Fell Down A Rabbit Hole
43 posts
Sideblog for Minecraft Stuff
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popcornsupernova · 4 days ago
Are we not gonna talk about Evbo explicitly calling the diamond swords his family like
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popcornsupernova · 11 days ago
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aw hell nah the wandering trader curse got ken too
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popcornsupernova · 1 month ago
I like 2 think abt Evbo as a concept/god sometimes.
Evbo who comes back a month later to Emf panicking, wondering why they are when he could have sworn he was only non-corporal for a few minutes?
Evbo who forgets which conversation he’s in and freezing halfway through his sentence. Holding multiple conversations at the same time is hard :(
Evbo who spaces out a little bit more whenever someone prays. He can hear them, and it’s hard to focus.
Evbo who goes to nap one day and wakes up a week later feeling fine. Why is everyone so worried? It’s only been, like, an hour. Right?
Evbo who forgets to eat for months on end and blacks out when he spends some time in a fully human form
Evbo who works into the late hours of the night and the early hours of the morning because he doesn’t need sleep
Evbo bringing up things that he could have sworn happened, whole people who don’t exist, because he keeps mixing himself with parts from other timelines
(It makes him feel human to have blood.)
(He doesn’t have any anymore.)
(It comes out gold, now.)
(He always hated gold.)
(It was the color of his tormentors.)
Godly Evbo :D
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popcornsupernova · 1 month ago
have you seen the end barrens twitter people? they dont seem ok
no one is okay in the end barrens
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popcornsupernova · 2 months ago
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i still ponder them sometimes,,,,
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popcornsupernova · 2 months ago
bro you killed him 😭
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the start of peak
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popcornsupernova · 2 months ago
spent the first hour of the new year watching your new video
The collect start to a new year
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popcornsupernova · 2 months ago
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I think kitti ken enjoys some possessive licky licky stuff
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popcornsupernova · 2 months ago
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day 29
she is trapped in the loop in submachine... will they break out?
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popcornsupernova · 2 months ago
Wato edit I crode
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popcornsupernova · 2 months ago
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Haven’t been able to draw too much recently ……
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popcornsupernova · 2 months ago
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poetic way to die ig
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popcornsupernova · 2 months ago
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got an idea for an animatic
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popcornsupernova · 2 months ago
Another request I have: Clone Wifies getting put into parkour civilization
how did he get there? where is he going? why does he seem to remember some things but not others? who knows. set in the like week between evbo becoming the pk champion and pk god.
Word count: 685
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The world is strange. It reminds Wifies vaguely of the Farlands, in that the generation is just weird. He hops across one block gaps with ease, looking for. . . anything? It’s mostly just empty houses until he comes across a large, looming building with. . . a parkour course?
With nothing better to do, Wifies ascends the parkour staircase.
It’s a simple thing, with no strange or complex jumps. He makes it to the top breezily and enters a new room.
“Congratulations Noob,” someone says nearby, scaring the shit out of him. “Welcome to the Pro level.”
“Uh,” Wifies blinks at the man. “Thanks? What am I. . . supposed to do?”
“Get some food, dump your old boots in the lava, and jump over for your iron boots,” the man says.
“What old boots?”
“Your leather boots, obviously. What are you waiting for?”
Wifies has no clue what the hell this guy is talking about, but he nods and does as he’s told. He takes some cooked steak, stares absently at the lava pit, and then jumps over the one block gap. Dispensers equip him with cold, iron boots as he steps out into a room with giant statues that tower above him. There’s one made of diamond that boasts a green, black, and white headband interestingly enough.
What the hell has he gotten himself into?
There’s no way out except forward, into another strangely generated world. When he glances through the widened gaps between grass blocks, he can see the area he just left. At least here, there’s more activity— there are people wandering around, chatting, living life.
And there’s a guy with a green, black, and white headband. Seems like in there is anyone to ask, this guy might be it. As Wifies makes his way over, he hears the conversation the green-black-white guy is having with another, more simply dressed man.
“—I just think ranking up might be too hard,” the man in grey is saying.
“Just because something is hard, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try!”
Good advice. If Wifies didn’t try, then he’d be dead.
“Um, excuse me,” he interrupts, voice a little shot. “Sorry, I think I need help?”
They both look at him. Wifies thought he’d be used to the feeling, but they stare at him with a particularly intense gaze that leaves him uncomfortable in his own skin.
