pisuprosebe · 4 years
Up in smoke
I am an occasional smoker and a frequent drinker. Until I was about 22 I refused to each any vegetables. I was a chubby teenager who used to eat second lunches and second dinners, play computer games while eating snickers and reading books while trembling over the though of a PE class.
All of this has lead to some significant positives in my life. Smoking has given me some of the most amazing times, away from the yelling in crowded pubs where all the ‘sensible’ people would stay, while the most wild, emotional and crazy part of the group would go out and talk about philosophy. And drinking was and still hugely is one of my biggest obsessions, because it makes people so adventurous and emotional. Far away from the boring, uptight reality which we find our days in. The more drama, the more excitement, the more stories, the better for me.
Recently, I went for a walk with a friend who I was taking photos with. Naturally, we ended up taking photos of each other too and when I saw my photos on these pictures, I couldn’t believe how worn out I looked. It was on Sunday, when I was completely down from not talking to a person who’s very close to me. At the time and also in the time of writing this, we were in a quarantine and I was smoking about 4 cigarettes a day - the most I have smoked since I was 18 as I am more of a social drinking smoker. And even though its agreeably shallow to closely study yourself on photographies, it has given me an insight which I am fairly grateful for.
However cheesy it is, I have realised, how much I owe to my body. It hasn’t been hurting significantly for 27 years. It has been kind to me, even though I have exploited it in exchange for emotional rides. It has been patiently waiting for me to have my fun and treat it better, once I am mature. I realised, that my body is one of my best friends. The moment I have realised this, my mindset has changed completely. I am craving cigarettes but I am not gonna shove them down my friends mouth if it’s not really happy about it. If my best friend is cold, I will put an extra layer on it. If it craves caffeine and I know it’s not really good for it, I will tell it off.
It astonishes me how incredibly easy is for us to not care about hurting ourselves but as soon as you see your body as someone you care about, it’s much harder to mistreat it.
And I guess I thought it’s worth noting.
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pisuprosebe · 5 years
I only write blogs when I am single
It’s 2.07am and I am thinking how I have almost forgotten what it is like to stay still at night and listen to the sounds of your thoughts, and your thoughts only. I haven’t been alone for a while like this.
I guess it’s also partially because of the issues that are currently grasping the world but scrolling down through this blog, I have realised that I mainly make additions to it while I was forced by assignment or when I was single. I really hate myself for it because only now that I am 27 and I am slowly approaching the stage of life which kids consider as “ancient”, I was forced to listen to my thoughts and try to figure out who I truly am. But it could be worse. Some people are lying to themselves for eternity.
I guess, everything had to go really bad for me to wake up. I have done a lot of things that society would slap me in the face for and have felt very guilty of them for a long time but they have made me do some important decisions. I have broken up with my boyfriend, I have opened up to a person who is a mess but a fairly kind, beautiful mess and I allowed myself to feel a burning, sexual desire for the most stunning girl, all within a space of a few months. I’ve moved a house and for the first time ever, I am living in a room that is completely mine to decorate. Spoiler - there is a lot of plants, cameras and cut outs of art. It’s a tiny room but it’s all mine.
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I do suspect and realise that this is a very third world problem but I have to say that now I finally understand how important it is to have a good environment around yourself to feel at peace and to know who you are. It also helps that my room is so small, there really cannot be any extra clutter. So I have to be very careful and think twice about what I really need and where is it going to fit. And I have never been happier to find a perfectly tiny sized watering can in a charity shop.
The area is really nice too. I have a bad habit (that my friend keeps pointing out) of trying to make negative things into positive ones almost to the point of a denial and I realised that I’ve always said I wanted to live next to a busy street so I am not scared at night. Well, it was all just bullshit. I love how I can’t hear anything but birds in this house and it feels even safer. We also have a garden which I’ll be posting more photos of when it’s not 3am in the morning, I’m not in my pyjama and I can actually go out and take them and a huge wild park, which I will take photos of soon too. 
I do have a lot of other things to say but my battery is running out, so hopefully, see you soon.
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pisuprosebe · 9 years
The World of Charles and Ray Eames Exhibition
http://www.barbican.org.uk/artgallery/event-detail.asp?id=18398&pg=8275 21 October 2015 - 14 February 2016 @ Barbican Centre
Maybe I am a complete ignorant or maybe it’s because I’ve always preferred ‘vintage’ and cosy things like Chesterfields rather than abstract and cold shapes but I have to admit that I have heard about the Eames duo for the first time at this exhibition. Of course, I have seen their chairs in films etc. but I am still a 90′s child who grew up when the border of communism have just opened in my country so that probably played a part as well.
