pohtiongho · 4 months
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pohtiongho · 4 months
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pohtiongho · 11 months
In That House
In that house, at around 6 pm one day, in the shared kitchen, my mother was preparing our dinner, suddenly 3rd uncle flung a stool at her. It went up and dropped in a curve before reaching my mum. She blocked it with her left arm and got bruises on her upper and lowered arm. She rushed to my guakong house to seek treatment. More than an hour later, she returned to prepare the dinner. Kim Toh was outside the house at that moment, and Kim Yong was in the bedroom upstairs. He was then slightly more than 12 months old. I was the only one who saw the incident with horror. My dad was still in Masapol looking after the rubber Estate.
The 4th uncle was still living there. He too would always abuse my mum with sarcastic and harsh words. My zeechim and sachim would always whisper to each other. My mum told me those people wanted to kick us out of the house and land.
For that night we ate dinner with a lighted kerosene lamp. And not a single was  mentioned about the assault because of the fear of another attack.
Before Nienie moved to Batu Arang, to live with her brother Kim Suah, she gave all her cows and goats to Chau Tham. The house of Kim Suah was subsided by Nienie  and she was allocated a huge room. NieNie also had a share on a hardware shop operated by KIm Suah, in Labuan. The shop was named Sin Lee Company. Nienie bought another parcel of land near the tamu ground in Labuan and named it under the 4th uncle because that uncle had not been allocated a share on the land at Sg. Kerling.
There were two huts for cows to sleep in at night, and another hut for the goats too. Before Nienie left, there were also about 10 pigs in another hut. But she sold all before she left. The pigs were fed with pigweeds, grown on that land too. Sweet potatoes and the shoots of the potatos were also used to feed the pigs.
Before the Japanese invaded China, my yehyeh bought the parcel of land in Sg Kerling, which was a forest, and had a timber house built. Five wells were dug. He planted hill padi enough for the whole family for one year. The padi was grown every year, then. More than one acre was grown with padi. The remaining areas were planted with coconut trees, each about 30 feet from the other. So apart from eating weeds, the pigs were fed with crushed coconut too. They also planted various types of fruit trees. I remember there were pamelo, jackfruit, mango, guavas, limes etc. They also grew plenty yams, tapioca, sweet potatoes, and kangkong.
Ah Tham inherited 5 cows and about 6 goats from Nienie. And the cows used the heads to break into mother’s vegetable garden which had a complete fence made of timber and coconut leaves. The cows ate up some of the vege. That garden was about 24 feet by 44 feet. She built that all by herself. Each bed for the vege was about 3 feet wide, 22 feet long  and 10 inches high. The first two beds were with long beans, followed by 2 beds of spinach, 
with another 2 beds of cucumber. The other 6 beds were with okra, brinjal, changkok manis, and yams. Every week, mother would harvest the vege and carried them in two baskets with a bamboo bar on her shoulder, to Guakong house who would bring them to the vegetable sellers at the market on the morning of the following day.
Mother also collected about 10 coconuts each week, removed the husks, held the nut on the left palm, and split the nut into halves by hitting the nut at the center between the top and the bottom of the nut, with the blunt side of a chopper.
She then removed the coconut meat or flesh as some people called it. She grated all the meats and then put all the grated flesh into a large container. Then she held the grated coconut into both palms and squeezed it to collect the milk in another container. That container is then covered and left until the next day, when the fat formed on the top of the container. A large spoon was used to skim off all the fat and leave the fat in the wok, to boil it. A brownish chunky waste would float to the top. She would collect this waste to put on a wire mesh on top of the wok for some oil to drip down from the waste. Three and a half large coconuts would produce one litre of oil. The oil was filled in clean bear bottle, and tightly plugged with corks. Every week, she would bring few bottles of oil to my guakong who would help to bring them to the market for sale.
My mother also used to buy some bamboos from the Malay villages to weave baskets and sieves. These too were passed on to guakong who would help to sell them at the market. The shirts and shorts we wore were also tailored by my mother. She would prepared all the required pieces of clothes and bring them to a neighbour’s house to use their machine for sewing.
The three partitions of the land was suggested by my Nienie, and it was obvious Ah Tham and Ah Yam grapped the better portions because during dry season, they needed the extra well of water to grow their vegetables. Later on Ah Yam managed to  change the owner of the land his himself alone, after my Nienie passed away. Ah Tham moved out after he had sold all the cows and goats.
I left that house at aged 9, stopping schooling to assist my father run a sundry shop at Lajau. My daddy started that shop because he lost his job while working for another person whose shop was closed down. I learned to cook and collect dried fire wood and also buying and selling. Many months later my mum and all the other sibblings too left the Sg. Kerling house to join us after we move to Lajau. I told my mum I wanted to go to school. The following year, she sent me to school, and bought me a small bicycle.
In the same year Dad found another job, and we moved to Batu Arang , in 1955 after the Chinese New Year.
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pohtiongho · 11 months
In That House
In that house, at around 6 pm one day, in the shared kitchen, my mother was preparing our dinner, suddenly 3rd uncle flung a stool at her. It went up and dropped in a curve before reaching my mum. She blocked it with her left arm and got bruises on her upper and lowered arm. She rushed to my guakong house to seek treatment. More than an hour later, she returned to prepare the dinner. Kim Toh was outside the house at that moment, and Kim Yong was in the bedroom upstairs. He was then slightly more than 12 months old. I was the only one who saw the incident with horror. My dad was still in Masapol looking after the rubber Estate.
The 4th uncle was still living there. He too would always abuse my mum with sarcastic and harsh words. My zeechim and sachim would always whisper to each other. My mum told me those people wanted to kick us out of the house and land.
For that night we ate dinner with a lighted kerosene lamp. And not a single was  mentioned about the assault because of the fear of another attack.
Before Nienie moved to Batu Arang, to live with her brother Kim Suah, she gave all her cows and goats to Chau Tham. The house of Kim Suah was subsided by Nienie  and she was allocated a huge room. NieNie also had a share on a hardware shop operated by KIm Suah, in Labuan. The shop was named Sin Lee Company. Nienie bought another parcel of land near the tamu ground in Labuan and named it under the 4th uncle because that uncle had not been allocated a share on the land at Sg. Kerling.
There were two huts for cows to sleep in at night, and another hut for the goats too. Before Nienie left, there were also about 10 pigs in another hut. But she sold all before she left. The pigs were fed with pigweeds, grown on that land too. Sweet potatoes and the shoots of the potatos were also used to feed the pigs.
Before the Japanese invaded China, my yehyeh bought the parcel of land in Sg Kerling, which was a forest, and had a timber house built. Five wells were dug. He planted hill padi enough for the whole family for one year. The padi was grown every year, then. More than one acre was grown with padi. The remaining areas were planted with coconut trees, each about 30 feet from the other. So apart from eating weeds, the pigs were fed with crushed coconut too. They also planted various types of fruit trees. I remember there were pamelo, jackfruit, mango, guavas, limes etc. They also grew plenty yams, tapioca, sweet potatoes, and kangkong.
Ah Tham inherited 5 cows and about 6 goats from Nienie. And the cows used the heads to break into mother’s vegetable garden which had a complete fence made of timber and coconut leaves. The cows ate up some of the vege. That garden was about 24 feet by 44 feet. She built that all by herself. Each bed for the vege was about 3 feet wide, 22 feet long  and 10 inches high. The first two beds were with long beans, followed by 2 beds of spinach,
with another 2 beds of cucumber. The other 6 beds were with okra, brinjal, changkok manis, and yams. Every week, mother would harvest the vege and carried them in two baskets with a bamboo bar on her shoulder, to Guakong house who would bring them to the vegetable sellers at the market on the morning of the following day.
Mother also collected about 10 coconuts each week, removed the husks, held the nut on the left palm, and split the nut into halves by hitting the nut at the center between the top and the bottom of the nut, with the blunt side of a chopper.
She then removed the coconut meat or flesh as some people called it. She grated all the meats and then put all the grated flesh into a large container. Then she held the grated coconut into both palms and squeezed it to collect the milk in another container. That container is then covered and left until the next day, when the fat formed on the top of the container. A large spoon was used to skim off all the fat and leave the fat in the wok, to boil it. A brownish chunky waste would float to the top. She would collect this waste to put on a wire mesh on top of the wok for some oil to drip down from the waste. Three and a half large coconuts would produce one litre of oil. The oil was filled in clean bear bottle, and tightly plugged with corks. Every week, she would bring few bottles of oil to my guakong who would help to bring them to the market for sale.
My mother also used to buy some bamboos from the Malay villages to weave baskets and sieves. These too were passed on to guakong who would help to sell them at the market. The shirts and shorts we wore were also tailored by my mother. She would prepared all the required pieces of clothes and bring them to a neighbour’s house to use their machine for sewing.
