pirate-cannons · 6 years
i found out- thanks to my classmates and teachers 8YES EVEN THE TEACHERS IM SO EMBARRASSED HONESTLY ASHDHFVFN) that I sing well, and like after a whole life of being mocked by others and bullied it's probs one of the best things to happen to me so far, specially bcs i love singing but never really thought my voice was good or anything- tho im not looking for a career in it, just for fun. yet, could I have ace, sabo (and whoever you want?) reacting to finding out their crush can sing? thanks
That is the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard. I bet your voice is awesome! I can’t even imagine being caught singing by someone 
I decided to throw Law in there so why not! Thanks for the ask it was a really cute one
Ace, Sabo, and Law finding out their crush can sing:
Ace came back early from a mission to a relatively quiet deck
However he could have swore he heard something from below deck…
Venturing into one of the storage units, he finds who but his CRUSH singing their heart out with a…broom as a partner
He’s not a stranger to randomly coming across some of his brothers attempting to sing
He stares, mouth hanging open for a bit before accidentally whispering out, “…an angel”
His crush whips around fast and screams briefly from surprise
“NO I’m sorry I..I didn’t mean..uhh I’ll just go..You have a very nice voice..yup leaving now bye”
That all comes out at the speed of light as he backs out of the room, hiding the blush on his face
Save him
He tries to avoid his crush after making a fool of himself but he just can’t get that voice out of his head
Eventually his crush comes to him though one night while he was on watch
“I’m sorry I screamed, I’m not used to people hearing me sing so you took me by surprise.”
“No no, it’s my fault for sneaking up on you.”
The apologizing goes back and forth until Ace hits the ground like a sack of potatoes…asleep
Once he wakes up he remembers his conversation with his crush and then falling asleep, but also vaguely…a beautiful melody in the night
Sabo was off fetching some papers for a meeting he needed to be at…five minutes ago when something caught his ear
Promising to take a quick peak and return to his meeting he followed the sound into the room they kept all of their snails
There he saw a brilliant sight of his longtime crush singing their heart out and they were…good?
Not just good but fantastic!
He’s never heard such pleasing melodies before and he finds himself staring at his crush, loving them even more at this point
Not wanting to be caught and still needing to return to his mission, Sabo turned to leave, but not quickly enough as all of the snails turned to him, alerting his crush of their onlooker
“How long have you been there? I thought you had a meeting today?”
Sabo grinned “Well I was on my way there when I heard the most beautiful sound only to find it was a chorus of snails singing. Can you imagine my surprise?”
His crush turned beat red and hid their face with their hands
Of course he heard them
“I’ve known you for 8 years and not once did I have any idea you could sing this well!”
Getting redder…”Please don’t tell the others…”
“I don’t see why you’d want to hide it, (Name) but of course. It will be our secret.”
When asked why he was so late to the meeting, Sabo simply replied:
“I got distracted by a nightingale outside.”
It was another night of pouring over the books for the Surgeon of Death
However, he found he wasn’t able to completely focus, so he decided to return to his room and maybe TRY and sleep.
Upon entry he noticed his shower was running
Taking a peak to asses who exactly felt the need to hijack his cabin’s shower despite already knowing who it probably was…
Recognizing the clothes laid out, it must be his crush
This wasn’t the first time they’ve pulled this
Sighing he slowly began to shut the door when the he heard them start to sing
Stopping suddenly, he stays and listens
He really shouldn’t, he has work to get back to but there is something about his crush’s voice that makes him stay
After they finish up, Law moves to his desk to not be so obvious
Glancing out over his books, he sees them slowly open the door as if to scout out the area
“You could just ask if you wanted to use the shower so badly”
“CAPTAIN! I-uhh…how long have you been there? I thought you were in the infirmary.”
“Oh I was, but then I retired just a short bit ago.”
He leaves his exact time ambiguous to tease his crush
Who now is freaking out over if their captain heard them in the shower.
Should they ask him? No that would only make it worse if he didn’t actually hear them…Maybe they should vaguely imply it so-
“Is there something else I can help you with (Name)”
He can tell exactly what’s running through their head at this moment and smirks to himself
“Uh no…sorry captain” He lets out a low chuckle as they quickly leave
Fast forward a couple weeks when the inevitable happens…
The showers are taken so (Name) decides to jump in their captain’s real quick since they know he’ll be tied up with some research he’s working on
Moving as quickly as they can as to not repeat what happened last time, they take a step out of the bathroom and…
“No song this time? Pity…” Might be an evil glint in his eye
“You did hear me!!”
“I must say, you are quite good.”
THAT made them stop
Law never compliments people. He always follows it up with a–
“You’re welcome to use my shower any time.”
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pirate-cannons · 6 years
Not Dead
No this blog is not dead I promise...
I can’t believe its been two months since I wrote something. Life got kinda busy and I wasn’t feeling up to writing BUT a friend of mine has recently helped me along in that aspect so I AM BACK
Thank you all for being patient with me and I hope to answer all of your guys’s asks. 
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pirate-cannons · 6 years
YESS THANK YOU! I absolutely love this <3 That angst...especially Law’s~ Perfecttttt
Hey fellow OP blog! (Pirate-cannons here) thanks for your request earlier-still working on it- and just wanted to say I love what you’ve written so far! How about hc’s/scenario (whichever you prefer) with Law, Ace, and Marco being rescued by their s/o from drowning? Keep up the good work!
You guys should check their blog out!!
Law, the biggest idiot perhaps on the planet, refuses to go to sleep
Instead, he’s on the edge of the sub after a sleepless night, training to expand his Devil Fruit powers
He knew it was careless, knew it was Strawhat level of reckless
…but the sight of his lover almost beaten to death in the last fight…while he was helpless…
That’s never going to happen again.  Never. 
It’s amazing he’s still standing, and it’s only through sheer willpower that he manages to make his biggest Room yet.
