preventsuicideco · 3 years
YES! You are never going to be "complete" in your healing. It's an ongoing, everlasting process. IT'S ACTUALLY GOOD THAT YOU CAN'T BE COMPLETE! There is no test or grades. You are always growing. When I realised this, I felt better. Like I kept telling myself "I have to be [completely] healed before I do x, y, z." I don't! It's good that you can never be completely healed, because perfect doesn't exist!
Healing is a constant state. You don't have to be "fully healed" to give or receive love, to chase after that dream, or to get yourself to that next level.
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preventsuicideco · 3 years
gentle reminder
you may have been worse recently, you may have relapsed recently, you may have taken a lot of steps back recently, but please don’t be too hard on yourself. i know that you are disappointed with yourself, i know that it hurts, but now is not the time to give up on the fight; please keep trying, as best as you can. hope is not lost, and you will get back to the place you were before, and continue to recover.
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preventsuicideco · 3 years
someone who loves you just told a sweet story about you. someone else just saw your favorite food in the store and almost bought it even though you’re far away. someone walked past your house and thought the garden looked nice. you are never as alone as you feel
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preventsuicideco · 3 years
people who are disabled don’t sit around all day doing nothing. even when we’re in bed, our bodies are raging a war inside of us at all times. it’s a 24/7, 365 days a year job. there’s no getting off at five. no weekends. no vacation time. being unable to work is not the luxury ableds make it out to be.
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preventsuicideco · 3 years
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some e-cards you can send to help with distance communication ♡ free to use privately, if you’d like to repost them publicly please credit! 
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preventsuicideco · 3 years
Saying “Fuck it” actually motivates me more than “You can do this”.
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preventsuicideco · 3 years
not everyone finds you a burden, not everyone wants you to fail, not everyone can’t wait for you to stop talking. people like you
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preventsuicideco · 3 years
“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.”
— Alexander Den Heijer
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preventsuicideco · 3 years
“When the day is over, let it go. Don’t dwell on what you could’ve or should’ve done. Tomorrow is another day and another chance.”
— Mandy Hale
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preventsuicideco · 3 years
anytime someone talks about “double texting” im just like. sorry. cant relate. every single person i actually text will receive 14 texts in a row at 11pm about whatever random thing im thinking about
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preventsuicideco · 3 years
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preventsuicideco · 3 years
self-control is just empathy with your future self
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preventsuicideco · 3 years
just so you know, autistic people do not need to be geniuses or savants or make some incredible discovery for them to be deemed worthy of love or acceptance in society. stop saying "I love autistic people because they're really smart prodigies in the arts and sciences!" because some a lot of us aren't. and we aren't any less deserving of being treated equally. not all of us are going to make incredible contributions to life-changing research or cures to debilitating diseases. it's ableist to hold autistic people to a higher degree of expectations than neurotypicals. we don't have to be amazing at everything or jump through hoops and perform for you in order to be treated with the same respect you give allistics. we're people, for God's sake. and we are just as worthy of being here as you.
ableists will be blocked on sight. DNI.
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preventsuicideco · 3 years
A lot of the advice I got about learning to enforce my boundaries was framed as an adversarial thing. Like, ‘yes, it might upset and disappoint the people around you, but you have to learn to tell them ‘no’ anyway.’ At best, ‘good people will still like you if you enforce your boundaries’.
What I wish I’d been told is that good people will think it's awesome that you enforce your boundaries, that there are people who will respect the hell out of you for it, that there are people who will admire you not despite you telling them no, but because of it. That most people don’t want to make you do something you don’t enjoy,and so they’ll actively be happier and more relaxed around you if they know they can trust you to decline to do things you don’t enjoy and to ask them to stop things that bother you.
It helped me a lot, personally, to stop thinking of ‘enforcing my boundaries’ as something I did for me and more as something I did to empower the people I was close with, to build a situation where they and I felt sure everything that was going on was something we all wanted.
Most advice isn’t good for everyone and this advice seems maybe bad for people in abusive situations, because sometimes you do need to learn to enforce boundaries against people who will try to violate them. But if there are other brains like me out there: your partner will be really happy you can say no to them. your friend will be really happy you change the subject when you hate it. your roommate will really appreciate that you tell them to turn down the music. most people will feel safer and more comfortable around you if they know you’ll reliably express your needs, AND they’ll feel better about voicing theirs.
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preventsuicideco · 3 years
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preventsuicideco · 3 years
Don't ever compare your intimate knowledge of your own complex, flawed humanity to someone else's facade. You don't see the whole picture when you look at other people's lives from the outside, and they're all just as human as you. Keep reminding yourself of that and you won't feel as inferior.
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preventsuicideco · 3 years
25% is better than 0%. trying a little is better than not trying at all. eating a protein bar is better than nothing. using dry shampoo is better than not showering. cleaning one section of your room or house is better than not cleaning any of it. writing a paragraph of your essay is better than not starting it. whatever you can manage today is okay. you can try again tomorrow. little steps are to be proud of.
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