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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Last week’s tasks and Daily Logging . I’m really happy with how my task system was set up this past week. The highlight what the days that I *could* do it this way week, and the dot was the day that I was planning on doing it. I didn’t do really well with my task goals, but I love seeing it. . If you’d like to know what daily logging is go check out @raya.journals - she has an awesome YT video on why she started it! . . . . . . #stalogy365 #stalogy #stalogyb6 #weeklyspread #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #b6tn #b6travelersnotebook #stalogylover #stalogynotebook #stalogybujo https://www.instagram.com/p/CLo9a9xJSyL/?igshid=y3ra6zjychsp
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sousboisvienna · 6 years ago
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#stalogynotebook @stalogy_official @notem_studio #midorimultipleruler #hayscissors #stationery #papeterie #papierwaren #schreibwaren (à sous-bois) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwHou79hSCV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=a1b3srw4igqq
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littlestarplans · 5 years ago
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A6 is such a nice palm size planner. I really enjoyed this planner size. Sometimes, I find myself consistently finding there isn’t enough space for myself to write in. ⭐️What planner size are you using right now?📖 ♡ #hobonichia5 #planner #planning #bulletjournal #hobonichilife #hobonichicousin #hobonichi2020 #plannerlife #minimalistplanner #minimalplanner #weeklyplanning #plannerlife #planwithme #dailyplanning #stalogy365 #hobonichilove #functionalplanner #functionalplanning #bujo #bujoinspiration #stalogynotebook #plannerlovers #stalogya6 #artjournaleveryday ♡ https://www.instagram.com/p/CBn22e7Jiug/?igshid=1slcypc6a9g6l
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alibidesignstudio · 5 years ago
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B6 Rings Year at a Glance - printed at 90% - in my B6 Stalogy. #stalogy #travelersnotebook #HandstitchedleatherT #b6stalogy #stalogy365 #stalogynotebook #minimalplanning #functionalplanning #plannercommunity #planneraddict #notebookaddict #planner #nospendtracker #planningcommunity #todolist #plannernerd #plannerobsessed #plannerlove #b6rings #planning #stationery #minimalplanner #chicplanner #stationeryaddict #functionalplanner #plannergoodies #plannerjunkie #planneraccessories #planners  https://www.instagram.com/p/B6SwuVIpDok/?igshid=8wmlimcx4zfr
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miss-beautifulb · 8 years ago
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1-29-17 in my #stalogy journal. I've been so behind lately, I will probably be playing catch up for the rest of this week. #stalogy #stalogy365 #stalogynotebook #stalogy365notebook #ephemera #washi #dailyjournal #journaling #journalersofinstagram #journaler #pilotprera #diary #dailydiary
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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#cocoadaisyplannerchallenge Day 6 “After the Pen” My dailies are very simple. I need them very clean and neat so that clutter doesn’t distract my abilities to get stuff done. I love love love decorative dailies that other people have, but I don’t currently have the time to set them up! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #stalogy #septemberplannerchallenge #daily #dailyspread #dailyspreads #dailyspreadinspo #stalogy365 #stalogyb6 #stalogylover #stalogynotebook #stalogy365daily #stalogybujo #stalogylove #tn #tnlove #tnplanner #travelersnotebook #travelersnotebookplanning #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #b6travelersnotebook #b6tn #planneraddict #planner #plannercommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/CE2kzVvJxXn/?igshid=19xeu5glnghvu
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Day 5 of #cocoadaisyplannerchallenge is “Trying Something New”. This month, I’m using a planner printable from the wonderful Alli March from @scatteredsquirrel for what I call “God Sightings” - little things in my life where I see God working. It helps me be more present and in the moment everyday. Sometimes, they are obvious and big things, but often they are more subtle and quiet small things. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #stalogy #septemberplannerchallenge #stalogy365 #stalogyb6 #stalogylover #stalogynotebook #stalogybujo #stalogylove #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #b6travelersnotebook #b6tn #tryingsomethingnew #september #planneraddict #planner #plannercommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/CE0bFSopxuF/?igshid=1u95u796kr9sj
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Day 4 is @thefoxicorn My friend and fellow B6 Stalogy lover has inspired me a lot in the last few months. The most recent is her breakdown of her monthly goals into different aspects of her life. I really loved the way it made my goals more tangible, more doable. I started a reference planner because of Chynna too - not pictured though, because it’s not finished! 😊 Chynna has also inspired me to learn more - for myself. I’m a student, and I’d like to think I do plenty of learning, but to learn things that I’m interested in because I want to. Her daily pages full of her language learning are just amazing. Thank you for everything you share, my friend. . . . . . . . #b6 #b6stalogy #b6rings #b6travelersnotebook #b6travelersnotebook #b6stalogy365 #stalogy365 #stalogy #stalogyb6 #stalogynotebook #stalogylover #stalogybujo #inspiredfebruary #februarygoals #tn #travelersnotebook #plannercommunity #planner #planneraddict #plannerspread https://www.instagram.com/p/CLCVJGSJ9fx/?igshid=1bzmrnab620t2