“I don’t know where I am,” he says very, very slowly, eyes darting between them. “Um. Like I seriously— I remember where I was before, but not how I got here. That must be really strange to hear.”
“Probably Seawatt’s fault,” green-black-white says with a frown. “Do you remember Seawatt?”
Wifies snorts, covering his mouth.
“Sorry. Uh, yeah. Press F5. Of course I do.”
“Press F5?” the man in grey repeats. “That doesn’t sound right.”
As if a physical weight has dropped onto him, Wifies realizes he’s somehow made the wrong choice. The two jump over the gaps to get closer to him.
“It doesn’t. What do you remember?”
“I remember. . . Ken. Kenadian? And we were. . . I was getting hit by arrows. And. . . that’s it, actually. Everything else is blurry.”
“Strange. Evbo, I think something weird is going on here.”
“Definitely. Hey, you—”
“Wifies. I’m Wifies.”
“Wifies. Nice to meet you! I’m Evbo, the new Parkour Champion. If you come with me, I think I can help with your whole memory thing,” Evbo pauses, scrunching his face up. “But we’d have to travel to Seawatt’s old lab. The parkour path there might be too hard for you.”
“Can’t be worse than anvil jumps,” Wifies says. “Nothing is worse than anvil jumps, I think.”
“What are anvil jumps?” the man in grey and Evbo say.
“Um, when you place an anvil above you and jump on it while it falls. It gives you a chance to boost onto a ledge. They’re— finicky, to say the least.”
Evbo gets a strange look in his eyes, like Wifies has given him an incredibly valuable gift.
“I’ll help you with your memory problems, but you have to teach me how to make an anvil jump, okay?”
“Sure. Deal.”
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popcornsupernova · 2 months ago
Concept where Wato doesn’t meet Wifies until after the End Barrens and when he sees him he’s just. Idek what she’d feel but there’s another drabble request 😭
i dont think i really understood this prompt super well??? so hopefully the fic came out fine :')
Word count: 394
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Seeing another person is like a bruise. Their silhouette, their palette, their noise, it all aches fiercely. It’s even stranger that it’s Wifies. Wifies isn’t someone who has ever “hurt” Wato, not this particular Wifies at least. This is Wifies tamed, softened into putty between Wato and Ken’s attentions and care.
It shouldn’t hurt to see Wifies.
“Wato! You’re back.”
Wifies smiles, bedrock dust in his hair and redstone slipping through his fingers. Wato came looking for him. It was so odd, not having Wifies there. Ken left, but Wifies never came with them. Wato hasn’t seen Wifies in a hundred days. They can’t think of a stretch of time where they haven’t seen Wifies that’s even a fourth of that.
It was just Wato and Ken again for a while, how they'd been for so long. They both always had other friends, other circles, but like binary stars, they were always in step. But even then, even with the nostalgic familiarity, Wifies's absence had been palpable. Their quiet, reliable third was absent. Busy.
And then Ken had left, and there was no Wifies to soothe the argument or ease the loneliness. There had been nothing for 100 wretched days.
Wato hops down from the roof of the escape room Wifies is working on and lands near him. Wifies dusts his hands off and shakes his hair out, turning into a human plume of dust.
“How was it?” Wifies asks, getting closer. “Was it hard? Where's Ken?”
Wato opens their mouth to let out some kind of answer, but what comes out instead is, “I missed you so much.”
Wifies pauses, smiling shyly like he's surprised he's been missed.
“I missed you too,” Wifies says.
Would Wifies have stuck around if he'd been there? Would he have followed Ken out of spawn off to adventure? Would he have died and returned to spawn with stories, laughing quietly at how silly the whole thing was?
Would he have listened? Would he have been there to watch Wato succeed?
“I really, really missed you,” Wato says, voice cracking embarrassingly.
Wifies stops smiling. He reaches out and rests his hand on Wato's arm. Wato feels their eyes water. Throwing their arms around Wifies, it's all they can do to not collapse onto him in sobs. Wifies hugs him back, squeezing Wato tight.
Wato missed him so much.
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popcornsupernova · 2 months ago
kenifies + ken borrowing wifies clothes. if you would kindly
this kinda became a scent thing by the end LOL sorryyyyyy but pls enjoy some clothing borrowing shenanigans!
