pilotlmcclain-blog · 5 years
"I know you're being as safe as you can with them," Lance whispered to his lover, "I can't be mad at you for needing a coping mechanism." He reached for the other and pulled their bodies together. And he listened. Took into account all of Hunk's feelings and coping mechanisms.
They weren't healthy.
And they were harmful. They were dark and dangerous. Lance could see that in the pain in the other's eyes. But he knew he couldn't let himself be angry about it. He had to be open and caring.
"Hunk," Lance whispered, "The first step is to be honest with me. You know that I love you so much, and to see you in so much pain...God."
The brunet swallowed his tears before he said, "Any time that you need me...I don't care if I'm asleep. I don't care if I haven't slept in days myself. I don't care if I'm busy...I want you to come to me. We'll figure this out together. We'll find you a healthy place together."
Lance smiled up at the other male, saying, "Here. Let's work on this project for a bit and then we can go back to bed. I know that I can't fix everything tonight, so I'll stay with you while you work."
Sleepless Nights
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pilotlmcclain-blog · 5 years
The brunet was silent as he approached his lover. He wasn't at all angry or upset at Hunk for smoking what he guessed was a cigarette. He gave the other a small smile as he approached, saying, "I woke up and you weren't there. I came to check on you."
Carefully, Lance reached up and used his thumb to caress Hunk's cheek gently, before taking the cigarette gently. He took a long drag off of it himself, before handing it back to his lover. He blew it out towards the cold air, not having had the taste of one in a long time.
"You don't have to explain your coping mechanisms to me," Lance whispered then, "I'm not going to be mad. A little disappointed, sure, but never mad. These could kill you sooner than another war."
A small laugh left his lips at his own poor attempt at a joke. He looked down at the pieces of metal that Hunk was tinkering with, figuring it was the newest model of hologram device for Allura. He didn't look up as he started to speak.
"When Allura sacrificed herself, I was completely devastated," Lance started, feeling that was the best place, "I turned to alcohol first. Would drink until I couldn't feel my own skin, let alone remember how her's felt against mine. But, it could never-ever erase the pain. It wouldn't stop the nightmares or the tears. Before I came back here to the castle, I started meddling in things that I definitely shouldn't have."
Lance paused as he gathered himself, "It started with weed. I've dabbled in it before, but never to the extent that I was then. Then, shrooms. But they only made me hallucinate her. Then, before I knew it, I was in one of the space malls looking for any sort of drug that I could get my hands on to try and forget. It definitely wasn't a proud moment for me."
He finally looked up at Hunk as he said, "But, you know what got me out of it? Coming to join you. Knowing that you were still working on the diplomatic mission Allura left to us. I quit cold turkey that night I contacted you, giving myself some time to get the drugs out of my system. It was hard, but knowing that I could be around you and Coran...it gave me a reason to live. To fight and find healthier ways to cope with the pain. You two, and the other paladins, were my last link to Allura. And I knew that she wouldn't approve of me doing the things I was in order to forget my pain."
"You helped me so much, Hunk, without even realizing it," Lance smiled, wiping away the tears that had formed during his explanation, "So, I get the need to find another out. You definitely look like you haven't slept, and I've noticed before. I just...never thought it was the right time to talk to you about it." He sighed as he said, "I want to help you cope in healthier ways, if I can."
Sleepless Nights
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pilotlmcclain-blog · 5 years
As Keith pressed back into the kiss, Lance could tell that he was trying his hardest in trying to appear confident. He smiled into the kiss, before he moaned as that tongue darted into his mouth. He, of course, didn’t mind the harshness in the movement, the inexperience. It was still Keith and that made him happy.  In return, Lance’s movements were a bit more shy, unsure. He’d had sex before  but never with another male. He’d dreamed about it, sure, but as far as experience went...he was lost. He moaned again as those fingers gripped as ass hard, forcing their bodies to grind together.  Lance’s cock hardened further in his pants, becoming uncomfortable and tight as he moved his own hips down into the other’s hips. Keith felt hot like fire, causing a bit of sweat to roll down his back.  Pulling back from the kiss, Lance ran his hands up and down the pale skin under him. He wanted to explore. To taste. He moved down slightly, burying his face into Keith’s neck as he planted kisses and nips there. His hands moved down to the other’s hips, dancing along the other’s pants as he felt the soft skin beneath his fingertips.
