Planning Constantly Planning
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|Christadelphian|College Student|Aspiring Author|Planner Addict|
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Waiting in the parking lot while G gets his car checked out. A planner pic is always required! 😂 . . . . . . #plannercommunity #planner #planneraddict #stalogy365 #stalogy #stalogyb6 #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #b6tn #thechicsparrow #chicsparrowcarrollsnark
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Last week’s tasks and Daily Logging . I’m really happy with how my task system was set up this past week. The highlight what the days that I *could* do it this way week, and the dot was the day that I was planning on doing it. I didn’t do really well with my task goals, but I love seeing it. . If you’d like to know what daily logging is go check out @raya.journals - she has an awesome YT video on why she started it! . . . . . . #stalogy365 #stalogy #stalogyb6 #weeklyspread #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #b6tn #b6travelersnotebook #stalogylover #stalogynotebook #stalogybujo
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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I love the look of my new task list! 💜 . Last week I tried something new for my weeklies and I didn’t like the look of it (hence how empty it is!) This week I went back to what works, and built on it. Swipe to see last week! . Daily logging from @raya.journals . . . . . . . . #weeklyspread #bulletjournal #b6 #b6stalogy #stalogy365 #stalogy #stalogyb6 #thechicsparrow #chicsparrowcarrollsnark #chicsparrowcarroll #tn #travelersnotebook
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Day 5 of my Inspired February is @daksina 💜 Daksina has inspired much of my planner, simply because I find bits of her planning system (specifically her Stalogy) are what works best for me. It was her IG that inspired me to switch to B6 when my A5 was just too clunky. It was her love of tabs that reminded me that I don’t need an index if it doesn’t work for me. It was her that reminded me to love my hobby of planning. Thank you @daksina for being such an influence in this community. I am forever thankful for your creativity and your unabashed love for your hobby. Thank you. . . . . . . . #stalogy365 #stalogy #stalogyb6 #stalogynotebook #stalogynotebook #stalogylover #stalogybujo #stalogylove #thechicsparrow #chicsparrow #chicsparrowcarroll #chicsparrowcarrollsnark #travelersnotebook #tn #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #b6tn #b6travelersnotebook #inspiredfebruary
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Day 4 is @thefoxicorn My friend and fellow B6 Stalogy lover has inspired me a lot in the last few months. The most recent is her breakdown of her monthly goals into different aspects of her life. I really loved the way it made my goals more tangible, more doable. I started a reference planner because of Chynna too - not pictured though, because it’s not finished! 😊 Chynna has also inspired me to learn more - for myself. I’m a student, and I’d like to think I do plenty of learning, but to learn things that I’m interested in because I want to. Her daily pages full of her language learning are just amazing. Thank you for everything you share, my friend. . . . . . . . #b6 #b6stalogy #b6rings #b6travelersnotebook #b6travelersnotebook #b6stalogy365 #stalogy365 #stalogy #stalogyb6 #stalogynotebook #stalogylover #stalogybujo #inspiredfebruary #februarygoals #tn #travelersnotebook #plannercommunity #planner #planneraddict #plannerspread
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Day 3 is @lotus_scribbles A real-life friend of mine, Lotus brings her creative craft to her journal with scrapbook paper and beautiful lettering. One thing I learned from her is to manifest my monthly goals through prayer - one that I reflect on routinely throughout the month. Lotus, thank you for your inspiration and your beautiful spreads. I’m always inspired to be more colorful and more creative when I see what you share. Thank you, my friend. . . . . . #stalogyb6 #stalogy365 #stalogynotebook #stalogy #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #tn #travelersnotebook #inspiredfebruary
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Day 2 is @raya.journals Raya has inspired me in a lot of subtle ways. Her love of pink honestly made me love my #chicsparrow Duchess a lot more than I initially did when I got it in a second chance sale. I’ve since then added a few more rose gold things to my planning system, and I am loving it. Her beautiful cafe note bullet journal made me want to journal again and made me pick up my pen to do it. She also inspires me to look inward and take care of myself. Journaling, tracking health in her daily logging, all of them make me want to be a little more conscious of how I’m doing. Raya you are kind and sweet and your feed and your stories and your YT channel are constant places of inspiration for me. Thank you so much for sharing you love in this community. . . . . . . . #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #b6tn #b6travelersnotebook #tn #travelersnotebook #thechicsparrow #duchess #stalogy365 #stalogy #stalogyb6 #stalogynotebook #february #inspiredfebruary
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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For February, I thought it would be nice to share with you those that have inspired me! On each day, I’ll post the person and the pages in my February spreads that they have inspired. 💜💜💜 Day 1 is @avecamalia Her simplicity is gorgeous in her Stalogy. I began my inspired monthlies in December of 2020, and I absolutely love them! She also has inspired my weeklies for the past couple of months as well! I’m in need of reconfiguring my weekly spread, but the gorgeously streamline weekly with a picture opposite it was wonderful to play with these last few months. . Thank you, @avecamalia for sharing your creations, you inspired me when I was in a planner funk and helped me out of it. You are a kind soul and a gifted creator. Thank you so much. . . . . . . . #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #b6tn #b6travelersnotebook #stalogy365 #stalogy #stalogyb6 #stalogynotebook #stalogylover #chicsparrow #chicsparrowdeluxe #travelersnotebookideas #tn #tnb6 #monthlyspread #february2021