The three partitions of the land was suggested by my Nienie, and it was obvious Ah Tham and Ah Yam grapped the better portions because during dry season, they needed the extra well of water to grow their vegetables. Later on Ah Yam managed to  change the owner of the land his himself alone, after my Nienie passed away. Ah Tham moved out after he had sold all the cows and goats.
I left that house at aged 9, stopping schooling to assist my father run a sundry shop at Lajau. My daddy started that shop because he lost his job while working for another person whose shop was closed down. I learned to cook and collect dried fire wood and also buying and selling. Many months later my mum and all the other sibblings too left the Sg. Kerling house to join us after we move to Lajau. I told my mum I wanted to go to school. The following year, she sent me to school, and bought me a small bicycle.
In the same year Dad found another job, and we moved to Batu Arang , in 1955 after the Chinese New Year.
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pohtiongho · 11 months
The Story of a Greedy Man
This guy was telling me that when a gigantic tree had been chopped down, all the evil and greedy monkeys would be exposed. These monkeys would be running everywhere, scheming, plotting, and plundering. History has never been short of such incidents, because that was part of human nature.
This greedy man was very interested to overthrow the existing government.  He had been running down the good name of the statesmen in the ruling government.  I told him that if he was sincere, he should join the Opposition, help to run the party, and maybe he could stand out and be on the top.  Every country is short of dynamic leaders who could make positive contribution. He disliked the idea because he must be the top man. So this coward approached an old man, over 80 years old, and assisted him to have a new party registered. Two years after that party was officially registered, the old man passed away.
 I told that greedy guy there was no need to have another party registered, because it was obvious that the Opposition was improving, as during the last three GEs (general elections), the number of members of parliament for that party was rising after every election. It was a matter of time that it would form the next government, may be 10 years from today, maybe 15 years. What sort of statesman are you if you cannot wait 10 to 15 years?  When a gardener drops a durian seed on the ground, do you know how many years he has to wait before that tree can bear fruits? Your yard will start to bloom, after many years of tender care.
Online anonymity enables these cowards to shout as if they are really brave, posting defamatory and insulting remarks everywhere.  Those lies go viral within minutes. Wild claims and hearsay are no substitute for solid evidence. These hypocrites who despite their malicious intention, pretend to have good will and sympathy. We are now sure of their ulterior motive.  These are the jealous and lascivious bandits. Hatred, greed and jealousy burn and smolder in their heart. They are always defamatory, scandalous and untrue.  They are always armed with vociferous quackery, and stoking sectarian tension is their best skill. They don’t even know that honesty enhance human’s physical, psychological and spiritual life. We want accountability, and political corruption must be stopped. The barbarity of what happened in the past has attracted international attention.
To retain your sanity, you must not get involved with ruthless and tyrannical party. People look for an alternative because they want concrete answers to the economy and social crises. A matured person will be stable, compassionate, and humble. He will have clarity of the mind. The public must prevent the thugs from fanning the flames of fear, jealousy and hatred.  These thugs are good at creating the ill will of schism which can last for centuries.
If you can put forward-looking, progressive, modern, liberal, enterprising, and dynamic government, why not come forward sincerely and introduce yourself? How do you narrow down the gap between rich and poor, which is now widening?
The gadflies are annoying.  They are evil and greedy. They swindled and murdered, just like mad people. Why are they still walking freely on the streets? The heroes are only trying to jettison decades of barbarity created by colonists. Integrity, reliability and openness, made it a catalyst for freedom, and prosperity.
This greed which seizes them tenaciously, is embedded in their subconscious part of the mind, for so long that their stubbornness and tenacity grow stronger every day. Even if they have accumulated 1 000000 tons of gold in the Swiss Bank, they would still be not satisfied and would not be happy if they have not cheated or swindled for just one day. It is indeed more thuggery than anything else. The Treasury is a mine of gold. That is the only reason they want to run the government.
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pohtiongho · 11 months
The Way of the Thugs
When little kids are bragging about their almighty fathers, I don’t want to be involved. But I have met others who bragged on their fat salary. Club promoters, who pretended to be writers’ society members, were there to bring beautiful women to exclusive parties. Their club attracts big spending clients from among the young global elite, who are willing to spend thousands of dollars on alcohol and women per night.
Those poor ladies are recruited through friends of friends, scouted on the streets, from writers’ societies etc. Gifts and perks like free drinks, housing etc. (no small things for the underpaid fashion workers) are the main baits. The exchange of women’s body for US$1000.00 per night is normal, and it is of course consensual. Women agreed to their own exploitation, because of flattered egos. These girls meet important people at those events, but are they able to leverage anything?
Do you know how the thugs coerce people on the street to work for them? They first ask how much you earn every month.  Then they laugh at you saying that is peanut. They pity you. They are trained to emotionally manipulate people, in order to win their trust.
After that they say they have friends at high places who deal with sending small packages to buyers in other countries and their reward is more than ten times what you are earning now. The opportunity is only open now. You must take it or leave it. And then they go on to convince you that it is very safe because you only need to fasten that small package to a piece of rectangular magnet, and stick it under other people’s car. When that car reaches the other country, you go there and collect the package after the driver has left that car. Then you hand it over to the buyer, collect the money, and bank in the balance after deducting your share, to the account of your boss.
My article speaks volumes on this topic and is only the tip of an iceberg. At the moment, they can hoodwink, mislead, and cheat, but for how long?
Craving keeps addicts addicted, so the greed for money also keeps these cheats addicted. Online anonymity enables these cowards to shout as if they are really brave, they post defamatory and insulting remarks everywhere. Hiding behind their pseudonyms these ruthless and tyrannical assholes use the internet to denigrate others and even other religions. We simply ignore them and continue writing.
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pohtiongho · 1 year
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What Buddhists Must Know (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1389445799-what-buddhists-must-know?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=FuHer1&wp_originator=ZLKksZqaypXJFyIiuXArj5bWwQV4IQPdmIkcbAJhM1pQCwjp%2Bgikirl5Wxk%2B%2Fv6I8IHIMQTWaBPr%2FbbkOdmbVhXaZBYK4miBwQ%2FiEzczgI7Iup6aUfc%2BwQzOdGKdmClL This book tells you what Buddhism is.
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pohtiongho · 1 year
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The British Agent (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1389393766-the-british-agent?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=FuHer1&wp_originator=V9hwfH3mYj38E%2BK01%2B1bP5viygwEP55VmtzuHdKKn24METF%2BiioYUBjWlMzpknJTgStCXcwQB7EsL6ogboNuHQ9YAm%2BtGPOIkaFJwaQgkbsvbdxXX9z4GyzNmk34UNHk Why do you think there are millions of Chinese today still willing to assist the white men to take down China?
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pohtiongho · 1 year
Oppressed Labourer
Young Bala came from Afghanistan when he was a kid. His father started a tailoring shop in Singapore before World War II. Bala who was small in size was always looked upon as the pigmy of the class. He completed his primary education in an English medium school. He used to try very hard to join the primary school football team and his training in other games and athletic events were persistent. After trying hard and failed to be selected for any team to represent his school, he diverted his attention to something else. He made himself the Sports Officer of the Singapore Association of Youths. Expensive dance tickets were sold every month.
One Saturday morning, a student knocked on David's door.
" Good morning, Sir. Would you like to buy a dance ticket?"
In order to please this innocent girl, David bought one even though he knew it meant more drink and smoke for the organizer.
The following month, David's door was knocked again. This time, a man with two Form 5 girls were there.
"Mr. David, would you like to contribute to the National Disaster Fund?" Bala asked.
" I'll donate only if you show me the official permit from the government," David answered.
Bala apologized and hurried off. The two girls thought they met another nasty guy.
" Don't you think he had been rude?" Carol whispered when they reached the car.
" Yes, indeed he was very rude. We should not see him again," Bala answered.
" Why didn't you bring the letter from the O.C.P.D.?" Carol enquired ignorantly.
" I forgot it."
Many months passed. No one knew about the fund raising incident. During a cricket match, Bala met David, who was the bowler from the education team. When the ball went too far from the sticks, Bala would deliberately boo sarcastically.
" David. Go back to Pulau Ubin. It's your best place," Bala commented half jokingly.
" Why didn't you remain in Afghanistan eating tapioca?" David began to show his temper.
At 12 pm, the match ended not too happily. All the players, went as usual, to the recreation club which was just next to the field. David ordered a roast chicken and some rice. The steaming fowl made saliva poured and the more intelligent ones started to sip their tea. That was why I didn't enjoy going to restaurants where the service was slow. Bala, whose salivary gland was most activated, made himself invited.
" Pull a chair and sit down, " David invited him as he was standing by the side of the table, and pulled a drum stick for the guest who devoured it straight away. Sweat rolled down from his forehead and his face was wet.
