Jesus fuck!
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There are two little hims.
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Same, Anthony. Same.
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This is the magic lucky word count. Reblog for creativity juice. It might even work, who knows.
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*text* (*translation for Russian speakers*)
hello!!! I'm a new artist here(привет!!! Я здесь новый художник)
I am Russian, so I'm sorry if I speak bad English, it's all the tricks of the translator in my keyboard,'( (Я русский, поэтому извините, если я плохо говорю по-английски, это все проделки переводчика на моей клавиатуре,'( )
this art was made specifically for the adamsaple blog in the telegram messenger application, now, alas, it is frozen for some reason (этот арт был сделан специально для блога adamsaple в мессенджерном приложении telegram, сейчас, увы, он по какой-то причине заморожен)
these are some of the old art, but I want to start keeping this account with them (I don't have any new art yet) (это некоторые из старых работ, но я хочу начать вести с ними этот аккаунт (у меня пока нет ни одной новой работы))
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Lucifer has a ring made of a guitar string, Adam gave it to him,') (У Люцифера на пальце кольцо из гитарной струны, Адам подарил ему его,') )
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computer open. Computer show me fictional guy
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"if you ship this thing it's because you're too naïve to understand that it's toxic and that you wouldn't like a relationship like this" actually it's because I see one of them as a mentos drop and the other as a bottle of coke zero and I want to watch the mess they'll be together
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One day in Eden
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the ideal adamsapple dynamic imo
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in color now
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I need a push to actually work on my writing. I have two Adamsapple wips begging for attention and I feel bad about not writing more for them.
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Sweater Gremlins
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From Adam to Ada to Bloogers
I don’t know why but I’ve next been scrapbooking these. The Lucifers know better then anyone they’re attraction to Adams! So they’re highly suspicious of one another! -don’t worry, Ada isn’t pregnant in this.
Ada is from the fantastic @taradiddled and Adam in all his fluff is from @bloogers-boogers!
I said I would make one! And I finally did while my other stuff dries.
Happy almost Halloween!
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Misssss Bomb
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I don't know! Take this Alastor!
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Mmm how good would Adam look as a 23 year old orphan caring for his ten year old sister in a post world war three world where the divide between classes is so prominent that the lowest class live in the outer ring of a city and often drop out of school to apprentice at a job due to the lack of money to pay for it. But Adam’s parents worked hard to try and keep him in school only for his mother to fall ill and die, leaving them with a baby that needed tending to and his father to fall to the depression and drink.
So for three years, prime apprenticeship age for a boy of his class, Adam is the sole caregiver of his baby sister and does odd jobs when he can to make extra money to pay for her milk. Then there’s an accident on the job site and they loose their father too. At least their one bedroom tiny apartment is paid for, thanks to their parents scraping by for years and doing everything they could to prevent having more than Adam for as long as they could, but now Adam doesn’t have the job training to find proper work, he has no education to join a middle class profession and instead must do odd jobs, steal, and when times are truly tough he dons his mother’s dress, one last thing he has of her that he can’t pawn or sell for scraps, and goes down to the docks. Trading himself for a bit of coin or fish to the early morning sailors.
His sister wants to stop going to school to start as an apprentice to help pay for things. She doesn’t know if she believes that Adam is only doing honest work. His friend is a thief after all. Adam earns just enough to keep paying for her schooling though and he’s going to do anything he can to ensure she gets a high enough education to get a job in the second ring and move her up in life so her children never have to worry about food or education, so he won’t let her.
To assure her that he has enough saved that if anything happened she would have the money for school he decides to listen to a friend and go to the first ring and pickpocket the rich bastards there.
The train needs a ticket to let him past the first ring though. He plans on hiding in the bathroom.
On the train, coming in to do business in the first ring, is Lucifer. He is young, Adam’s age, but head’s his family’s company. His grandfather built it during the war. His father nearly ruined it. Lucifer has the ability to tell what someone’s desires are though and since he was young was able to court his family’s business partners and clients by softening them up with what they desired. The company was ultimately passed to him over his father because of it.
