politfuckery · 19 days
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highly doubt adult allegedly feminist women still care about a bookseries for children, unlike the trans crowd who used to have their "houses" in bio until recently
makes sense they stay infantile in mind, when they still can't comprehend that dresses and makeup don't mean you're a "girl"
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politfuckery · 24 days
kam kam kam kam kam
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politfuckery · 26 days
thanks for being the only normal, reasonable person on this extremely misogynist and victim blaming post. srsly they're gaslighting their own mother who has been vicimized several times and tell her her fears are out of proportion... I thought people on tumblr and twitter get cancelled for that
thinking about how my mom spent like 2 years getting downright vicious about the houseless folks who were camping in the woods past her house (to the point of getting a BB rifle that looked like a real fucking gun to threaten them with when they crossed in front of her house??) and justifying it with White Lady Fear a la "what if one of them does something to me! I am but a helpless white woman living all alone!!" and like...
y'all, she terrorized those people. every single time she saw someone outside, she was riling her dog up to bark, waving a gun in their faces (that for all intents & purposes they certainly thought was real), yelling at them, calling the cops (thank god the 2 rural-ass cops didn't actually give a shit), etc.
and she justified it with fears of womanly fragility & inability to defend herself, and I believe how afraid she was! she talked about fearing they would break into her house at night and sexually assault her, and I believe she was legitimately afraid of that. she's been victimized in many of the ways she was afraid of being victimized by them.
the thing is that it doesn't matter how real the fear is.
nothing ever happened, nobody ever tried to threaten her, nobody tried to break in, nobody even approached her. she initiated every single interaction. when she told them not to go through her yard, they did the best they could to respect that without giving up their camping spot; which was on someone else's property, who didn't mind them being there (not to mention one of them is actually indigenous to this specific land!)
she was a thousand times more threatening to those people than they ever were to her, but her fear of them was still real. and that's exactly what made her so dangerous.
I need cis women to internalize this ASAP. your fear is real, and it can and will hurt others. your fear is real, and it is harmful. your fear is real, and your hurt is not deserved, and you still need to grow & heal & prevent it from causing harm.
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politfuckery · 26 days
I wish every junkie/bum sympathizer that they break in to your complex, keep trying to break into your apartments (and have seveal times at your neighbours) and keep overdosing and shitting in your hallways, I think that would make you more normal and empathetic to your poor mothers instead of calling them misogynist names on a phone and plan she likely still pays for
thinking about how my mom spent like 2 years getting downright vicious about the houseless folks who were camping in the woods past her house (to the point of getting a BB rifle that looked like a real fucking gun to threaten them with when they crossed in front of her house??) and justifying it with White Lady Fear a la "what if one of them does something to me! I am but a helpless white woman living all alone!!" and like...
y'all, she terrorized those people. every single time she saw someone outside, she was riling her dog up to bark, waving a gun in their faces (that for all intents & purposes they certainly thought was real), yelling at them, calling the cops (thank god the 2 rural-ass cops didn't actually give a shit), etc.
and she justified it with fears of womanly fragility & inability to defend herself, and I believe how afraid she was! she talked about fearing they would break into her house at night and sexually assault her, and I believe she was legitimately afraid of that. she's been victimized in many of the ways she was afraid of being victimized by them.
the thing is that it doesn't matter how real the fear is.
nothing ever happened, nobody ever tried to threaten her, nobody tried to break in, nobody even approached her. she initiated every single interaction. when she told them not to go through her yard, they did the best they could to respect that without giving up their camping spot; which was on someone else's property, who didn't mind them being there (not to mention one of them is actually indigenous to this specific land!)
she was a thousand times more threatening to those people than they ever were to her, but her fear of them was still real. and that's exactly what made her so dangerous.
I need cis women to internalize this ASAP. your fear is real, and it can and will hurt others. your fear is real, and it is harmful. your fear is real, and your hurt is not deserved, and you still need to grow & heal & prevent it from causing harm.
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politfuckery · 29 days
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Intifada by Michal Rutz
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politfuckery · 1 month
kinda dumb comparison bc obv caged zoo animals can't run into traffic or attack other pets or even people like an untrained pet / livestock animal can. flipper won't maul your neighbour's children bc you didn't teach them that recall and impulse control are not a choice
Learning anything about marine mammal training will make you re-evaluate so much of your relationship with your own pets. There is so much force involved in the way we handle domestic animals. Most of it isn’t even intentional, it just stems from impatience. I’m guilty of it myself!
But with the exception of certain veterinary settings where the animal’s health is the immediate priority, why is it so important to us that animals do exactly what we want exactly when we want it? Why do we have to invent all these tools and contraptions to force them to behave?
When a whale swam away from a session, that was that. The trainer just waited for them to decide to come back. If they flat out refused to participate in behaviors, they still got their allotment of fish. Nothing bad happened. Not even when 20-30 people were assembled for a procedure, and the whale chose not to enter the medical pool. No big deal. Their choice and comfort were prioritized over human convenience.
It’s almost shocking to return to domestic animal medicine afterwards and watch owners use shock collars and chokers and whips to control their animals. It’s no wonder that positive reinforcement was pioneered by marine mammal trainers. When you literally can’t force an animal to do what you want, it changes your entire perspective.
I want to see that mindset extended to our domestic animals.
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politfuckery · 2 months
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This is Meredith Emerson.
At age 24, Meredith was hiking in a popular section of the Appalachian Trail when she was abducted and eventually murdered by a waste of oxygen not worth naming. 
Her decapitated body was eventually found in a forest, and her head was recovered several weeks later many miles away. 
