tenebriism · 2 years
Smash or Pass (from your cyno to albedo)
Smash or Pass Meme - [ ACCEPTING ] ;; Cyno .
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" This will not get back to him, will it ? " He's all for HONESTY, but not if it poses a risk of UPSETTING those he considers trustworthy and cherished companions.
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" Smash . . . "
@mmriesoftvat ;; ♥
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“Oh, would you look at that? It’s Chili Fries O’Clock.”
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jcinteyvet · 3 years
She knew that Albedo planned to get down from Dragonspine today; she really wanted to see him. So, she decided to wait at his home until he returned. Lumine didn’t really know when exactly that would be, but she wasn’t in any hurry, she could wait. When she arrived, she prepared everything for a nice meal already, not wanting to finish any dinner when it might grow cold again once he made it home. Better to eat it fresh.
When this was done, she decided to get a bit more comfortable and went to his drawer to get come comfy clothes out that she could wear. After changing, she lifted the long sleeves to her nose. They smelled like him… it was wonderful. Happily humming to herself, she decided to make some tea while she was waiting.
When she heard the door, she turned around with a smile. There he was, the person she loved so much, leaning in the doorframe. Awh, wasn’t he just so cute and handsome? She felt her heart flutter like the one of a teenager. “Hey.. welcome home.”, she greeted him softly. “Hehe.. Yeah, I have..” The blonde turned her body to the side, making a little pose for him. “I hope you don’t mind that I borrowed these.”, she chuckled, before affirming: “Yes, very comfortable.”
“Oh! I made some tea! Do you want some?” She walked over to him to pull him into the kitchen by his hand. “I also prepared for dinner, if you’re hungry. I could start cooking now?”
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Albedo tilted his head to the side, resting it against the doorframe. He watched her pose and he chuckled lightly, covering his lips with his hand. It was nice. Coming home to find Lumine here in his home. He didn’t know he would enjoy something like this. He never thought something like this was even possible either.
“No, I don’t mind. It does look good on you. Maybe a bit big, but... still good,” Albedo assured her with a smile, pushing off the wall so she could pull him along. He stopped and pulled her to him, spinning her so her back was against his front of their arms were tangled over her waist. He chuckled lightly, “Mm, I do, but I’d rather have you close.”
He kissed her neck and her cheek before leaning in to kiss her lips, “I missed you.”
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jc-ocspam · 3 years
💖 for Albedo
Send in the symbol  💖 or ‘heart’ for my muse to fill this out for your muse!
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If we kissed?
[X] Quickie. [X] Tongue. [X] Softly bite your lip. [X] We wouldn’t. [X] Long and meaningful. [X] Let’s hit up the bedroom. [] You remember last time? [] Awkward… [] Lol no.
Would I go out with you?
[] Yes, definitely. [] No. [X] I want to, but it wouldn’t work. [] Maybe.  [] Nope, you’re like family. [] You’re cute, but probably not. [] Just simply not my type. [] If I knew you better. [] Already did. [X] I don’t know.
If we took a picture together, we’d be… [X] Hugging each other. [X] Just chilling. [X] Holding hands. [] Kissing. [] Acting dumb. [X] Normal picture. [] You holding me from behind.
You are… [] Cute/Pretty. [] Good looking. [] Sexy. [X] All of the above
You + me + room = … [] Movies. [X] Cuddling. [X] Hanging out. [X] Kissing. [] Playing games. [X] Everything. [] Wouldn’t let you in.
You should… [] Hit me up. [X] Be mine. [] Marry me. [] Reblog this so I can send you a heart. [] be studying
If we got married, I’d… [] Divorce you. [] Make kids. (he can't) [] Take your money and bounce. [] Smash every day. [] I would cheat on you. [X] Be faithful. [] Kill you in your sleep  [X] We wouldn’t
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There’s only one upside to being turned into a human on a human planet.
There’s noone around to tell you to stop playing with your food and taking your magnifying glass away for setting ants on fire.
