polkapcp · 2 years
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          “  jus’  plugged  my  port  in’ta  al’s  dicks - cord .   one  new  dm ,  baby .  ”
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polkapcp · 2 years
ladiesofhell  //  @radiodemonica··
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 “Since when did we even have a motto?”
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“  since  big  red  from  reddit  staff  decided  t’a  powa  trip .  ”
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polkapcp · 2 years
radiodemonica  //  you  brought  me  back .
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“ I’m  positive , “ alastor  replies  as  he  swallows ,  his  trademark  grin  having  been  wiped  clean  off  of  his  face  by  now .  instead ,  his  eyes  trail  after  the  slim  fingers  that  had  brushed  his  bangs  aside  and  then  lightly  run  across  his  cheek.  the  gesture  was  so  sweet  and…  so  foreign  to  the  radio  demon,  that  he  wasn’t  quite  sure  how  to  act.  and  he… liked  it,  he  found.
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“  more  like  HIV  positive -  ”      he’s  joking  of  course ,  raspy  laugh  huffing  out  like  nicotine  from  drug - abused  lungs .   smile  fades  into  something  more  somber  upon  noticing  how  he  relaxes .   is  he .  .  .  ?    no ,  no  way  in  hell .
“  so ,  we  jus’  crotch - married  now ,  or  wha’ ?  ”
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polkapcp · 2 years
dementedstatic  //  : )
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                        “Holy [bleep], he’s not dead! Quick, someone call the exterminator!”
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        “  hand  ova  th’  dicks - cord  tag ,  babe .   i ,  uh  --   los’  y’er  numba .  ”
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polkapcp · 2 years
@ladiesofhell  charlie ‘m scaaaaawed
​‘the femur is the only bone in the femur’ - @polkapcp
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polkapcp · 2 years
i’m  dosed  up  on  thc  and  you  treat  me  like  unbirthed  dogshit
​‘the femur is the only bone in the femur’ - @polkapcp
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polkapcp · 2 years
radiodemonica  //  you  brought  me  back .
“hold on now-!” alastor starts to protest but it was too late. smaller radio demon found himself being pushed down into a nearby arm chair , and a second later that fluffy menace had seated himself in his lap. though that wasn’t the end of it, oh no, for much to alastor’s surprise he then had a pair of fluffy tits in his face , to which he sneezes a second later as angel’s fur tickled his nose.
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“ i assure you darling my memory is very photogenic ! now please do get off of me , this is a tad too obscene for my tastes ! ” he wasn’t able to hide his very noticeable blush , though.
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not  good  enough ;         NEVER  good  enough .
alastor’s  bangs  are  brushed  through  as  upper  arms  unfold  and  relay  to  gently  playing  along  ears’  shelled  edge  and  sideburns ,  scratching  spider  claws  lightly  against  grayed  skin .   he’s  such  a  coy  little  jello  cup  to  stir .   mix  it  up  and  watch  it  scramble .   lips  purse  before  a  sadistic  smile  plasters  on  the  affectionate  palooka .          “  you  sure ?   maybe  a  few  extra  senses  ‘ll  really  soldify  th’  mem’ry  den !  ”
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polkapcp · 2 years
radiodemonica  //  you  brought  me  back .
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“ put on a smile ! ”
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oh ,  he  wants  a  smile ?   angel  can  do  that ,  even  at  a  cost .   lower  arms  hook  smaller  man’s  hips  and  shove  him  back  into  an  armchair ,  legs  keeling  and  folding  in  to  nestle  garterbelt  close ,  flush  to  flush .   propped  atop  radio  demon’s  regions ,  upper  arms  flourish  to  fold  over  his  head  while  lower  limbs  produce  a  light  fluff  of  powderpuff  tits .   even  a  little  rouge  dusts  up  from  its  composure .   the  wry  flash  of  a  grin  makes  its  way  certain .           “  how’s  dat ?   bedda  yet ,  take  a  picture !   it’ll  last  longa’ .  .  .  ~  ”
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polkapcp · 2 years
@radiodemonica !
