🏕️ Ch 17: The camp competition begins!
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An OFMD Spooky Season Event!
I had a lot of fun hosting my little Happiness Happens event in August, so I decided to do another cute one for October: Somethin' Witchy Afoot!
I've made a fluffy, spooky prompt generator for it!
And just like Happiness Happiness, this will be mega-low-key. Just post when you can in October - the entire point is to have fun and to cheer each other!
Cute prompt examples!
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🏕️ Ch 16: Stede solves a problem. Ed stays over in a thunderstorm. E-rated.
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new post up on patreon
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Enjoy a podfic of this sweet, smutty fic by @probably-lyra-adjacent! You can also stream the podfic from ao3, or read it here.
Summary: Stede would love to talk to his hot new neighbor Ed, but can't speak whenever he gets close. There's only one solution - witchcraft and maybe a magical pie.
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🏕️ Ch 15: Ed and Fang go to a meeting at Camp Unicorn. The Crew tell spooky stories.
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I once again teamed up with @been-around-seen-things to draw their cute prof boys that I love so much, on their new advincha "Bodies of Knowledge".
Part four of series The Two-Body Problem is up. Go check it out on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59205988/chapters/150974356
Or read the series from the beggining if you don't know what the hell I am talking about : https://archiveofourown.org/series/4033555
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Vicinity wander, claim no zone Never let an anchor drop, never had a home Never talk to strangers, never trust a friend This is the life, and the life will not end.
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🏕️ Ch 14: Ed and Stede miss each other with similar results. E-rated.
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Another silly mermay art. Probably THE silliest of them all. Prompt was "Rescue", so there you go!
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🏕️ Ch 13: Ed goes to a bad meeting. Stede helps him feel better. E-Rated
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Did I start making podfics partially so I could record this as a bedtime story for myself? Yes, a little.
Please enjoy this sweet, fluffy, probation-era fic: The Kissing Game by @veeagainsttheday.
Summary: Set during the period between s2e5 - The Curse of the Seafaring Life and s2e6 - Calypso's Birthday, venturing a little bit into canon events of s2e6. Ed wants to take things slow but he also really likes kissing Stede. He invents a game to try to make both of these things happen.
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59033299
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🏕️ Ch 12: Ed does something drastic and meets Stede's family.
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Captain Frenchie!
I started writing a few observations in this post about small moments leading to Frenchie being captain. But it's time to do a whole thread!
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Season One
We see Frenchie take a leadership role as early as episode two. He brings up the hostages and prompts Stede about doing something with them.
This is also the first example of Frenchie trying to raise the mood of the ship.
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Of course the biggest one in this season is everything around the French dinner party. Frenchie is the one who finds the letter and presents it to the captains. Invited along by Ed, the two of them connect (leading the way to Frenchie being chosen to stay on the ship and also to be Ed's first mate.)
We see Frenchie's smarts and skills with the pyramid scheme and then utilizing his newfound deal with Abshir to get the information needed about the party-goers for Stede's passive aggression game. The only real background we have about Frenchie is that he worked in service. We also see his hospitality when he gives all of their money from the pyramid scheme to Abshir and Co.
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The second half of the season has more little moments: Frenchie trying to get rid of the journal to protect Stede, not confessing to the piracy on board, etc. Go Frenchie!
Season Two
Frenchie's made first mate and this continues throughout the entire season. Fang has been with Ed for twenty years and he could have easily been given the rolle, but that's not what happens. Ed and Frenchie connected previously and when Frenchie is given this role, we still see Ed try to connect to him, but still doesn't let him see him too vulnerable: during the impossible birds speech Ed never turns around to let Frenchie see his tears.
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When all the crew is reunited and standing around with blankets and soup. Stede is trying to get an answer of what happened with Ed, and all of them are evading the question. Stede can choose to ask any of them — Jim, Black Pete, Fang, and to a lesser degree Archie or Izzy — this question, but he specifically calls out Frenchie.
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Frenchie leads or is a major part of four different crew talks this season.
First in Red Flags, they talk about Ed "getting better."
Then when the crew get back together in 2x4, while they all have their weapons drawn on each other, Frenchie brings up their arms and legs being tired, that along with Olu mentioning there might be a middle ground makes the crew put down their weapons and start talking to each other.
When Ed is voted off the ship at the beginning of 2x4, Frenchie is the one who delivers the news of how the crew voted.
Fourth, while the crew is talking in 2x6 about being bored, it is Frenchie who suggests that they throw a party. Another incident of Frenchie trying to raise the mood of the ship. He (and Jim) are the ones who go to the captains with the idea.
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Last but not least, the numerous various moments in the finale.
While everyone else is getting dressed for the fuckery, Frenchie is on the steps, gun out Charlie Angels style, serving as lookout. He's on guard duty while everyone else is vulnerable.
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During the big run across the beach to the dinghys, Frenchie spends the entire time looking around, making sure everyone is there. He goes back and help Ed carry the injured Izzy.
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Go Frenchie part two!
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Last but not least, Frenchie also directs part of the crew during this stage of the fuckery.
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Overall, Frenchie is a smart, resourceful, and caring person and I love him and think he'll do amazingly at being Captain!
(I might be missing some moments but these were the ones that stood out.)
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because the night 😔 belongs to lovers 🥺
because the night ☹️ belongs to love 😓
because the night 😞 belongs to lovers 😟
because the night 😢 belongs to us 😭😭😭😭😭
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"a man takes his sadness down to the river and throws it in the river
but then he’s still left with the river"
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🏕️Ch 11: Confessions + Ed and Stede do a fuckery with mixed results. E-Rated.
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