Before, promptly passing out into the ocean.
His partner, who was furiously nagging at him the night before to go to sleep, dives in without hesitation
He’s clawing at his throat.  Not again, he won’t be sick again.  He won’t be helpless again.  He’s not going to lose again.
His first breath of consciousness is in his lover’s arms, still clutching at his throat in panic
He lowers his hat in shame, silent in his foolishness.
It’s quiet, except for the sound of water dripping as they huddle together, panting.
“Thank you,” 
He finally concedes the day, wandering back into their quarters to pass out in each other’s warmth.  
He doesn’t protest when his lover wraps their arms particularly tight around him.  Doesn’t dare to protest when they dote over him to make sure he’s alright.  
…So…this what it must feel like.  Whenever he’s too protective, or worrying around his S/O.
It’s rather sweet.
Out of respect for his pride, they never mention it again.
…Well…it is rather good blackmail material….
Never one to back down from a fight, Ace doesn’t hesitate in a friendly fight with the First Commander of the Whitebeard
“Ace, don’t be an idiot.  You’re no match for him, and the Moby Dick doesn’t look good with scorch marks everywhere.”
Well, that won’t be a problem if he just fights over the ocean!  Man, it’ll be embarrassing to see Marco flailing in the ocean
The fight doesn’t even last for 10 minutes before his lover is jumping into the sea to save him
He struggles furiously in the water as if he could overcome his Devil Fruit power.
The first thing he feels is warm lips on his as he coughs up seawater
He’s laughing, elated to be back on the ship, waking up to his S/O’s lips.  
He immediately stops at his lover’s murderous expression.
Oh c'mon, it was just a small little fight.  Besides, he knew his lover would rescue him!  They always do!
Before his lover could get angrier, he tilts their chin for a deep (yet very wet) kiss
Laughing into the kiss, he pulls away.  God, isn’t he lucky to be dating such a strong pirate?
He’s no longer laughing when word spreads and he becomes the joke of the ship.
Unlike the others, he doesn’t fall into the sea 
No…he gets tossed in there after a battle.  Barely conscious, Beaten, and left for dead.
He sinks into the sea, too tired to struggle, his lover’s name popping into the bubbles that leave his lips
He can still see the surface a bit.  Explosions overhead in the turbulent sea.
The last thing he sees is a faraway outstretched hand 
The first thing he feels is burning in his chest.  On the ship, battle long forgotten, he wakes to a sobbing S/O holding his hurt hand.
He reaches out to cradle their face in blue flames.  "Such a pretty face shouldn’t be crying.“
Marco groans at the impact of his sweetheart’s bruising hug.
They stay embraced, blue flames licking their wounds away.
He can sense how shaken his sweetheart is.  
They spend the next few days recovering in peace.  Making sure not to drift too far from each other.
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pirate-cannons · 6 years
Hi! So... Um, I have a stalker... It's nothing dangerous, he just messages me a lot and asks to be my boyfriend a ton even though I try to very nicely say no... He even once asked if I could meet in at a park... At 9pm... When it was dark and empty... So, how would Sanji, Law, and Kid react if they find out their s/o had a stalker? Thanks!
Hey there anon! Oh my…that sounds pretty serious. Hopefully everything is ok. Have you told anyone about this person? Please be careful
These three are absolutely terrifying to think about in this scenario…
Sanji, Law, and Kid react to finding out their s/o had a stalker:
Sanji is a gentleman
If he found out through his s.o telling him, he would swear to them that they will never lay a hand on his s/o
Super protective mode activated
However, more likely is the couple happen across the stalker (who didn’t realize Sanji was there? RIP)
After realizing who this person is to his s/o, Sanji has to remind himself
He is a gentleman
He will not start a fight in the middle of a street with his s/o on his arm
No…he waits and pretends he didn’t know about the stalker
“(Name)-swaaan can you grab some apples? You always pick the best ones
After his s/o is out of sight, Sanji grabs the stalker and roughly throws them into an alley
But Sanji is a gentleman
Some words are exchanged
Bodily harm threatened
Needless to say the stalker never comes within a 10 foot radius of his s/o ever again
And Sanji walks out of that alley looking damn well pleased with himself as he meets back up with his s/o
Who gracefully grabs the bushel from his s/o and gives them a peck on the cheek for their troubles
B E C A U S E  S A N J I   I S  A  G E N T L E M A N
Someone has a death wish…
As with Sanji, Law’s s/o probably did not tell him about their stalker
They happen to be walking around on an island when Law quickly notices someone is following them around
Law doesn’t say anything to his s/o, but when the stalker gets close enough, he immediately spins around and pins him to a wall
“Who told you to follow us?”
He imagines this person is some assassin or bounty hunter
He never would have imagined they were his s/o’s stalker…until they voiced their thoughts and feelings straight to his s/o
The world went silent as Law saw RED
How DARE someone look at his s/o like that
At this point he can’t even hear his s/o calling his name from behind him
It’s not long before the offender is in multiple pieces and completely at Law’s mercy
“Law…please don’t experiment on them, I think they’ve gotten the picture.”
Law finally turns around, still holding the other’s disembodied head, drops it unceremoniously onto the ground and slams his sword into the ground
So close that it cuts their face as its lodged into the ground
“If you ever come near us again, I will tear your skin off layer by layer until I get to the muscles to which I will separate every tendon from where they’re fixed all while I spill your insides onto my table for you to see. Do I make myself clear?”
“Are you planning on putting them back toge-” “No” “Didn’t think so.”
You don’t mess with the Surgeon of Death’s s/o
You just don’t
Kid and his crew are at a bar when he notices an unfamiliar face approach his s/o
Someone they know?
Kid decides to make his presence known to the insignificant maggot when he overhears a part of their conversation that reveals this newcomer was AFTER HIS S/O?
