all systems welcome
213 posts
run by an adult system. singlets are welcome too. this blog is just as much about hope, joy, unity, anarchism and resistance, as it is plurality. icon by pantomime-emotes! thank you!💞 [header ID: "we, the people, must help each other!"; icon id: two characters, text in upper left says "co-con". both are talking. /end ID]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
pluralpunx · 2 days ago
The concept of "spyware" has disappeared from the common internet lingo after it became the case that the word could now be used to describe nearly every major website and a huge percentage of the most commonly-used software.
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pluralpunx · 13 days ago
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For my final project in my film photography class this past semester, I made plural family photos! Each member of the system who wanted to be photographed had their picture taken, then I scanned and combined the film negatives to bring system members together in a way you can't do physically!
Here's what the negatives looked like for one of them
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It was very sweet to see how touched the systems I worked with were by the results. It felt good to give back to my community in that way ❤️
You can find more of my work on my portfolio website!
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pluralpunx · 15 days ago
A System's Guide (to Plurality)
We have a new four-chapter zine out!
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It's a plurality primer, but one that's intended for systems just as much as singlets - exploring a diverse definition of systemhood, the difficulties and joys of plural experiences and relationships, and the core assumptions that fuel personal insecurity and exclusion.
It's available online, or as a printable - check it!
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pluralpunx · 2 months ago
mundane plurality is when every creative project is a collaboration, one set of hands passed between many people who poured their love and effort in. even if it's just like. a piece of fanfiction, or an unfinished sock, or a page in a scrapbook.
Yes! Our art is also this way. 💖
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pluralpunx · 2 months ago
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Therapy journaling today.
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pluralpunx · 3 months ago
IMPORTANT NOTE: this doesnt mean every sysmate makes a sideblog, this means "do your sysmates commonly make blogs of their own" (define commonly however you choose)
IMPORTANT NOTE 2: you dont have to be 100% about the count just like a guesstimate is okay and fine dw
less important note: wouldve liked to go further than 100 (have ranges into the 300s at least) but uh poll options limit got me. so sorry my fellow systems with lots of sysmates.. (just mentioning it because i know people get bothered about where i cut off the numbers for stuff like this)
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pluralpunx · 3 months ago
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pluralpunx · 3 months ago
my word for when an alter is present but not fully in control is "helping." eg: im avery and olive is helping right now
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pluralpunx · 3 months ago
Endogenics with trauma who call themselves endogenic are not in denial, it’s not like their trauma will go anywhere they just want to label their plurality another way. They’re still going to go through the healing process, just not in the way you went through it
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pluralpunx · 3 months ago
As awareness of plurality continues to spread online, that also means more and more people will realize they are plural. And unfortunately, there will be a response from certain gatekeepy exclusionist types, who will push back against these newfound systems and insist on invalidating them. They’ll insist they’re just hopping on a trend, or just fooling themselves, or whatever other justification they can make up to maintain the idea that being plural is extremely rare and being plural means suffering for it.
Don’t fall for it. Being plural presents challenges and difficulties without question, but being plural also can bring joys and clarity that weren’t possible otherwise. Being plural can be hard, and it can be beautiful.
No two systems present and function exactly the same ways. No two systems are plural for the exact same reasons. So we can’t expect there to be an absolute common trait present in every system. So any attempt to weed out the “fakers” is pointless and malicious.
If someone believes themself to be plural, they have good reason to. No further “proof” needed. If someone comes to us believing themself to be plural, we will help them along without critique or question. And above all we will be happy for them. Even if someday they realize they aren’t plural, that process of being allowed to question and experiment is so important, and they should be allowed to do so regardless of where they end up.
Plurality is a spectrum that encompasses a vast swathe of experiences and outlooks. It can be difficult to reckon with, which is why community is so vital. And as that community online grows and becomes more and more visible, we should all do our part, systems and singlets, to make sure these newfound systems feel safe, seen, and welcome.
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pluralpunx · 3 months ago
What Does Healing With DID Mean?
I've seen a few posts recently where people talk about and explore what it means to heal and recover when you have DID. I thought I'd weigh in to that discussion a bit, based on the research I've read, the professionals I've talked to, and my own experiences.