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pilotlmcclain-blog · 5 years
The angel couldn’t help the wanton moans that fell from his lips as the demon licked and lapped and prodded at his body. Lance hadn’t felt this sort of pleasure in a long time. Long enough that he was forgetting the sin of being with a demon in this way and begging for more. His wings stretched out as he dug his toes into the ground. His legs shook as his cock leaked between his legs.  “Fu-ahh, Keith,” Lance moaned out loud, looking back as the other pulled away. He wanted more. Wanted to be lavished by the creature more. And he was rewarded by that thumb moving further inside, stretching him teasingly slow.  “Just fuck me, Keith,” Lance panted, “Stretch me and fill me.” He moved, opening himself up more to the noiret. Showing how much he wanted and needed this.
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pilotlmcclain-blog · 5 years
“Fuck, Katie,” Lance panted into the kiss, moving his hands back down to her hips. He held her steady as he pulled back, letting her feel each and every inch. He wanted to make her feel so good, and he wasn’t at all concerned about his own pleasure.  Once he was pulled back enough, Lance let his hips fall forward a bit quicker, their hips slapping together gently. A moan let him as he pressed their foreheads together. He had a hard time catching his breath. Katie was just so tight and hot around him that he couldn’t concentrate on anything else.  “Relax,” Lance laughed breathlessly as he worked his hips into a slow rhythm. He didn’t dare go too hard just yet, not wanting to hurt her. 
❤️ (For the touch starved meme)
Pidge smiled when she felt his arms wrap around her from behind, seeing his familiar jacket as he did so. “What’s up, Lance? You must be pretty bored to come find me in the lab.”
Not that she minded. In fact she was loving it. It wasn’t often that she went seeking physical affection and it was rarely given so having Lance come and give her a surprise hug was nice. “Did you wanna hang out?”
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pilotlmcclain-blog · 5 years
Sleepless Nights
@yellowfeverpaladin  “Hunk,” Lance mumbled in his sleep as he tossed over. He was still deep in his dreams, though they started to turn sour as he missed the warmth of his lover next to him. 
Flashes of the cave and watching Hunk nearly bleed out in front of him; the countless times either of them got hurt back in the war, too; haunted him and twisted into his fears and anxieties. What if he hadn’t been able to save Hunk? What if they hadn’t have stopped the Galra, and Honerva? What if everyone he  loved had died because he hadn’t been able to help?  Flashes of their deaths flashed in his vision as he tossed back and forth in his slumber. He was starting to cry in his sleep and mumble between whimpers.  “Lance...” The brunet turned over again, half awake from being jolted from his sleepless nightmares by Allura’s voice. He tried to reach for Hunk, but found the rest of the bed empty. He slowly pulled himself from his slumber then, wondering where his lover had gone.  “He’s in the hanger...” Allura’s voice echoed in his mind again and the blue paladin shook himself as he tried to stand. Slipping on his slippers and robe, Lance yawned as he wiped the tears from his face. He trudged his way through the halls of the castle, heading for yellow’s bay slowly.  He trusted that Allura was correct when she told him where Hunk was. The anxiety from his dreams still read over his face as he approached the open hanger. It was weird that it was open; the breeze from outside cooling his face and ruffling his bed hair.
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pilotlmcclain-blog · 5 years
((Sorry about the inactivity y’all. I got rear-ended on the 12th, and have been not only dealing with my injuries, but the loss of my car and the fact that the other party is refusing to cooperate with us. I’m just now getting around to feeling well enough to try and hit some replies out. Please be patient with me (and my torn rotator cuff) and I’ll try to make sure I’m all caught up!!))
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pilotlmcclain-blog · 5 years
“As will I to see them,” Allura smiled as she watched Hunk and Lance stand together. She knew that things had changed in the years that she had been gone. She knew that it would take a while to get the team together, if they could at all.  “God, it’s going to be amazing,” Lance smiled before he leaned up and kissed Hunk’s cheek. He rubbed those tears away before he approached Allura and wiped her’s away as well. The two people he loved the most in the universe were both here with him, and he felt so happy.  The hurt that had developed over the years was melting away and he yearned to just fly the universe again. He hadn’t felt like that since way before the war was over. Lance found his love for flying slowly returning and his want to explore blossom. He’d have to take trips in blue now that he could fly her again.  Stepping back to Hunk, Lance smiled up as he said, “I think we should start contacting the others. Get a little more rest and work on bringing Voltron back again.” He grinned over at Allura as he said, “I still have so much I want to ask, but I’m sure the others will too. So, until then.”  “Until then,” Allura smiled in agreement.  Then, Hunk and Lance were back on the material plane. The brunet looked up at Blue, before he wiped away his own tears that had been pouring out since the moment he went to the astral plane.