Have mercy for the rest of the inhabitants of this bar at that time because Captain Kid just exploded
Also hide the silverware
Kid roughly throws his arm around his s/o as he flat out punches this person in the face
His s/o knows there’s no stopping him when he gets like this so they just back away as Kid walks menacingly towards the offender, relishing in the look of pure terror on the other’s face
Whether it was from recognition or realizing the trouble they’ve gotten themselves in, he doesn’t care
Kid will kill them, no questions asked
Afterwards he can be more brash than normal and feel the need to re-stake his claim of his s/o and things will get pretty….physical
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pirate-cannons · 6 years
Hello! It's so nice to see another OP blog! Your blog is so great! I was wondering, how would Law react to having a S/O that's another pirate captain that he rarely sees? How would the pining go?
Hey there! I’m glad you like it! And thanks for the request, this would definitely be an interesting situation…tbh he would pine so hard
Law with another pirate captain as a s/o who he doesn’t get to see often:
There would be some serious pining
And Law would fight himself every step of the way on so many levels
He would argue with himself about how could he trust another pirate?
They could be betraying him right now and he wouldn’t even know it
He can’t rid himself of these feelings, but oh he wishes he could
What he really wants is to have his s/o on his sub, as a member of his own crew. To be able to watch over them and protect them, but they both know that isn’t happening
Too much pride on both of their ends
This leads to a very irritable Law, often staring out to sea
He doesn’t know what they’re up to, what they’re planning
Where they even are
He hates himself for feeling what he does and tries to hide it, but his crew can tell he misses his s/o (they miss them too, makes their captain more agreeable)
The crew learns to ride with their captain’s ups and down, less they might lose a limb
It would get bad enough that his crew tries to meet up with the other crew JUST to make their captain happy
“Oh Captain, it seems there’s another pirate crew…on this random island…..we weren’t totally off course to dock at…”
He’d yell at them to get back on course BUT since they were near an island they might as well dock and stock up, right?
Law would pretend he doesn’t even notice WHOSE crew is already there
In front of his crew at least
Once he divided up the tasks he would head over to the other’s ship, but refuse to check if they’re on board
Despite wanting to see his s/o so badly, they would HAVE to come to him first, on his ship
He’s quite stubborn
After his walk around the island, he returns to his ship and heads to his quarters, only to find a familiar figure in his chair…
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you pacing by my ship earlier.”
…”I have no what you mean”
He just watches them as they sit languidly in his chair with a smirk on their face, daring him to make the first move
It’s always like this between them: a game of cat and mouse until one of them gives in
Usually Law’s s/o’s patience runs thin and throws in the towel…leading to them being shoved up against the wall by the Hearts Captain…
“I’ve missed you, Captain.”
“Shall we make up for lost time? Captain?
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pirate-cannons · 6 years
Hello! First of all: I LOVE YOUR BLOG
Hi there! I’m so glad you like it!!
I don’t plan to stop anytime soon! (Although I might disappear every now and then cause life happens…)
Law, Sanji, Zoro, Nami and Sabo realizing they are in love with someone:
It would take him a VERY long time to come to the conclusion that he was in love
Especially if it was someone in the crew. everyone else would figure it out long before their captain, however they wouldn’t dare mention it
At best they might try to HINT at it or constantly create situations to get the two of them together
For being the ‘smart one’ This of course goes completely over Law’s head
It comes to a point though that Law realizes maybe he does treat them differently
He worries more
Insists on treating them for every scrape and bruise…personally
Highly protective (He tells himself he’s just being a captain right?)
Over time, he becomes increasingly irritable because WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM
The constant urge to be by their side and these feelings he gets when he sees them smile
…maybe he picked up some sickness from that last island?
No that can’t be it
He hasn’t felt like this since…
Trafalgar D. Water Law does not have feelings for his …
“Hey Captain, did you want me to load this stuff in the back?”
…The Surgeon of Death did indeed have feelings for one of his crew
Sanji would have varying responses depending on if their s/o was a guy or girl
If it was a girl…well…Sanji loves all women right?
He knows he loves (Name) but if that’s all this feeling is…why does it feel so different with Nami and Robin?
Sanji would realize he was honestly in love with them once he recognized his feelings were no longer of distant admiration but rather that he truly cared for her
He’d still claim to love all women, but he was only IN love with one…
With a male on the other hand, things would be a little different and take him longer to realize
Sanji would recognize that he feel SOMETHING for the other male, but would most likely pass it off as being nakama, especially if they’re apart of the crew
He also starts to take in every detail of what the other male prefers when it comes to food, which he already does with the rest of the crew, but in this case he pays even closer attention and gets this funny feeling when he is complimented on one of his creations.
The real tell comes when Sanji starts to get irritated at the closeness between (Name) and that damn marimo
Of course he just passes that off as being irritable at ALL things related to the swordsman
Surely Sanji wasn’t jealous  of him?
Once its starts to happen with other people, Sanji is forced to look at the details
He’s so focused on (Name) he doesn’t even realize the rest of the crew knows
Damnit all…
Continuing the trend of being slow on the uptake…
Zoro doesn’t really bother with those kinds of thoughts. He has better things to do
For our swordsman, it’s a very subtle buildup
First they train and spar together. Then they start to  nap together, And eventually Zoro will demand ask that the other comes with him when they explore an island
The crew swears they have two Zoros now
Similar to Law’s reaction, Zoro starts to become protective over the other
But it’s just another member of the crew right? Nothing he wouldn’t do for Luffy or Usopp?
One afternoon when the two have fallen asleep on one another again the crew gathers around them
“I’m going to tell him.”
“Robin, no!”