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Unfortunately for people like me, I think this exhibition was poorly curated. Pretty much one of the first works that I saw was a leg cast (still pretty beautifully designed) and that did not spark too much excitement. In general, it felt like this exhibition is for someone who deeply wants to study the life Ray and Charles which I guess is fair enough. On the other hand, it would be much more useful if the whole thing was more organized.
Couple of things were still pretty interesting - obviously the furniture designs but also magazine covers, short films and toys. Let me talk a bit more about the last three as they are a topic not so broadly covered. The most appealing for me personally were the magazine covers:
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Those are all covers of Ray Eames for the magazine called Arts & Architecture. One can tell that she’s studied painting and their covers also include montage, layering, collage and as Creative review describes it: ‘’The magazine explored the impact of modernism on contemporary culture and had a particular focus on Californian design’’ and I believe the covers are responding perfectly to that. There were other examples of Graphic Design like Eames business cards and layouts. 
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As I’ve mentioned, there were also short films available to watch but it was a shame that some of them I could not hear over the sound of other installations. One of the films was particularly interesting which was The Power of Ten. This video by Charles Eames was an inspiration for a music video just below. 
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pisuprosebe · 9 years
Big Bang Data Exhibition
http://bigbangdata.somersethouse.org.uk/ 3rd December 2015 - 20 March 2016 @ Somerset House, London
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Big Bang Data comes to London after being exhibited in Barcelona, Buenos Aires and Madrid. As a part of a school project, I have visited this exhibition and this is my review of it:
From Design point of view, Big Bang Data is very inspirational exhibition where one can learn a lot about infographics and data analysis in both analog and digital form. It also gives us a deeper understanding of what data truly is, how and where is it stored and mainly, how blind do we tend to be when it comes to its physical form. What I have to admit is that for such a popular exhibition and such a stimulating subject I’ve expected more mentally stimulating pieces. The main room is packed with projects from various artists - some of them more lighthearted than others, some of them more interesting, some with big potential. This was the place with the most interesting design pieces - let me mention the Infographics of data gathered from one person or postcard conversation from two artists capturing the ways how to visualize data without technology. I also quite enjoyed the short films about how the American (only American?) government is spying on people, yet I don’t think this subject has been examined in them deeply enough.
Surprisingly enough, I found more impressive topics in the side rooms - the main one of course being a huge Dr. Strangelove-like room where you could find yourself playing a game of how London is going to look like in 2036 or creep on Instagram posts that have been taken around Somerset House. 
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The second one being room with a video about a huge warehouse in America that is scanning books in order to recreate the Library of Alexandria. On my way out I found a beautiful device that showed tweets about various events happening in the world so nuns could pray for them. Beautiful.
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My conclusion of this exhibition is that for someone who is not a designer, this was a great opportunity to find out what are the real dangers of data sharing and how much can one find out from the information of a single Oyster card. For a designer, it was a great opportunity to find out about different media that can add to / replace modern technologies and about the fact that every click of mouse has its own consequences. 
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pisuprosebe · 9 years
Negativity is the enemy of creativity
David Lynch
Well here we go, I thought it is about time for me to get back to blogging because I missed writing, the sound of the keyboard, the speed of my fingers and the ease of mind that I get by doing it. And I swear to God, the fact that it is going to be New Year soon is just a coincidence.
But since things have worked out this way, I said hey, why not to do a little summary of what happened and what I wish for the next 367 days. 
As most of human beings, I have the tendency to see everything good when I look back in my memories and even though this approach might be pretty naive, I think it helps me/us to deal with all the shit I/we need to deal with. Therefore, I am going to say, that yes, 2015 was a pretty good year, thank you for asking. I have had one of those amazing summers that was so so warm and without worries and full of excitement. Last winter was beautiful too, I have seen USA for the first time and my shrunken horizonts have widened even more. This winter was great because I have found out about things I am not ready for and hopefully, will never be. I could have probably spare myself some time but didn’t want to judge before I try so I guess it was all necessary. 
