My fav sex position is actually when I have feelings for someone and they have the same feelings for me too
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“She was like the moon—part of her was always hidden away.”
Dia Reeves
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My house of memories you ask?
It is a wonderfully great terrible place.
Pieces upon pieces put together
with power that seems unto me
like the magical trickery of a beautifully disgusting spell spouting charlatan
who tries to make a floating house of postal cards
above a bottomless pit of venom
oozing from the split tounges of a thousand deadly serpents.
The good is up there, a floating chicanery.
Woe be unto ye who tries to see through the deceiving veil of lies.
For thine eyes are sure to wilt
facing the horrid relief of the truth.
Because whatever my have been can not ever be regained,
nor relived
only replicated.
But the warm sting of the pain is still lingering hereabouts
Now and forevermore.
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Hate is just a bond you willingly choose to buckle on. It’s a prison where only you yourself can incarcerate you. The cells are cold and lonely and you are the guardian who holds the keys to them.
sebastion poubelle
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Ground control to Major Tom,  your ship is wrecked your signal’s gone.
Is it true that you’re still out there? You’re still breathing? Cuz our hope, it sure is leaving us, in fact it left us long ago. Pray, is it death that’s wreathing you,  with toxic shades of its cold breath? Not even wheezing reaches our scared ears. Please release our fears we want to cease to shed our bitter tears.
Breathe for us, give us something to believe in.
Major Tom to ground control, the solitude, the angst,  it sure did take its toll. Can you hear me? Is it me or just my soul, screaming for relief. Drifting around in my space suit, the ship is gone, and I don’t know how it’s even come this far, but maybe I am happy for the way this journey changed my route.
Tell my future wife, I know that I just won’t survive. I want your help but I can’t reach you, and I know you sure don’t wanna hear a dead man rant. I’ve had enough, my suit says tanks are empty. Now I wanna see the things they always said I can’t see.
I’m gonna breathe, take off my helmet, stare into the sun, for one last first time, not too shy for once, now my end has just begun.  Breathing in the nothingness of time and space, about to meet my cruel maker
I can’t wait to feel his hate.
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A silent night…
That night I sat under the wide dark sky
And the moon was bright,
Pouring forth its unique soothing light
Creating a domain of pure ecstacy
And far in the north sky
Stood alone a star, bright as it is
Creating an art of nature
The dark sky added its part too
I smiled at the marvel of it’s creator
As I continued gazing at that star,
Enchanted by its presence
Unaware of the time or reality
I wondered
“how far are you from me?
I don’t even know if you really exist
in this realm anymore,
still you can spread a smile
On a face that is unseen even to you
I wonder, I wonder… ”
I didn’t know how long I stood there,
The chilling wind spread its arm around me
Reminding me that it’s time to leave
And off I went, after having a glance
At that unknown friend of mine
Still smiling…
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Nothing to add here
fuck yall with your “i want hickies and to nap with him and make out in the bath <3 relationship goals” posts. you know what i want? a smoothie and immediate death. 
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“One day you’ll find someone that chooses you and continues to choose you everyday. And that’s when you’ll be thankful everything happened the way that it did.”
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Who are you, human? Blundering, stumbling, are you on your way? Blundering, stumbling, one false step, and you're away.
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Hi tumblr! After 19 years on this earth I finally managed to make a profile for myself
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