David sympathized with this unpleasant personality. After all, every living being must have the Buddha nature too.
" Would you like to have a dance ticket?" Bala murmured.
"Why ? You should give me one free of charge, for that drum stick."
" I didn't say you must pay for this ticket?" Bala took that ticket from the table and went away. He knew that it was too obvious he had to move to another locality.
This young man shifted over to JB ( in Malaysia) and made himself the chairman of the hockey association there. Unpaid position sometimes are more lucrative than the salaried position He was able to make some money by marking up the articles for the association which he volunteered to purchase.
After spending the life of a tramp, Bala eventually decided he should take a wife. He came back to Punggol and talk to his mother about it. Singapore was not a good hunting ground for him though there were more marriageable females than males.
"Son. They were saying to find a wife was as easy as getting a pebble on the road," the mother comforted him.
" But mother, I don't like those silly girls here. For example, they laughed at us. They said our atap house was built of palm leaves and baku wood, and that it was standing on another person's land."
" Son, if you don't want to be hurt, no one will be successful in hurting you. Roger may be able to introduce you one from Malaysia."
" Won't he laugh at me?"
"No. I'll tell him Bala refused to get married because they were no eligible girls here. For example, your horoscope and their horoscope cannot match."
" Excellent, Mother," Bala's face brightened. He knew Roger would not fail him.
Roger, a young teacher was then invited to the humble hut of this family.
" Your mother told me you had not found a suitable partner in Singapore?"
"Oh, those silly girls. How could I ever settle down with any of them?"
Roger went to spend his Easter holiday in Malaysia. He was wondering if he should recommend a Chinese, Malay, or Indian? Malaysians were materialistic. It was a fact that if a non-Chinese wanted to marry a Chinese girl, he must be rich. Malay girls adored only gallant knights. Poor Bala would never have a chance. Roger eventually concluded that an Indian girl was the answer. Roger went to JB to hunt for the suitable girl who would accept the photo of Bala.
" I can recommend you a sexy one from my estate," Joe studied hard on that teacher.
"How much can you offer ? My share and her mother's ?"
" Doesn't she have a father?"
" Her father was involved in flying a small plane to smuggle in heroin from Thailand to Malaysia. He escaped a few trips but one day as the plane was landing on a beach during low tide, it ran over a boulder and he was killed. You can take her if you offer me RM
2000 and another RM 2000 for her mother. I can easily persuade her since I'm the boss here. Her employment is at my pleasure."
The sum was paid.
" She is yours by tonight. Have a good time, my dear friend."
At the Tanjong Pagar to welcome Joan and Roger were Bala and his mother.
" Look, mother, that's the girl," Bala pointed at Roger and Joan.
" Yes, son. Roger is surely a good fellow."
Roger went his way after handing over the girl to the waiting man. Bala hired a taxi to return to Punggol with Joan and his mother.
" Joan, how do you like our small house?" Bala asked.
" I'm not suppose to comment, mum told me before I left JB."
" This place will be very prosperous within a few years. The government had planned to build a MRT here. I 'm sure by then the huge shopping malls, schools, and others would be constructed. We are very lucky to be living at this location."
In the evening, the family went to have dinner at the food court. They dined silently. Joan adapted herself well, though inwardly she was very worried. A thousand and one
questions struck her. Bala, with a new tie on his neck, looked proud. Every now and then, he liked to look aside, as if posing for a cameraman. His shirt sleeves were too long for him. He strolled slowly but elegantly along the street. They came to a bench under a tree. He cleaned it for the lady to sit down.
" Singapore is a wonderful place. Before I arrived, I thought you had pick-pockets rushing about the town."
The crescent moon hang at about 40 degrees on the sky. On the water surface, the moonlight beams were wavering. Cars speeded by behind the bench, just about three feet away.
" You fellows drive as fast as those in JB."
" Any fool can drive fast," Bala told her.
They returned home by the last bus that night. The poor mother who left earlier walked home as that was her method of saving some money. The marriage was fine and Joan did enjoyed it as a lady should. Unfortunately, Bala began to get frustrated. First off all, he could not find more money to lead a better life. Fate was deadly against him. He strived hard but was only able to make ends meet. Joan helped the family by doing laundry work. This meant better foods and clothes. Bala's drinking habit got worse.
Years passed. Bala's mother died of old age, just like his father. Nothing in this universe remains unchanged. The family consisted of only husband and wife. The family went to a temple to supplicate, thinking that Joan was not fertile. Surprisingly, Joan conceived after the temple visit and nine months later, a daughter was born. The devas do help us at times, don’t they ? They named her Sheila.
Bala had been a construction worker and only started to have problem with the daughter when she was nine years old.
" Why don't you teach in school like Mr. Chung and Mr. George ?" the inquisitive daughter asked him.
" Why? Am I not doing a honourable job?"
" But teachers said all labourers were uneducated. They said if we didn't work hard we would be labourers one day."
" Who said so?" the furious father clenched his fists.
" Mr. Chung and Mr. George."
The agitated father rushed to the quarters of Mr. Chung and Mr. George, both were bachelors.
"You're Chung and George? Why did you tell my daughter labourers were uneducated?"
" I'm sorry. I said that to encourage my students to work harder. I didn't mean to insult anybody," George replied.
" Didn't you infer at me?"
" No, I didn't even know you."
" I'm Bala, Sheila's father."
"Glad to know you Bala. She is a smart girl."
"Next time you insult me again, I'll knock some teeth out of your bloody big mouth."
" There is nothing wrong in being labourers. My father was one and so was Mr. George's father," Chung who was impatient joined in.
" You bloody Chinaman. You think you're smart because you 're a teacher?"
Bala wheeled and walked off. He came home very much relieved. Sheila was waiting for him at the gate which was in front of the house.
" Where did you go, papa?"
" I went to see your stupid teachers."
The tired man went to sleep after dinner. At 11 o'clock that night he had to work again but the overtime pay was good so Bala did not mind at all. Joan filled his metal can with black coffee and got ready the basket and the safety hat in case he woke up late and started shouting again.
The next morning he came home mentally and physically exhausted as the engine noise at the construction site nearly deafened him. He spent the whole morning in bed. In the afternoon he went off to work again. That afternoon, the Exploration Society of Punggol Primary School organized a trip to visit a building site. It was a coincident that Sheila was in the group and the site was where Bala worked. This construction site occupied about 100 acres and was the then biggest construction site in Singapore. Mr.Tan the general manager took the group of the students and the teacher Mr. Matai to the various places of interest. On the way Bala was seen carrying two bags of cement on his back. He stopped to call his daughter Sheila. Sheila ignored him and moved on with the group. The
man's eyes were filled with tears and he took the two bags on his back again. The engines seemed to roar louder. No one noticed him. The hurt father came home that night, storming the daughter and the mother.
"You donkey. Why didn't you answer me?" he pulled the girl by the hair, her face thus tilted up.
"Let her go. What had she done?" the wife yelled at him.
" Why? She was ashamed of her own father."
"Does that matter?"
"I struggled and sweated hoping to bring up a good family and here I'm, rejected by my own daughter."
The building project was near completion. Bala was transferred to work at the wharf. He loved his new place as he could have a lung-full of fresh air. Moreover, there were the roaring waves which he enjoyed watching. The terrible heat from the fierce hot sun was not felt as much as at the construction site. He remained a labourer here for several years mainly because all foremen he worked for used to write very bad reports about him, accusing him of not safety conscious, stealing company articles from the incoming cargoes, laziness, not able to corporate with the colleages etc. In actual fact, the company properties were stolen by the foremen and the security guards. Some people say good people die young. Perhaps they were right. Joan died at the age of 29, when Sheila was only 13. Sheila had to leave school and grew up overnight taking over the mother's place of housekeeping.
Bala did not seem to miss his wife. He went on with his job as usual and was probably much happier now because there was no one to complain about his drinking habit. Every day he would spend half of what he received on beer, all the time taking it with his cronies at the local cafeteria at about 6 pm. before he came home to rest.
One stormy night, Bala came home after loading a ship that was leaving at midnight. Lightning flashed and thunders banked in the sky. Torrential rain poured as if the earth must be flooded. Bala was soaking wet when he reached home. He bathed, took a light meal and went to sleep. There being only one room in the hut, he slept in the sitting room on a canvas bed. Sheila's room was forced open by the wind. This adolescent had the body of a matured lady. Bala's sexual desire was aroused when he saw the sleeping girl. He did not have enough money to frequent the brothels. There was no solution. He entered the room and undressed her. The lightning was followed by a big bank. The rain poured more heavily. Sheila woke up and asked.
" What do you want, Papa?"
" Not anything."