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What I’d like to do in the next year... Well, recently I found a list I made couple of months ago and it’s pretty much the same as it was (which isn’t very pleasing, is it). But I found it under the name of ‘The Polite Manifesto to Myself’ / ‘What I suggest you to do’ so no pressure there. Its main points are the following:
1. ...embrace your oddity. - As it is what makes you different.
2. ...take it easy. - You have time. Loads of it. For everything.
3. ...say no to coolness. - And the pressure from others indirectly telling you what to do.
4. ...lower the amount of things you consider essential.
5. ...get rid of distractions.
6. ...care about environment. 
7. ...be alone.
8. ...solve your eating habits. - So you don’t feel insecure nor full and tired.
9. ...drink more tea, preferably from big mugs. - Because you always realize how much you love tea as you’re having your first cup in half a year.
10. ...have more random catch-ups with your friends at their / your houses.
11. ...make more mistakes and learn not to be embarrassed by them. - Which comes with working more often.
12. ...listen more to others.
13. ...when you’re feeling shit, don’t go to sleep, go for a walk instead. - This one is very important.
For now, I would like to finish with the 13, cause whatever, it’s a symbolic number. 
See you soon,
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pisuprosebe · 9 years
The biggest problem is not with people who are not honest with you but with the people who are not honest with themselves. The ones that are confused and manipulative in a non-deliberate way. So basically, the problem is almost all of us.
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pisuprosebe · 9 years
It feels like war is just a one big board game, only with more players and bigger damages.
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pisuprosebe · 9 years
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I was not sure whether I will be able to write this post because on one hand, I really wanted to make a research about the beautiful Museum of Modern Art in New York but on the other hand I miss the city so much that every word I write about it is going to be a stab in my heart, hah. This first part is going to be about my personal relationship with this gallery - what I saw, my photography and favourite pieces. Part two will be more general, about the history and its collections. First time I've heard about MoMA and also the first time I've visited their website was when I was doing my research about 2001 Space Odyssey and randomly stumbled across a cutlery designed by Arne Jacobsen that Kubrick had chosen for the film: And therefore I strongly recommend checking out their store to anyone who has a similar obsession with all the artistic merchandise and books. Usually, I don't look at art on websites of galleries because who does? I think it can be very misleading (meaning that even though you can imagine the size of the pieces, it has never the same effect as if you are standing in front of it, examining carefully every stroke of the brush) so I was very happy that I had the opportunity to visit the actual gallery couple of weeks ago. It was mind blowing. On the first floor, there was an exhibition that was dedicated to Henri de Toulouse Lautrec (1864 - 1901) who (according to Wikipedia) was a French painter, printmaker, draughtsman and illustrator. His art is mainly focused on bohemian and decadent side of Paris including performances in Moulin Rouge and its famous cancan dancers. Lautrec had a severe physical condition that was stopping him from many activities and was one of the reasons why he started painting. Later on it has led to his severe alcoholism as he was often mocked up for his appearance. Tolouse-Lautrec's collection contains huge amount of pieces. He  created 737 canvases, 275 watercolours, 363 prints and posters, 5,084 drawings, some ceramic and stained glass work, and an unknown number of lost works. He was inspired by Impressionists and Japanese woodcuts that were popular in Paris in his time and also by many of his muses of which one was a famous cabaret singer called Yvette Guilbert. Following photos are not the most significant artworks of his but the ones that I have found the most interesting in the exhibition. Another eye catching design had the ZG magazine. This beauty was very hard to research, but I managed to find out that it was a magazine founded by Rosetta Brooks, based in London in 1980 and it is described as a magazine that 'examines various high and low cultures. It features a wide array of themes such as art, society, film, sexuality, visuality, advertisement, body image, science, politics' and has the most disturbing (read amazing) covers you can imagine. Many of the issues and general vibe of the magazine is mentioned in this great article but in short, it was revolutionary because miss Brooks considered the artistic community at the time "a cottage industry protected by a minority group of conservationists" and decided to go against this trend. Maybe something we could think about still? The music department of MoMA was huge and because the covers are usually inspiring for designers, I ended up taking a peak as well. As you can see on the photos below, it was full with punk and rock bands from the first (or second if we want to be debatable) wave. Also I took some photos of posters that I thought had simple but striking design and a clever use of colour. The time went way too fast in MoMA and therefore I had no more time for going through the actual modern art exhibition but I have decided that I have to go back. For a nice ending of this article, I am adding my favourite pieces from the modern art exhibition - I especially adore the one with busy Jackson Pollock and man in red looking slightly confused.
