1K posts offers placenta encapsulation services throughout the greater Sacramento, CA area & beyond. Is your placenta in your birth plan?  PlacentaMom Sacramento Placenta Encapsulation & Placenta Tinctures - est. 2009
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placentamom · 3 years ago
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Reposted from @liv_moder . Now this is my idea of a birth space! 😍 🌌 🌕🔥 Art from the book Kvinnofolksgöra, by Harriet Clayhills, Irene Lindholm, Lotta Melanton (en bok om kvinnors arbete och liv i norden under tiotusen år).
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placentamom · 3 years ago
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Reposted from @cuproject_ Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness. 🎨 @morganrevealco⁠ #askforhelp #giveyourselfgrace #supportnotcompetition #placentamom #sacramento #placentaencapsulation
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placentamom · 3 years ago
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Today's placenta workshop visitor 🤗 . . . #placentatime #placentaworkshop #notbiohazardwaste #placentaspecialist #dontwasteitencapsulateit #happypostpartum #postpartumplan #placentamom #sacramento #placentaencapsulation (at Mercy General Hospital)
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placentamom · 3 years ago
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Reposted from @foreverconscious Sometimes the best thing you can do is nothing at all. Sometimes it's worthwhile remembering that not everything needs our interference. Things can wait. We can relax. We don't have to be "on" all the time. In the wise words of Winnie the Pooh- "Doing nothing often leads to the very best of something." But even if it doesn't that's ok too!
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placentamom · 3 years ago
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Finally able to print client form submissions that came in over the weekend. Working one handed has been a bit of a challenge, but doing it. Slowly, but surely. It definitely reminds me of those early days of having a newborn & doing everything one handed while holding them. . . . #workingmom #brokenarm #playingcatchup #keepingitreal #dowork #placentaspecialist #placentamom #sacramento #placentaencapsulation
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placentamom · 3 years ago
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Hanging in there & hope you are all too. Hugs. . . . #mentalhealthbreak #taketime #giveyourselfgrace #selfcare #pushpause #placentamom #sacramento #placentaencapsulation
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placentamom · 3 years ago
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Reposted from @liv_moder . Have you heard about, experienced, or witnessed the Resting Phase? "For many years there was no acknowledgment of this stage of labor in our culture. Once a Mother achieves complete dilation she is usually encouraged to begin to push out her baby. But in the holistic paradigm, this stage, which usually lasts about 20 to 30 minutes (but can be as short as 5 minutes or can last hours), is Mother’s time to regroup and collect her energies for delivery. Labor seems to stop; contractions literally stop or slow down and the Mother may fall asleep or fall into a quiet, meditative trance. Everyone waits in the hush until contractions resume." "This is the period of great stillness and peace that occurs after transition. All becomes calm and quiet and the Mother knows that IT has happened. She knows she has found what she is looking for…her still place in the tempest and access to the soul of her baby. Both mother and baby are tranquil and serene, drifting toward the shores of home. She may choose to rest in the arms of her Partner or create a still place to recoup her energy. She is not finished with her travels – she must manage the breakers ahead – but right now she is in peace. This is one of the most important parts of labor." "This may be the pinnacle of the altered state. Brainwaves may shift to Delta, the slowest and deepest of our known patterns, which allows us access to the realms of the unconscious…the realms of profound knowing, meditative understanding and peak experiences. This is the realm of transformation." ~ Extract from "The Holistic Stages of Birth", by midwife Whapio the Matrona @whapio_and_thematrona 🙏 I recommend anyone who is pregnant, or working with birth to read the whole text available online. Photo by @benzelphotography . . . #pregnancy #birth #labor #stagesofbirth #birthingtime #birthphases #birthisbeautiful
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placentamom · 3 years ago
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Such an honor to have encapsulated for this family not once, not twice, not three times, but following all four of their births 💝 . . . #repeatclient #myclientsarethebest #warmsmyheart #thankyou #happypostpartum #bestjobever #ilovewhatido #placentalove #placentamom #sacramento #placentaencapsulation #placentatime (at California Birth Center)
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placentamom · 3 years ago
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Woke up to being mentioned in a client's story. Thank you for the love! 💞 . . . #thankyou #myclientsarethebest #warmsmyheart #placentalove #appreciationpost #placentamom #sacramento #placentaencapsulation #placentaspecialist
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placentamom · 3 years ago
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Due to all the babies being born I sadly wasn't able to fit going to the @ruralresistanceplacerville community table into my schedule on Sunday. Thankfully today I had a Methodist Hospital placenta pick up & was able to drop some items off at one of the Oak Park @sacfridge4all locations. I urge anyone able to donate, in either area, to do the same. Every little bit counts & helps those in our communities. . . . #thisiswhatcommunitylookslike #mutualaid #warmsmyheart #tryingtogiveback #sacfridge4all #placentatime #goodafternoon #placentamom #sacramento #placentaencapsulation (at Oak Park, Sacramento, California)
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placentamom · 3 years ago
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Reposted from @momsmentalhealthmke It is often our struggles that help reveal our strengths. Keep fighting, mama. You will feel better! #youwillfeelbetter #stillagoodmom #perinatalmentalhealth #PPD #PPA #PMAD #maternalmentalhealth #riseup #youvegothis
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placentamom · 3 years ago
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Busy playing catch up in my placenta workshop. . . . #workfamilybalance #placentatime #notbiohazardwaste #dontwasteitencapsulateit #happypostpartum #placentamom #sacramento #placentaencapsulation (at Sacramento, California)
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placentamom · 3 years ago
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@wittyotter is so right. More support please. 💛💛💛 #supportnotcompetition #parenting #motherhood #parentingsupport #hardestjobever #bestjobever #keepingitreal #postpartumsupport #placentamom #sacramento #placentaencapsulation
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placentamom · 3 years ago
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It's a beautiful morning for a client pick up at Kaiser South 🌞🌳 #kaiserpermanente #southsacramento #sunnyday #placentatime #placentamom #sacramento #placentaencapsulation (at Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento)
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placentamom · 3 years ago
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I definitely get to see fun things when out doing client pick ups 💀 . . . #halloweeninapril #skeleton #bestjobever #ilovewhatido #elkgrove #placentamom #sacramento #placentaencapsulation (at Elk Grove, California)
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placentamom · 3 years ago
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A client opted for cord blood donation, which works with encapsulation, & is one option. Other options include banking or simply delayed cord clamping for baby's benefit. #birthoptions #birthplan #cordblooddonation #cordbloodbanking #delayedcordclamping #kaiserpermanente #roseville #placentatime #placentamom #sacramento #placentaencapsulation (at Kaiser Roseville Women And Children's)
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placentamom · 3 years ago
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My clients are truly the best 💛 #thankyou #myclientsarethebest #warmsmyheart #bestjobever #ilovewhatido #placentalove #placentamom #sacramento #placentaencapsulation #placentaspecialist
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