Sheila tried to put on her dress but Bala took it and threw it away. He jumped on her. THe thunder bolt was brilliant as it passed from the clouds to the earth. It was about  2 inches in diameter, and about 200 meters long. The banging sound was deaftening. Was it trying to kill someone? When he had his tension released, he left the room,  leaving the girl crying. From that day onward she had to submit. In order to help the family expenses, Sheila worked in a coffee bar. This hard working and frugal beauty attracted the owner who threatened to expel her if she refused his advances. So she had to entertain whenever the owner wished. She grew up that way, seeing nothing in these scoundrels except their sexual greed, which grew more and more intense every day. What else could the country men understand except the temporal enjoyment?
At the age of 18, there were many young men who wanted to marry her. She rejected all partly because her father was still living and partly because men were only vicious brutes to her. She found more happiness in solitude. One limping gentleman came in to introduce himself as a Construction Company owner from Luyang Offshore Supply Base. He was Chinese and he wanted Sheila to be his second wife. He thought his income could attract her but didn't know the lady had no greed for his money. Sheila refused to offer her body for money and begged the man to invite other girls instead. But this rich man said he was in love with her and he offered his condo keys and the key to his BMW telling her to make use of the BMW and the condo whenever she wanted to. All her colleagues said she was stupid to turn down such a good offer. Was she ?
"You will be rich if your marry him, Sheila" one of the senior colleagues advised her.
" No, I don't like his behaviour. The first time he met me in this shop he asked me how much I would charge him for one shot (meaning to have one sexual session with him). I have no respect for people like this and I don't need much money in this life. Let me wait for a better man."
One Friday night, Sheila was personally informed that her father was knocked down by a lorry at a pedestrians crossing. He died on the spot, leaving Sheila to start her own life. The police report said that the traffic light was green and the lorry driver was running at only 50 km per hour. The driver had another passenger on the front seat to be the witness. Dead man cannot talk.
2810 words
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pohtiongho · 1 year
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pohtiongho · 1 year
Unintentional Incidents
Unintentional Incidents
Tiong Ho Poh
Copyright 2016 Tiong Ho Poh
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or used in any manner whatsoever without the prior written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in book reviews, scholarly journals, blogs, and noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Johnny and Basil were in the same class and graduated from the same university abroad.  One day Johnny called up and said he was on his way to report duty in Australia and would like to drop in to have a cup of tea with Basil. Basil invited him to stay with the family because he had an extra room.  Johnny thought it was a great idea. He dropped in and met Basil in the office, and later came to stay with the family for one night. The next morning, it was also his time to leave.
The children had all gone off to schools and the husband too had gone out to work and would  not be back  until the evening. Johnny and Jenny were the only people in the house. She served him the breakfast, hot coffee and others. She was also having coffee with him, sitting on his side.  She could see the erected penis under the thin cotton shorts he was wearing.  She cast a look at that protruded cloth. Johnny knew she was watching. He stood up, put his arms around her. Her silk sarong skirt which was only tucked above the nipples, went loose and dropped gently to the floor, leaving her totally naked as she had not put on an underwear.
In South East Asia, the sarong is used widely and as far as sex is concerned, it is a quick and convenient apparel. During kissing the lady just shakes her body and the whole piece drops on the floor because she only ties it with one knot on her breast!
She either ties a single knot on her breast or gathers many folds on the upper portion of the sarong and tucks them between her breast and the fabric. So when the man is busy sucking her tongue, he can lightly pull one end of the knot and the sarong will naturally drop off. Or he simply unfold the tucked in portion and the sarong will drop too. Because of the tropical heat, most ladies actually don't put on the panties when they are in or around their own house.
No man can stand it. Johnny put his mouth on hers and pushed his tongue in. She did not refuse.  He pushed her on the floor and she opened her legs wide, surely a sign of approval. He went in and started to push in and out. She squealed with pleasure. He then sucked her throat, her nipples and then went down on her cunt.  After that he went up to her mouth again and sucked her tongue and blew off all the sperm into her. She loved the warm sperms running inside her.  Isn’t it ashamed that her own husband was not able to give her such pleasure, after so many years of marriage?
“If you don’t mention it, nobody will ever know about this,”  Johnny assured her when it was over, with her still under him.
“I know. I would have done it with my own fingers in my own room, if you had not done it for me. I knew your dick was flicking under the table, as I saw the protruded portion on the cloth. I love this explosive feeling, and fantasying. My muscles moved and vibrated.”
 “Just wash it and forget about it. If your husband finds out I’m in great trouble,” Johnny continued.
“You think I’m so stupid as to let him know about this?”
“You’re a beautiful lady.  Most men will not be able to refuse it if they have the chance, to kiss you, suck your tongue and go inside you. I knew you would not object because you were casting looks at my projected portion under the table. Am I the first man you gave this chance, apart from your husband?”
“You are the lucky one.”
“Why have all the other men never asked for it, or they have to ask for it ?”
“They had no chance because my husband or the children were always around. One guy wanted to take me up into a hotel room, but all the staff in the hotel knew me.  This is a small town. I did not want to take the risk.”
“You really enjoyed it with me, as if you never had this experience before. Why?” 
“The contractors dealing with Basil’s company always provide him with wine, women and free foods. When he reached home at night, he had no more time and energy for me. I only enjoyed it with him once or twice a month.”
“Why don’t you take up the case and divorce him?”
“I can’t because we are Chinese, We don’t want to hurt the children and our reputation. I am used to this by now. Can you give me another time before you fly off today?” 
“Definitely, I would love it. But please tell me what you want so that I can really help you?”
“OK, later on. Can you make it within three hours from now?”
“No problem, I will try.”
“Don’t be shy, just tell me what you want?”
“I want you to suck my tongue, my neck, nipples, and my cunt down to my ankle. Can you suck and lick like that before going in? Please don’t suck hard on the neck, because there will be marks coming out.”
“I will do as you want. Let’s rest for the next two hours.”
 “Do you have some body lotion which I can use to massage your body?”
She went out to the pharmacy to buy one bottle, recommended by the pharmacist. After lunch they had to do it fast because the children would be back by 3.00 o’clock.  Both of them took a bathe and then rubbed the bodies dry. She laid totally naked on her bed with a towel under her and Johnny removed all his clothes and started to do his duty.  He mixed plenty Australian honey with the lotion. She had never had this other experience. No words can describe it. Isn’t this the reason why many rich men’s wives run off with their husbands’ workers?
 After the thirty minutes message, Johnny began to have an erection. He started to lick and kiss her all over the body for the next ten minutes, as promised.  It was the first time someone rubbed honey into her cunt and licked it. Johnny then got on her and started to pump again.  One orgasm came after another. She was lucky. Many women never had this experience.  She told Johnny to stop working and pulled out. She took the huge dick in her palms, kissed it and put it in her mouth to such it. It was sweet because of the honey.  She told Johnny that his dick was longer and bigger than what Basil had.
So eventually Johnny had to stop, with her tongue still in his mouth and the dick still inside her. She had to watch the time because the mess must be cleaned up before the children come home and the towel washed properly.
When the children came home, they had their lunch and then they went in the family car to fetch Basil and to send Johnny  to the airport. Jenny behaved naturally at the airport when they children told Johnny: “Uncle, please come again.”
“Bye, everybody, please visit me in Australia, during you next school holiday.”
There was no need to fly to Australia as we were told few weeks later Basil had been posted to work off shore, coming home for rest every two weeks. It was up to Johnny to decide how many times he wanted to return. Later on we heard Jenny had to go for jab every three months so that she would not get pregnant.
After plenty visits and many orgasms for more than a year.  Jenny had to fight with Johnny regarding sending Helen to Australia for higher studies.
“Why should  she  go there? We have schools which are just as good in Singapore?” Johnny wanted to know.
“Yes, I know. But we want her to have a change of environment which will improve her life.  She has to see more of this world to grow up to be a better person. She needs the exposure,” Jenny argued.
After many weeks of tug-o-war, Johnny agreed.  So Helen took up her higher studies in Australia, where most Singaporeans still thought was  an advantage.  It was indeed more enjoyable there, with the newly found freedom and the changes on environment.  However, things cropped up in the most unexpected way. 
One night as Johnny was pumping Jenny in the room, Helen came in, wishing to talk to her mother. She was shocked to see her mother in the arms of Johnny, both totally naked, and she was having an orgasm.  Johnny stood up and pulled Helen into his arms and began to kiss her on the lips, and pushed his tongue into her mouth. She was too shocked to push him away, partly as she too enjoyed it tremendously. The mother did not response. Johnny pulled up her blouse, unzipped her bras, pulled down her jeans, and then the satin panties.  She was motionless, but enjoyed his tongue inside her mouth. Her vagina was getting wet. Johnny could see it. 
“Why are you shivering now? Is it your first time?  Don’t worry.  It won’t hurt,” Johnny couldn’t believe it.