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pisuprosebe · 9 years
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We have started learning about branding and one of the tasks is to make a presentation about various brands in a group of people. I was never a big fan of fashion myself (although I absolutely admire people who do) so at first, I thought it was a bit unfortunate that my group is supposed to do Fashion. But it, as per usual, turned out to be more interesting than I have expected. We have chosen one brand each based on its targeted buyers. I have happened to get to choose the most luxurious one and because I have always been fascinated by the fact that the brand Lacoste has a crocodile in its logo (and I do like crocodiles a lot) the choice was made quite easily. This French company has been founded in 1933 by René Lacoste (a famous French tennis player, winner of Wimbledon, Davis Cup and member of the tennis group called the Musketeers) and Andre Gillier who have started to make tennis shirts and until those days, their are still the most famous for their polo ones. They had their crocodile logo since the very beginning and as it is stated in De Zeen magazine (http://www.dezeen.com/2013/11/22/peter-saville-abstracts-lacostes-crocodile-logo-for-holiday-collector-polo-shirts/), the reason for this is that René Lacoste 'was nicknamed The Crocodile after his David Cup team captain promised to buy him an alligator suitcase if he won an important match'. Which I think is quite amusing as it beautifully shows that your logo does not have to have anything in common with the business. The main thing that did helped the Lacoste brand to be famous was the fact that it's owner was widely known in the world of sports: But despite that, there was a time when Lacoste company was known as Izod Lacoste where Izod was standing for Lacoste's second branch in United Kingdom. At those times, business was slowing down as people started to hesitate to pay such a high price for a simple shirt with a crocodile on it. Luckily, company started it's marketing by providing famous people with their product (including JFK) and also, it turned it focus to preppy teenagers. This move achieved it's purpose and Lacoste became a wanted brand for the upper class. The crocodile stencil was designed by Rene's friend Robert George in 1933 and became a logo that Rene used to wear on his blazer and shirts. It looked like this: We will stay with the logo for a bit more. For a long time, another sportswear company in China also had a crocodile logo that was very similar to Lacoste's, just facing the other way around. In the end, both companies managed to make an agreement and Crocodile company agreed to change it's logo by extending the animal's tail and making it more scaly. Recently, Lacoste made some cooperation with designers, one of them being Peter Saville who has been asked to work on a special edition for the brand's 80th anniversary. His response is just stunning as always. It is definitely more than worth it to look at his redesign of Lacoste's logo as it is playfull, fresh and perfect example of a successful mark-making. Another cooperation was with Brazilian designers Fernando and Humberto Campana, whole article about that can be found on De Zeen again (http://www.dezeen.com/2009/07/02/campanas-lacoste/): Main purpose and style of the brand is to create sport clothes that does not loose much from the style of a gentleman. Their presentation is clean, neat and even though the company have been around for over 70 ye
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pisuprosebe · 10 years
Yeah right
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Wendy MacNaughton breaks down the true hierarchy of needs. See more of her brilliantly simple yet profound visual distillations of life in Meanwhile and Lost Cat. 
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pisuprosebe · 10 years
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pisuprosebe · 10 years
there’s a bluebird in my heart that    wants to get out    but I’m too tough for him,    I say, stay in there, I’m not going    to let anybody see    you.    there’s a bluebird in my heart that    wants to get out    but I pour whiskey on him and inhale    cigarette smoke    and the whores and the bartenders    and the grocery clerks    never know that    he’s    in there.    there’s a bluebird in my heart that    wants to get out    but I’m too tough for him,    I say,    stay down, do you want to mess    me up?    you want to screw up the    works?    you want to blow my book sales in    Europe?    there’s a bluebird in my heart that    wants to get out    but I’m too clever, I only let him out    at night sometimes    when everybody’s asleep.    I say, I know that you’re there,    so don’t be    sad.    then I put him back,    but he’s singing a little    in there, I haven’t quite let him    die    and we sleep together like    that    with our    secret pact    and it’s nice enough to    make a man    weep, but I don’t    weep, do    you?
Ch. Bukowski
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pisuprosebe · 10 years
The need to run away, where the grass is greener, where people are different and possibilities are wider. Where the air is easier to breathe because no one is depending on me.  That need is starting to piss me off.