It’s cold outside.
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pilotlmcclain-blog · 5 years
"Like what you see," Lance teased as he grinned back at Keith. He was curious to what the demon would do, curious to see if he'd just take or indulge.
And the angel was pleasantly surprised as that tongue pressed to his hole, a moan erupting from his throat. "Y-Yeah," Lance panted as Keith whispered to him. Of course he was beautiful. He wasn't blind to the fact that his human form was quite attractive.
But it was different hearing it from Keith. The angel flushed hard as he leaned back into that tongue, asking for more. Wanting more.
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pilotlmcclain-blog · 5 years
A small chuckle fell from Lance’s lips into the kiss. He pushed his hands down onto her thighs, moving them away from him and back down closer to her body. He didn’t want her to pull him in just yet. Didn’t want to bottom out too soon. He kissed her a bit more roughly as he slowly pushed forward, keeping himself steady.  Lance didn’t stop until he was hilted inside of her, only then letting her legs go to move back around his waist. He pulled out of the kiss, pulling up enough to smile down at her.  “Feel okay,” Lance asked her gently, knowing he wasn’t going to move until she was ready. Even if Pidge felt so god-damned good around him. So tight and wet  and warm.
❤️ (For the touch starved meme)
Pidge smiled when she felt his arms wrap around her from behind, seeing his familiar jacket as he did so. “What’s up, Lance? You must be pretty bored to come find me in the lab.”
Not that she minded. In fact she was loving it. It wasn’t often that she went seeking physical affection and it was rarely given so having Lance come and give her a surprise hug was nice. “Did you wanna hang out?”
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pilotlmcclain-blog · 5 years
“I just figured,” Lance sheepishly grinned, staring up at the other male, “It’s not that obvious.” He was about to say something else when Keith started to talk about how hot it might get. The brunet was going to say that he’d take care of it, but then he paused as he watched that pale chest reveal before him. He licked his lips before he watched the other lay beside him.  Sitting up, Lance decided it was only fair to remove his own shirt, showing off his toned, but lean chest. His skin was still sun-kissed, though only a bit paler since they started their space journey.  There was a slight blush to his cheeks as he moved to straddle Keith, pushing the other onto his back in order to press their bodies together. He leaned down to press their lips together again, this time letting the heat build between them. His hands found those dark locks, tangling and pulling the other’s body into his.  The crackle of the fire soon started to fade into the background. Their kiss was the only thing that existed to Lance as he hummed gently into it. He could feel the heat rising in his body, his flush moving from just his cheeks to his chest and ears too.
As Keith took his hand, Lance looked up into those violet eyes. And for a moment, he was lost in them. A sea of deep purple that he just could swim in forever. However, the other’s awkward tugging was pulling him back to reality. And he realized exactly what the other was getting at, smiling gently.  “I’ll take care of you,” Lance promised, before he pulled the other into a much softer kiss. It still had a bit of underlying lust to it, because god-damn, Keith was attractive even when he was unsure and awkward. But, it was mostly soft, loving. A silent reassurance that this wasn’t just another conquest for him.  “We don’t have lube or anything, so we’ll take it easy, okay,” Lance whispered against his lips, “If we need to stop, let me know.” He tangled his fingers up into the other’s black hair as he pressed their lips together again. Softness and vulnerability melted away slightly as he let Keith feel just how much he had wanted this. How long he had wanted this.  Lance pressed their bodies together softly, keeping his movements soft and careful. Reassuring.  Pulling back, Lance gave Keith a small smile, “Let’s go ahead and lay down.” He took the initiative, laying down on the blanket. His smile moved to be a bit goofier as he waggled his eyebrows at the other male. An effort to help him relax and laugh.