“You know if we don’t he’ll never figure it out”
“Nami-swan has a point, he’s pretty thick-headed”
Zoro starts to wake up to the voices around him and when he sees them all grinning at him he looks down to an unknown weight on his legs to find (Name) still asleep
Unable to fight back the mad blush that rises to his face, he tries to cover it up with his hand all the while glaring at the other members of the crew who are trying hard not to laugh
Zoro will get them back for this
…as soon as he can move
Out of the boys, he’s the one who realizes it the fastest
He’s had a crush on their newest recruit for a VERY long time
Something about the way their smile lights up the whole room and the way their eyes twinkle when some mischief is about to happen on their watch and how they–Koala:You’re rambling, Sabo
He really isn’t subtle when it comes to these things
He thinks he is…but alas…the whole R.A knows at this point
Koala knows all about this little crush of his from the beginning and constantly tells him TO TELL THEM HOW HE FEELS ALREADY. Best wingman..woman
He knew his crush was something more when he couldn’t stop thinking about them and how he wished the two could always pair up for missions
When Sabo finally confessed and (Name) agrees, HE IS OVER THE MOON
He went from suave, to embarassed, to happy, to a stuttering mess in about 6 seconds
It was a rollercoaster to watch notthatKoalawaswatching
Nami is another one who it clicks for pretty early
She finds herself getting closer and closer to a particular member of the crew, making sure to always keep an extra eye out for them
It really hits her when she’s out shopping and a particular item catches her eye and she thinks, “I wonder if (Name) would like that?”
And this happens on multiple occasions
Nami will bring back little gifts for (Name) with comments like “I thought you might like this” or “This made me think of you.”
The rest of the crew is absolutely baffled that their scrooge is spending money…frivolously….ON ANOTHER PERSON
Robin just smiles to herself in the corner because she knows what’s going on
Nami is pretty private when it comes to her personal affairs so there is no celebration or huzzah moment when the two confess to one another
One moment they’re two close friends, and the next?…Something more
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pirate-cannons · 6 years
Hey guys! Sorry for the disappearance, life got a little crazy and I didn’t have much time to write BUT NEVER FEAR
I’m back in business so thanks for your patience!! <3
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pirate-cannons · 6 years
Hello again! I just saw an amazing amv about One Piece (Marineford) and my heart broke. Can you give me some fluff with s/o and Marco, Luff and Ace and how they comfort her after she has seen something horrible? :) Danke 😊
Hello! Ugh man I love amv’s, I could watch them all day. I’ll admit one of the saddest One Piece ones I ever saw was THIS (spoilers if you aren’t caught up in the anime) Also I highly recommend this person’s amvs, they are all fantastic!(another good Marineford one here)
Marco, Luffy, and Ace comforting their s/o who has witnessed something horrible:
A pirate does not lead an easy life
He can tell his s/o is clearly shaken from something they’d seen at the last island
Marco would come up behind them quietly and put his arm around their shoulder
If they were visibly upset and close to the point of crying, he might pull them into his chest
“It’s okay. You can cry if you need to. It doesn’t make you weak, it means you have a heart.”
He’d constantly reassure his s/o that everything was going to be alright
Marco would give his s/o the room if they needed it, but that won’t stop him from checking on them often
If nothing changes, he’ll step in and ask if they wanna talk about it
He’s a good listener
And will know the perfect way to handle his s/o
If they wanna cry it out, he’ll offer his shoulder
If they need someone to tell them don’t worry, everything will be fine, he’s your guy
Or if they just need someone to hug them quietly every now and then to reassure them I’m here for you, that’s fine too
Luffy doesn’t really understand what’s gotten his s/o so shaken up, but he doesn’t like it
He’s not really sure how to go about helping, so he just decides to be Luffy
He’ll offer his food (even the meat), try to get them to watch him do crazy stuff
Weird faces and the like
He just wants to see his s/o smile again…
If that doesn’t work, then when the two of them are alone, Luffy’ll wrap his arms around them tightly
“Ne, (Name), tell me what you need?” He’ll remove his namesake from his head and place it atop his s/o’s head
Luffy is ready to fight whatever is making his s/o so upset…if he can
If it’s fightable, fantastic Luffy is all over that
If not though, he does what he can because he understands that kind of pain
Seeing that bright, smiling face every morning always helps too~
Honestly he’s probably a mix of Luffy and Marco in this situation
He’s very sympathetic towards his s/o in this case, knowing how awful the world can be
He’ll try to ‘erase’ the bad memories and replace them with good ones, whether it be taking his s/o out if they’re docked somewhere, or maybe just on a ride on his cruiser out at sea
Depending on the situation though, his s/o might just want to stay on the ship and rest, which is just fine with Ace
He’s always up for a morning nap…or an evening one
Ace will stick to his s/o’s side like glue
He does get super protective of them while they’re in this state and promises to himself that he will try to never expose his s/o to whatever it was that caused this ever again
He’ll be very quick to scoop up his s/o at any given point into a hug
There’s no escaping it, try as they might
Expect some cheesy line about how the sun will always rise to a new day…or something like that to which the duo will burst out laughing, including a punch to the shoulder
But all in all, he did achieve his goal of getting his s/o to smile again
And a FYI, but I leave for another Convention this weekend~ So I’ll be sure to post some pictures from there! I’ll be cosplaying Law (Zou and Saboady) again because I’m way too addicted to his tattoos...