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pisuprosebe · 10 years
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Alriight here we go. First blog entry from mine and Joe’s holiday and from my first time in America. Our decision to go was mainly because of the nicest offer from our ex-colleague (and friend, mainly) Susan who is letting us stay with her for couple of days in New Orleans and it was only a matter of common sense to see one more different place in USA.  A je to tadyyy… první blog z mých a Joeových společných prázdnin a hlavně mého prvního seznámení se s Amerikou. Naše rozhodnutí se sem vypravit bylo podníceno především návštěvou ex kolegyně, ale především kamarádky Susan, která se uvolila nás ubytovat na pár dní v New Orleans a proto jsme se rozhodli, že když už jsme v tom, navštívíme i něco víc z USA.
We decided to fly via Prague as the tickets were insanely cheap from there. We had couple of let’s say pre-adventures over there as well including going to a dodgy but awesome venue called Vagon for a bit of a dance, throwing my Dad’s shoe on his window at 3 AM in order to wake him up and let us in for fudge sake and also a visit of a medieval pub where some historical fencing was going on and was not even theatrically embarassing. Práce v komiksech a živobytí studenta nevynáší zas až tak moc, proto jsme se rozhodli využít levnější příležitosti a letět přes Prahu. Už tam jsme zažili pár dobrodružství jako seznámení Joea s českou trsací kulturou v nejkrásnějším pajzlu jménem Vagón, házení boty na okno táty ve tři ráno ve snaze dostat se dovnitř a návštěva starověkého pubu, se šermířským vystoupením, které překvapivě nebylo ani trochu trapné. Ale náš největší zážitek stále samozřejmě ležel před námi.
All of our flghts were smooth (possibly because of all of my prayers to pretty much any god) and we flew 6 hours back in time to land in the place which name makes many hearts beat faster with excitement – New York. We arrived at 8pm local time, so exhausted and tired that the only thing we managed to do after checking in to the hotel was go out and buy pizza, milk and cereal and go to sleep into a double bed that Joe accidentally – according to him haha – reserved. Let proběhl hladce a sladce, pravděpodobně díky všem mým vyslaným motlitbám a my jsme proletěli časem 6 hodin nazpět do místa jehož název rozbuší leckterá srdce – New York. Dosedli jsme v osm večer místního času a totálně nevyspalí a vyčerpaní si koupili pizzu, cereálie a mlíko a šli spát do jedné společné postele kterou – ehm ehm – Joe prý omylem zarezervoval. 
Our second day was quite chilled, we headed to Empire State Building first thing in the morning. It was so sooo cold up there but the view was breathtaking and New York was clearly trying very hard to steal my heart with all its bridges and snow duvets all over it but I was not giving up my skepticism. In the afternoon we went to the Times Square and the New York Public Library where an amazing photography exhibiton took place. Druhý den proběhl poklidně, hned po probuzení jsme se vypravili na Empire State Building, kde byla neskutečná kosa a dechberoucí výhled, při kterém mi New York v celé své čtvercovitosti a multikulturalitě připomínal starý Babylón. Ani trochu tomu městu neodpouštím jak se snažilo získat mou přízeň svou polohou na řece a mosty přes ní, otravnými závoji sněhu, které stejně nakonec musí člověk vždycky ocenit a mrakodrapy na Manhattnu stínící téměř celou oblohu, na což si člověk s láskyplným obdivem stejně tak rád zvykne. V danou chvíli ale NY rozhodně nemělo vyhráno a já jsem stále byla odhodlaná se mu nepoddat. Odpoledne jsme obhlídli Time Square a hlavní knihovnu, která zrovna pořádala výstavu fotografií a designu. After that we ended up checking out the river and walking on a beautiful promenade which was full of snow and sun. Až jsme nakonec došli k zamrzlé řece a dlouho táhnoucí se promenádě podél ní, což se ukázalo jako dobrá volba. We were trying to see as much as possible so towards the end of the day, we managed to see Grand Central Station and Central park as well. Večer ještě obhlídka Grand Central Station a Central parku a náš cíl vidět z horní část Manhattanu to nejdůležitější byl splněn.