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Welcoming February with my two main planners - my B6 Stalogy and new Mini Happy Planner. See below for their uses! . B6 Stalogy - main planner and #edc Mini Happy Planner - my forward planning and assignment tracker for school. I took the cover from a #happynotes and switched out for my cover of the 2021 #happyplanner I’m loving rose gold and blue right now! . . . . . . . #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #stalogy365 #stalogy #stalogyb6 #tn #b6planner #b6tn #february #february2021 #minihappyplanner #bulletjournal #digitaldashbox #plannercommunity #planner #planneraddict
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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My Moterm Pocket Rings finally came in so I can post my 2021 line up! (This doesn’t include my journals 🤦🏼‍♀️) From left to right: Filofax Malden Personal in Kingfisher Blue holds my B6 Stalogy - everything planner . Kinbor Weekly Planner - my on-the-go planner that’s fits in my Filofax Compact Zip. In it I put my most basic events as well as keep track of my future school assignments on a weekly basis. . Moterm Pocket Rings in Mint Green - my reference planner (thank you @thefoxicorn for the inspiration!) this holds my future plans, habit trackers, finances, medical info, mental health, goals, lists, ... anything that I would have to transfer from Stalogy to Stalogy this year. I’m not in one Stalogy all year so having all the important things in one, separate place is actually super nice! I’ll post a flip in the next few days! . What do you guys think? . . . . . . . . #pocketrings #malden #deringedmalden #filofax #filofaxmalden #filofaxpersonal #motermplanner #motermpocketplanner #kinborplannerweekly #kinbor #stalogy365 #stalogy #stalogyb6 #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #referenceplanner #compactzip #filofaxcompactsaffiano
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Excited to be back in a full year B6 Stalogy starting in January! . Having to cram 3 months into a 1/2 year Stalogy was rough- I had to have next-to-no notes pages. Being able to breathe again and use my planner to my heart’s content is exciting and I can’t wait for next week! . I will be posting a small flip through of my 2021 set up as well as my full 2021 planner lineup in the next few days! University had me swamped, so I’m only just now *finally* getting to my new year planners! . Is there anything in particular you’d like to see in my new (or old?) set ups? . .. . . #stalogy365 #stalogy #stalogyb6 #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #b6travelersnotebook #b6tn #plannercommunity #planner #newplanner #2021 #2021planner #oliuclip #filosofia #filofaxmalden #kingfisherblue
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Even a 1/2 year Stalogy gets pretty chunky 😍 . . . . . . #stalogy365 #stalogy #stalogyb6 #stalogynotebook #chunkyplanner #b6 #b6stalogy #b6s4 #b6travelersnotebook #tablove #tabs #filofax #filofaxmalden #maldenlove #kingfisherblue #delfonics #delfonicsutilitypouch
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Hello December! ❄️ . Thank you @avecamalia for so much inspiration, recently. I’ve been in such a planner funk and the simplicity of your planning style has breathed life back into my own! . . . . . . . #stalogy365 #stalogy #stalogylover #stalogynotebook #stalogyb6 #b6 #b6planner #b6stalogy #b6travelersnotebook #b6tn #maldenlove #malden #deringedmalden #filofax #filofaxmalden #kingfisher #maldenkingfisherblue #plannercommunity #planner #planneraddict #plannerlove
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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It feels good to be back 💙 Switched to my #filofax Kingfisher Malden for the winter. . . . . . . #stalogy #stalogy365 #stalogyb6 #stalogylover #malden #maldenlove #filofaxmalden #kingfishermalden #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #b6travelersnotebook #b6tn #plannercommunity #planner #planneraddict
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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When I start a new journal I like to copy this quote from “The Silent Patient” by Alex Michaelides on the first page . . . . . . #journal #b6 #b6stalogy #paperpenguinco #b6tn #chicsparrow #b6planner #b6travelersnotebook #b6tn #travelersnotebook #chai #chicsparrowchai #plannercommunity #planner #plannergirl
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Added some planners to my planning system 🥰💕 . Top: My Filofax Saffiano Compact Zip - My wallet, Cash Envelope System, and Hobonichi Weeks. I use my weeks for forward planning and on the go brain dumping! . Second: My Black Moterm B6 Cover - 1/2 Year Stalogy and slip in 15mm rings. This is my writer’s notebook and writer’s bullet journal! I’m going to keep references and writing tools in this planner as well as my general writing idea dumping. . Third: Filofax Personal Malden Stone - Sterling Ink inserts. I’m using this planner to plan and hold my novel things. I’m writing a high fantasy series that is written across ages and realms, so there is a lot to keep track of. I’m keeping character profiles, world building notes, and my outlines here - as well as breakdowns of my goals and project trackers for this book. Thank you @bbtrk_plan for the push I needed to create this planner! . Bottom: Chicsparrow B6 Deluxe Chai - 1/2 year Stalogy, 2 Jibun Techo Idea Books. This is my main planner. The Stalogy is my main book, and the 2 idea books are my reference book and my journal. . Loving this little stack 🥰 . . . #filofaxsaffianocompactzip #maldenstone #malden #filofax #filofaxmalden #stalogy #stalogyb6 #hobonichiweeks #hobonichi #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #cashenvelopes #cashenvelopewallet #motermplanner #chicsparrow #plannerstack
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Thank you @accio.bujo for the pen suggestion! The Muji 05 pen is amazing! . . . . . . #hobonichiweeks #hobonichi #filofax #filofaxpersonal #muji #mujipens #mujistationery #planneraddict #planner #plannercommunity #plannergirl
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