prince-rainford · 3 years
Some days are like a few shots of vodka
The days where you wake up with an off feeling but also the confidence of a straight white man that somehow ends up with you regretting your decisions
Others are like red wine
Smooth and easy where things don’t go necessarily good or bad but calm
And then you get plain water days
Where nothing happens and you wish something could bring you out of your boredom
Or a strawberry milk day
These ones are my favorite because you wake up feeling content and happy and things feel okay after a while of thing not being okay
And there’s so many more days but I’m happy that after many days of feeling not it I’ve finally had a strawberry milk day
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prince-rainford · 3 years
Does baking an ungodly amount of cookies, brownies and cakes and giving them out to people make them indebted to me?
If so, I would like everyone who receives a baked good from me to like text me every now and then and be declared one of my friends.
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prince-rainford · 3 years
Bruh I just want a chicken sandwich
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prince-rainford · 3 years
Taking care of my friends dogs and their summer neighbors just heard me begging for one of the dogs to “just fucking piss god damn it, stop eating the grass and pee already.”
And the dog just stares at me with his eyes and all I see is the windows start up screen reflected in them.
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prince-rainford · 3 years
Hey what the fuck happens to danimals. Like I vaguely remember buying them and seeing them in commercials on Disney all the time.
Where did they go?
Why did they leave?
Did they even taste good?
Also what about those danimals contest prizes? Did anyone even win them or were we brainwashed to buy danimals for the chance of something great?
I want answers
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prince-rainford · 3 years
You know I keep saying I’m going through the seven stages of grief cause I keep forgetting there’s only five so I’d like to make a proposal to add two more stages so I don’t look like a dumbass please and thank you
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prince-rainford · 3 years
If you ever get overwhelmed, do a puzzle.
Your frustrations at life will turn into an absolute hatred for puzzles. But now that you've started you can't stop. The puzzle has your life and sanity in it's hands. You promise yourself you will come back to the puzzle tomorrow. You don't.
The puzzle mocks you from underneath the couch where you've hidden it. You get so worked up about the puzzle you go back to it multiple times. You finish the puzzle. Life is happy again. You can move on and you proudly show off your completed puzzle. But now what do you do? It's over. You can frame it or put it away for another day to it all over again.
You put it away and decided to buy another puzzle. Puzzles can help calm you down.
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prince-rainford · 3 years
Becoming an adult without having a normal childhood experience due to mental illness and chronic illness is weird.
For me, it's a good weird because I have a lot of experiences - some old, some very new, and some still ongoing that are still shaping my life.
I'm thankful that I had the strength to get through what feels like the worst of it and can see the light at the end of the tunnel for the first time in a long time and finally deal with dumb teenage problems instead.
I thought my experiences would have taken over my life but my life is still going on, except I finally feel like I have some control over the reins.
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prince-rainford · 3 years
Why does life have to be
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prince-rainford · 3 years
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prince-rainford · 3 years
reblog and put in the tags which of these subjects has to go: chemistry, physics, biology, geometry
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prince-rainford · 3 years
In the car vibing
To the rain as it drizzles
I have gone insane
- a haiku by me
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prince-rainford · 3 years
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prince-rainford · 3 years
Sometimes progress isn’t about taking two steps forward everyday but only taking one because you know that anymore will put you further back
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prince-rainford · 3 years
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it gets funnier the longer you look
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prince-rainford · 4 years
Think I’m just going to pretend I don’t have social anxiety and just
Talk to people and see if they’re down with friendship.
There’s no way that can go horribly wrong!
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prince-rainford · 4 years
It’s official. My teachers believe that my best friend is related to me.
Her teacher asked her how her brother was.
She doesn’t have a brother but I do.
It’s too late for her now she’s stuck with my lame ass
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