Next day, after an awesome breakfast we decided to leave the Manhattan island and go Brooklyn. We chose a random station in that quarter and kind of expected that after we get off the subway, we are going to see a hipster paradise and a copy of Brick lane. What waited for us was more of a Whitechapel style and after walking around for two hours, we gave up, had a coffee and took the subway again to Coney Island. At that stage, Brooklyn was a disappointment. Druhý den ráno, posilněni úžasnou snídaní, jsme se rozhodli ostrov opustit a vydat se směrem Brooklyn a níž. Vybrali jsme si proto náhodou stanici metra a po vystoupení očekávali (podle doslechu) hipsterskou čtvrť podobnou Brick Lane. Po dvou hodinách chození kolem typicky špinavých, obytných čtvrtí, kde i McDonald’s má roztrhaný vlajky jsme naše očekávání vzdali, šli na kafe a rozhodli se pokračovat metrem na Coney Island. V téhle chvíli mě Brooklyn ještě dokonale zklamal.
Coney Island was quite dead. Joe got off the tube and claimed he smelled the sea which turned out to be working so we arrived on another promenade that had almost no-one on it. Next to that, there was a closed amusement park with roller coasters which looked quite depressing. It reminded us of the one in Chernobyl but to be fair, it probably was not that bad. Na Coney Islandu byla spousta Rusů, zima a mrtvo. Joe tvrdil, že táámhletím směrem cítí moře, což se nakonec potvrdilo a tak jsme našli téměř opuštěnou promenádu se zavřeným zábavním parkem.
Before I went to NY I heard someone talking about a lobster roll from Coney Island and without even trying, we have found ourselves in the most American restaurant right by the beach that was serving it. I WAS SO HAPPY and I am definitely coming back for that stuff, nevermind whether it is going to be in one year or sixty. Od Ondřeje Kobzy jsem slyšela, že na Coney Islandu mají výborného humra v housce a čirou náhodou, první restaurace do které jsme zapadli na oběd (mimochodem neskutečně Americky vypadající) mě uvítala přesně touhle ambrosií. Ať už to bude za rok či šedesát, na jednu se tam určitě ještě někdy stavím. Joe had a date scheduled in the evening so I slaggered to the hotel to not be a third wheel and slightly bored, I found myself swipping on Tinder and chatting to a guy from Brooklyn. He invited me to his but before I made a decision, it was 11 pm and even though Joe was very supportive and sweet and offered to keep me a discrete company, we decided it is probably not the best idea to be adventurous at the time. K večeru měl Joe rande (uuhuhu) tak jsem vypadla do hotelu, že nebudu křenit a swipovala na Tinderu, kde jsem narazila na týpka z Brooklynu, co se chtěl ten večer potkat, ale jen kousek od něj. Znělo to jako dost špatnej nápad po tom všem chození a faktu, že jsem holka a že bylo jedenáct večer, ale tak napůl nerozhodně jsem se to chystala risknout. Joe se jako rytíř nabídl, že půjde se mnou a diskrétně se bude držet v pozadí. Nakonec jsme se rozhodli, že je stejně příliš pozdě, nechali týpka týpkem a šli do Irskýho baru na tu největší whiskey a pak hurá do postele.
Our last day we decided to see a bit of the South part, the old New York, where the streets are not organized at all. We got off at Canal St and walked around quarters with familiar names like Soho, Noho, Little Italy and Chinatown which turned up to be pretty much what we have been expecting from the Brooklyn part. Hungry from all the walking, we went into a beautiful little restaurant with hanging light bulbs and all the old school looking shiet like that. Náš poslední den jsme se rozhodli zamířit na jih, do starého New Yorku, kde jsou ulice ještě nepořádné a neroztříděné. Vystoupili jsme na Canal St a obcházeli čtvrtě s povědomými názvy jako Soho, Noho, Little Italy a Chinatown, které svým vzhledem vyplnili to, kde Brooklyn zklamal. Nakonec jsme vyhladovělí skončili v nádherné malé restauraci s nejlepším vegetariánským burgerem jaký jsem v New Yorku měla (předstírejme na chvíli, že nebyl jen jeden). A meal later, we continued our journey towards Wall St and the Statue of Liberty that was pretty much all hidden in the dark. O jídlo později jsme se vydali ještě níž, podívat se na Wall St a to, co šlo vidět ze Sochy svobody, což (protože se v průběhu setmělo) rozhodně nebylo moc. At the end of the evening, I decided to give a chance to the Tinder guy and met him at one of the Brooklyn stations that I cannot even pronounce. We also met without Joe cause it was a bit earlier and I have figured out that I hopefully wont need a protection since it was before even 10pm. In the beginning, he looked alright but invited me to his house pretty much straight away and I was a bit reluctant until he offered me a beer and said that he has some friends around. I was soooold. So suddenly, I found myself sitting there with four guys, all of them rappers who were constantly writing verses down and playing beats, sitting at a table covered with random sketches of graffiti, whiskey shots and tobacco. Just the right kind of my American dream /glad I swipped right hah/. Nakonec jsem se večer rozhodla, že týpkovi z Tinderu dám ještě jednu šanci a potkala se s ním o něco dřív na severu Brooklynu, tentokrát bez Joea s tím, že dřív než před desátou večer ochranu nebudu potřebovat. Potkali jsme se na zastávce, kterou ani neumím vyslovit a on, vypadajíce celkem mile, mě asi po 10ti minutách seznámení pozval k sobě. Už jsem měla na jazyku odmítnutí, když mi řekl, že má v bytě kámoše a že si dáme pivo a po pár minutách už jsem seděla v bytě se čtyřma týpkama z nichž minimálně jeden každou minutu zarapoval pod fousy pár veršů, u stolu pokrytým skečema graffiti, whiskey a tabákem. Prostě my American dream a so glad I swipped right.
