once again, ive moved blogs. i refollowed everyone i was following here but u can send me amessage for the new blog
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heyo moving blogs
i just made a new blog cus this one feels cluttered and unorganized and i just wanna make a new blog instead of trying to clean it up
ill be refollowing everyone but you can dm me for the url eitherway
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i wanna add infinity train characters but i havent even watched anything but season 1 :(
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“Oh, would you look at that? It’s Chili Fries O’Clock.”
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Stubs toe
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“i reckon they’re a bit too overdone to be edible.” she joked back, starting to try and make him some edible, normal breakfast. it seemed he wanted eggs and bacon, therefore clara didn’t hesitate to start making those.
“i know you don’t enjoy too much attention, neither do i, so perhaps that small restaurant in town?” she suggested. “pick me up at seven.”
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“The one by the hotel or the one by that shop that sells weird knick knacks for cheap? What’s it called... Le Saucisson?” He asked, finishing cleaning up the self-imposed disaster he’d created by the curious folly of man.
“I thought they’d run out of business?” Which would be no surprise given the ridicilous name. They didn’t even serve french food nor sausages. They served primarily seafood, lasagna, and several soups.
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"I WILL find out who killed my husband, with or without your help." He said determined, fixing his attention back to the computer. Alec was old-fashioned and didn’t particularly care for video games, but sometimes there were games that piqued his interest and made him curious. DnD-esque games, dating simulators, pokemon and crime-mystery games were his favourite. This time, he’d found a very interesting steam game he’d gotten absolutely sucked into, and he was not interested in putting it away.
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hello again i am shitte at answering and replying which is clearly something i need ot work on anyways ive decided ill be adding momomiya ichigo and ryou shirogane from tokyo mew mew tothe blog, rook blonko and ben 10 from ben 10 omniverse ive got stuff to do tomorrow and i ahve a terrible sleep schedule so ill probs just. disappear suddenly lol
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i should PROBABLY be on a bit more often
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she was about to reply to his teasing when what clara had warned him would happen, definitely did, causing her to tilt her head as she faced him. “i did tell you that eggs exploded in the microwave. guess you’re only smart with somethings, huh?” now she had to tease too.
sighing, clara uncrossed her arms and walked to him. “i’m making you breakfast, and you can clean the mess you’ve made. and thank me for being so kind to you, by taking me out to dinner.”
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he put the cup on the counter and cleared his throat, a little embarassed. “i guess you did.” he grabbed a towel and dried off his tea-soaked hand, then started working on the egg massacre.
“d'ya reckon this is still edible?” he joked as he wiped the microwave door, smearing the gooey yolk further. he made a grimace. “where are we goin’ then?”
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“it’s not you being 5 years or 4. it’s me being nice and wanting to do it. who hurt you for you to be so against someone doing something nice for you?” clara was definitely curious now. the eggs would indeed explode, and she’d end up laughing. 
“they do explode. i don’t know the science behind it, but i can assure you they will explode. just let me make you proper food.”
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“noone has hurt me. except you.” he hides his teasing smirk in another sip of his tea. “it’s alright though. the eggs nearly cooked. i will have breakfast, no need to worry.”
as if on cue, the force of the egg exploding opens the microwave door, successfully slathering the interior and exterior with warm, gooey, eggy bits. meanwhile, a certain mr. eggs-don’t-blow-up, nearly shits himself, spilling tea from his cup as he jumps in surprise.
“jesus bloody christ!”
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“lets agree to disagree.” he teased.
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“i am no longer 4 years and needs mommy to spread jam on my bread. i can do it myself because im a big boy now. just turned 5 last week, cheers!” he took his cup and held it up in a salute, then took a sip. “but if you insist, i don’t see why not.”
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“that’s nonsense, eggs don’t explode. there’s no metal in them. ...is calcium a metal?”
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“aye, they do. everyone does.” he cares not about facts, and closes the microwaves door, setting it to 10 minutes. that should be enough. probably.
“you’d make me breakfast?” he looks at her, sceptically. it wasn’t that he doubted her. she was nice. but he totally doubted her. “you know im extremely picky, right? you’d lose yer sanity.”
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“no, not everyone does. but i know you won’t care about whatever i tell you.” he amused her. of course, sometimes, he could definitely drive her mad with the simplest of things, but he was amusing nonetheless.
“i’ve dealt with worse, and i’m a quick learner. i’m sure i can make you a great breakfast.” a proud smirk came to her lips. “also, you do know those eggs are going to explode, correct?”
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“aye, they do. everyone does.” he cares not about facts, and closes the microwaves door, setting it to 10 minutes. that should be enough. probably.
“you’d make me breakfast?” he looks at her, sceptically. it wasn’t that he doubted her. she was nice. but he totally doubted her. “you know im extremely picky, right? you’d lose yer sanity.”
from @poppinpillslikesmarties​
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“no one eats plain toast for breakfast! or any other meal, for that matter. but i do think you’re brilliant, whenever you let me do that.” clara watched him, frowning gently. “you do know i could make you a decent breakfast, right? you don’t need to microwave everything.”
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Send 💬  for me to make you a starter with a random line of dialogue from this generator.
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❛there are certain moments where i consider you someone with brilliant ideas and a good future. this is not one of those moments.❜
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“Please. We both know you’ve never thought I was brilliant. You always mock me for making plain toast for breakfast.” He replies and puts the egg in the microwave. If one can microwave frozen food into quick dinners, one can microwave shelled eggs and bacon to get a fun and exciting breakfast that will not be mocked as well.
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lowkey wanna add another oc but im unsure if i wanna make a new one or use amanda for this too
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Character page is up! Yay! I’ve only written Alec so far tho
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