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pilotlmcclain-blog · 5 years
((Sorry for the lack of activity. I had a rough week and then had been out of town for Ostara. I’m getting back into the swing of things slowly, so replies will be coming out as I can get the muse back into it!))
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pilotlmcclain-blog · 5 years
“Hello Hunk...” The white haired Princess smiled as Hunk recognized her, taking a step and pulling her arms around the other male’s larger body. Allura hadn’t aged in the time she had been gone, but Lance and Hunk looked different. And she knew that enough time had passed that they would, but it still hurt in a way. That she hadn’t been there for them all this time.  There were tears in her eyes as she whispered to her friend, “Thank you for taking care of Lance.” They pulled apart after, allowing her to wipe her tears away. Lance smiled as he watched the two embrace before he took Hunk’s side. He looked over at Allura with a soft smile, saying, “I do believe that if we get Voltron back together, the entire team would be able to see you.”  But Lance knew that a lot was wrong with that. That it would be difficult to get the other three here. Pidge was easy. They worked closely with her, even though she was on Earth handling the training of the new MFE fighters. Her and Matt often came to the castle to help with Diplomatic meetings.  Keith was a little bit harder to reach. He was always with the Blade of Mamora, helping restore planets that had been hit hard under the Galran siege. Working hard to also improve upon the universe’s thought of the race as well.  And Shiro. Shiro was retired. He was happy and living with Curtis and their kids. He had taken the time to show James Griffin how to pilot the Atlas before leaving the Coalition behind. He had fought enough, and the other members of Voltron agreed, even if they were sad by this decision.  And at least they could tell Coran about Allura being Blue now, and he could at least talk to her through Blue.  The universe needed Voltron again. Needed the hope it would bring as they recovered from the 10,000 year reign of Zarkon. So, maybe they could bring the team back for the sake of ensuring that Voltron could be formed again. So that their bonds could be strengthened enough that they could once again save the Universe if need be. 
It’s cold outside.
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pilotlmcclain-blog · 5 years
No screamers or flashers on this blog for april fools, the only joke allowed here is me
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pilotlmcclain-blog · 5 years
It was a long time before Lance said anything else. He just stood in her arms, afraid to let her go. He still loved her so much, and it hurt to see her again. Even though he knew otherwise, he felt almost guilty for moving on. But, he knew that she would want him to be happy. That must be why she found a way back in some form.  “How,” Lance finally asked as he pulled back, blue eyes full of tears. “I was watching you all this time,” Allura whispered, “Saw how miserable you were and saw that the team still needed me. And then, I remembered how Shiro had been in Black that whole time. Figured that I might be able to do the same. Even though I gave up my physical form, I might could do that to be here. It took so long, but I was able to connect with Blue. I’m still a little fuzzy on exactly how, but I’m here.”  Lance was in awe as he held her cheek, running his thumb over the dark skin. It was warm, like he always remembered.  “And before you ask,” Allura continued, “It’s okay that you moved on. I’m happy for you and Hunk. You both deserve happiness.” The brunet was a little taken aback by her brazen words, but he smiled as she continued, “I’ll be here to watch over you both. He’s a good fit for you, Lance.”  “Thank you, Allura,” Lance whispered, “I’m glad that you think so.” He leaned in and kissed her forehead gently, a loving and grateful gesture. He would have to tell Hunk that, before he heard a soft purr from above them.  Lance looked up and saw yellow’s paw, with Hunk’s subconscious floating up. He realized that the other male was visiting with Yellow, and so he could be pulled in as well. And that he did, pulling his lover down into their line of subconsciousness. 
It’s cold outside.
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pilotlmcclain-blog · 5 years
"Frankly that's none of you-ahhfuck," Lance started, only to be interupted with a moan. The demon's finger felt a bit wrong, but at the same time so right. He moaned out a bit as his cock throbbed with need. "Keith," the angel moaned out, "Fuck. H-Hold on."
Lance removed himself from the other's touch before he moved to the ground. He got on his hands and knees, presenting himself to the demon with his wings relaxed. He was flushed pink as he looked back at the demon with needy eyes.
"T-there's better access," Lance breathed, cock throbbing a bit between his legs.
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pilotlmcclain-blog · 5 years
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Allura for my 1k insta art raffle winner @ apparently. an. enzyme!
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