Healing looks different for everyone. But what exactly does that mean? Healing does not inherently mean "achieving normality", as normality is a vague concept that may not even be achievable in some cases. As such, healing needs to be defined individually; what it means to heal and recover will thus naturally differ from person to person, system to system. Someone may wish to have access to all their memories and decrease amnesia. Someone else may wish to fully deprogram and decondition triggers they have instilled in them from years of trauma and abuse. Still another may describe healing for themselves as being able to live in a way that they actually look forward to the future. And these are just small examples of goals that people may have to define their healing experience.
And, similarly, the ways they may reach those goals may look different. One system may wish to fully fuse into a singular self in order to decrease amnesia, while another system may rely more on note-taking and other external ways to help their memory while keeping their parts separate. Or, maybe one system finds it beneficial to treat their alters individually in order to learn how to trust and work together, while another finds that treating themselves as individuals actually increases animosity between each other and prevents cohesion between parts. Or one system finds it beneficial to learn how to be at peace with being multiple and living with dissociation, as dissociation isn't inherently bad, while another strives to minimize dissociation as much as possible so that they do not slip back into maladaptive habits.
Whatever the case may be, it's up to the system and, potentially, their mental health team, to help them define and decide what their recovery goals are and how to achieve them. And that may mean that goals may shift, and tactics may change, as the system discovers what works for them and what they truly want, but it doesn't mean that any one "goal" or "tactic" is any more "correct" than another.
Ultimately, that means that while we as a community can try our best to give advice for what's been helpful for us to try to help others from potentially hurting themselves further, at the end of the day it's up to the individual and to the system to figure out for themselves what's actually beneficial and helpful for them, and what's preventing them from reaching their recovery goals. Instead of condemning each other for "healing incorrectly" or "being anti-recovery", I think it would be more helpful if we uplifted each other instead by encouraging good practices between each other and within ourselves.
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pluralpunx · 3 months ago
would loveeee to hear more about the intersection of autism and plurality.
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pluralpunx · 3 months ago
Non-disordered plurality vs. Endogenic plurality: what’s the difference? (FAQ system edition)
What is plurality?
in its simplest form (it’s more complex then this, but this is at its simplest) the experience of multiple beings within one body. The most main stream form that gets talked about is DID, but there is many other forms of plurality. Within the mental health field, systems may also be diagnosed with OSDD-1, UDD, P-DID, (when it comes to labels for plurality at least, misdiagnosis is unfortunately very common as well) typically these get associated with traumagenic plurality, but this isn’t always the case since they are ultimately labels to help categorize plurality in a medical sense. Also not every system falls under these categories!
What’s endogenic plurality?
Endogenic plurality is typically a system who identifies that the system they are apart of was not formed from trauma. This isn’t always the case though! Systems can be Endogenic and traumagenic at the same time. Often times this gets called Multigenic, Mixed Origin, and/or Traumaendo. Also while some systems may identify as fully endogenic, this does not mean they don’t have trauma.
What’s traumagenic?
Traumagenic is a system formed from trauma, it is often associated with childhood trauma, but this isn’t always the case. Once again, traumagenic systems can be endogenic at the same time!
What’s “disordered plurality”?
All this term means is that the system in question deals with significant distress from plurality. This can be caused by amnesia, mental illness, society, not being used to being plural, and many, many other factors. Non-disordered means the person is not dealing with significant distress from the fact they are plural.
So what’s the difference?
Anyone can feel distress from being plural. A endogenic system may be considered a disordered system for many reasons, like maybe they are struggling to manage the fact they are plural along with depression, or they feel a lot of internalized shame and fear about it.
Non-disordered plurality just means the system is not in significant distress from being plural. This can range from a system functioning perfectly fine, to healing trauma, and healing amnesia barriers enough to function well.
Non-disordered plurality simply is functioning in a healthy manner with headmates, while endogenic plurality is referring to how the system originally formed. It’s something that will and does fluctuate overtime.
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pluralpunx · 3 months ago
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pluralpunx · 3 months ago
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A flag for anyone who is pro plural or pro endo! Feel free to use this for whatever! I couldn’t find a pro endo flag i really liked so made my own! ^_^ If you use it in anything please mention me in the post! i’d love to see!
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— plus, enjoy a pfp frame for all your pro endo pfp needs.
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pluralpunx · 3 months ago
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pluralpunx · 4 months ago
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☆ alter userboxes - flag ver ☆
star ver - heart ver
reblogs appreciated | requests open! ☆ please reblog if you use ⤶
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