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pirate-cannons · 6 years
Can I please have some headcanons where the s/o from Marco, Luffy and Sanji faints because of her period? (i hate my period D:)
I feel…Periods are an awful invention. I hope you feel better anon so here’s are boys and their suffering s/o…
Marco, Luffy, and Sanji comforting their s/o during their period:
He notices pretty quickly that his s/o is unwell whether she tells him or not
Will let her rest in his room whenever she wants and often does some work while she sleeps
He’ll get her whatever she needs or asks for: food, blankets, water you name it
He won’t hesitate to grab one of the nurses if he thinks it gets out of hand, despite his s/o claiming she’s fine and it’s nothing she hasn’t dealt with before
Marco will lay with his s/o curled up into him on their bed while he runs his fingers through their hair, knowing it comforts them
He’s also very good at massages and helps his s/o relax immensely
They’ll stay like this for hours and if anyone tries to find the first division commander in his room, one look will them: Leave
Please save this boy
He doesn’t really understand what’s going on at first
Cue awkward education for our young pirate captain
“Luffy, this is normal. It’s okay…”
Luffy’s still pretty freaked out and wants to fight this period thing
He’ll do his best to comfort his s/o any way he can, which is mostly wrapping them in his arms (multiple times)
Will get Sanji to make whatever his s/o needs.
…he’ll even share his meat with you…
You think Sanji can’t spoil his s/o anymore than he already does…? You’d be dead wrong
He will do absolutely anything and everything his s/o asks without question
Blankets? Here’s ten warm ones
Pillows? Enough to make a pillow fort
Food? Ho boi…any possible combination of weird cravings his s/o might get, he is right there to provide
Craving Chocolate? Brace yourselves, there’s about to be a damn chocolate fountain in their room
Sanji’s also a big cuddler, so he has no qualms about pulling his aching s/o into his chest
He’ll try to make his s/o feel better anyway he can, dumb jokes included
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pirate-cannons · 6 years
Hello! I wanted to say that your work is awesome and I love reading it every time! Because of that I also wanted to request just some fluffy stuff with Marco? A scenario if possible :) I would be so happy because tomorrow is my birthday (26.06) and I just love this blog! (And Marco 😅 And Law, Sanji,... yeah I love definitively to much xD) Have a good day! 😊
Ahhh Happy Birthday! I wanted to get this out to you for your birthday, so hopefully you’ll like it and its not too rushed. And thats totally understandable...I love them all too. Thank you for all the compliments and I hope you have a fantastic day!Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
Fluffy Scenario with Marco and their s/o:
Today sucks.
Well not entirely, but they just wish that they could find the oh so elusive 1st Division Commander. Why does he have to work so hard anyways? They looked in all the usual spots with no results. All they had wanted from today was to spend some time with Marco since it was their birthday, not that anyone else from the crew knew that tidbit of information. It was something they had shared privately with the blond.
After several attempts at asking fellow commanders and other crewmates if they had seen the man of the hour with no favorable answers, they gave up the search.
The ships not THAT big is it? Maybe he flew off somewhere…
They resigned themselves to leaning on the side of the ship and looking out to the ocean. Just when they started to nod off, there was a gentle tap on their shoulder. Excitedly spinning around expecting Marco only to be met by the grinning face of the 2nd Division Commander. Their face visibly fell.
“Hey Ace, what’s up?” The flame-user chuckled at the noticeable lack of enthusiasm they were greeted with.
“Sorry, I’m not who you’re expecting. But you just looked so miserable over here, I thought to join you.”
Guilty, they hung their head, “No, I’m sorry Ace. I didn’t mean it. I’m just-”
“Looking for Marco?” They nodded
“Actually I think I saw him over by the–”
“ACE THERE YOU ARE!” A boisterous voice from behind the duo cut off what the raven was about to say.
“Izo said he needed you. Something about fire, who knows. But it’s urgent so go see him.” Ace was barely able to get a word out before he was practically being shoved in the opposite direction and before long the two were out of sight.
What was that about?
Frustrated that they still didn’t have an answer, they decided to head up to one of their favorite spots to spend the rest of their evening: The lookout. Once they situated themselves with a good book in hand, they were reminded of their first time on watch…
Why were they up here again? Oh right…on watch. Great idea-Put the one who’s terrified of heights on watch in the middle of the night! They clung to the side of the cabin with a death grip as they squeeze their eyes as tight as humanly possible…not that any of the crew knew of this particular phobia…
“You know, (Name). I don’t think you’ll get much accomplished up here with your eyes closed.”
Damnit, of course Marco would come to check on them.
“I-I uh sorry Commander…”
Realizing the tense state they were in, the blond took another look at their face.
“Are you…scared of heights, (Name)?”
“N-no of-of course not whywouldIbeafraidofheights…maybe” A low chuckle was heard from the other man.
“Well I don’t offer this often, but it is a special occasion. Put your arms around my neck.”
“Wha-why would I-” They protested but inevitably gave in to the stubborn phoenix.
Nothing could have prepared them for what happened next.
One second they were in the lookout cabin, and the next they were free falling into the sea. At the very last second, there was a bright flash and an indignant scream let out.
And then…nothing.
“(Name), open your eyes.”
Doing as such, they were met with an ocean as far as the eye can see, sparkling in the wake of the full moon, drifting as if they were floating on the clouds.
Realizing they were on the back of a newly transformed 1st Division Commander they yelped and released the iron grip they had of his neck.
“Not so bad from up here is it?” They smiled, “No…I guess its not. Thank you…Marco”
“Happy Birthday, (Name).”
That was exactly a year ago that Marco had helped them get over their fear. Just as they were ready to let sleep overtake them, there was someone coming up from below.
“Hey sorry for before, but apparently you’re needed below in the mess hall.”
“Don’t worry about it. You know how Thatch is. Thank you though, I’ll be down in a second.”
Wonder what they need. Maybe someone to cook and not set the kitchen on fire…
Curiosity getting the better of them, they climbed down quickly and made their way to the mess hall. Opening the door slowly, they were greeted with an impressive lineup of most of the crew.
“Is that what you guys were up to?!” They couldn’t believe all the food and decorations hanging everywhere. They really had the best crewmates. “You guys are amazing, thank you.”
Deciding that spending their birthday with the crew was the perfect way to end the day, even if Marco wasn’t here, they took a step forward to join the festivities when a pair of arms trapped them from behind.
“Happy Birthday, (Name).” Turning around the find the grinning face of the phoenix himself, they let out a surprised yell. Of course he was the mastermind behind this all.