She nodded her head.  Johnny led her to the bed and went inside her,  the blood was flowing slowly on the bed sheet. He kept on pumping her and ejaculated inside her with her tongue still in his mouth. She had an ecstasy.  He pulled out and went to his own room.  Johnny could only ejaculate into one of them.  How do you treat two ladies equally? The  ladies lay on the bed watching the ceiling and then Helen went on.
“Why didn’t you stop him, mother?  I may get pregnant.”
“Why? Didn’t you enjoy it?  Why didn’t you leave immediately after seeing us on the bed? You have to give it to somebody one day, why not now? You are going to medical school next year.  It doesn’t matter if you conceive now. Why didn’t you give it to that Singapore boyfriend? ”
“We only kissed, and massaged each other, and I only allowed him to put his fingers inside.  He told me to allow him go inside my mouth. So he ejaculated inside my mouth and he was happy. I was not sure if I wanted to marry him. He also enjoyed being sucked and licked by me on his implement.”
“Why are you unfaithful to father?”
“Didn’t he spend most of his time with the office girls and those women provided by the contractors? I am leaving tomorrow morning and Johnny asked for it once, before I go off. I am just like any other lady, I need it.  Does it hurt anyone? Moreover, Johnny said he wanted to marry you.”
“What is his age?”
“40. He has two sons in England but he had divorced his wife. He said if you marry him, you would be an Australian citizen and you pay local tuition fees.  Isn’t this a good deal?”
“Why did he divorce his wife?”
“He was working offshore on a three-month rotation basis. His wife brought in the ex-boyfriend.  Poor woman. It must be very hard on her?”
“What would happen if I don’t marry him?”
“I will drug your foods and drinks and make sure you eventually love him. He wants you and he also wants me.  You are my daughter. Can’t you stand it? Whenever he wants to do it, please never refuse him. He is good at it and I’m sure you will love it. Just like he did it few minutes ago.  Didn’t he satisfy you? Why were you shivering when he undressed you?”
“His dick was very long and big. I never saw one like that before, and I thought it was going to be painful. It was about seven inches long with a diameter of about 1.5 inch.  Thanks God, there was only slight pain when the hymen was broken. That hymen was actually pulled out by his head of the implement. It’s still on the bed. As he was pushing in and out of me, I had a deep form of release, an explosive feeling. I could feel my muscles moving and vibrating. I wished it could go on forever.”
“Your vagina can enlarge. You see. You are both fated to be together. That guy who took you out for more than  two years did not make it. He gave that chance to Johnny. Is this luck?”
“If I still refuse him, what can you do?”
“I have to help you. Do you know that in China they used herbs to increase lady libido, more than 3000 years ago?”
“How did they do it?”
“They soaked the herbs  in a bathtub for about an hour, and then they asked the lady to lie in the tub for at least 15 minutes. After that she came out and rub herself dry. Within the next hour she would go crazy if a man was not available. Another method was to steam some herbs, collect the essence and mix it with tea or coffee. There was no taste.  It was effective on every woman, within 30 minutes.”
“Why did the men have to do this?”
“They kidnapped or bought those girls from the country side. Those girls were frightened and angry. So they would not corporate during the sex session. The men would not enjoy it. Naturally they needed the girls to build up the sex drive so that they would never refuse.”
“Please tell me if you love dad?”
“Why not?”
“Then why are you having affair with Johnny?”
“It was your dad’s parents who asked me to marry him.  He was at that time very busy with other girls. But his parents did not approve his choice. The parents wanted him to raise a family. I thought it was a good idea. I too wanted a family, and I needed assistance from a man. So I agreed to the marriage.”
“Have you ever fantasized another person when daddy was making love to you?”
“Yes. I often thought of the classmate who had it with me for the first time. We went for a picnic on the beach which was an isolated place. There were huge rocks and boulders, each about 20 feet high, with a diameter of about 15 feet, on the seashore. We were swimming in the sea for about half an hour. It was around noon and was very hot. So we came to the shore and sat in a shade by the side of a boulder, enjoying  the gentle breaking sound of the waves as they arrived at the  shore.  Behind us there was the richness of vegetation and the variety of different types of trees, mostly planted  with wild scape of native plants. Hawks circled and swooped down suddenly from the sky.  Other birds also soared high above us in circle.  What were they looking for? There was the tangle of vines in the woods. It was beautiful. Maybe it was the long time under the hot sun that was giving him the sexual urge. He suddenly pressed me on the sand and removed my swimming suit. I did not refuse. I could have pushed him away if I wanted to. He climbed on me. I was already very wet down there.  The next thing I knew, his dick was inside me. He kissed me on the lips and I automatically put both my hands on his back pulling him hard on me. He stopped kissing and said he loved me.  That was the only time so far I heard a person said he loved me.  If he had not intruded inside, would he still say he love me?”
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pohtiongho · 1 year
A British Agent
At the age of 16, David obtained a scholarship from the University of Shanghai to read for a 1st degree in Mechanical Engineering. He left his poor hut at Kumpong Bugis and was very happy to leave Singapore and have a chance to have a better look at the other parts of the world. He studied hard and was able to graduate with flying colours. While he was doing his practical training in Shanghai, the emergence of the Red Guards forced him to flee for his life. His target was Hong Kong. A bribe of one thousand Hong Kong dollars allowed him to sneak pass the sentry and swam his way to Hong Kong which was then more crowded than Singapore. At Hong Kong, the British Secret Service recruited him to spy on the Chinese affairs. After four years of intensive training at Scotland Yard he went to Nanking where he set up his office, and his profession was Foreign correspondent. This terrific young man, 1.75 meters in height, weighing 70 kg could be the next movie star to act for James Bond. He was quiet and serious and seemed to have only one interest, to have as much as he could out of life.
" I’m David, a British correspondent from Fleet Street, London," he introduced himself to the editor of the New China daily.
" Glad to know you, David. What can I do for you?" Mr. Tan stared at David.
" I’m working for the betterment of the Chinese," David studied Tan from head to the feet, wondering if he should tell the truth, which means risking immediate arrest. 
" We’re always looking for bright ideas from young people like you," Tan’s words assured David that this editor might be interested to corporate.
" Please tell me Tan. What do you think of Mao Tse Tung?"
" Chairman Mao was a soldier. If the Chinese had assisted him to go to the University and study for a degree in Economics, the fate of China would have been very much better. No doubt he was the greatest soldier. But after a war, what else can the soldier do? Can you name me two countries which are led by soldiers and are yet successful? Do you know what is going on in Myanmar now? The soldiers messed up the whole country."
David knew his chance had come. He found the person who might be willing to corporate with him. He therefore frankly went on:
" If communism can prevail in Asia, it has to be successful in China. And men are by nature selfish. I don’t see how communism can benefit majority of the Chinese. You’re Chinese and I’m Chinese, let’s work together so that the Chinese can one day walk with their heads high and therefore respected all over the world. My father had to flee China after Sun Yat Sen took over from the Manchus. The Manchus were people from the mountains. What did they know about governance? The British were unhappy with Sun and the Americans who helped him were not sincere. There was string attached. The Americans only wanted to stop China from growing, and what was better than pretending to assist Taiwan? There were chaos all over China."
" What are my rewards?"
" USD50,000 now and a monthly salary of USD3000 plus an English Cottage with a garden in the English country side all under your name."
" How do we begin?"
"Employ me as a reporter with your Daily. Assigned me to visit the Chairman of the Nuclear Power Board and give me a column to write about all the glories about the NPB. I’ll need two months to have my works published. By then the new government will think of me as a young loyal Chinese and will allow me to travel freely within the country. I shall be doing a lot of welfare work to raise my social status."
The chairman of the NPB was Dr. Tee, a bold headed scientist who worked his way up the ladder by whatever means he could think of. He did not believe in retribution. He said when a person dies, that will be the end. There could not be anything else.  Of course he believes in annihilation. Those after lives were all nonsense as far as he was concerned. Dr. Tee disclosed that by the 1980’s, the existing nuclear plants would be able to produce all the power needed by all the major towns in China, bringing shame on the so-called advanced countries like the USA, Britain, Germany and France.
“Could you please show me round the plant?” David enquired.
“Yes. You will leave the camera with the guard house," Dr. Tee assured him.
It was impossible to destroy all the seven nuclear plants scattered all over China in one mission. David had two small size time bombs hidden in his shoes. The guests led by Dr. Tee visited the plant at Nanking on Monday morning. In August 1976. The sentry guard collected the passes and showed the guests to the main entrance. Dr. Tee took them round and answered all the questions raised. David sneaked to the reactor core telling the technicians he was going to pee but did not manage to find the toilet. He had enough time to stick the time bombs on the wall of the reactor and hurried off. Ten minutes later, as Dr. Tee and the group was on the way to another part of the plant, the reactor core exploded frantically. People living within 10 kilometers thought the whole world was going to an end. Debris were blown sky high. There were roadblocks everywhere. Dr. Tee and all the visitors were detained. The evening paper reported that nine capitalists were arrested for blowing up the main artery of the nation.