The reason I’m sharing this story is because I want you all to know that in 2010, two years after she was killed, Hustler magazine put in an open records request, a legal tool meant to allow citizens access to government records, with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to receive copies of the photos of the crime scene and of her autopsy.
Put another way: a woman was tragically, violently, murdered by a man, and then other men tried to sell the photos of her naked, dismembered, dead body as porn.
How have the men behind this inhumane, vampiric, woman-hating industry managed to rehabilitate its image so successfully? This was 10 years ago, well within living memory of most millennials. 
I can’t comprehend how someone could convince themselves there is anything but deep, violent, sexualised hatred women at the core of porn.
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politfuckery · 2 months
calling hijra "trans" is so sinister lol. imagine a culture so homophobic and sexist they castrate effeminate boys and invented a different caste for them, to punish them and discern them from "real" men.
trans acivists applaud homophobia and mutilation
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politfuckery · 2 months
homosexuality is illegal in palestine and gaza, I don't think they want your support
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shared by homohistoric on instagram
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politfuckery · 6 months
cool motive, still terrorists, rapists and murderers
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politfuckery · 7 months
the idea of open borders really doesn’t seem radical at all to me. like, from having traveled in the eu and between scotland and england/northern ireland and the republic, i’ve seen that it can and does work. what seems extreme to me is letting people drown at sea, especially when it’s being done by the eu??
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politfuckery · 7 months
where do those "palestinian" queers in the photos live? was mrs weisberger aware that homosexuality is illegal in every country surrounding israel, including palestine, so she would be imprisoned or killed if they actually took israel back?
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"Today marks one year since the death of the People’s Bubbie Shatzi Weisberger. Before she passed, she said, “I’ll fight like hell for a free Palestine until the day I die. Then I’ll keep fighting. Your queer ancestor is with you.”
If you’ve been rising up in solidarity with Palestine these past two months, your queer ancestor is indeed with you, along with countless other antizionist Jewish ancestors. For many, family and community rifts may be especially painful right now. No matter what, you are not alone. Remember that you have a long lineage of elders and ancestors at your back.
Last night, Israel resumed its brutal bombing of Gaza and has already killed dozens of people. Shatzi would encourage all of us to do everything we can right now for a permanent, lasting ceasefire. To mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living.
Shatzi died on World AIDS Day, which was b’sheret ("destined”) because in addition to being a lifelong organizer, she was a nurse for 47 years who cared for people living and dying with AIDS.
From ACT UP’s organizing to end AIDS to the movement for Palestinian freedom, we honor the ancestors and movements who made us possible."
We will be forever grateful to the ancestors who paved the path before us. May their memories fuel us to work towards freedom for all people — no exceptions."
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politfuckery · 1 year
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politfuckery · 1 year
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I already shared the first two pictures but there was so much more to this. Are they really advocating practicing with people doing nothing in the same room, doing nothing aside from using a walker 🙄.
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politfuckery · 1 year
more people need to develop a strong set of personal values rather than a strong devotion to their politics. if you have security in your morals and basic values then your political perspective naturally grows from that later.
it’s not possible to think critically and be open minded if you use politicians, influencers and manifestos as your sole moral compass. i used to think people were just ignoring their morals and selling their souls for social media likes or that they had been fooled by misinformation until i realized that so, so many people’s identities are not based on personal core beliefs and their own innate sense of right vs wrong but rather based on having undying allegiance to a political party. terrifying to see how many people think they agree with every tenet of an ideology when that just… isn’t realistic. politics change, culture shifts, religions and ideals move like riptides but basic inner values hold steady regardless of the arena.
i’m fucking horrified that it’s become more common to parrot political pundits and to believe in whatever has the most likes this week than to have a moral compass and set of beliefs you use to analyze your choices and the world around you.
the level of cognitive dissonance, ease of spreading disinformation, rabid infighting and “chronically online” takes that this new way of approaching politics and social justice is staggering and is how sh!t like january sixth happens yet no one says anything.
this sh!t isn’t like picking sports teams or betting on horses. it’s life or death.
what do you believe in? what are the traits you find most admirable and most important? what are the top five values you hold? what are your criteria for hard decisions? what are acceptable sacrifices and what aren’t? who the fuck are you and what do you think is right or wrong or in between? why do you hate that person and love this one? what does the world need most? fuck the incessant inflow of people telling you the answers to the big questions, fuck using the approval of internet strangers as a metric for measuring your worth and your morality. what do you believe in? the answer may surprise you.
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politfuckery · 1 year
economists really took the divine right of kings and turned it into billionaire CEOs
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politfuckery · 2 years
I work with 15 year old girls who are so brainwashed by their pimps. They will try to run away from a safe place to get back to this man. They have stop orders on them if they run so we have to restrain them from going back to a life of abuse. They have specific lists of who they can call and I have to listen to their intimate conversations with mom, grandma.
Sometimes we fail. And she gets away. And we never see her again.
These same girls have their pimp aggressively looking for them. To him, she is no different than a 20 year old other than the fact she can make him much more money. To him, she is property. He calls the house to find her. He goes to family members houses posing as a social worker. He waits outside the facility in case she runs. We are to call the police when we see them. Cops show up, this man walks free. Despite being a known child trafficker with tattoos of his name on a 14 year olds body.
So when I hear you defend prostitution, this is what I hear you defending. These pimps are not anomalies and they do not solely prey upon children. They are the ones managing the women who you so strongly defend the right to abuse.
If you defend prostitution or purchase women’s bodies, you are defending child trafficking and unimaginable suffering.
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