Returning his hug with one of their own, they buried their face in crook of his neck.
“Thank you…for everything”
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pirate-cannons · 6 years
Just found your blog and it's so good to see a HC blog that's active, and I love the style you write yours in. Could I get some hcs for Zoro, Usopp, Sanji and Ace with an S/O who's a strong magic user? i.e. S/O is no slouch on the battlefield with their spells, and during calmer moments like when S/O is crafting a potion/preparing a ritual spell, they can faintly see the outlines of fae/sprites and other magic creatures normally invisible to the normal eye, but are drawn to their S/O.
Thanks so much! (I have a style?? cool) I feel bad you complimented me being active only for me to take so long to get to this one…OTL I am active I promise, work’s just been a bit crazy lately BUT THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCEThis one was very interesting and since OP hasn’t really touched on the whole  magic thing (I mean there’s been some cases of it) this is kinda au kinda not…if that makes sense
Anywho thanks for waiting and I hope you like it!!
Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, and Ace with a s/o who is a strong magic user:
Zoro doesn’t really understand Magic or anything about it, but totally thinks his s/o is one badass mofo
Obviously quite proud
“I’ll stick to my swords and you can do your…hand..motion hocus pocus thing…”
“Zoro, its called magic. It really isn’t that difficult.”
It’s inevitable that the two will get into a Sword vs Magic argument, but it’s all in good fun. The two respect each other too much to cause any problems
His s/o is a bit of a jokester and will play pranks on the rest of the crew
One time they  cast a spell on Sanji that made him an old man for a couple hours and he ran around to Nami and Robin trying to convince them they needed to kiss him to break the curse
Zoro never let him forget that one
On the battlefield, Zoro never gets tired of watching his s/o annihilate their enemies, whether it be via fireballs, thunderstorms, even gravity
He’ll ask his s/o to train with him and develop these crazy practices that revolves around them casting spells at Zoro as he tries to defend himself
In the quieter moments, his s/o is content to read a book while he sleeps in the corner, most of the time they’ll be chatting excitedly about a new spell they developed and want to try in battle and Zoro will doze off with a smile on his face
But just before he fell asleep, he sees some odd shapes gathering around his s/o…?
Nah must have been a trick of the light
…Gotta remember to ask ‘em if they can summon me up some sake…?
Needless to say, Usopp is the Number 1 Fan of his s/o
He thinks they are absolutely the coolest thing to ever have existed and will say so to anyone within a mile radius who will listen to him
Being the magnificent storyteller he is, you can bet the simple feat of his s.o warding off some bandits with a fireball will turn into…‘‘AND THEN THEY BROUGHT FORTH AN ERUPTION OF THE GREAT VOLCANO FIRETOP TO RAIN DOWN HELL ON ALL WHO DARE CHALLENGE THEM.”
Generally how most of the stories go~
His s/o will be amused and mention that they can’t actually make volcanoes erupt…
They also help Usopp in coming up with new ideas for weapons and improvements for previous ones, as well as helping him craft pretty deadly stuff for his slingshots
They can even enchant them to make it much stronger
A lot of times the two will just sit in a room, back-to-back as they work on their own separate projects
One time, Usopp leaned over to ask them something real quick when he noticed a faint outline leaning over his s/o shoulder
‘It’s kinda like when I thought I saw Merry…’
He’s not sure if he should ask them about it or if it was even there at all
Maybe he’s just delusional
His s/o eventually notices him staring at the space next to them
“You can see them too? They help me out when I’m in a pinch.”
If that’s not the coolest thing in the world, Usopp doesn’t know what is…
After that his stories become even more elaborate
According to him, his s/o has contracts with dragons, leviathans, and all sorts of creatures that do their bidding at will
Sanji loves watching his s/o tear through a fight with their impressive powers, although he won’t admit it
He’s the first to sing their praises after a good fight and the last to stop
While Sanji is preparing food in the galley, his s/o is always close by with a book and a pad of paper
They enjoy going on and on about their craft and Sanji couldn’t be more enthralled
He loves listening to them go on about new spells, and improved potions and oh I should try this out next time and watching the way their face lights up in the process
They also offer what advice they can to him about new recipes, mostly on adjusting proportions and the like because that’s something they do often when it comes to potions
Sanji in turn offers what he knows of different ingredients and their properties, usually unknowingly helping his s/o discover that last piece of the puzzle they couldn’t figure out
Its in times like these, Sanji’s noticed a faint aura around his s/o…
He thinks he’s crazy at first, but after a couple of days, he realizes there is something there
At first he kinda panics that something is trying to harm his s/o but after watching closely, Sanji comes to the conclusion that they must be helping his s/o in some way
Because of course they gather to his s/o, they’re just that kind of a person
Ace was skeptical of the whole ‘magic’ thing and wasn’t really sure what to think of it
However, that quickly changed once he watched his s/o for the first time light someone on fire…
He decided magic is pretty cool after that
The two work well together on the battlefield and have even been called ‘The Flaming Duo’ by the rest of the crew, due to his s/o having a natural affinity for fire magic
…not to say they didn’t need to employ some water magic to put out stuff Ace accidentally lights on fire
The two will often be found together, either training, eating, or sleeping
Ace is an excellent punching bag when it comes to trying out new spells due to his logia
Although after nearly setting the ship on fire, they weren’t allowed to practice on the ship anymore (it was one time)
He doesn’t really understand magic or how it works, but he won’t complain when his s/o animatedly tries to explain it to him
Honestly he was lost 5 minutes into the explanation but didn’t dare stop them when they looked so happy to share their craft with him
Ace does have to interrupt them when they get to the summoning bit…
“So you can conjure up some food then? I’m starving!”
“Uh..no Ace. That’s not how this works.”
“Even just a sandwich?”