David thought of other plan even though he was in the jailhouse. The other eight companions slept so soundly that they could be mistaken to be dead. With the hand grenade, David threatened to blow up unless the guard open the gate. This guard had heard of suicide bombers in the Middle East and therefore did not want to take the chances. As David was dashing out of the room, he punched the guard so hard on the solar plexus that the guard dropped dead. He dashed off without looking back and after about one hour of running, he noticed there was a house on a hilltop. He slowed down, staggered over to the house and knocked on the door.
" Please hide me in your house. The police are after me," David told Ah Yun, who was still keeping the door only slightly opened.
" Why do they want you?"
" For blowing up the nuclear plant!" 
" Oh, you traitor. I’ll report to them now," she ran out of the house towards the police station.
David fired two warning shot into the air. The girl jerked forward. David grasped at her hair and gazed into her eyes and promised to shoot everyone at home unless she offers him a hiding place for a few days.
A group of soldiers and policemen were approaching the house.
"Anybody came here about an hour ago?" the inspector asked, at the same time staring round and round the house as if someone was going to hurl a hand grenade at him.
“No, Sir, no one was here," the farmer felt the chill ran down from the neck to the feet. 
The party searched everywhere but found nothing. They marched off, obviously exhausted by now. David came down from the ceiling to assure the farmer that none of the family would be harmed and that he had to wait for a day or two to catch a train to Shanghai.
“Mr. Chin. I’ll need the corporation of your daughter. She’ll have to travel with me to Shanghai to avoid the attention of the police."
" That can’t be done," Chin declared, very much annoyed.
" I’ll pay you USD10,000.00," David persuaded.
" I can’t allow my daughter to endanger her life," Chin pretended to hesitate.
"I’ll take care of her. When we reach London, I’ll bank another USD10,000.00 into her account. That’s a lot of money. She can then come back to you and no one will ever know anything about it. That is the reason I do not intend to return to Singapore. It will attract a lot of attention. I have not the slightest intention of hurting China. Only the political principle stands on the way. You see, when majority of the foreign countries wanted to see the Chinese government going bankrupt by refusing to buy Chinese goods, we the Singaporeans kept on buying. Isn’t this a sincere gesture? "
Chin pretended to persuade his daughter but was actually forcing her as could be understood from his tone.
The night train arrived from Wuxi heading to Shanghai. Police surrounded the station. All passengers were scrutinized thoroughly one by one. David pasted a false mole on his forehead above the right eye, exactly as it appeared on his passport. He disguised as an oversea Chinese coming to China to fetch his bride. A senior immigration officer cast a hard look at David. David nodded at him and quickly moved forward. The train shrilled and the driver pushed the button. The fast speed and the darkness gave David a sense of security. Ah Yun was worried in the cabin. She could lose her life for collaborating with a foreign devil.
" Come, sit up and have a chat," David studied her body carefully.
She sat up, still very afraid. David began to be ravished by her beauty. Are women more beautiful at night? She had a well-shaped figure and a voluptuous bust.
" The train won’t reach Shanghai until tomorrow night, " David assured her.
" That doesn’t matter."
" Ever been traveling before?"
" Never."
" The first time on board a train?"
" What’s your age?"
" Educated where?"
" Nanking Girls’ High School."
They chatted for more than an hour. Ah Yun lied down to sleep. David woke her up few minutes later. She lied there, watching the ceiling. She was healthier and better developed than an average city girl.
" Ever been in love before?"
" Never."
" Why?"
"No suitable one." 
"What about me?"
" You are a foreign dog."
" Yes, and a better dog."
" Chukok gave you scholarship to study here. Why do you want to hurt the lands of your grandfathers? Before your country got independence, it was agreed that all people of Chinese origin would not be granted an International Passport. Without passports, you cannot travel overseas. Chou En Lai pitied you people and clearly announced during a meeting with overseas reporters that all overseas Chinese who could not obtain an International Passport may go to the nearest Chinese High Commission, wherever that office may be, to obtain a Chinese Passport. It was for this reason that those foreign countries offered the passports to those Chinese who happened to be born in those places.”
" I don’t like the communists because they could only bring chaos to the world. They have no sense of running a business. They are only good at polishing guns and boots. They don’t know what human right is!”
“Those were the words of the white bastards.The real human right issue facing us is the uplift of millions of people to the level where they have a shed over their head, have enough food for every day, and have the chance to complete the six-year secondary school education. Human right does not mean any mad religious guy taking over the Communist Party and starts to teach people to fear an almighty god which is always invisible.  One guy from Nayang, was an outstanding student. His comment was that communism was superior to democracy. He went abroad to receive his higher education. While he was preparing for his Ph.D., he was suddenly found dead with an overdose of sleeping pills. During that time, police could lock up people if they were suspected to be communist sympathisers. I believe it was the CIA agents who forced those sleeping pills into that student. Why are you helping the evil white men to destroy China? They are very jealous of us. They could not compete with us on equal ground. They are the most evil white barbarians.
The Chinese claims are based on their historical rights, and therefore Beijing has indisputable sovereignty over all those islands. We cannot simply laugh away with those claims. China has been portrayed by the international media as a “big bully”, and an international threat. Can the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague be impartial and transparent? Because of the influence of US, now the cockpit in the South China Sea has become a great-power rivalry.
China’s maritime claims in the South China Sea is not vague if you refer to the Chinese history documented over 2000 years ago.
None of the claimants has stated which features they believe are islands entitled to maritime zones of their own.
The Chinese claims are based on area of land surrounded by water during high tide. Low-tide elevations cannot be subject to appropriation.
Himalayan plateau and the other border area, of the 4000 km long border are the contested frontier, between China and India. In 1962, China and India fought a brutal war at Arunachal Pradesh, on the east side of the Himalayas.
It is obvious that those claims were all instigated by the USA, because since over 200 years ago, the USA had been doing their best to wipe out China, which they said was the greatest threat on this planet. In 1962, my Physics Teacher My Philips Heymens told to only to me, and asked me never to quote him, that at that time, there were already researchers trying a culture a virus which would only kill one particular race. They must be targeting at China by then?”
David pulled her up and embraced her. She pushed him away. He had to find out why. He told her a story of his classmate at college, about the girl who allowed a stranger whom she knew for only few hours to take her virginity. 
That stranger took Salmah to his hotel room and started to kiss her on the lips.  She really enjoyed it. And she thought she might as well give this guy the virginity now because she would definitely lose it to the other guy who her parents wanted her to marry. She opened her mouth and began to suck the tongue of the guy, and at the same time allowing him to remove her clothes slowly. He brought her down on the bed, pushed her legs wide apart and went in gently, with his mouth still on hers, and her tongue still in his mouth. She felt the most pleasurable shock in her life, and held him tightly with both her arms on his back, wishing the bliss would never end.
“How can that guy take her virginity, if she doesn’t like him?”
“Her father asked him to take the official car and fetch her from college every evening and told him he could take her to anywhere he wished. He conveyed that message to her, hinting that they should go somewhere and enjoy it. She refused him. But he was just like a son-in-law to her parents. Sooner or later her parents will drug her and let him have her, in her parents’ house. That young guy wanted her because his promotion was solely depended on her father. She preferred to give her virginity to someone she respected. What about you? Did you father tell you to marry some guy? Are you still a virgin?”
“Yes, he was from Xiamen, an engineer.”
“When are you going to get married?”
“Few days before Chinese New Year this year.”
“Have you ever gone out with him?”
“No, my parents don’t allow that.”
“Had he ever touched you?”
“Yes, we kissed many times in our house, in my room.”
“And he never asked for more?”
“I refused him.”
“Why did you refuse?”
“I didn’t wish to get pregnant.”
“Why didn’t you ask him to come with a condom? If he pins you down on the floor, would you still refuse him?”
“If he had just continued to massage and finger my private part for another five minutes, I would not have the ability to reject him anymore, and would have simply lie down on the bed for him to penetrate me.”
“Why didn’t you get ready a condom? Many of the girls I met had one in their bag. They pulled it out even before we’re totally naked, and dressed up and walked away if I did not agree to wearing it. One of them gave the excuse that if she conceived, the child would look like me, putting her marriage at risk, if her husband found out.”
“I wonder how he would feel when he drops in this Sunday and finds me no longer around? Can he take it? Would he look for another girl to massage again? I should have  used the mouth for him to blow into it, to please him and to give him some comfort. I feel sorry for him now. I ended up with you here, a person I have never met. If I don’t do as you want, I will definitely lose my life. I know you must get out of here alive and thus you can’t afford to let me leave you as long as I am alive. But please tell me. Have you a girl friend?”