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jcinteyvet · 3 years
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〖 @melipetals asked 〗 ❝i don’t want to go.❞ for albedo 【 always accepting memes. replies allowed. 】
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He held onto her, his eyes shut tightly. He wanted to tell her not to go. He wanted to tell her stay by his side. He buried his face in her shoulder, trying to remember the feeling of her and the scent of her. She would be leaving his side and going to a place he can't follow.
"You have to go... you have to find your brother," he pulled away, moving his hand to her cheeks, "You have to find him and bring him back from the Abyss. Put an end to all of this, Lumine."
He leaned in and kissed her lips lightly before pulling away, "Go. Before you regret it."
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jcinteyvet · 3 years
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diverse-hearts asked: ❝  if you have to go, you know i will go with you.  ❞ - Kaeya / Albedo
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Albedo looked up at the Knight for a moment before looking back at Mondstadt from his cave in the mountain. It was coming. The time where he might have to leave Teyvet. He felt it within his body - the empty shell of a body.
He closed his eyes for a moment, breathing in the fresh air. He sighed before looking back at Kaeya, "You have built a good life here. It is fine. I do not mind leaving."
It was a lie. He didn't want to leave. He loved it here, but if he didn't leave, Mondstadt would be gone. Including all the people he cared for like Klee, Sucrouse, the other Knights, and Kaeya....
He shook his head, "You should go back, Knight Captain. I have to finish packing."
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jcinteyvet · 3 years
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pcrdiseseekers asked: ❛  if i was with you , what would you do to me ?  ❜ (kaeya @ albedo) (( always open for memes !! ))
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Albedo's face flared up, a bright red blush over his face. The Knight had cornered Albedo, leaving him no exit. He couldn't look up at the other, but he had to. If he allowed the other to keep teasing him, he was never going to survive. Damn him. Kaeya always knew how to make the other flustered.
Of course, there was a chance the other hadn't meant it that way and it was just a play to see the other at a complete loss. Kaeya always seemed to enjoy seeing Albedo out of his element.
"I-I don't... know what you mean," he slowly moved his eyes up Kaeya's body until his eyes fell on Kaeya's face.
He saw that smirk on the other's face and knew Kaeya saw Albedo checking him out. Albedo cursed himself. To think he was giving into to such an annoying human emotion like lust.
"... Shut up..."
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jcinteyvet · 3 years
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melipetals asked: [ STRADDLE ] for albedo ♥
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Albedo was in the middle of reading when he felt Lumine get into his lap. He glanced at her, a small smile appearing on his face. He dog-earred his page before setting it off to the side.
Both of his arms moved to wrap around the female, holding her close to him. He laid his head back against the chair, comfortably looking up at her.
"Hello to you to. Was I was too engrossed in my book?" He questioned, leaning in to kiss her softly on the lips, "You have my undivided attention."
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jcinteyvet · 3 years
Albedo, if you are not necessarily human, are you capable of creating like with someone you get interested in someday?
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"No. I am sterile," Albedo replied, shrugging his shoulders slightly, "I am by all nature of the words - 'artificial'. I wasn't created to reproduce, so therefore, the option is not viable for me."
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jcinteyvet · 3 years
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(( melipetals asked: [ TAKE ] for albedo )) (( always accepting memes ! ))
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Albedo returned to his home in Mondstadt after spending hours with Sucrose and Timeus going over what he had learned from his last expedition to Dragonspire. He went straight to them when he had returned, excited to discuss all that he had learned. 
As he entered his home, he realized there were lights on. Only two people had access to his home - Klee and Lumine.
As he ventured into his home, he glanced around and found Lumine in his kitchen. What he also noticed was Lumine was wearing of some his lounge clothes. He raised a brow as he leaned against the door frame, “I see you have made yourself at home.”
He smiled softly, “Comfortable?”
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jcinteyvet · 3 years
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〖@melipetals asked 〗skinny dipping . for Albedo ♥ 【 always accepting memes. replies allowed. 】
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"Are you out of your mind?!"
Albedo watched the female start pulling off her garments. It was the dead of night and they were on the outskirts of the moat that surrounded Mondstadt. It was a place where people rarely went, so honestly, no one would probably find them, but skinny dipping?