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Day 3 is @lotus_scribbles A real-life friend of mine, Lotus brings her creative craft to her journal with scrapbook paper and beautiful lettering. One thing I learned from her is to manifest my monthly goals through prayer - one that I reflect on routinely throughout the month. Lotus, thank you for your inspiration and your beautiful spreads. I’m always inspired to be more colorful and more creative when I see what you share. Thank you, my friend. . . . . . #stalogyb6 #stalogy365 #stalogynotebook #stalogy #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #tn #travelersnotebook #inspiredfebruary https://www.instagram.com/p/CLAIv3KJfDi/?igshid=13w2lnfgjb70u
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Day 2 is @raya.journals Raya has inspired me in a lot of subtle ways. Her love of pink honestly made me love my #chicsparrow Duchess a lot more than I initially did when I got it in a second chance sale. I’ve since then added a few more rose gold things to my planning system, and I am loving it. Her beautiful cafe note bullet journal made me want to journal again and made me pick up my pen to do it. She also inspires me to look inward and take care of myself. Journaling, tracking health in her daily logging, all of them make me want to be a little more conscious of how I’m doing. Raya you are kind and sweet and your feed and your stories and your YT channel are constant places of inspiration for me. Thank you so much for sharing you love in this community. . . . . . . . #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #b6tn #b6travelersnotebook #tn #travelersnotebook #thechicsparrow #duchess #stalogy365 #stalogy #stalogyb6 #stalogynotebook #february #inspiredfebruary https://www.instagram.com/p/CK7njSpJk60/?igshid=i0rcl2bzx7y2
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Even a 1/2 year Stalogy gets pretty chunky 😍 . . . . . . #stalogy365 #stalogy #stalogyb6 #stalogynotebook #chunkyplanner #b6 #b6stalogy #b6s4 #b6travelersnotebook #tablove #tabs #filofax #filofaxmalden #maldenlove #kingfisherblue #delfonics #delfonicsutilitypouch https://www.instagram.com/p/CId8_cZJXaQ/?igshid=1rpyyv1816tib
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Hello December! ❄️ . Thank you @avecamalia for so much inspiration, recently. I’ve been in such a planner funk and the simplicity of your planning style has breathed life back into my own! . . . . . . . #stalogy365 #stalogy #stalogylover #stalogynotebook #stalogyb6 #b6 #b6planner #b6stalogy #b6travelersnotebook #b6tn #maldenlove #malden #deringedmalden #filofax #filofaxmalden #kingfisher #maldenkingfisherblue #plannercommunity #planner #planneraddict #plannerlove https://www.instagram.com/p/CIMyGNeJPq7/?igshid=1mhph1y27obsq
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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My planner stack for October 🍁 ft. my washi for the month from the amazing @amanda_mischell_designs . 1/2 Year B6 Stalogy in my Chicsparrow Teahouse Chai Deluxe is my daily planner and memory keeping . My Hobonichi Mega Weeks in my Filofax Saffiano Compact Zip is my forward planning and wallet 💙 . . . . . . #stalogy #stalogyb6 #chicsparrow #mysparrow #chicsparrowchai #stalogynotebook #b6 #b6stalogy #b6travelersnotebook #b6planner #hobonichiweeksmega #hobonichiweeks #hobonichi #filofax #filofaxsaffianozip #tn #travelersnotebook #planneraddict https://www.instagram.com/p/CF7Z-g0pFlf/?igshid=15ofh95q8bcb2
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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10 pages left.... . I gave up on my #travelersnotebook because my Stalogy was just too chunky 😍. I’ll be back in my TN next week when I’m in my new planner! . . . . . . #stalogy #stalogynotebook #stalogy365daily #stalogy365 #stalogyb6 #laurenphelpsdesigns #goodbyeseptember #bulletjournal #bulletjournaling #bulletjournalspread #daily #dailylayout #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #planneraddict #planner https://www.instagram.com/p/CFxDahIpt-K/?igshid=at4a3wxplza2
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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It’s almost tiiiime! 😍 . . . . . . . . . . #stalogy #stalogy365 #stalogyb6 #stalogylover #stalogynotebook #stalogybujo #stalogyhalfyear #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #b6travelersnotebook #travelersnotebook #laurenphelpsdesigns #tn #b6tn #planneraddict #planner #plannercommunity #chicsparrow https://www.instagram.com/p/CFcg6jtpVx6/?igshid=hkhxlfaxrif2
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planningconstantplanning · 4 years ago
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Look at that #sideview 😍 . #cocoadaisyplannerchallenge Day 12 . . . . . . . . . #stalogy #septemberplannerchallenge #mysparrow #stalogy365 #stalogyb6 #stalogylover #stalogynotebook #stalogybujo #chicsparrow #chicsparrowcarrollduchess #chicsparrowcarroll #chicsparrowduchess #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #b6travelersnotebook #b6tn #jibuntecho #tn #travelersnotebook #travelersnotebooks https://www.instagram.com/p/CFD58KuJWhV/?igshid=i84ucgpntzn4
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