I am now sitting on a place to New Orleans, wondering how long is my next post gonna be. Shorter? Longer? We’ll see what the future’s gonna bring. 
Teď sedím v letadle do New Orleans a přemýšlím, jak dlouhý asi bude můj příští post. Mnohem kratší? Mnohem delší? Uvidíme, co čas přinese.
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pisuprosebe · 10 years
About death and love - the two most important things
1. I think I am 75% at peace with accepting that I will die and also that I will be forgotten. 3 out of 4 days this provides me with inner calmness that even though I might have screwed up, it is understandable and it does not matter that much. 1 out of 4 days, it takes off my desire to do anything at all.
2. I think that loving someone is a mixture of being both sexually and mentally attracted to the person for all time you spent together. In my own experience, those people would satisfy my rational demands but also my irrational darker needs that have developed in all of us in a different way.
3. I also think that finding a person like that is difficult. Finding a person like that who is not already in a relationship, feels the same about me, is mature enough to be ready to settle down and finding out I am ready for them as well is quite unlikely to happen in my life.
4. And I am 65% okay with that. Which on a good day makes me feel like I don't have to care that much because there is no stress, no deadline to be made, no task to be fulfilled. On a bad day, it makes me feel a little bit alone.
5. Therefore, I have realized that if it does not work out, I might need a friend to create home with. Someone, who I won't love with all my heart but who will I enjoy spending my time with. Or maybe two, or three. I would not even mind adopting a child with a one or two of my friends. Why is this not a common thought yet? Why is this not at least an alternative we think about?
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pisuprosebe · 10 years
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Instant photographs.
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pisuprosebe · 10 years
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Alright so I am writing this post just purely because my lovely friend Kate forces me to be out here which is good. Otherwise I’d probably go to sleep as I don’t remember a day when I would not had to wake up at 7 AM and had to go straight to work / school. But who cares, we are all tired huh?
Attached photo is a poster I have made for Subtitles Cafe in London which is a beautiful little Café in Dalston that does weekly screening of the best Czech movies you can think of… with Subitles .) I found it by a complete accident and loved the people and the general vibe of it straight away. Recommend to everyone! 
The poster is supposed to represent coffee stains with a moon in it as February is a scifi month of their screening. My mum said she would not guess that which puts me a bit into a shame so hopefully next time, my message will be clearer.
Otherwise, life is alright I suppose. I have a new job where I have met some really great people, especially one Greek girl is so so amazing. You know how sometimes you meet someone and know you gonna like them straight away even before talking to them? I am starting to be able to guess it more and more easily so it would be nice to say my empathy has improved. I also found myself much chilled with starting at a new position and being myself as I simply can’t give a damn / have time to give a damn about whatever anyone thinks I am doing wrong according to them. Maybe it is slightly late to realize this when you are 22 but hey, better late than latter, right?
Well, I won’t bother anyone with my personal stuff anymore, at school I have to design some book covers and also a map for the whole building so if I manage to do it, there is some interesting stuff coming.
You guys out take it easy, don’t expect perfection from anyone as you are not perfect either and love unconditionally.
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