“I haven’t.”
“Why are you not interested in girls? Are you gay?”
“I am certainly not gay. I once befriended a girl, only for few days and she left me without telling me why.”
“Why don’t you ask her?”
“No need. I found out from the other girls she was afraid of me because another boy told her my house was made the palm leaves and bamboo, and I was a squatter”
“When was the last time you saw her?”
“She was swimming in the sea. I approached her and she just walked away from me. There were many other people around. I blushed and stopped seeing her from that moment.”
“Why didn’t you try on other girls?”
“I was afraid the other girls would treat me like she did.”
“Did you hate her then?”
“No, I was only disappointed. Why should I hate her? The body belonged to her. Whoever she wanted to open up her legs to was her own choice. Why should she accept a poor guy if she could find a rich one?
“ Why are you trying to destroy China? China’s maritime claims in the South China Sea is not vague if you refer to the Chinese history documented over 2000 years ago.
None of the claimants has stated which features they believe are islands entitled to maritime zones of their own.
The Chinese claims are based on area of land surrounded by water during high tide. Low-tide elevations cannot be subject to appropriation.
Himalayan plateau and the other border area, of the 4000 km long border are the contested frontier, between China and India. In 1962, China and India fought a brutal war at Arunachal Pradesh, on the east side of the Himalayas.”
It is obvious that those claims were all instigated by the USA, because since over 200 years ago, the USA had been doing their best trying to wipe out China, which they said was the greatest threat on this planet.”
After the brief discussion on sex and politics, David approached her and kissed her on the lips and began to suck her tongue. She did not resist because the urge for sex was rising and she was surely enjoying it. She never had that urge before.  He unbuttoned her blouse and kissed her on the lips again. She put her arms round him, surely a sign of approval. David gently pulled off her skirt and began to massage her calf and thigh and then her abdomen, chest, big and beautifully shaped boobs, nipples, and her neck. She was there ready for him. Her nipples hardened. She would cry if David did not get on top of her. Blood flew out between her thighs. The bed was smeared with it. She laid on the bed suddenly feeling sorry for the guy who visited her often and kissed her in her room and also massaged her private part until her panties got wet, and she refused to let him pull off her panties all the time, just because of the fear of pregnancy. The last time he did that was less than a week ago. Every time when he was sucking her tongue, he would massage her clitoris, vaginal opening, and the outer labia. It was so pleasurable she never stopped him doing that and she would always get very wet. If he had not stopped, and continued to force her panties off last week, he would have successfully got her. He did not have the luck to enjoy her virgin cunt. Now her body belongs to another man because his sperms are inside her forever even though most of them flow out with the semen, and she could not return to see that poor guy again. She has to play the game until the end because unless she does as she is told, her own life is in danger. The ecstasy of having a fully erected and warm penis inside her cannot be described by words. They fell asleep. It was dawning.
Two security men from the Railway Company were checking the passengers on board the train in the morning as instructed by the police. They questioned David as to what he was doing in China. David said he came to fetch the girl who he married yesterday. The guards wanted some concrete proof. Tears could be seen coming out from Ah Yun’s eyes. David pointed to the blood stained towel on the bed. The guards laughed and walked to the next cabin to continue their job.
For their first morning as husband and wife, David ordered four eggs, two cups of Chinese tea, two plates of onions fried with pork, and some bananas. Ah Yun ate quietly, as if some serious thing had struck her.
" What about staying at London with me?"
" Why do we stay at London? You told me you came from Singapore?"
" Yes, I’m from Singapore. But we have to hide in London for a few months. Later on I’ll take you back to Singapore. You can find a job and will be offered a Singapore PR, or we can go settle down in the USA."
“Do you enjoy residing in the USA? Don’t you now how the barbarians raped, the indigenous peoples there? How they shot the whole villege down with guns and the natives had only spears and arrows to fight back?How they use contagious diseases to wipe off millions of the natives there?
From Shanghai they flew to Hong Kong, obviously free from the dangers now. Unfortunately, David received a second order to go for another mission to destroy the nuclear plant at Canton. 
" Hong Kong calling London. Mr. Heath, small size shoes are very popular in China. Please airfreight two thousand pairs."
" Wait at Kaitak airport tomorrow at 1200 noon. Our representatives will hand over the bills for you to sign," Heath confirmed at the other end.
As arranged two men fetched David at the airport. They arrived by Air Vietnam via Singapore. The three men went to the Mandarin Hotel after a ride on the Star Ferry to Room 502 on the fifth floor. David began to sense he was trapped. The two men Chong and Wong were Chinese spies stationed in South East Asia. The robust Chong pointed a pistol on David’s neck, and moved five steps backward and shot at the bulb at the ceiling to show off his skill. The bulb shattered and pieces of glass were scattered all over the carpet of this sound proof room.
" Speak or we’ll make you do," Chong told David.
" My shoe is hurting me, may I take it off?"
" OK, but don’t raise your hands above your waist or I’ll fire," Chong agreed.
David bent down to pull the pin on the hand grenade and flung the shoe at the enemies and dived to the farest end of the room. The heads of the enemies were partially blown off. David cleared the dust on his body and hurried off through the emergency exit to catch the boat to Kowloon within ten minutes. The nuclear power plant was fifteen kilometers from the town. David killed one of the guards, as that guard was alone outside the gate. The corpse was dumped into the nearby drain. The other guard happened to march out from the main building. David fired the .2 pistol at the guard and pulled the body away to avoid attention. He moved very carefully wondering if this was to be his last few minutes to live. The two nuclear scientists were in their air-conditioned room. They noticed David was there and told him to get out since not even the guards can be there. David apologized and went off, but not before planting the time bomb on the wall near the reactor core. That was late evening. At 10.00 pm the second nuclear plant explosion shocked the whole world. Foreign critics intimated that the Chinese nuclear scientists did not know what they were doing.
All foreigners in China were detained and questioned. No radio communication with the outside world was allowed. David was on board a bus when the armed forces investigators arrested him.
"You look like that wanted guy, " the tough private told him.
" I’m a sales man from London," David argued.
David was brought to the 30th Battalion in Canton.
Col. Chua studied him thoroughly, from the boot to the head.
"You are the man. What have you got to say now? We the communists won’t kill. We’ll have some fun out of you. Look at this British spy of yours. We caught him in 1964 and cut off both his hands." The colonel stared at David.
Two executioners were called in. The chain saw was still running. David pretended to faint. They propped him up and revived him.
"I must take off the shoes. My right foot is painful because the shoe is pressing on it. I prefer to die without the shoes on," David begged.
"Do anything you live. My guards are around with guns. If you move away from that spot, they will open fire, but only to bring you down," the colonel laughed scornfully.
David pulled the pin and flung the shoe at the guards and the colonel. Col. Chua was thrown out of his armchair. For the first time in his life, Col. Chua realized that he was not invincible.
David dived towards the guard and snatched the gun from him to pump some leads into the colonel to make sure he would die. To avoid the approaching guards, David had to run upstairs to the tenth floor and then slid down to the street by using the sewage pipes. He was lucky because the military jeep was there with only one guard. He opened fire and instantly killing the guard. He went to the driving wheel and sped off, pieces of leads could be heard still dropping at the back of the jeep.
David dumped the jeep into a valley and hurried back to Victoria hotel where Ah Yun was waiting. The couple boarded a Royal Thai Airline and spent the honeymoon at Pattaya before leaving for London. 
At Pattaya, two Chinese Nationals wanted the Thai authorities to deport the couple to China. They were under arrest by the Thai police. It seemed death was the only sure thing to happen to the loving couple. However, just as the couple was to board a plane heading to Shanghai, a couple of representatives arrived from London with a British passport for David and one for Ah Yun, proving beyond any doubt the young couple was innocent. 
As David and Ah Yun arrived in London, they were very surprised to see Ah Yun’s father and mother waiting for them at the airport. They were British citizens.
The truth was two tourists assisted the old couple to leave China, knowing that death within the next few days was surely to occur to them. 
AS for Ah Yun, the story does not end here. She wrote to the guy in China telling him she still loves and wants to marry him, if he can still accept her even though she is no longer a virgin now. She had to sacrify her virginity to save her own life, and that her soul and physical body still belongs to that China guy if he still wants her. 
The reply was that guy still wants her and is planning on how they can meet again. Obviously, Ah Yun cannot show up in China. So she needs the assistance of the British agents to find a way for that guy to leave China under a different name. So until he is able to show up abroad Ah Yun  still hangs on with David as usual. 
Copyright © 2003 Poh Tiong Ho
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pohtiongho · 1 year
The Conqueror
The bandits blew up the statues of liberty, 
Cheng Ho and Raffles
One after another they crumbled 
As if this earth must be totally flat.
