Polar box's Cave
15 posts
Hello! Demiromantic asexual who loves drawing and crochet. He/They
Last active 60 minutes ago
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polarbox25 · 5 days ago
I lost a friendship today. It wasn't easy, but in some ways I kind of expected it. Things just felt different. They were hanging out with other people and I could tell they didn't want to be friends anymore.
I cried, a lot. It was all my fault and there was nothing I could do to fix it. I don't wish for anything bad to happen to them, I genuinely hope for the best for them. It just hurts so much.
Now hours later, it doesn't hurt as much. As if I just got over it? It's hard to explain, but I feel better knowing that in some ways we are both free, but I will miss being around them. I guess my mind has already accepted that they aren't my friend anymore.
I am to blame for this.
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polarbox25 · 9 days ago
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POV: You are Octavius and see Jedidiah.
(A bit nervous about posting this art, but I am trying to get over the pressure I put on myself to make my art look "perfect")
I hope you enjoy!
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polarbox25 · 10 days ago
Sometimes I forget the "power" we artists have. Like I realized that if I want more fan art for Night at the Museum (Jedtavius to be specific), I can just draw it. Like that so crazy to think about??! Anyway I have been working on a Jedtavius piece for a while now.
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polarbox25 · 17 days ago
I eventually want to write something fan-fiction related for sander sides. But I would like to know….
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polarbox25 · 17 days ago
Still writing more of the fanfic for Lazytown. I figured I would put some of the tropes/ideas I have so far written. Let me know what you think!
- Robbie x Sportacus is definitely the main focus, but I want them to develop a friendship first then feelings are realized, so a bit of a slow burn, but (hopefully) not unbearable.
- Robbie self reflects and realizes things don't feel the same as they used to. He isn't feeling passionate about what he does and thinks "What have I done with my life?"
- Sportacus is concerned when he thinks about how Robbie hasn't created any inventions to get him to leave or to get the tokens people to be more lazy lately. It has been a while since Sportacus had actually seen Robbie.
- Robbie ends up in the rain. Sportacus finds him and insists on helping him when he gets sick from being in the rain for too long.
- Both of them realize they have more in common than they originally thought.
- I definitely want to make it so Sportacus doesn't really see himself as this perfect person. We all have flaws and insecurities. I think it would make sense that even heroes would have some things they are insecure about or they put too much pressure on themselves.
- Mental Health would be a pretty important part of the fic. Combining mental health and physical health is something that I think will make it better than just focusing on physical health.
- Considering a bit of angst, but honestly don't want it to be too depressing.
Hopefully this was interesting, I am still working on ideas and I will keep updating when I can. :)
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polarbox25 · 23 days ago
I started writing a Lazytown Fanfic. Will this ever be seen by others? I am not sure. So far it's in that kind of where is this going phase m, but if I bold enough (keyword if) I might post on AO3. That would technically be my first fanfic work but might as well start with Lazytown.
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polarbox25 · 28 days ago
Falling into the Night at the Museum fandom again. Specifically Jedidiah x Octavius ship. I love their relationship so much. I have been trying to draw them non stop.
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polarbox25 · 1 month ago
I have this idea to paint these white sneakers to have a sportacus theme to it. I think it would be cool and a simple enough design for one of the first shoes I paint. Plus I think it would be fun to have shoes sportacus themed.
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polarbox25 · 2 months ago
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Continuing to draw Lazytown characters. I find it to be a nice challenge. I feel like muscles are always hard to draw.
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polarbox25 · 2 months ago
Continuing my trend of drawing a bit everyday. Robbie looks so excited to see sportacus. Love this look between the two of them.
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polarbox25 · 2 months ago
I legit forget sometimes that there are people out there who genuinely don't like the LGBTQIA+ community and/or who don't respect the neurodivergent community.
As an demiromantic asexual with ADHD in a friend group with a lot of people in the community and/or are neurodivergent. I legit forget there are people who genuinely think that people like my friends and I are sick in the head because of things we can't control. We can be a bit loud at times and talk about gender/romantic orientation/sexuality a lot more than others, but we are happy.
People have given me weird looks, have given uncomfortable comments, and have straight up ignored my identity when I told them I was asexual. I had no idea asexuality was a thing until a few years ago, but always felt different as a kid. So it really makes me sad to know that there are people out there who think I am mentally ill, have some sort of problem, or was traumatized because I asexual.
To all my friends out there who are in the LGBTQIA+ community, who are neurodivergent, or both, please know there are people who see and respect who you are. 💜
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polarbox25 · 2 months ago
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Trying to push myself outside my comfort zone. I want to work more with inking my drawings. Thought this picture would be fun to draw. I hope you enjoy!
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polarbox25 · 10 months ago
I know that Shrek is a meme with a lot of people (it makes sense). But honestly the scene in Shrek 2 where Shrek goes into Far Far Away with his human appearance kind of made me feel emotional.
Here is this character who has felt unapproachable just based on appearance and has had all these expectations placed on him. He literally says people would take one look at him and say he was a big, stupid, ugly, orge. He is clearly very hurt by these words despite trying to not act like it, but being told words like that is likely what causes him to be so angry at other people. He fears their judgement.
So after he takes the Fairy Godmother's potion, and is shocked at how he appears. He arrives in Far Far Away, nervous as hell. He already knows how people reacted to his appearance before when he was an orge. So when he sees people with torches and pitchforks he gives a small wave, very clearly nervous and not knowing what to do. They smile and wave back. He seems surprised by the reaction. Not used to being smiled at and people not being scared of him. He even looks in the reflection of the windows, sees himself and smiles. Like he feels proud of what he looks like and genuinely feels happy.
Also the lyrics of Changes saying, 🎶Just going to have to be a different man🎶 is just amazing. He hasn't changed personality, just appearance. His confidence however has changed he feels like people can see him as more than just how he looks. I feel like this moment is a bit overlooked in the movie.
Despite the Shrek movies being goofy and silly, I do genuinely think there are important themes in them.
TL;DR: Shrek 2 has moments of Shrek feeling confident because of his new appearance as a human. It shows how much he felt hurt by the stereotypes and expectations he has because of his appearance as an orge.
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polarbox25 · 1 year ago
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Some digital Luigi art. I hope you like it!
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polarbox25 · 1 year ago
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I have always been a Luigi fan fan. Look at this boy! 💚
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