presumedlost · 10 years
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The school playground + Lordt, my host family's dog who follows me around the village. #Kyrgyzstan #peacecorpsvolunteers
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presumedlost · 10 years
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Bon voyage! :) #Kyrgyzstan #peacecorpsvolunteers (at Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD))
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presumedlost · 10 years
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Here's to second chances. #peacecorpsvolunteers #peacecorps #kyrgyzstan #kyrgyzrepublic
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presumedlost · 10 years
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This past week's been a big toughie and I've tried my best to remain positive... But there were so many solo moments of "WTF am I doing with my life??"... being in a constant state of ready, set, and never pressing GO. But I'm extremely fortunate the people I'm staying with being so kind and letting me stay with them until things pan out. They're the most generous people ever, and are monumental in making my life feel stable in this new city.
To clarify, I flew to Philly from San Francisco last Sunday and was supposed to begin my life in the Peace Corps in Azerbaijan on Thursday. But two days prior to our departure the entire group was notified that our assignments were cancelled and that we were, in fact, not going to Azerbaijan. I went into shock, panic, then recovery mode and was in the process of putting a deposit in for a room today. But...
The unofficial word is i MIGHT, just MIGHT be heading overseas in 2 weeks. I don't want to get my hopes up though. We shall see! *fingers crossed*
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presumedlost · 11 years
Larabars and camelbaks
Returning from burning man was strange. I came back kicking and screaming like a little child who never wanted to get off the ferris wheel. I wanted to stay in MY reality forever... one in which anything was possible and we could be whomever we chose and nothing stopped us. Dangers didn't exist... at least not in my world. There were no consequences other than that of hunger from living off of larabars lazily stuffed in my camelbak, but even then we survived.
This year at burning man I came there with one purpose and that was to roam without restriction or rules and literally skip the streets to the beat of my own drums. Enough restriction and rules existed in the outside world to a point of unbearable pain. Restriction, rules, and LIFE was complicated and unfair. But in the desert there were no worries. Gone were the societal rules of fashion, culture, and electronic connections. We were all on our own to do as we pleased and who we were born to be: bare and innocent. And in the dust storms I discovered the deafening sounds of my voice screaming for freedom. For life, I danced and twirled dizzily in the open air smiling up at the sky in utter bliss as the sun rose; lost in the high at the realization of our endless potential. LIFE was beautiful and simple. And life is still beautiful but in a different light and a different frequency. As I sit in my room curved into my messy sheets it's become a struggle rediscovering that forceful voice within and remember what it felt like to discover.... it's now become muddled by the sounds of cars, trains, and the chatter of polished leather shoes bouncing off the straight paved streets of San Francsico. But it's there. We just have to let go of the familiar restrictions we place on ourselves. Venture out into the unfamiliar and rediscover a beauty we all found in the dusty desert sands. 
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presumedlost · 11 years
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Prefrosting vegan cinnamon rolls. Tastes. So. Good. #vegan #midnightminchies
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presumedlost · 12 years
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Oh she knows me all too well. #girlscoutcookies #vegan #nommers
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presumedlost · 12 years
Veganism is a lifestyle choosing the happiness and deserved respect for another being over our own selfishness. And i choose to give innocent beings the free life they deserve. And not just living. Thriving. I don't need animal products to survive and neither do you. What's the difference between the love we feel for companion animals, and our love for that cute wild animal at the park? Do we really love animals if we continue to consume them? Meat, dairy, eggs, leather, etc directly contributes to the unnecessary suffering of those we claim to love. Don't just love. Act.
The hardest part about being vegan is watching friends and family smile in admiration towards their companion animals lovingly adorned with the newest in doggie fashion while millions of animals I call family are beaten, choked, electrocuted, prodded, and ripped of every right to life they deserve. And for what? So we can discuss the latest puppy viral video over a cheeseburger? Just so we can align ourselves with what society has deemed safe? Be free of restriction and make the conscious decision to take a stand for what you know is right. Be kind to your body and the millions of innocent souls who will love you unconditionally. Choose compassion.
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presumedlost · 12 years
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Farmed animals are slaughtered when they are only babies. Ten billion are killed each year. Go vegan. Infograph by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
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presumedlost · 12 years
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presumedlost · 12 years
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Animal caregiver intern Neta traveled thousands of miles from Israel to dedicate her life to the beautiful farm animals at Animal Place Sanctuary. The newest orphaned baby on the farm, Stanley, shows his love.
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presumedlost · 12 years
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Howie was stuffed into the drop off box at a dog/cat shelter as a day old calf.... discarded as worthless and useless. Nowadays, he celebrates life grazing happily amongst his bovine and human friends in green pastures at Animal Place Sanctuary.
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presumedlost · 12 years
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One of Ellen's babies, Cornelius, is a brave little devil now and lives life on the edge jumping off our backs. Parkour!
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presumedlost · 12 years
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Glittery cloud
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presumedlost · 12 years
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going through my photos and i REALLY miss the sanctuary chickens :( time to start the new years right and pay Finnigan and Riley an overdue visit #vegan #chickens #animalsanctuary #homesickness
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presumedlost · 12 years
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Post xmas dinner coma @alyygirlll #foodcoma #xmas
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presumedlost · 12 years
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I'm starting to really miss bottle feeding this little boy
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