polyamorousparkers · 3 months
leverage is 77 episodes of competence porn, humor and found family dynamics, character arcs, tear-jerking side-characters that get saved or helped by a group of thieves. i can pick a random episode, watch it and enjoying it every time i do, no matter how much time has passed or how many times i've watched it
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polyamorousparkers · 3 months
In The Nigerian Job when Hardison is handing out the getaway tickets, he gives Eliot, Parker, and himself cities in Europe (London, Rome, and Paris respectively) but gives Nate a ticket to Sao Paolo and now I’m cracking up at the idea that Hardison was okay with the other two being on the same continent as him but wanted Nate as far away as possible after knowing him for like. two days.
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polyamorousparkers · 3 months
Average leverage episode
Victim: please mr. Leverage. They bought my orphanage and they’re going to sell all the orphans I need you to stop them
Nate “Leverage” Leverage: I think we can get you some… leverage
Sophie: I’m going to start a bullshit argument now
Nate: please dont
Sophie: it’s going to last the whole episode
Nate: 🙄women (laughtrack)
Hardison: alright this is our mark Mr. Monopoly. He owns 16 weapons companies and took in 100000 billion million dollars last year. He just got into the orphan business and on the weekends he plays puppy golf.
Parker: whats puppy golf
Hardison: it’s like golf but you use puppies
Elliot: I’ve seen it. (snifffs deeply) not fun
Hardison: this guys ruthless. we’re going to be exploiting his one weakness. He really likes having a lot of money
Sophie: how?
Nate: we go steal an abstract concept
*they steal an abstract concept*
The mark: hello. I was impressed by your ownership of an abstract concept
Sophie: we’ll give you 50 trillion dollars for the orphanage
Mark: Zamn!!!
Sophie: 😏 we got him
*1 day later*
Sophie: here’s the 50 trillion dollars (holds up briefcase full of crimes)
The mark: I don’t want your money any more. I have a new plan. I’m goijng to dress all the orphans in hot dog costumes and start a theme park
Sophie: 😦
Elliot: we’re blown
Nate: Sophie throw the briefcase 💼 in the lake
Mark: whoa!! Thats wet money
Sophie: I can give you 5000 more orphans. Meet me at this unmarked warehouse in 6 hours
Mark: awooga
Hardison: Nate do you have a plan?
Nate: not yet
*Fade to black*
Nate: alright the marks on his way. Hardison what’s your 20
Hardison: I need at least 30 minutes to finish this Lego Taj Mahal
Nate: ok I’ll stall
Nate (playing bit character): I cooka da pizza!! Ohhhh (drops full pan of sauce on the marks head instantly killing him) mamma Mia (walks into the sea)
Parker: guys we have a problem
*6 Bad Men materialize out of thin air*
Elliot: 😒I got this 👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊🤛🤜🤛🤜✊🩼✊🦶🦵✊🤛🚪🦶✊🦵🤌✊🦶👊🦵✊✊👊🎷👊👊👊
*the Bad Men disintegrate*
Elliot: shit hes here (dives into a trash can)
*the mark reaches the building. There are orphans waving at him from the windows*
Mark: ok I’m here to take the orphans
Mark: what?? This is a completely legal orphan deal
Police: theres no orphans here
*police man grabs an orphan. Hes flat. Flashback to Hardison setting up 5000 cardboard orphan cutouts*
Mark: but what are you arresting me for??
Police man: sir you filled all of city hall with gravy
*flashback to Nate filling city hall with gravy while wearing a T-shirt that says “Im bad businessman”*
Mark: you can’t do this to me!!
Police: (arrests him)
Nate: heh. You could say he got... Leveraged
Parker: i have autism
Everyone: oh my god Parker shut up
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polyamorousparkers · 6 months
the polyamory couldn't save them in the end. but it matters that it was there
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polyamorousparkers · 8 months
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Leverage gifs that no one asked for but I made them anyway (18/?)
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polyamorousparkers · 9 months
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Leverage 2x10 - "The Runway Job"
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polyamorousparkers · 9 months
leverage is so fucking funny. man manages to find the most mentally ill and neurodivergent group of thieves on the market + an even more mentally ill guy whose literal job description was trying to chase all of them, and forces them into a found family speed-run by trying to blow them all up. they lowkey stage a full fucking country wide coup and are like eh 🤷 just another wednesday. this might be a fun place to vacation tho i guess. sophie shows up to her own funeral twice. they're so good at convincing people of their shit that they make a guy's body start reacting to an illness he doesn't have because it isn't real. go completely out on a limb and basically hand this one guy a new password for his computer so they can get into it and he goes with it. parker and hardison have straight up just "fake it 'till you make it"d into the fbi without even attempting to cover their tracks beyond just These Two Guys. half their clients never asked to be their clients and don't know they're their clients, and the other half are random people who find them who fuckin knows how, meanwhile no government agency can track them down without selling their soul to sterling. they make a point to have a dramatic scene w a Big Bad Shadowy Government Guy who doesn't actually get caught or brought to justice or anything telling them he's going to hunt them all down, and in any other show this would probably earn at least a minor arc later on but he literally never shows up again. an entire season finale hinged on a cake and a bunch of clams. they accidentally made eliot a celebrity not once, not twice, but three times. parker blew up her foster parents' house when she was like. nine. and it's hardly a footnote. hardison is just casually an artistic prodigy but it's only ever brought up for the most background of background gags. eliot's biggest beef with parker and hardison for like two and a half seasons is that they won't stop making weird food with lasers and refuse to realize they can't make a decent beer to save their lives. sophie's immediate response to being shot is to call her shooter a wanker. there's a character who has literally killed a man with a mop and they had the audacity to only put her in one episode.
