Empty Space
Being alone with your head is never been easy. There are days where the world stop spinning around you. It’s like you’re stuck on the same place and the same moment trying to rummage on the exact words, but all you can retrieve is the silence that signifies the period at the end of the sentence. Your mind starts to vanish in every possible thought that you try to imagine. As an artist, your imagination begin to shrink until there’s nothing to draw, and as a writer, words become your ultimate villain. It’s nothing but the empty space of your room filled with heavy atmosphere of the sound of your mind screeching for help—but no, it didn’t reach them. You thought the silent scream is loud enough to be heard the same way it was deafening for you. And the next thing you’ll know your body feels so heavy to be able stand, yet, it seems like it’s too light to be feeling afloat. At that point, it struck you that you are just being fooled by your head thinking that the world stopped moving when in fact, it was just your world and not the whole world. You are dragged by your own mind into the deepest and darkest black hole; devouring your own soul inside. Everything looks like a nightmare but the difference is that, this one is more realistic.
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My soul
Your face is my reflection
your eyes is my sight
my soul has no shelter
except for your mirror I disguise,
my mindset was colonized
locked into the room of fragments
we're identical but not by blood
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fucking hell, i just want to die right now. This sadness is killing me anyway
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The labyrinth of mystery
oblivious, yet entertained
to the unknown of one's name
How good is it feels like?
throwing words that we couldn't hear
but, at least at some point we exchanged
Words that are caged inside a box,
Yet im afraid this will last
for I'd rather choose to be nothing for something than to be something for nothing
knowing if I let myself in;
you'd be the same
so walls agaisnt my name
Patiently waiting for you to end the game
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Shall I compare the sense of your arms to a sun? Thou art warmer and more close to mine The rough wind blows as your scent never left my nose But moments abandoned little too short Sometimes, I don't want to break free from the wrap of your bursts of sunshine And often try to hold you close to my home And every time we break apart By chance, I try to grasp on the zeal against my body
But thy sentiments brought by the sun shall never falter Nor lose possession of passion Nor moon shan't drive out the sun When in eternal lines
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The Basic Essential of Human Beings: - Emotions
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A bare flesh is a taste of emboldened beauty of one's body. Not impurity and not lust ,yet, it's a sign of admiration to a masterpiece, for its soft curve that draws all the way from breasts to hips and down to its toes. Your body is contructed delicately; from fragments of insecurities that have been put together until such time it refined to an equisite work. Henceforth, nudity does not resemble lack of respect for one's body and immodesty ,thus, it's an exposure of your gathered pieces by pieces boldness and appreciation towards your skin alone.
Artist: Emilio Aguilar Cruz
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ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone.
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Pools of honey on your skin
Exposed to the world full of disdain
Raven locks tuck behind your ears
Hiding its inner abstract meaning
Your coffee-colored eyes
Darting away every second passes
Innocent mind wanders
Why is this world is so much different?
Those whispers and look of disgust
Pity and disgrace all they ever have
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Inner Monologue no. 1
I really am such a deep person. My interpretation about life gets really to the next level wherein somehow people can't cope up with the pacing of my mind's perception. I easily see what's hidden and subtle about the things around this world or what's beneath the foot you are stepping but on the other hand, it upsets me when people can"t see what I see, can't understand what I understand, can't appreciate what I appreciate. They always look straight the wall while I look around in it and see what's behind it. But sometimes I get tired of understanding things and appreciating it so much. It's hard when you are very aware of the thing behind the wall or the thought at the back of your seatmate's mind or the soul of the person you never talk to, and you understand and appreciate every bits of it that brings blue on your eyes because you are tired of being a deep thinker, you are tired of being understanding and appreciative with everyone. You see life and these people differently and which makes it consume every bit of energy you have on yourself. You hate it because you are different, your mind thinks so different from the others. You've seen the best on people while no one saw yours. You appreciate the flaws in people whilst no one ever did that to you. It's like you are appreciating too much that you have nothing left for youself. First thing I want is to be appreciated and feel validated but guess what? it's the last thing I will ever have. Sometimes I wish I am the blind and oblivious one, or the person who don't care about people. Sometimes I wish can unsee what was hidden and subtle, sometimes I wish I can unsee what's behind the wall and sometimes I wish didn't care at all but too bad because I still do and I hate it:(
I look at people and I see their soul while they look at me and they see a shadow.