Defending armies came and were always wiped off
The invincible warrior triumphed
He believed he was the chosen one
The whole world was crumbling
From day one to day four
On the fifth day this warrior came to Singapore,
The pearl of the orient
It was a Friday
He was face to face with the President.
Mr. President put forward his right hand and said:
I’m sorry if I had offended you in the past
Please sit down and have a cup of coffee.
I’ll declare within few minutes that you’re
The new President of this lovely nation.
The invincible warrior shrank smaller and smaller
Until he was no bigger than a spider
With a loud cry of intensive pain
He vanished into the thin air.
Another good nation was saved
Not by nuclear weapons
But by sympathy and love.
Copyright © 2004 by Poh Tiong Ho
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pohtiongho · 1 year
Vengeance (2)
The fifty-acre fabrication yard lied opposite the Pulau Ubin. Ali and the other 600 workers were busy with their jobs. Engines roared and shrilled. Okai Kong, a foreman was brought up in JB but a Singapore citizen. He had small and narrow eyes, which were located too close to the nose. The side burns, beard and mustaches gave others the impression he was Japanese. His favorite means of pleasing young ladies was to buy them expensive perfumes, the most up to date dresses and shoes.
" If you are smart you don’t have to come from Indonesia to work here," Okai Kong yelled at Tan.
The humiliated worker perspired under the fierce hot sun. He came from Batam and the $1300 he makes every month is for his family. Tan liked to bring his girl friend to watch the setting sun at the Punggol beach. One Sunday the couple went back late. Before Tan could step into the car, a man approached from behind with a coke bottle grasped in the right hand. That bottle landed on the top of Tan’s head, leaving him sprawling on the sand. The assailant vanished into the forest. Tan’s girl fried cried but managed to stop the bleeding. When Tan woke up the next morning, it was 11 o’clock in the hospital. The matter could not be investigated further. For his personal safety Tan was advised to leave Singapore. Not many people in the yard knew the coke bottle incident. Many months passed and as could be expected, one incident after another cropped up at this construction site.
" You trainees are bastards," Okai Kong shouted at the boys. " You don’t work hard and you keep on complaining about the foremen."
" You rapacious villain. When I kick, you’ll never stand on your feet again," Ali assured him.
The matter reached the Personnel Manager who actually sided Okai Kong. The reputation of the trainees went from bad to worst. The finger was pointing at the engineers who interviewed these trainees and found them to be worth employing.
One Saturday night, Okai Kong invited his girl friend to dance at Bar 69. Ali happened to be there.
" That’s my helper," Okai Kong told his girl. " There are twenty of them in the company. I don’t know why they want to work there. Prospects are not good in that company."
" Hey Ali, I saw you last night at the dance. Why didn’t you bring a girl along?" Okai Kong asked sarcastically and went on, " If you leave the company and work in an office, there will be plenty of girls for you to tackle."
Ali blushed and did not know what to say next. He waited until evening and stopped Okai Kong at the gate for an explanation of the topic of girls in the morning.
" Please don’t denigrate me again. I’m better educated than you and may one day hold a higher position than you."
" That’s still to be seen," Okai Kong sneered scornfully.
" You are jealous of us because you don’t have half our qualification. You don’t even have a Primary 6 certificate. Every one knows how you got a job in this company. My annual reports are full of accusations and lies. If you can just prove one item mentioned in the report, the management would have terminated my service long ago."
" Yes. That’s what the company is considering now. Do you want to be the first to go? Do you want to be the hero?"
" If I go, you will be the next to go, don’t you know bastard? You and your cronies have been using the material issue vouchers to draw a lot of materials and sell them to the hardware shops. Shall I write to the managing director about his? What about the service requisition you raised? Only half the labourers turned up to work. The labour suppliers must have given you a lot of money? No wonder you have so much money to put up girls in the hotel rooms waiting to entertain those engineers, department heads, and the engineering managers? Aren’t you afraid of bad karma? You’re only good to fan the flames and beat the drums in this company. Racism exists in every country, but not as bad as in this company. Your barbaric lust for sex, money and power will never be satisfied. You want more and more every day. "
Suddenly Okai Kong kicked Ali on the head. Ali fell but struggled on his feet again. Ali charged at Okai Kong like a mad bull and both of them dropped into the monsoon drain. Ali’s hands were on Okai Kong’s throat. Okai Kong went unconscious.
A week later, Okai Kong found Abdul, a fitter trainee, sleeping in the warehouse and terminated his services straight away even though Abdul had earlier requested for leave because of fever. As Okai Kong was handing over the termination letter, Abdul punched him on the nose. Blood spurted all over the wretched and maladjusted victim’s body.
This seemingly tough foreman wanted to avenge. He bought a parang and left it in his car. Losing the job did not matter really much for Abdul. In order to eat honestly Abdul had to work hard. He bought a hoe and a parang to clear his kumpong land.
Four years passed and Abdul’s fruit trees began to blossom. His produce from the land was then many times more than what he could ever receive from the former construction company. Abdul’s daughter, who worked in an emporium, was pretty enough to be the queen of any king. Okai Kong spent a lot of money to seduce her and fathered the child that was in her. Abdul did not know who the father was until one day when Okai Kong came to his orchard to declare that Salmah was very juicy on bed, and that Salmah should now tell the whole world that the sky-god had fathered the child that is in her.
" You must be working terribly hard these days," Okai Kong put on a smiling face.
" Bloody dog. What do you want?" Abdul spat at him.
Okai Kong snatched the hoe and charged at Abdul who rolled in time to pick up a bean stake. Within seconds the hoe landed on Abdul’s face but Abdul managed to pierce the enemy’s stomach with the wood.
The cries and howls attracted the attention of the neighbours. Salmah was shocked to find out her prince charming was the bitterest enemy of her father. When the child was born Salmah took him to Canada where she was to begin her career as a domestic servant. We later heard that Salmah found an Ang Mo who was formerly a Singapore PR. This gentleman married her and also took care of Salmah’s first child. Why did the Singaporeans at home think of her as a loose woman?
After five years behind the iron bars, this thug was again ready for troubles. One December night when Abdul was catching the insects and worms on the vegetable plots, Okai Kong rushed out from the lalang and thrust a gun at him.
" Cool down, Okai Kong. Do you want to create a lot more bad karma?"
" A rustic like you know better than me. Tell me before you die: why are the good men poor and the evil ones rich?"
" A man might be living a clean life formerly and is therefore now prosperous. The evil ones too might be living a clean life formerly and is now prosperous. Unfortunately they may not be able to continue to lead a clean life this time because forces like greed and hatred are very strong. Not many people are able to resist them. I once saw you pushing a welder into the sea. I did not report this to the police because I was the only witness."
" That son of the bitch was a thorn on my neck. He wrote to the Prime Minister’s department complaining that the foremen and the engineers were running their own company to bring in Filipino engineers to work as skilled technicians here and they deprived the locals of many jobs. Why should I care if Singaporeans are jobless? A postmortem confirmed the bastard was drowned. Are you smarter than the doctor?"
" Say what you want. He’s dead and can’t argue now. I can see all the evils written on your ugly face. Sooner or later your retribution will come. Don’t you remember your own crony George Sadas? The senior foreman who was so greedy that every day he must receive something from the subcontractors? So the cheapest way was to give him a bottle of Black Label every day. This greedy ghost took the liquor without diluting it with water. He could not sleep every night, so again he had to drown himself by the concentrated liquor. He died of liver cancer within one year. Today our best joke in the yard is that the bastard drowned himself in the cunt which was full of liquor, because all the ladies who worked under him must also satisfied him sexually or their contract would be terminated."
Abdul’s anxious wife Chiku came to look for him when he did not return at the time he normally did. This thug, horrified by the appearance of someone, pulled the trigger. Abdul fell silently. Chiku dashed over only to find him dead. Okai Kong pointed the gun at the petrified woman, who was too shocked to shed tears.
" If you move, you die too," he made it clear.
Okai Kong pushed her on the grass, tore her blouse and pulled down her sarong and jabbed his evil root into her. When the animal tension was released, he took the gun and knocked her on the head. The woman too lost her life.
Investigation cleared up the rape and murder mystery. Okai Kong’s lawyer begged the High Court for leniency saying that Okai Kong’s parents were slashed to death in front of Okai Kong when he was only 5 years old, and that it was a neighbour who brought Okai Kong up. According to psychiatrists this childhood incident affected his life unfavourably.
On the gallows, Okai Kong told the executioner that the untimely death was to be blamed on the society that failed him. He was only partly right. The truth was, Okai Kong was killed by his own greed.
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pohtiongho · 3 years
Watch "Playing Violin at the Pond" on YouTube
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pohtiongho · 3 years
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pohtiongho · 3 years
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