Word count: 478
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Ken doesn’t check what he grabs before shrugging it on. He’s late, very late, he’s supposed to be letting Seawatt into his newest escape room, oh, about, twenty minutes ago? So he grabs whatever is on top of the clean clothes pile and runs out of the house, nearly losing half a nail to his desperate shoe-shoving.
When he arrives, red faced and sweaty, Seawatt gives him a once-over and lifts his hands up.
“Hey man, if you were busy. . .” he says with a shit eating grin. Ken flips him off.
“I don’t know what you mean but I get the feeling you’re being an asshole, so shut up.”
Seawatt laughs at him but doesn’t elaborate because he’s an asshole and now Ken is left wondering what he meant as he TP’s him to the starting room. Later, much later on, as Seawatt is struggling through the final room, Ken looks down at his shirt and realizes he’s wearing one of Wifies’s yin-yang sweaters. It’s thick and warm and smells like their house. The detergent they use is scentless, because anything stronger makes Ken sneeze over and over, but their house is always filled with warm bread and fragrant flowers, and he can just about pull those scents out of the fabric.
Seawatt’s words finally click and when he successfully escapes, Ken silently punches him a few times.
When he gets home, Wifies is there. He’d been off for a while, dealing with Unstable business, but now he sits in their kitchen playing music and poking at the top of a pumpkin pie.
“Hey,” Ken calls out.
“Hey! Welcome home.”
Wifies kisses Ken before anything, smiling warmly before glancing down at his shirt.
“Oh? What’s this?” he says with a little sly grin, pinching a sleeve between his fingers and tugging at the fabric.
“I was in a rush and it was at the top of the pile,” Ken complains, but he doesn’t really mind when it comes from Wifies.
“Dang, and here I thought you were missing me,” Wifies sighs theatrically, kissing the tip of Ken’s nose and turning back to his pie.
“I did miss you,” Ken peeks around him to watch him cut the pie up into slices. “But it’s not like this even smells like you anymore.”
“Hm? What do I smell like then?” Wifies grabs two plates and places a slice on each.
Ken leans in and sniffs at Wifies’s shoulder. He travels up his neck, and Wifies just tilts his head to let him. He sniffs loudly into Wifies’s ear just to hear him laugh.
“Right now? Like rockets. Kinda gross.”
“The smoke must still be in my hair.”
“Under that, hm. . . A little like citrus and salt.”
“Sounds nice.”
“It’s very nice,” Ken sniffs at him again. “Actually, gimme that shirt. Wanna smell like you.”
“Buy me dinner first, Ken, jeez.”
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popcornsupernova · 2 months ago
Drabble request for Wifies getting Omz Masked because I need suffering
I had a weirdly hard time with this one and im not sure why...... I hope it's still alright :') does this tie in with the other omz mask request? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'll let you guys decide.
Word count: 319
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It's unnervingly quiet. The mask is usually quiet, at least as far as Ken remembers; it doesn’t necessarily need to talk to get what it wants. But he doesn’t know what it wants, and it’s just looking at him, head tilted in a familiar, uncanny way. Seeing it in their shared world is—
Seeing Wifies’s eye so dark and empty is disturbing. He’s someone who’s always thinking, always moving in his own mind, and yet he looks almost corpse-like with the mask on.
“What do you want?” Ken asks.
The mask has a crack along the jaw. Ken isn’t sure where that came from. Honestly, he thought the damn thing was indestructible, but now it wears evidence of real damage. Who could’ve broken it like that? Where has it been?
“This vessel is a poor one,” it says in Wifies’s voice. “It lacks much of the skill and force other vessels have.”
“So you want a new one?” Ken can do that. As awful as it sounds, Ken can make it happen. As long as he can have Wifies back—
—Okay. Less to work with.
“It can be made better.”
“I can’t let you do anything to him and you know that.”
Wifies’s mouth smiles and then drops away.
“Is it a bad thing, to make it better?” the mask asks. “This body hurts. It falls apart easily. It lacks.”
The mask pauses. Ken keeps still.
“You care about him, don’t you?” another flickering grin. “You care about me, don’t you? I’m your Wifies after all. Can’t you make it better?”
Ken is going to throw up. He feels it rise from his stomach and fights to keep it down, fights away the nausea, the spotting in his vision. His Wifies, sickened with Ken’s sin. Wifies’s footsteps are thief-quiet as he gets closer and closer, exposed eye half-lidded and brow furrowed.
“Won’t you make it all better Ken?”
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