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me: fml
life: *grinding
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The world didn't know what's like to be out there. No walls that suffocate my lungs in order to feel the air, no curtains that block the sunlight that strikes into my skin, no close doors that hides how scary and dark it was inside. It was nothing but black and white picture hanging on the wall searching for vibrant colors, the sounds of ticking clock on the wall waiting for it to stop. I was stuck there inside my little box I built for myself
And now that I could open my eyes and appreciate the world around me. Just laying on the ground feeling the clear sky staring down at me. Watching how the world moves around me. It felt so right and surreal. No more being prisoneer of my own words and thoughts
Right here, it's just me and the world.
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My soul and His Heart
I stand up from where I was sitting and start walking down the aisle. Recalling my thoughts together and putting it in to pieces.
My inner monologue started crashing in my mind, words are whispering in my ears telling to keep pacing.
Every step I take my heartbeat goes wild and start pounding. My mind tells me to stop but my body keeps moving. It's like my body is carried by the wind, taking me and letting it flow through the air. I have no controll with my actions. What I know is someone out there wants me to come along.....
As my mind travels back to reality a sudden realization hits me, I am now at the edge of the aisle...
I stop in my track. I felt the silence poundering in my ears, I felt the cold pavement that creeps underneath my feet. I let out a heavy sigh. But I didn't not move , I am to afraid to look back because If I turn around I might change my mind.
Truth to be told, I am too scared to see the joyless in their eyes, to the people who love me unconditionally , I don't wanna see them in pain, to those people who protect me at all cost...
"But I'm sorry, I can't do this" words that escaped in my mouth
I saw her walked away, I want to stop her but I coudn't, it feels like I'm stuck here where I'm standing, its like my feet are burried in the ground.
I can't move, my breathe hitched, my lungs just cave in, my mind is in dazed. Even if I want to close my eyes badly enough and forget what I've seen, I just coudn't. All I can see now is her small figure at the edge of the aisle. She stopped walking and there's a bit hope in me she might turn around. But I was wrong, the next thing happened shattered my fragile heart in pieces.
She finally walks toward the ocean of people and disappear like a dust in the air....
I was in silent for a couple of minutes,trying to numb the pain. But I eventually got the will to gather myself together and cleared my thoughts.
I finally start to walk, walk and walk and walk. I have no idea where to go but my feet brought me to a place.
I look around, the place seems like a graveyard. At the moment, my heart skipped a bit. I saw her there with the white gown, the bouquet of flowers were now place beside the tombstone.......
Now I know why she decided to walk away to our wedding.
She didn't see how I look at her eyes with admiration, she didn't notice how I hold her in my arms with so much love, she didn't know I always seal a kiss in her forehead after she fall asleep, she didn't realize how I feel so much safe everytime she is around, she didn't know seeing her smile makes my stomach turn up side down, she didn't know I am willing to give my world to her when it's everything I have.
I love her pretty smile,small giggles, her dazzling eyes, her not so pointy nose, her wavy brunette hair, her soft skin and even scars and flaws. I just love everything about her but she didn't love me same way I love her, the only reason why she loved me is because the heart, the heart what's keeping this body alive and living in this world. The heart that doens't belong to me.....
One time, I remembered how she placed her head in my chest and listen to its beating. She took my soul by falling in love with her while I took her lover's heart that's keeping me alive......
"If you loved me? Why would you leave me"
She shouted whilst her eyes fix at the gravestone
Tears escaped my eyes as I see her like this, so wreck and fragile.
I can't stand this feeling so I rush to where she is, I did not hesitate to hold her in my arms. And she look up at me with shock .
"I'm sorry, I can't love you back the same way he loved you., but this time I'll take care of this heart the same way he took care of yours"
I whispered...
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To Alaska Young
The cold air blows that creeps into my skin. Unknown voice that calls your name, couldn't find the hidden words you kept before you left. Your taste stuck in my mouth, don't know how to let it out. Your touch tingles my skin, remember that night before you got lost in the dark? I let you, I let you go out of my sight. I did not speak out or atleast insist to come with you, I just stare at your back and watch you disappear from the dark. The truth is, I always thought I know you. All I knew were all about the the tons of books, liquors and cigerettes, the zoo and your mom, 911 and your dad. But I know nothing about you, you keep it hidden and unnoticed, that's what you've always been great at. You are verbose yet careful. The ghost of you haunt my soul. "To be continued...." words that rolled out of your tongue that became a lyrics of an unfinish song in my ears.
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I wanna be the hue, your eyes could only see
I wanna be the word, your mourh could only say
I wanna be the the music, your ears could only hear
I wanna be the feeling, your hands could only touch
I wanna be the perfume, your nose could only smell
I wanna be the taste, your tongue could only savor
I wanna be the ground, your feet, could only stand
I wanna be the thought, your mind could only think
I wanna be the home, yourself could only feel safe and sound
I wanna be that person, yourself could only love
I wanna be// Alaska Y.
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