On the train he mainly ignores the desires of the passengers around him, but for one brief moment he feels the desire for him flare up and just as quickly it becomes the desire to provide for his sister. That interests Lucifer. What kind of person sees someone they desire so strongly and immediately stops desiring them as though he was but a passing fancy? Of all the selfish desires he’s ever seen this man about his age thinks mainly of his sister?
Then the desire shifts again to not getting caught as he makes his way to the bathroom. So Lucifer follows, he pushes himself into the bathroom with him, and impulsively gets the guy to take his inner ring ticket. He’s rich and foreign. he can pretend not to understand the laws about the tickets. Which he ends up doing.
Adam doesn’t know why this stranger is helping him or how he knew he needed a ticket. But he was almost caught and as the guy is lead off at the second ring to go buy a ticket to continue on, he’s grateful.
In the inner ring he’s ignored. Most assuming he’s some sort of paid help or delivery boy. They don’t notice their wallets are lighter until it’s much too late.
Until he pick pockets the wrong man. As coincidence has it, Adam runs into Lucifer, who helps him yet again.
Lucifer is finding Adam rather interesting indeed. He helps Adam escape by being able to tell where the police are by their desire to capture Adam. The trains are out and the two of them make their way slowly to the third ring.
The city being so large it takes several hours to get back to Adam’s place on foot. By the time they make it they’ve become friends but Lucifer is rather flirty and Adam is rather interested in being flirted with. Emily, Adam’s sister, was worried sick when he didn’t come home. He assures her, he lies to her, that everything was fine and he simply was out all night with an old friend.
They see her off to school and the two fall into Adam’s bed. He shares the room with his sister but she stopped sharing a bed with him a few years back. Stringing up a cloth divider to have her own space.
Adam thinks of it as a bit of a one night stand. Some fun to be had.
Lucifer finds himself smitten and keeps coming around.
Adam’s friend (going to make him Steve, cause fuck that guy) is jealous. He’s been in love with Adam for years but Adam has never noticed. Steve decides the best way to get the rich prick Lucifer to fuck off and make Adam fall for him is to secretly turn Adam in for theft.
Emily will need a caretaker while Adam is in prison and that’s where Steven comes in and plays the hero. Caring for her while Adam does time. Then when Adam is out he won’t be able to find any work and will have to rely on him! Adam will be all his.
Of course Lucifer steps in instead of flaky when Adam is arrested. He’s rich. Like hiring the best lawyers money can buy rich. Lawyers that point out that they don’t actually know it was Adam and have no proof that it was him beside an anonymous tip. Eyewitnesses saw him on the train? Well, they also saw Lucifer didn’t they? He was also seen in the inner ring with Lucifer. They’re dating, of course they were together for most of the day. Except for when Lucifer misunderstood that he would also need a ticket and had to catch another train.
So he could have been the thief? Lucifer was on the next train and Adam stayed rather close to the station. No one could place him there by they also couldn’t say he wasn’t there. Although as luck would have it they remembered Lucifer and perhaps he was with someone, so hard to remember. Ultimately there was too much doubt that Adam was the pick pocket. Especially since he’d never been in trouble with the law before. Most folks in the neighbourhood had hired him for part time work but didn’t have the income to hire him as an apprentice. Not when they already had apprentices.
Lucifer even stepped in to care for Emily. Steve was rather pissed when he went over to console her and found Lucifer making her breakfast that he had brought the ingredients for. The table had never seen so much food. Lucifer also paid for her schooling for longer than even the second ring jobs required.
When it’s over Lucifer buys a place in the inner ring. He had business to oversee anyways and eventually they marry and live happily ever after.
I always did like that old dream I’d had.
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Happy Bi Visibility day to my favorite bisexual! Adam sure is lucky Lucifer can bend reality and shapeshift huh? lol
Extra NSFT illustration coming exclusively to Patreon soon!
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Heavily rendered Adam
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