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       “  al ,   i  mean  dis  in  th’  nicest  way  possible .   i  hope  t’a  GOD  you  get  a  lego  brick  stuck  soundin’  y’er  deer  dick .  ”
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polkapcp · 2 years
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kam  i’m  gonna  kill  ya
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polkapcp · 2 years
kam  i’m  gonna  kill  ya
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polkapcp · 4 years
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polkapcp · 4 years
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polkapcp · 4 years
hot take of the century ;  i’m alive on this blog.
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polkapcp · 4 years
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“Mm̠̥͇m̙̩̬mm..̜̪ͅ.̹̦ ̣͕fl͙u̠ff̜̩y͓ ̰̥ti̘̮̲ts.”
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➦                                ❛ - && damn do they fluff up jus’ fo’ you, babes ! - ❜
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polkapcp · 4 years
Zack allowed the touch, a slight smile on his beak as relief set in a tad, likely felt in his tense shoulders. He had a good poker face, but even this was cracking away at it, “The total is a lot… but if you can spare 3,000 we’ll be well on the way. I’ve got some money of my own I’m adding to the pot, going to a friend of hers and I.M.P too.” the bird explained, “I’ll… likely be out of business after this, once my handler catches wind I’m getting involved. You know the trade, can’t have conflict of interest in the biz. But should be able to find other work and we’ll both pay back everything.”
He was honest, his job never required lying. “Soon as we pay we’ll get given a pick up location, that’s where we’ll find Clem. She’s… not going to be in a good state when we get to her though.” Zack forewarned, eyes glancing to the box in Gritt’s grip, “But she’ll be alive long as we’re quick.”
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➦                                ❛ - dunno how well this’ll help, but we went ova’board. - ❜
              one little whisper fest with charlie later, && two wads of hundreds were offered forward. five thousand each, maybe to chip in towards clem’s treatment if all they needed was three thousand. politely he’s giving them to zack, lower hands gripping those wrists taut to drag him close while he can.
                              ❛ - so long as every dime gets t’wards her safety && not anotha’ drop ‘a dust in that sludge-fuck’s guts, then you’ve got our woi’d we don’t care abou’ payback. - ❜
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                              ❛ - get her home safe, ‘r i’ll DROP ONE on ya skull. - ❜
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polkapcp · 4 years
Zack looked down at Gritt, giving him a small nudge as the imp cringed. “This is a mistake, we should go.” Gritt hissed, his tail flicking nervously as he gripped the box even tighter. “If you’re not gonna fucking grow some balls then I’ll ask.” Zack snapped at the imp, stepping forward but grabbing Gritt’s tail so he couldn’t run off.
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“… we need a loan. We’re asking other people for them too, we need a lot of money in a short amount of time.” Zack explained, “I… shouldn’t even be involved, but… Clem’s a friend. And I don’t trust Gritt to not run off and move to a different ring or something. And I feel partially responsible as their dealer.”
The bird was aware of the height difference, but he remained stood straight. He was proud, but not too proud to decline help. “We’ll pay back every penny. Even work it off if we have to.” “Speak for yourself- OW!” Gritt was about to complain when Zack yanked harshly on his tail. “I just need a yes or no, we’re running out of time Clem doesn’t have.”
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➦              CLEM’s running out of time. the thought plagues him worse than any other possibility could’ve. he feels impetuous, like he wants to gun down the operation responsible — lord knows how he’d try && fall doing so. this was probably a bigger ring than he anticipated. a hand braced the side of his head, realizing gritt would wuss out before even leveling the field for angel to understand. he’ll have to kick his tuckus later for being so stuck in his ways.
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                                ❛ - how much we talkin’ ? i may be set fo’ a while, but that don’ mean ‘m not holdin’ funds. every hook’as got their stash. - ❜
              he had quite a stockpile too, from drug money to mattress cash, to straight up one-night hookups — he was set for a long haul. what only mattered now was paying off this incredulous debt that’s been all he’s heard for the past week or so. even if he doesn’t know zack personally, he’ll offer a hand of condolense to his shoulder.
                                ❛ - it’s no deal’as job t’ cut supplies ; bu’d as a friend, ‘m sure y’ur hurtin’ big guy. jus’ gimme a numba’ ‘n i’ll see what i can manage. - ❜
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