She actually had to explain the concept and he thought she was kidding, but here she was, now completely in the nude in public in the middle of the night.
As she reached for him, he took a step back with wide eyes. She's serious. She's actually serious? His face flushed and he looked away.
"I-I can undress myself..."
Yeah, she must have been out of her mind.
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jcinteyvet · 3 years
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〖@melipetals asked 〗 “Close To You” for Albedo 👀♥️ 【 always accepting memes. replies allowed. 】
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The festival was in full swing and Mondstadt was packed with people, especially in the main quad around the fountain. Albedo had agreed to Lumine's request to join her as her date. He was also sure that Jean had asked Lumine to make sure he attended on behalf of Klee who most likely wanted him there.
How he knew this was most likely Klee was the fact she was between Lumine and him, holding their hands. She was talking to Lumine about her new bombs. Albedo was just trying to avoid being touched by other people. He wasn't a fan of contact with people he doesn't know personally.
They were stopped, waiting for fireworks from the spot at the fountain, but more people seemed to crowd around and he was uncomfortable. He kept moving more and more until he had moved to just stand behind Lumine. He felt a bit more comfortable being closer to her. Her presence grounded him.
But he also realized just how close he was when someone bumped into his back and his chest was pressed against her back. His breathing stopped for a moment, but he relaxed. His face had a small blush, but he made no move to move away from her. He remained in his spot behind her while Klee excitingly waited for the fireworks.
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jc-ocspam · 3 years
@shinobswrites​ || Razor to Albedo :  “  you have kind eyes.  ” ( x )
  The comment came as a surprise to Albedo. It was written on his face by the slightly wide eyes. It wasn’t too easy to take the alchemist by surprise except when it came to someone complimenting him. It came as such a surprise, especially for someone who didn’t focus on other people. He really never saw a need to. He wasn’t truly human, after all.
   However, Razor wasn’t entirely human either. Well, he was, but his attitude wasn’t. Raised by wolves, Albedo was told. It was so odd that Albedo had to investigate and learn more. Klee was absolutely enamored by the wolf-like boy. How could an quizzical mind like Albedo’s not be absolutely fascinated by this strange boy.
    Kind, though? He never really figured he was kind, but he guessed he wasn’t rude either. Also not that he would automatically assume the other was ignorant because of his upbringing in the wilds, it would be at least plausible that the other didn’t have much to compare to.
   In moments like this, he should thank the other. That is what Alice told him the proper response was when someone complimented him. 
   “Oh..., thank you, Razor. You have... very wild hair,” Albedo opted for, reaching out and patting the slightly taller male’s head. It was a way of affection that Klee seemed to like. Maybe Razor wouldn’t mind.
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jc-ocspam · 3 years
      A soft breeze blew past as teal eyes focused on the coast, just to the left of him. He had his painting set up on the battlements on the walls. It had the perfect view of the wilderness that surrounded Mondstadt. It truly was a beautiful and peaceful place - at least, from inside the walls. Much better than the freezing cold of Dragonspire.
      He spent so long focusing on the scenery, he nearly forgot why he was there. Albedo turned his eyes back to the canvas and tilted his head. It was getting there, but there was only so much light left. He was going to have to finish this painting another night.
      A sigh left his lips as he started collecting his things. Once he was all done, he headed down the battlements until he was in Mondstadt proper. He was struggling as he tried to hold onto his easel, canvas and paints, but it became too much and he ended up dropping most of it. He made sure to keep hold of his canvas, not wanting to see it damaged. 
    “Of course,” he muttered flatly as he stared at the mess he made. Some paints even opened and stained the concrete. He was going to have to go get more later. He carefully sat his canvas down as he started to collect his things and figure out what to do about the paint. 
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jcinteyvet · 2 years
"Don't tell Albedo, but uhm.. This one time I dreamed about being his assistant and he taught me about alchemy, but I made a mistake and pretty much blew the experiment. He.." At this point she blushes deeply. "Ehem. he said he would need to teach me a lesson and then uhm.. you know.... ehehe..."
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Slowly jots down this information, "Hmm, interesting. Fun. No. He'll never find out~"
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