He sighs, but lets them continue on with their explanation
When he focuses more clearly on his s/o, he spots a hazy outline of something he can’t quite make out…
He gets up to take a closer look when he instantly falls down onto his s/o…asleep. A frequent occurrence honestly
Guess it’ll have to wait til morning
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pirate-cannons · 6 years
Hello, I sent in a request for some of the boys with a magic using s/o, and I was wondering if that was a request that you hadn't gotten to yet, or if Tumblr just went and ate it before it could get to you.
I do indeed have that one! Funny enough it’s actually the one I’m working on currently~ I apologize that I’m a little slow in getting to them but have no fear Tumblr didn’t eat it (seems there’s a lot of that going around lately...)
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pirate-cannons · 6 years
WAIT I’M SORRY I JUST SENT IN A REQUEST AND I MISREAD YOUR HEADER. I THOUGHT IT SAID YOU DID NSFW. I’M SORRY, IGNORE THAT LAST ASK. could I have basic hc’s instead for Zoro, Law, Marco and Ace dating a small, shy s/o? :’3 (sorry for the mix up! > w
Ahh its ok! Actually I was on the fence if I wanted to try nsfw stuff when I made this blog, but I opted not too for your guy’s sake XD I’m not really confident in my writing skills in that department BUT you did pretty much manage to name most of my favorite guys from OP so I’ll keep your other request if I decide to give it a shot~ SO Thanks!!
NEVERTHELESS Thanks for this request and I’m sorry for not posting anything for awhile…works been brutal, so it might be a little slow-coming for a little bit.
Zoro, Law, Marco, and Ace with a small, shy s/o:
Big cuddler so any opportunity to scoop up his tiny s/o is a must
Ace’s favorite past time is just napping with his s/o curled up into him (They love it in the cold and could sleep on Ace all day…)
His s/o will come seek him out while he’s on watch to do just that
Ace finds it completely unfair that they get to sleep and he doesn’t…although he might just join them anyways…
He understands his s/o shyness well enough and brings it upon himself to be their shield against the more rambunctious members of the crew
Ace can tell when his s/o starts to feel uneasy at parties and will suggest they head back to their room for a nap (perks of dating a Commander~)
“But Ace, you always are sleeping!” “Yeah and?”
Honestly Ace is always up for a snooze
He gives great piggybacks and will sometimes just grab his s/o out of the blue (usually to their protest)
This usually happens when they stop on an island for some exploring
“Ace, what are you doing..no NO ACE PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!”
Calls his s/o every nickname for short people known to man
“You’re on watch tonight, Shrimp.”
“Hey pass me the chicken, Munchkin.”
“Come here, Short Stack.”
“You’re right…Sorry, Half-Pint.”….”I hate you”…”No you don’t.”
His s/o loves sitting on Marco’s lap while he’s working at his desk
…It’s very distracting RIP Marco
He’s also very protective attuned to his s/o feelings and can instantly tell when they start to feel overwhelmed
Will give anyone the look if they give his s/o a hard time
Don’t do it if you value your life
He’s definitely a hoverer and can’t really settle down or relax if his s/o’s not by his side
Loves to rest his arm on their head since his s/o only comes up to about his shoulder
Mom and Dad of the crew honestly
Similar to Marco, he’ll give his tiny s/o a nickname regarding their size
Probably Shrimp, and he’ll stick to that one
Loves to train with his s/o
And by with I mean use his s/o like as a weight or they’ll sit on his back while he does push-ups
Also thoroughly enjoys leaning on his s/o whenever the two of them are just standing around
At first Zoro just does this unconsciously, but eventually finds it hilarious as his s/o starts to buckle from his weight
Needless to say…it didn’t end well once Zoro decided to use his full weight
Zoro relishes drinking with his s/o because that liquid courage turns his quiet, shy s/o into quite the monster
Surprisingly (especially to Zoro) they can hold their liquor quite well, so it might take a while
“Where do you store all that booze??” *shrugs*
Eventually they’ll become loud and want to fight everything
This highly amuses Zoro and then when they finally pass out, he’ll carry them to their quarters and probably pass out on top of them
Enjoys making digs at his s/o’s height, just to irritate them
Might be nicknames or short people jokes
Law completely TOWERS over his s/o standing at 6’3(191) and his crew finds this hilarious
He’ll use such stature to tease his s/o when they ask his help to get something down for them
He’ll grab the item, look at it himself, think for a bit, wearing that smirk the whole time while his s/o glares daggers at him
honestly how did these two even end up together
His s/o gets something to fight back with when the infamous Surgeon of Death makes a miscalculation and ends up in the water during a fight
They instantly dive in right after him, not being a DF user and find him sinking like a boulder
Then yes…this little shrimp carries Law’s 6’3 water-logged ass back to the surface on their own, surprising the crew and Law himself
…now when he tries to poke fun at their height…
“Remind me again who saved your sinking ass?”
His s/o may be small and shy, but they get a little sassy when it’s just the two of them (Law secretly enjoys it being a sassmaster himself)
Otherwise the two of them will spend hours in the captain’s cabin reading in silence, whether on their own or sitting with one another
They both appreciate the other’s need for quiet when the time calls for it
It’s also not uncommon for his s/o to fall asleep on Law during such a time
…Law finds it completely adorable when they curl up into him. Sometimes he’s even able to sleep with his s/o like that
Needless to say, he is very very protective of his s/o (possibly even more so do to their size) and anyone on the wrong side of them will find themselves rearranged….messily
Would not advise
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pirate-cannons · 6 years
secretsolstice replied to your post “Uh guys? That new OP chapter?? I CANT EVEN RIGHT NOW! What is going on...”
Tell us the theories you've read!
