you decide it is, and a topic is only inappropriate when you decide it is. because that’s how it is being in any relationship to you. you guys control every movement, force us to tell you everything that’s going on in our lives. you shape us to your expectations and needs because barely anyone else can fucking stand being with you for a long period of time
two-faced fuckers. no one will believe the victim of your control-obsession, because you put on your fucking dollhouse face whenever a third party comes by. a fucking angel by all means
because how could anyone believe us when you’re oh so nice. because what they don’t see is that you’re only open-minded where it fits you. open-minded where it doesn’t exclude you and what you do and like. narcissists.
you put words in our mouths and make us look like the villains whenever we want to talk to you about your behaviour that bothers us. victim complex.
we’re wrong, you’re right. we have to do and believe as you say, you believe you’re better than us. superiority complex.
you make us believe you’re the fucking saints in our lives and that you’re the only one who will ever love or accept us. manipulators.
how dare we criticize you after all you’ve done for us, which absolutely isn’t the bare minimum. guilt-tripping.
greetings from an ENTP that hates ESFJs
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probably-mbti ¡ 3 years
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sounds dramatic, i like it
What kind of dream are you? by Beeb
Keep reading
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probably-mbti ¡ 3 years
first of all
i love ESFPs, you’re my favourite type
there is A LOT to say this in this post, but shoutout to my wonderful discord wife first, who sent me a wholeass character analysis of herself. no really, they’re so much fun it’s surreal.
and that’s the first point of this post.
YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR IS *chef’s kiss* you never fail to make me laugh, with your own unique humor. you always find a joke in the things that look as unfunny as it can be.
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this conversation for example made me snort-laugh
not everyone plays genshin, but for those who do, i hope you had a good laugh
ESFPs take the term extroverted to a whole new level. YOUR SENSE OF SHAME DOES NOT EXIST. like, being the center of attention in the cinema instead of the movie is a talent which y’all can achieve with ease.
my soulmate and i like to say that i have a high complex, that i never look deeply into things, but after i met ESFPs i feel like said reputation is threatened by y’all. y’all live in the moment, no thought of tomorrow or yesterday. you approach your future and accept it as it is, making the best out of it.
i’d really like to know where you get all of that energy from, especially because y’all run on 3 hours of sleep, caffeine and one and a half braincells. overthinking was never an option for y’all, because like ariana likes to say
y’all see it y’all like it y’all want it y’all get it
it’s literally so easy, but still, only you can pull that off.
something i love about y’all is that you like hearing yourself talking, but not in an annoying way. you throw jokes left and right, making everyone wheeze, you’re the type that can pull off a successful joke at a funeral and make the attendants laugh, occasionally the corpse too
y’all radiate positive vibes wherever you go, hyping everyone up, with a loud voice, a bright personality and legsweeping humor.
you’re the type of person i’d get laughing tears from.
and while ENFPs love weird tastes ESFPs would marry food if they could. i’d joke about it, but y’all would actually do it. with honeymoon and all.
if you think animes exaggerate with expressions, then you’ve never met an ESFP, your voice goes up and down entire octaves and hundreds of decibles while your flinging limbs left and right could catapult me in a new dimension.
you’re the type to make inside jokes with people after two days of talking and regularly using them too.
who are atticus and shakespeare if you can grab the closest ESFP and simply write down anything that leaves their mouth, because it’s always iconic.like, entire poetry books and compositions could be based on ESFP quotes.
and y’all have a way of making everyone feel valid, and most importantly, you stand to your words to concerning extends. i could literally draw itadori yuuji taking a shit and y’all would buy a frame from IKEA and put the picture in your bathroom. 
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greetings from an ENTP  who loves ESFPs
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probably-mbti ¡ 3 years
aka, spending an hour on a perfect, detailed sketch, but never doing the lineart because everyone hates lineart
You’re a weird mix between perfectionist and careless. You may spend hours making sure every detail is perfect and then leave it unfinished because you’re suddenly tired of it.