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polyamorousparkers · 10 months
Leverage episode where they have to bypass security and burn the Gävlebocken
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polyamorousparkers · 10 months
Hey Leverage fandom!!!
what's your favourite "small" con in the show? one of the ones where they get people out of the way/get an item for the larger con of the episode.
this is just for research puposes, i wanna see what people like in these smaller parts of the show
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polyamorousparkers · 10 months
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polyamorousparkers · 11 months
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Leverage Rewatch: 3.09 The Three Card Monte Job
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polyamorousparkers · 1 year
emotionally charged character-specific leverage episodes
(the episodes are in no specific order)
the radio job
the last dam job
the cross my heart job
the 12 steps job
the first david job
the second david job
the miracle job
the three-card monte job
the king george job (?)
the two live crew job
the fairy godparents job
the king george job
the long way down job
the inside job
the stork job
the grave danger job
the experimental job
the future job
the boost job
the 12 step job
the juror #6 job
the french connection job
the broken wing job
the white rabbit job
the toy job
the grave danger job
the experimental job
the mile high job
the big bang job
the two horse job
the tap-out job
the studio job
the big bang job
(basically a good amount of season 3 tbh)
the grave danger job
the order 23 job
the carnival job
the french connection job
the low low price job
ot3 emotionally charged episodes:
the grave danger job
the rundown job
the lonely hearts job
the gone fishin’ job
the van gogh job
the queen’s gambit job
the 12 steps job
the long goodbye job
nate x sophie emotionally charged episodes:
the bank shot job
the lonely hearts job
the reunion job
the frame-up job
team emotionally charged episodes:
the second david job
the carnival job
the juror #6 job
the big bang job
the long goodbye job
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polyamorousparkers · 1 year
oh youre bi? why dont you "bi" me some time with a distraction while i crack this safe ya fuckin goon
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polyamorousparkers · 1 year
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You’ve been working on the wrong side for a long time, right? Yes, yes, I would have to say that. Yeah, so you don’t get to just do one thing and claim you’ve repented.
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polyamorousparkers · 1 year
Hi can I just briefly mention that I love how Nate always acts super skeptical of the case when he first meets with the client in order to see how they defend their position and what else it brings up (and so he gets to look like a hardass) even though he’s a total sucker who’s going to say yes to every single person who walks through the door anyway?
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polyamorousparkers · 1 year
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polyamorousparkers · 1 year
Moreau doesn't give Eliot orders, is the thing.
Eliot knows orders. Eliot could follow orders in his sleep, bleeding out, in languages he doesn't even recognize if he had to. Eliot knows how to give orders, knows how to take orders, knows how to step away from the part that shivers when his CO gives him his target.
That is not what Moreau does.
Once, when Eliot is twenty seven and bored and very, very good at what he does, he kills an unkillable man.
He does it quickly, and quietly, and most importantly, he does it by completely abandoning every plan Moreau's strategists have. And Damien thinks it's grand! He's delighted to see someone so competent and functional in his employ.
So he lets Eliot do his thing. Damien offers him what nobody else could - he offers Eliot his respect. Eliot's not in it because he likes killing, he's in it because he's so very good at killing, and Damien is the one who recognizes that. Damien lets Eliot make plans, he invites Eliot to critique his operation, he listens and prioritizes and trusts Eliot's skill and knowledge, and in return he gets the most dangerous man in the world at his side.
The worst thing Eliot ever does isn't something Damien needs. That's not what Eliot says. Eliot did it for Moreau, not on Moreau's orders.
Eliot is the one who picks the target, Eliot is the one who sees the bigger picture and chooses to do it himself. Eliot does the worst thing in his life because he looks and sees some objective, something that would be good for Damien operation, something that would show his power in Damien's court.
And then his hands are bloody and he doesn't even feel it anymore. There's nothing except pride in a job well done, and it scare the shit out of him, and he can't even blame it on someone else now, can he?
He leaves, and Damien lets him, encourages him, even, because what are you going to do when the deadliest man you know says he's done? The man who you've always trusted and admired because he doesn't lie or brag or bluff tells you he doesn't want to kill anymore, and Damien knows that there's not a force on Earth that could bring Eliot back when he doesn't want to.
Damien Moreau never gave Eliot orders anyway.
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