I would love to share! -Obvious OP spoilers ahead, you’ve been warned-
Great Cleansing having been done before and its what created what is known as the Void Century. Makes sense if by ‘Cleansing’ they don’t mean just killing one person, but purging so to speak a large population to ‘put the world back in order’...those bastards
Im-Sama having some relation to Mihawk. Ok this one might be little farfetched BUT would be kinda cool since we know next to nothing about Mihawk. Those eyes though do have a striking resemblance to ‘Hawk-Eye’. Maybe he’s some relative (or very distant relative)
THE DOFLAMINGO VS MORIA BIT AT MARINEFORD! When Moria asked Doffy if Sengoku wanted him dead and he responded, “Someone higher”. Granted this could be an order by the WG, but it also could have come from this ‘King’
This Im-sama....probably immortal? And has been around since the very beginning, which is why the Elders answer to him/her. Maybe there were given immortality from the Ope Ope no Mi. There was one known case of this immortality perk, but it couldn’t have been Im-sama, so who was it? Possibly Kaido? Not to mention WHO will probably be going up against Kaido along with Luffy? Most likely Law. Maybe the only way to kill an immortal is something only the ope ope no mi user can do? Like reverse the operation? (Please Oda not at the cost of their own life I beg you)
Just a couple that I’ve read with some of my own thoughts! This chapter still blows my mind.
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pirate-cannons · 6 years
Uh guys? That new OP chapter?? I CANT EVEN RIGHT NOW! What is going on and I have so many questions. I’ve been reading so many different theories and some of them scare me....
I think we can all agree Doflamingo knows some shit....
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pirate-cannons · 6 years
How would Sanji react if his artist s/o drew him a brand new wanted poster that looked really good?
I feel so terrible for him honestly…SOMEONE FIX HIS POSTER PLEASEHe would adore them completely if they did
Hope you like!
Sanji’s s/o knew it was a major sore point for him and he would get super down whenever new bounties came out
Sure he was happy about the increase to his notoriety, but he couldn’t celebrate with the rest of the crew because of his ridiculous picture
So his s/o came up with a plan. Sanji knew they were an INCREDIBLE artist so he didn’t blink twice when they asked him to pose for them
“For my sketchbook.”
…although he might have gotten a little nosebleed when they asked him…
The next time the crew landed on an island with a marine outpost, his s/o threw on a disguise and snuck into the base
Finding the news room, they claimed to have spotted the Straw Hats on the island they just came from and was almost killed! Because one of the Wanted Posters didn’t match the face and OH HOW COULD THE MARINES MAKE SUCH A MISTAKE
They showed them their sketch of Sanji and said THIS was the man that almost killed them and they better update their wanted posters if they want a reliable picture
The marines apologized and thanked them for their outstanding effort for justice
Annnd they returned to the ship.
Nami’s gonna kill me
The next day, said navigator was reading the newspaper and screamed
Everyone came running and sure enough, the blond had a new redone poster with a masterful image that looked….familiar
Sanji wouldn’t put the thing down and jumped up and down exclaiming how perfect it was and how it made him look ‘manly’
While everyone was still celebrating (in their own ways….anything for a drink really) Sanji stepped over to his s/o and quite literally swept them off their feet.
“Thank you for what you did.”
‘‘I have no idea what you mean…”
Sanji already knew he had the best s/o in the world, but this just sent him over the edge
He is super lovey dovey to them for the next couple days (more than usual)
The Wanted Posters are also EVERYWHERE
All over the ship-the deck, the lookout, the cabins, the galley
Finally the crew can’t take it anymore and Zoro and Usopp use them for target practice
All that remains are the ones in the galley, which Sanji permits no one to touch
Sanji day apparently (who am I kidding…everyday is Sanji day)
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pirate-cannons · 6 years
Would it be possible for you to write something with Sanji and his chubby s/o? Fluff and maybe selfdoubt and doesn‘t understand why Sanji wants her?
Finally back home! Thanks everyone for being patient (and sending in even more requests!) Whew you guys are the best
Without further ado, anon..I hope you enjoy these!
Sanji with a chubby self-conscious s/o:
Sanji’s s/o was feeling rather down after the crew just came back from a trip to the local tavern
She felt like everyone was staring at her and pointing
She didn’t belong
Sanji is quick to pick up on how she’s feeling and excuses the two of them from bar
“(Name)-chan! I have this new recipe I want to show you!!” And just like that whisks her away back to the ship
Before they get back to the galley, she pulls on Sanji’s shirt
“Why? You could have anyone you want, you know?” More beautiful than me….
Sanji leans over and pinches his s/o cheek
“I don’t want anyone, I want you! You’re perfect as can be and the most beautiful woman in the world!”
Sanji really lays out the compliments when he notices his s/o is feeling down….it’s extreme
But if his s/o’s weight really bothers them, he’ll offer to be their personal chef and make them the perfect meals for dieting
And if they ask to train with him, he might initially refuse claiming HE would protect them on the battlefield and there’s no need to for her to fight
But he changes his tune when she goes to Zoro for training then
“I will protect you too.”
Cue our favorite blond blushing like there’s no tomorrow
He can’t handle when his s/o turns up the cuteness dial
There was one time when the two were out shopping for groceries when he overheard a couple guys talking about his s/o….in not so nice terms. When he looked over at his s/o, he could see the defeated look on her face and all he saw was red.
“Hey (Name)-chan! You know those grapefruits we saw a couple stalls back? Could you grab some for me?”
After she leaves he walks up to the two guys.
“I would say Good Afternoon, Gentlemen, but such necessities would be lost on a couple of pricks like yourself.”
*blank stares*
“All the women in this world are too good for a couple of bastards like you SO I WILL PERSONALLY MAKE SURE NONE WILL EVER LOOK TWICE AT YOU
….annnnd our favorite chef proceeds to kick their face and balls in so far they ain’t never gonna see the sunshine ever again….
“San! I got the fruits-why are you smiling?”
…don’t anger the cook
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