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probably-mbti ¡ 3 years
@redmbti gseems to be a soulmate thing cuz same
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185K notes ¡ View notes
probably-mbti ¡ 3 years
shsidkakd bestie 😭😭💔
ENTP bingo
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@shoulditellmymomihaveadhd go off bestie
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probably-mbti ¡ 3 years
ENTP bingo
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@shoulditellmymomihaveadhd go off bestie
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probably-mbti ¡ 3 years
whateve you say honey
Types as different kinds of weather
(Note that I use Fahrenheit) 
ISTJ:  A clear day, but partly cloudy, 71 degrees
ISFJ: A rainy evening (no thunder), 87 degrees
ESTJ: A clear day, but hot and humid after an early morning storm, 89 degrees
ESFJ: Light morning drizzle, 67 degrees
ISFP: Late afternoon hail, 30 degrees
ISTP:  An evening with sleet falling every few hours, 23 degrees
ESFP: A very windy and cold evening, 37 degrees
ESTP: Scattered thunderstorms in the afternoon, 95 degrees
INFP: A clear evening, no clouds in sight, 60 degrees
INFJ: Nighttime snow, 0 degrees
ENFP: A windy morning, 73 degrees
ENFJ: Very sunny outside and not a cloud in sight, 93 degrees
INTJ: Late night fog, 66 degrees
INTP: That odd time when it’s both raining and sunny at the same time, 96 degrees
ENTJ:  An icy morning full of snow, -10 degrees
ENTP: Snowstorm during the middle of the day, -15 degrees
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probably-mbti ¡ 3 years
i only know one ENFP and i could write novels slandering them.
and i’m writing this with full consideration for their degradation kink.
now, of course, knowing only one ENFP is not much of a reference, but i did some research!
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...yes. research.
it’s the ✨ indecisiveness ✨ for me
it’s the ✨ mood swings ✨ for me
it’s the ✨ mental health ✨ for me
no really, y’all go from “life has no meaning i might as well just kms” to “I’M GONNA EAT CHOCOLATE I LOVE LIFE” but the again, y’all have the weirdest taste, so it’s probably like “I’M GONNA DRINK A BOBA TEA WITH GINGER, CHILI, CHICKEN AND HONEY” yeah, sounds about right.
i mean
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but god knows when you end up not getting said boba tea. crippling depression, i’m telling ya
the thing is, talking to you is like talking to a mom, and i’m saying this in the nicest way possible, what i mean is, i never know what your mood is, so i have to start the conversation neutrally and then adapt to your mood.
are y’all even aware you have the reputation as the introvertest extrovert? you can’t be satisfied with only one trait, no, you had to be both, greedy mfs.
but something i do have to applaud you for is your sense of humor, in my opinion, you’re the second funniest type. y’all can make a joke out of any serious situation.
and also, it’s concerning how quick you get over an obession you’ve been stuck in for months.
y’all go from “i want bakugou to rail me until i can’t walk anymore” to “mha is literally so boring and the story is literally so unoriginal” like WDYM
and you’re always up to date with the newest shit, and know all about the oldest shit, the way you’re invested with celebrities’ private life, you can count as a paparazzi.
i think that’s enough, for now
greetings from an ENTP who bases their research on memes.
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probably-mbti ¡ 3 years
ENTP part II, except, it's slander this time
and also, @shoulditellmymomihaveadhd is my ENTP bestie now, we met an hour ago and thats enough to start a friendship
now the thing with being an ENTP is;
we have gojo and kurroo on our side, the parents and the babies of the friend group at the same time
but we also have the joker and literally satan on our team.
yes. satan.
and i think we all know satan has THE biggest mommy issues. like, hello???
which brings me to my next point.
if you think you have ADHD, mommy issues and a superiority complex, then you're probably just an ENTP
the thing is, we're born with the aforementioned issues.
the constant need of validation along with the hypocritical superiority complex.
it's a
"I'M THE BEST!!! I'm the best, right...?", kind of thing.
we live by the code "fake it till you make it"
but add some ✨spice✨
it more like a "be smooth asfk and get as much validation and attention as you can bc that's how you'll get confident"
and if you ask me? this works just fine 🤩👍
but being an ENTP is also so exhausting.
our superiority complex makes us hate everything that makes you feel inferior (mommy issues, remember?)
so if you start a new hobby/sports, for example volleyball and dont immediately reach olympics level then you quit and never try again
but the things that don't require skill, like reading a book or watching a show..
just sit back and watch us get obsessed
and by obsessed i mean an unhealthy obsession, it includes having your pinterest, tiktok, instagram and youtube feed being filled with it.
it means your wattpad and ao3 history only includes it.
it means everything you draw or write has to be fanart.
that's how we work.
we live from obsessions and validation
but don't you dare forget our sarscasm, our wit
if i see you down, 9 out of 10 times i'll try to cheer you up with jokes.
does it work? debatable.
the thing is, if i don't love you with 200% of my heart, then respectfully, it's hard for me to care about you, it's already hard for me to be empathetic towards loved ones.
so respectfully, know your place.
and also
if i wanna show you something
but you beat me to it and start telling me about something tragic in your life
then i'm sorry, but at that point i really don't care who you are because that's me:
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greetings from an ENTP who just met another ENTP and we have too much ENTP energy
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probably-mbti ¡ 3 years
literally heaven
entp and entp best duo, change my mind
holy fuck no one told me meeting another entp would be this fun
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